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[FE6] NM Drafting Tourney

General Horace

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Chapter 1 (6 turns)

Rushed forward Marcus and Roy while Alan hung back for kills, no gold for me, but I didn't want to waste 2 turns going and getting gold. Roy seizes on turn 6.

Level Ups

Alan--> STR Skill Luck

Chapter 2 4 useless units !0 turns/16 total

I start the chapter and send my units down south. Merlinius goes shopping. Lott gives all his axes to Marcus, I want Marcus to S rank Lances and Axes. Marcus will use axes for right now. 2 good level ups and Marcus grows Strength, YES!!. Boss is killed on turn 9 seize on turn 10

Level Ups

Roy--> Skl Spd Lck Res

Alan--> HP Str Spd Lck Def

Alan--> HP Spd Lck

Marcus--> HP Str Res

Chapter 3 Lugh've got to be kidding Me(12 turns 30 total

Alan went and got Lugh while Marcus Roy and Chad and rush up. Marcus works on his axe level while Chad and Roy steal kills. Marcus gets the Boss kill and Roy seizes on turn 12. Merlinius got the Mend Village

Level Ups

Alan--> Str Skl Spd

Roy--> Skl Spd

Chad--> HP Spd

Chapter 4 Merlini-Meat Shield(9 turns 39 Total)

Merlinius Meatshielded for me and then died(sort-of) Marcus got the Bosskill and Rutger was recruited Chad got the Angelic robe village and used it

Level Ups

Roy-->Str Skl Spd Lck Def

Alan--> HP Lck Def

Marcus--> HP Lck Def

Chad-->+7 HP

Chapter 5 Split in 2(10 turns 49 total)

I split in two groups, Chad Lugh Merlinius and Rutger go north while Roy Marcus and Alan go West. Marcus and Alan get lots of kills and Lugh gets a great level up. Marcus gets the boss down to 1 HP. Alan then kills the boss Roy Seizes on turn 10

Level ups

Lugh--> HP Mag Skl Spd Def Res

Chad--> HP Skl Spd Lck

Alan--> HP Skl Lck

Lugh--> HP Mag Spd

Chad--> Str Skl Spd Lck

Rutger--> HP Skl Lck Def

Roy--> HP Str Spd

Alan--> HP Skl Def

Marcus--> Def

Chapter 6 Chad becomes the Man 7 turns/ 56 Total

Screw Sue I'm going to Illia. I use Marcus to tank up the middle while my two teams go up the sides. Lugh grows in only Defense, WHAT, Lugh I drafted Hugh to be the Tank Mage. Roy Seize on turn 7. Chad steals Cath's lockpick.

Level Ups

Alan--> HP Str Lck

Lugh--> Def

Rutger--> Str Skl Spd

Rutger--> HP Skl Spd Lck Def

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Looking and Pronoun and my scores being tied after 6 chapters I've decided that Cath will be killed in chapter 8 by Sue :)

Chapter 7


No stats this chapter. I had to juggle around the start of the map to not get raped by some of the enemies. But I got all the items but the knight slayer. Zealot and Treck were kept as NPCs to help out abit.

Chapter 8


Ferry'd Roy to the end. Marcus and Lance pulled some shit hit rates with the hammer+armorslayer out of their ass. Oujay and Sue saw a little action but it was nothing great. Cath died :D

Chapter 8x


Thany ferried Lance Roy and Marcus across Lance killing edge hax'd the boss. Oujay and Sue, with the help of a few meatshields, got a few kills.

Chapter 9

Turns: 9/102

Rushed it. Lance had two turns to kill the boss without costing me and even though his killing edge missed twice he pulled through. Shin and Fir were successfully recruited and Saul played with the torch staff for exp.

Chapter 10A

Turns 7/109

Rushed'd Killing edge on Lance came through again. (He had two turns and therefore 6 attacks to kill the boss before Roy would arrive.

