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[FE6] NM Drafting Tourney

General Horace

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You guys are still drafting, I'm surprised. Our draft picked up momentum at the end and finished real quick, hopefully yours will do the same too. It interesting how different your draft is going. Like Sue and Astol were gone before the end of the 6th round, but they are becoming late picks in this draft. Hugh and Ward were VERY late picks in our draft and there being pick now in here.

Happy Tournament! And maybe ours will finish up around the same time as yours we can compare results between the two groups, I think we're all using the same rules.

Edited by Desro
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Zeiss and ... Wolt :facepalm:

It's Easter weekend, I've been spending quite a bit of time with my family and friends and such, so I haven't been online a lot recently. Once in the morning (On my PSP, so that was limited) and now.

Edited by General_Horace
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Since Bors was taken I started my PT.

Chapter 1:

Turns: 7/7

Wolt Alan and Bors give everything they can to my main three units. So Roy is holding an Iron Sword and Vulnerary also while Lance has two vulnerarys and an iron lance for the next chapter. Marcus rushes to the village and picks up the gold while Roy and Lance start rushing foward, killing everything. I used two vulnerarys the whole chapter and Marcus got the boss kill to save a turn.

Unit     Level HP Str Skill Speed Luck Def Res
Roy      3.03  20 6   5     7     9    5   1
Lance    3.68  22 7   7     9     2    7   1
Marcus   1.22  BASE

Chapter 2:

Turns: 9/16

Rushed as much as I could. Merlinus bought a few javelins and vuls. Marcus got the Armorslayer and killed the boss. Lance got two good level ups last chapter and two shit ones this time but I'll manage. Thany got a few kills here and there. I was also prepared to have the three mercs meatshield but I didn't have to.

Unit     Level HP Str Skill Speed Luck Def Res
Roy      4.31  21 6   5     8     10   6   1
Lance    5.52  22 7   7     9     3    8   1
Marcus   1.63  BASE
Thany    2.56  17 4   6     13    5    6   5
Merlinus 1.00  lolwut

Chapter 3

Turns 11/27

Lugh was not recruited for obvious reasons. My four offensive units charge through and smash guts. Lance and Chad head south to get the treasure while Marcus solo's the boss room. Merlinus got the mend staff also.

Unit     Level HP Str Skill Speed Luck Def Res
Roy      5.38  22 7   5     8     11   6   1
Lance    5.52  22 7   7     9     3    8   1
Marcus   2.20  33 9   14    12    10   9   8
Thany    4.31  17 4   7     15    6    6   5
Merlinus 1.00  lolwut

Chapter 4

Turns 9/36

Merlinus gets an important door key while everyone not drafted camps while Roy and company progress west. Clarine recruits herself below the ledge by the northwest village. I have two turns then before Rutger appears. Marcus uses a vul and equips I believe the silver lance to handle Rutger's company and then Clarine recruited him on the following turn. Roy then rushes back into the action and heads for the throne while Thany gets the angelic robe and +1 in strength after nearly escaping death with 1 hp(!) Lance also falls back to screw with the pirates. Marcus kills Eric with the silver lance.

Unit     Level HP Str Skill Speed Luck Def Res
Roy      5.38  22 7   5     8     12   6   2
Lance    8.43  25 10  9     10    4    8   2
Marcus   2.97  33 9   14    12    10   9   8
Thany    5.06  17 5   7     16    6    6   6
Merlinus 1.00  lolwut

Chapter 5

Turns 9/45

Thany ferrys Marcus over then does the same to Roy. Marcus burns through most of his hand axe. Roy helps with some cleanup. Lance went on a killing spree up north. What happened with the boss was an example of give and take. I got a lucky crit against the killer axe boss by just going at him with Marcus and an iron sword but I decided to take an extra turn to kill an enemy with Thany and also level Lance up one more time.

Unit     Level HP Str Skill Speed Luck Def Res
Roy      7.15  23 8   6     8     13   6   2
Lance    10.03 27 10  10    11    6    9   2
Marcus   4.03  34 9   14    13    11   9   9
Thany    5.72  17 5   7     16    6    6   6
Merlinus 1.00  lolwut

Chapter 6

Turns 11/56

I really wanted a lower turncount but with Thany getting a near perfect level up I passed. Marth and Lance take the west with a door key and a bow to recruit Sue. Marcus solo's the northern wave. Thany solo's the east and takes the Angelic Robe and, as mentioned, levels up in everything but defense. Chad looted the entire eastern side. So I didn't get every last thing I wanted but oh well.

Unit     Level HP Str Skill Speed Luck Def Res
Roy      7.26  23 8   6     8     13   6   2
Lance    11.20 28 11  10    12    6    9   2
Marcus   5.17  34 10  14    14    11   9   9
Thany    6.76  25 6   8     17    7    6   7
Merlinus 1.00  lolwut
Saul:    5.62  20 4   6     10    2    2   5 
Sue:     1.43  18 5   7     8     4    5   0

Edited by RedNeck Holsety
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