Unit     Level HP Str Skill Speed Luck Def Res
Roy      11.00 27 10  9     9     13   6   3
Lance    18.69 33 14  15    19    10   11  3
Marcus   8.34  35 10  15    16    11   9   10
Thany    10.87 26 6   9     18    9    7   10
Merlinus 1.03  <---------lolwut
Saul:    8.47  23 5   7     12    2    2   7 
Sue:     8.30  23 7   10    12    9    5   1
Oujay:   10.49 31 12  12    14    9    5   0
Fir:     4.20  22 6   10    12    4    4   2
Shin:    6.03  25 8   8     11    6    7   1

Chapter 11A


I was pissed at this chapter, after I finished successfully once I realized I missed one of the two Orion's Bolts in the chapter so i restarted. Lance promotes midway through the chapter and 3hko's the boss and 1rko's a bunch of enemies. Thany ferried Roy and Lance across the first wall and also went shopping and started breaking down the northern wall. Everyone else went south and Clarine recruited Klein who recruited Tate up north on the 9th turn. Shin went south to visit the two villages. Marcus also broke the northern wall. Fir helped with the reinforcement fighters and bandits who woulda have probably killed an archer if left unattended. In the end all the villages were reached.

Unit     Level HP Str Skill Speed Luck Def Res
Roy      13.06 28 10  10    10    14   8   4
Lance    21.73 39 17  18    22    11   15  7
Marcus   8.60  35 10  15    16    11   9   10
Thany    10.88 26 6   9     18    9    7   10 (1 xp gain lol)
Merlinus 1.03  <---------lolwut
Saul:    8.53  23 5   7     12    2    2   7 
Sue:     9.92  24 8   11    12    9    6   1
Oujay:   11.40 32 12  12    14    9    5   0
Fir:     6.71  24 8   10    14    5    4   3
Shin:    6.83  25 8   8     11    6    7   1
Lalum:   ...................................

Edited by RedNeck Holsety
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Chapter 1 6/6 Turns

Pretty trivial. Bors got a kill, and headed for the village. Marcus raped, and Wolt chipped.

Roy      01.91       Base
Marcus   01.49       Base
Bors     01.40       Base
Wolt     01.32       Base

Chapter 2 7/13 Turns

Merlinus got the Armourslayer, and bought a fuckton of javelins. Ellen bought some vulnerarys after she was done healing. Bors and Wolt ganged up on a couple enemies, while Marcus and Roy plowed through. At one point, Marcus rescued Roy, and dropped him on the other side of the fort near where Dieck starts on the next turn. Speaking of Dieck, him and Lott plowed through the enemey, and Thany retrieved the Armourslayer from Merlinus and gave it to Dieck, so he could 0RKO the boss.

Roy      02.65       19   6    6    8    8    5    0    C Sword
Marcus   01.70       Base                               A Lance D Sword E Axe
Bors     01.82       Base
Wolt     02.10       18   5    5    5    2    4    0    D Bow
Ellen    02.34       Base
Lott     04.07       29   7    6    8    2    5    1    D Axe
Dieck    06.84       27  10   12   11    5    7    1    C Sword

Chapter 3 9/22 Turns

Marcus rescued Dieck on turn 1 and dropped him on turn 2 so he could get ahead of Roy to kill the boss before he could seize. Marcus and Dieck plowed through the castle, while Lott, Wolt and Bors took out the loldiers outside. Lott meandered over to the Mend staff village, as Merlinus was used as cannon fodder. Marcus plowed a way for Chad to the tresure room, where he looted the halberd.

Roy      02.66       19   6    6    8    8    5    0    C Sword
Marcus   02.16       33  10   14   11   10   10    8    A Lance D Sword E Axe
Bors     02.85       21   7    5    3    4   12    0    C Lance
Wolt     02.92       18   5    5    5    2    4    0    D Bow
Ellen    02.89       Base
Lott     05.01       29   7    6    8    3    5    1    D Axe
Dieck    08.62       29  10   14   12    6    7    1    C Sword

Chapter 4 - 6/28 Turns

Marcus plowed through cavaliers, Lott halberded one, then headed for the angelic robe village, Dieck picked up Marcus's scraps, and Marcus killed Eric by making him equip his javelin so he would double. Bors got the steel blade, and Merlinus got the door key. I didn't have enough time to shop. Oh, I didn't even see Rutgar, so no Killing Edge :(.

Roy      03.42       20   6    7    8    9    5    0    C Sword
Marcus   03.04       34  10   15   11   10   11    8    S Lance D Sword E Axe
Bors     02.97       21   7    5    3    4   12    0    C Lance
Wolt     03.57       19   6    5    6    2    4    0    D Bow
Ellen    03.46       16   2    6    8    8    0    7    D Staff
Lott     05.61       29   7    6    8    3    5    1    D Axe
Dieck    09.18       30  10   15   12    7    8    1    C Sword

Chapter 5 - 6/34 Turns

Parked Marcus in front of the boss on turn 3, and he chipped away until Dieck broke through, and he doubled him and killed him. For some reason, the AI decided to target Roy instead of Ellen, but I'm not complaining. Bors, Wolt, and Lott badly killed stuff up north (Well, Bors and Wolt anyhow.)

Roy      04.45       21   6    7    9   10    5    0    C Sword
Marcus   03.60       34  10   15   11   10   11    8    S Lance C Sword E Axe
Bors     03.73       22   7    6    4    5   12    0    C Lance
Wolt     03.80       19   6    5    6    2    4    0    D Bow
Ellen    03.91       16   2    6    8    8    0    7    D Staff
Lott     06.25       29   8    7    8    3    5    1    D Axe
Dieck    10.90       30  11   15   13    8    8    2    B Sword

Chapter 6 5/39 Turns

Got the Silver Lance and 2000 gold. Bors took out the merc on the right, allowing Chad to steal stuff at his leisure. Marcus killed a mage on the first turn, and countered a lot of other stuff enemy phase. Everyone except Bors helped clear a path for Roy, and the boss went down to javelin + silver lance, at iffy hitrates.

Roy      04.77       21   6    7    9   10    5    0    C Sword
Marcus   04.38       34  10   15   12   10   11    9    S Lance C Sword E Axe
Bors     04.21       23   8    6    4    5   12    0    C Lance
Wolt     04.39       20   6    6    6    3    5    0    D Bow
Ellen    04.48       17   3    7    8    9    0    8    D Staff
Lott     07.26       30   8    7    8    3    5    1    D Axe
Dieck    11.52       30  11   15   13    8    8    3    B Sword

Chapter 7 - 8/47 Turns

Sent Marcus north with a door key, with Lott and Wolt backing him up. Lott halberded the cavs, Roy + Wolt took out one dragon knight, the other was Marcus'd. Got all the villages and bought some ranged weaponry.

The boss was silver lanced repeatadly. Zealot and Co. helped a bit, and were unrecruited.

Roy      05.43       29   7    7    9   11    5    1    C Sword
Marcus   05.43       34  11   15   12   10   11    9    S Lance C Sword E Axe
Bors     04.78       23   8    6    4    5   12    0    C Lance
Wolt     05.22       21   6    7    7    3    6    0    D Bow
Ellen    05.28       17   4    8    8    9    0    9    D Staff
Lott     09.00       31   9    7   10    4    5    1    C Axe
Dieck    11.92       30  11   15   13    8    8    3    B Sword

Chapter 8 - 16/63 Turns

Suddenly long chapter woah.

Marcus picked up Roy on turn 2 and carried him a long ways, and took out the boss with the armourslayer. Everyone else lagged behind a lot and killed scraps. Roy carried some hand axes for Marcus in his inventory.

Got all the tresure in the first room.

Roy      05.94       29   7    7    9   11    5    1    C Sword               C Marcus
Marcus   07.40       35  11   16   13   12   12   10    S Lance C Sword E Axe C Roy
Bors     05.60       24   8    6    4    5   12    0    C Lance
Wolt     06.96       21   6    7    7    4    6    0    C Bow
Ellen    06.50       18   4    9    8   10    1   10    D Staff
Lott     10.58       32   9    8   11    4    5    1    C Axe
Dieck    12.76       31  12   15   14    9    8    3    B Sword

Chapter 8x - 10/73 Turns

Marcus picks up Roy and runs blargh. He doubled the fighters even while carrying Roy around. The boss was Silver Lanced twice, then critted with the Killing Edge on the enemy phase. Marcus had around 75 hit with his support with Roy in effect, and 35 crit, so its not out of the question there. Everyone just cleaned up like normal.

Roy      06.59       29   7    7   10   12    6    1    C Sword               C Marcus
Marcus   08.64       36  11   17   13   12   12   10    S Lance C Sword E Axe C Roy
Bors     07.69       26   8    6    6    6   12    0    B Lance
Wolt     08.10       23   7    7    8    5    6    0    C Bow
Ellen    06.99       18   4    9    8   10    1   10    D Staff
Lott     11.11       33   9    9   12    5    5    1    C Axe
Dieck    13.49       32  12   15   15    9    8    4    A Sword

tl;dr: Marcus is broken, having various earlygame units helps a ton.

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Chapter 9 8/81 Turns

Marcus carried Roy a ways, then when he got to the boss, crit him, and actually ate a critical, and lived. Dieck got to the far village on turn 8, as I have to recruit Bartre. This means I get the worse Gonzo. Oh well. Bors was doubling in this chapter, and I thought I was hallucinating.

Roy      07.44       30   8    8   10   12    7    1    C Sword               C Marcus
Marcus   09.98       37  11   17   13   12   12   10    S Lance B Sword E Axe C Roy
Bors     10.08       29   9    9    8    7   14    1    B Lance
Wolt     10.60       24   7    8   10    5    6    1    C Bow
Ellen    08.04       19   5    9    8   11    1   11    C Staff
Lott     13.43       35   9   10   13    5    6    2    B Axe                 C Dieck
Dieck    15.64       34  12   17   15   10    8    4    A Sword               C Lott

Chapter 10B 8/89 Turns

Marcus picked up Roy......

Thany carries Lilina over to Gonzo, and Lilina eventually died to the bandits Gonzo comes with. I tried to recruit Klein, but Clarine died. Sorry.

Roy      07.62       30   8    8   10   12    7    1    C Sword               C Marcus
Marcus   11.12       39  11   17   13   12   13   10    S Lance B Sword E Axe C Roy
Bors     11.05       30  10    9    9    8   15    2    B Lance
Wolt     11.42       25   7    8   10    5    6    1    C Bow
Ellen    08.94       19   5    9    8   11    1   11    C Staff
Lott     14.20       36   9   11   13    5    7    2    B Axe                 C Dieck
Dieck    16.28       35  12   17   16   11    8    4    A Sword               C Lott
Gonzales 12.47       37  13    5   10    6    7    0    D Axe

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Chapter 7 12 turns

Marcus and Alan go Northwest while the rest of the team goes northeast. Rutger gets the Villages. Zealot and Treck are allowed into my party while everyone goes north. Boss killed and seize on turn 12

Chapter 8, Tough Boss 14 turns/

Marcus, Zealot, and Alan go forward. Treck ferries Roy while Rutger, Dorothy and Lugh clean up. Chad gets the 4 chests but can't get to the others. Barth is gotten. Zealot crits with a killing edge twice and is rescued by Alan Marcus kills the boss with an armorslayor that same turn

Chapter 8x, Tough Boss part 2 16 turns

Marcus carries up Roy while Barth solos the bottom left. Zealot and Marcus and Alan kill the enemies and Rutger cleans up took 6 turns to kill boss but on turn 16 I seize

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Chapter 12

Turns 9/127

Usual deal with the rushing but Lance can 1RKO the boss with the WyrmSlayer. Astol looted all the eastern chests so my prizes were mainly a brave bow and a lancereaver. Chad was ferry'd by Marcus up the west path to recruit Ray. I didn't get Flux but theres a vendor in chapter 13 so I'm not worried.

Chapter 12x

Turns 7/134

Go Lance go! go! go! go! Marcus and Roy hurry up!

Thany capped speed Fir got strength and I didn't get anything but Armads.

Chapter 13

Turns 13/147*

Rushed again but I had to juggle or somebody would die. Thany had to get the body ring for Ray and Sue and Oujay got some good level ups. I had to blow an extra turn to buy the flux tombs but I'm pretty happy with my final turncount. I learned that the next chapter sold flux tombs so I redid this chapter with the same results but with one less turn.

Chapter 14

Turns 16/163

Got the boots and the guiding ring. Oujay and Fir raped the bandit reforcements. Oujay is probably going to promote in chapter 15. Otherwise Lance and Ray with nosferatu did everything they could. Lance wasted one of the earlygame silver lances in this level. I then bought Flux and nosferatu tombs.

Chapter 14x

Turns 6/169

Forgot to give someone the boots at the beginning but luckily I still managed to defeat the chapter because Thany dodged a 38% from an archer when she parked Roy on Turn 5. I also got lucky where Ray managed to do another solo by dodging a few shots with Flux equipped instead of having to fall back on Nosferatu. Other wise the plan was.

Drop off Lance with Thany/Lalum.

Watch him own.

Do the same with Ray.

Drop off Roy away from the throne.

Chapter 15

Turns 4/173

Same shit as last chapter except without Ray being ferried. Instead he topped off a level and promoted at level 19 and Marcus got the Hammerne staff. I was also able to recruit Percival on the last turn. The AI was also dumb enough to not have the silver bow sniper by the castle attack Thany but instead let the longbow user take the open space to hit her instead.

Chapter 16

Turns 13/186

Description later.

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Chapter 9 14 turns.

My pallies rushed and Fir and Shin were killed Treck got must needed experience. Boss killed by a double crit by Rutger.

Chapter 10 11 turns.

Quick rush. Rutger promoted. Geese was recruited. I wish Chad could promote. 10 strength, 20 speed, 10 skill, he is a beast.

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Chapter 16x


Another rush. Saul and Sue promoted. Oujay will promote next chapter. And thanks to Saul and Cecelia I didn't suffer from the berserk staff.

Chapter 17B


A rush. Now featuring Sue helping with Ferry'ing Roy and minor arena abuse to help a somewhat disappointing Shin and help with funding. Fa also got a level here just because.

Chapter 18B


Did a little shopping and rushing.

Promoted Thany (something I shoulda done awhile ago) and Fir and Shin will probably promote next chapter.

Lance and Marcus also built a support level ( c ) also.

Chapter 19b


Why in the hell did the front door not open :/

Rushed from the east side. Douglas died meatshield stalling the southwest and Shin promoted.

Chapter 20b


Took the west, nothing was looted. I had Ray use the eclipse spell to break down the wall to speed things up. Fir promoted also. Lance hammer'd the boss (2 hits with 6 chances to land the 50-something hit) with Marcus and Roy's support.

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So I finally start this gotta love Golden Week here in Japan girl wants to just party party. Enough ranting.......I got two chapters done while I had some free time.

Chapter 1 9/9

Due to a pretty crappy rng I didn't get by with ease.

Marcus made my day though.

Roy      03.80       20   5    6    8   8    5    1     D Sword               
Marcus   01.34       base

Chapter 2 9/18

Ward came in and did what he does with axes thank goodness he was actually accurate with them. Merlinus took care of my shopping needs and Roy tried to help. Used my silver lance Marcus to weaken the boss but Ward got the kill hit with 2 43 hit hand axe attacks.

Roy      04.98       21   5    6    9   9    5    1     D Sword               
Marcus   01.71       base
Ward     05.42       30  11    6    6   6    4    1     D Axe 

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Chapter 11 15 turns

Thany died oh well Klein didn't and his NPCs helped me got Echidna seized on turn 15

96 turns total

Name	Level	HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WLvl	Support
Roy	10.34	23	11	11	11	13	9	3	S-C 	Marcus-C
Marcus	9.78	39	12	15	12	12	11	11	L-S, S-C, A-B	Roy-C Alan-C
Alan	17.44	30	11	12	16	11	10	1	L-C, S-D	Marcus-C
Chad	13.08	32	10	10	20	10	5	0	S-D	
Lugh	10.22	19	7	9	11	5	5	7	Anima-C	
Rutger	2.92	32	13	20	16	4	12	4	S-A	
Treck	10.54	30	10	7	7	10	9	1	S-E, L-D	
Zealot	4.69	38	11	14	13	6	13	7	L-A, S-B, A-B	
Geese	11.40	33	10	10	10	9	8	1	A-B	
Dorothy	6.22	22	6	8	7	4	5	3	Bows-D	
Merlin	1.13	15	0	3	3	10	3	0		
Echidna	1.13	35	13	19	18	6	8	7	S-C, A-D	
Lalum	2.11	15	1	2	12	10	3	4		
Barth	Dead									

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(Second might wanna double check your math on what your total turns are, with all of the double digit turncounts posted I doubt you are at 96 since your last post at chapter 6. I could be wrong though.)

Chapter 20bx


Got lucky on the first go and the closest temple was the one I had to seize. Lance took the west temple and Roy Sue Shin and Thany took the eastern one that was seized.

Chapter 21


Tactical rush. Sue and Fir hid in the grass stalling early southwest reinforcements while Lance ran ahead. Thany(Roy) Cecilia Lance and Oujay were the only ones who were somewhat close to boss because everyone stayed behind stalling out reinforcements. Oujay and Lance killed Murdock with Durandal and a hammer. Lance also hit S axes.



Why am I still giving explanations? (Ferry'd Lance Sue Shin and Roy)



It was up to Marcus and Sue to get the western switch so I had enough of an attack force to kill the main room quickly enough. Dayan got the eastern switch. Zeph was killed with Lance!armads with Ray as backup.

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(Second might wanna double check your math on what your total turns are, with all of the double digit turncounts posted I doubt you are at 96 since your last post at chapter 6. I could be wrong though.)

I'm sorry I counted at 3 am so it was off by 40 turns

My total is 136

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Don't worry about it anyway I'm going to wrap up my PT right now.



Rushed. Armads is running low on uses and the legendary bow got restored.



I was keeping up but everything slowed down because of all of the seizing :/

I deployed:

Roy Fa Lance Fir Oujay Ray Sue Shin Yodel and Lalum. Lalum died shaving off a turn.



Oujay and Roy attack first. Sue chips about 6 damage, Fir trades off the bow to Shin for more chip damage, Lance finishes with Malte.


Final anaylsis of characters

Roy: He was a little blessed at the beginning but we all know for the sake of low turning chapters he'd have to be ferried alot. So he sucked all of midgame but with the SOS he was pretty good.

Merlinus: lul

Marcus: Great earlygame, average midgame, a saving grace endgame because I gave him Malte to help him charge on of the switches with Sue.

Lance: MVP without a shadow of a doubt. Capped speed early after promotion and strength at level 19. He was also given to boots to help solo chapters quicker.

Thany: A huge dissapointment combatwise but being able to ferry Roy and other units across certain territory was invaluable.

Saul: Filled his role of support. But because of not having a guiding ring until chapter 14/15 Yodel was superior to him stat wise at the endgame. He was still invaluable though.

Sue: She had a slow start obviously but around the western isles she started picking up more and more kills.

Oujay: A little bit blessed in strength, which wouldn't have mad much of a difference until the end. He was a good foot soldier, especially after he promoted.

Shin: Shin suffered from a few bad level ups early on so he was falling behind. Besides chip damage here and there he was sucking more and more. Once I arena abused him a few levels in chapter 17 he caught up and promoted. He clearly became one of my stronger members after that, mainly helping Lance and Sue assault the throne rooms.

Fir: Similar to Shin except wo dao hax helped her out more. She finished with I think 18 strength and thats with promotion and a power ring. When she was stalling in chapter 21 she got a few levels which was cool.

Lalum: good support, RIP.

Ray: Nosferatu+SpeedWings+BodyRing and great magic and speed. :awesome:

Cecelia: Good support. She and Saul having a restore staff was a saver.

Fa: She got a couple helpful kills. Yeah.

Dayan: Worst team member obviously. At the same time he was a good mounted unit that helped out taking down all the waves of dragon riders in chapter 21.

Yodel: Better than Saul because of the time limits. I mainly used him for physic spam. I wasted all of the holy maiden uses though when I meant to hit physic though.

I guess thats everyone...

Cath: The one regret I have in this PT is not recruiting her chapter 6. I talked to her in that chapter and that blew up alot of turns just in case I got her. I should have been more patient to see if I got her or just killed her right there. I'll never forget the exp she gave to Sue.

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Chapter 12 11 turns 150 total

Rushed Zealot and Marcus up the right side while Alan ferried Roy Chad opened chests so that I could get money. Recruited Ray and Rutger got the boss kill with the Wyrmslayer. Alan is looking like Lance, 17 speed along with 11 strength.

Name	Level	HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Roy	10.40	23	11	11	11	13	9	3
Marcus	10.03	40	12	15	14	12	12	11
Alan	18.16	31	11	12	17	12	10	1
Chad	13.12	32	10	10	20	10	5	0
Lugh	12.00	19	9	10	13	5	5	7
Rutger	3.85	33	14	20	16	4	12	4
Treck	11.58	31	10	8	7	11	9	1
Zealot	5.28	39	11	14	14	6	13	7
Geese	11.41	33	10	10	10	9	8	1
Dorothy	6.35	22	6	8	7	4	5	3
Merlin	1.13	15	0	3	3	10	3	0
Echidna	1.37	35	13	19	18	6	8	7
Lalum	2.86	15	1	2	12	10	3	4
Barth	Dead							

12x 12 turns

Brought my swordusers and Lugh and Geese. Not much to say got the white and red gem.

13 12 turns

Alan promoted and got the body ring. Everyone else moved forward. Echidna got the Al sword. Zealot killed the boss with the wyrmslayer

Total turns 174

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Chapter 11B - 11/100 Turns

Sent Dieck, Roy, Marcus, Elphin, and Ellen south, and the others north to save the villagers. Missed the red gem village. Dieck one rounded the boss with an armourslayer.

Roy      08.34       31   9    8   10   12    7    1    C Sword               C Marcus
Marcus   11.99       39  11   17   13   12   13   10    S Lance A Sword E Axe C Roy
Bors     11.43       30  10    9    9    8   15    2    B Lance
Wolt     12.34       25   8    9   10    5    6    1    B Bow
Ellen    09.79       19   5    9    9   12    2   11    C Staff
Lott     15.37       37   9   11   13    5    7    2    B Axe                 C Dieck
Dieck    18.46       36  13   18   16   12    8    4    A Sword               C Lott
Gonzales 13.95       38  14    5   11    6    7    0    D Axe
Bartre   Base

Chapter 12 9/109 Turns

Got all the tresure thanks to the thieves. Bartre, Bors, and Gonzo went right, while the rest of my army went up the middle. Marcus carried Roy, Wolt and Lott picked off Archers, and Dieck killed the warrior and got hit a lot by the archers. Marcus Wyrmslayer'd the boss.

Roy         09.08       32   9    9   10   12    8    2    C Sword               C Marcus
Marcus      12.99       40  11   17   14   12   13   10    S Lance A Sword E Axe C Roy
Bors        11.75       30  10    9    9    8   15    2    B Lance
Wolt        13.42       26   8    9   11    6    6    1    B Bow
Ellen       10.47       19   5    9    9   13    2   12    C Staff
Lott        16.78       38   9   12   14    5    8    2    B Axe                 C Dieck
Dieck       19.15       37  13   19   16   12    9    4    A Sword               C Lott
Gonzales    15.15       39  15    5   12    6    9    0    D Axe
Bartre   ??/02.77       48  22   11   10   14   10    3    A Axe D Bow
Elphin      02.80       23   1    3   11   12    5    2 

Chapter 12x - 8/117 Turns

Marcus, Dieck, and Elphin (and I guess Roy) went up the middle, while Bors, Gonzales, Astohl, and Ellen went north, to get that chest key, which will come in handy later. The Light Brand is now Roy's prf weapon.

Roy         09.68       32   9    9   10   12    8    2    C Sword               C Marcus
Marcus      13.56       40  12   17   14   12   13   11    S Lance A Sword E Axe C Roy
Bors        12.66       31  11   10   10    9   15    2    B Lance
Wolt        13.42       26   8    9   11    6    6    1    B Bow
Ellen       10.82       19   5    9    9   13    2   12    C Staff
Lott        16.78       38   9   12   14    5    8    2    B Axe                 C Dieck
Dieck    20/01.48       42  16   21   18   12   13    7    S Sword E Axe         C Lott
Gonzales    16.25       40  16    5   12    7    9    0    C Axe
Bartre   ??/02.77       48  22   11   10   14   10    3    A Axe D Bow
Elphin      03.50       24   1    3   12   13    6    3

Edited by General_Horace
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Another Update:

Chapter 13 - 12/129 Turns

Miledy get.

She picked up Roy and ferried him across the water so Marcus could actually kill stuff. Missed the body ring, but I only really need one. Bartre and Roy (!) combined for the bosskill. Bought some killers and javelins at the shop.

Roy         10.69       33   9    9   10   13    9    2    C Sword               B Marcus
Marcus      14.16       41  12   17   14   12   13   11    S Lance A Sword D Axe B Roy
Bors        14.33       33  11   11   11   10   15    2    A Lance
Wolt        14.51       27   8   10   12    6    6    1    B Bow
Ellen       11.74       19   5   10    9   13    2   13    C Staff
Lott        17.27       39   9   12   14    5    9    2    A Axe                 C Dieck
Dieck    20/03.15       44  17   22   18   12   14    7    S Sword E Axe         C Lott
Gonzales    17.25       41  16    5   13    7    9    0    C Axe
Bartre   ??/03.57       48  23   11   10   14   10    3    A Axe D Bow
Elphin      04.72       24   1    3   13   14    6    3
Miledy      11.16       30  13   11   10    5   13    3    C Lance

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 14x 12 turns

Alan ferries Roy ahead while the team mops up behind. Alan levels up and now has 24 speed at level 7 that is +5 over his average. But he also has 15 strength, 5 under his strength average. Treck gets kills on axe users, he will probably be benched soon. Geese will be promoted soon. Dorothy is never seeing the battlefield again.

Name	Level	HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Def	Lck	Res
Roy	14.62	25	13	11	14	9	15	4
Marcus	12.04	41	13	15	15	13	12	11
Alan	7.73	38	15	17	24	14	13	4
Lugh	2.71	26	15	14	19	8	5	10
Rutger	6.78	36	15	22	17	15	5	5
Zealot	7.00	40	12	14	14	6	14	8
Treck	15.36	35	11	9	8	10	13	2
Echidna	2.69	36	13	19	19	6	8	7
Geese	13.73	35	11	10	11	8	10	2
Lalum	6.88	18	1	2	15	3	14	6

Chapter 15 15 turns

Had all my units deploy Lalam recruited Percy, He gave his Silver Sword to Alan and his Silver lance to Zealot. I killed Garret and got Geese and Dorothy chip kills. Treck is promoting next chapter.

Edited by second pronoun
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  • 8 months later...

So I was looking through my backlog of drafts and I found this. Needless to say I have lost all record so I am restarting

Chapter 1 4/4 Turns

I had Marcus rush while Alan cleaned up behind.

Edited by Second Pronoun
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Chapter 3 8/19 turns


Chapter 4 9/28 turns

Marcus and the appearance of Rutger. Alan proved very useful as he rescued Marcus to allow Rutger to get the boss kill

Chapter 5 5/33 turns

Marcus and Rutger broke through and after Marcus and Rutger hit the boss Lugh finished him off

Chapter 6 7/40 turns

Chad got the Silver Lance and 2000 gold. All my units rushed up and Rutger got the boss kill

And Now Updated Stats


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