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6 members have voted

  1. 1. Who's Your Favorite Major House?

    • Arryn
    • Baratheon
    • Greyjoy
    • Lannister
    • Martell
    • Stark
    • Targaryen
    • Tyrell
    • Tully

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NOTE: Penis Monster Mara will return, but has been temporarily displaced by a less creepy monster.

Anyway, I played a board game from ~10:30 PM to ~5 AM last night. Specifically, the Song of Ice and Fire Board game (no expansions), based on the fantasy series which recently made it to HBO as a totally kickass TV series (everyone with HBO or the internet should watch it - second episode comes on tonight!). It was my second time playing...for anyone who has played the game (not too likely...) I was House Greyjoy and won after turn 10 with, I think, 14 territories, Tyrell had 12, no one else was a serious competitor at that point. For anyone who is familiar with the series but not the board game, playable houses are Stark, Lannister, Baratheon, Tyrell and Greyjoy (Martell in expansion).

If you haven't read the book series (probably goes for all of you) you should absolutely read the first book at least. It's epic fantasy, but if I had to single out a single strongest influence I would choose Shakespeare, specifically Richard III, however Martin (the author) goes beyond the play in evoking the period (specifically, I think there is one character modeled after the historical Richard and one character modeled after the Richard in the play).

Poll is for everyone, but if you actually do have any knowledge of the series, please make sure to share your opinions on the best/least best house (and anything else relating to game of thrones) with me.

PS: If you voted for Tully....LOL Tully.

EDIT: I voted Baratheon. They have Davos Seaworth, my favorite character, and Robert and Stannis Baratheon are two of my other favorites.

Edited by MaundyThursdayBot
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About a third of the way through book three, and voted Stark because they have the most character viewpoints. Also, the Greyjoys are total dicks. Targaryens are also cool, but I'm waiting for them to intersect back with other houses.

I wasn't a big fan of the greyjoys prior to this boardgame, but now I think they are pretty cool (I don't think they actually have the best gameplay position, but they're FUN).

Also 7 hours is pussy, play Monopoly, you'll be there for DAYS.

Wow, you accuse something of being a pussy in the same breath as mentioning monopoly?

Too much dice. Too much random. Also, not enough akh.


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7 hours?

Pathetic. Try a game of Twilight Imperium. With a group of 5 other gamers, we started at 11am and finished at 10pm... having had to call the game early as we were only about 2/3rds of the way through.

This is the (book) series that's being released as the TV series Game of Thrones in a few days, right?

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7 hours?

Pathetic. Try a game of Twilight Imperium. With a group of 5 other gamers, we started at 11am and finished at 10pm... having had to call the game early as we were only about 2/3rds of the way through.

This is the (book) series that's being released as the TV series Game of Thrones in a few days, right?

Twilight Imperium... 2nd Edition, or 3rd?

Anyway, the longest game I've ever had the joy of playing was Advanced Civilization, back in my undergrad days. As I remember it, you basically start playing in the AM, and finish a few hours into the subsequent AM.

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Twilight Imperium... 2nd Edition, or 3rd?

Anyway, the longest game I've ever had the joy of playing was Advanced Civilization, back in my undergrad days. As I remember it, you basically start playing in the AM, and finish a few hours into the subsequent AM.

3rd, without Shattered Empire.

Incidentally I need to look these games up...

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Well, I've never played the boardgames, but I've been a longtime fan of ASoIaF, so I voted for the Targaryen's based on the books. Barring R + L = J, Dany is the legitimate Queen of Westeros, and the only person who if they won wouldn't leave the realm an utter mess. I've never been a big fan of the Starks--sure, they're sympathetic characters, but they're firmly entrenched in a feudal Old Order and a threat to the realm. As for the Baretheons, I can only say that those brothers deserve each other. I could (and have) talk about this for hours, though.

As for boardgames, I've never really had people to play the with, so the longest I've ever done was probably a 7 or 8 hour run-though of the Lord of the Rings game with all the expansions. Or perhaps the time I played the Arkham Horror with 8 investigators...

Edited by Le Communard
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  • 2 weeks later...

This board game certainly sounds interesting, but it's a shame I probably wouldn't know anyone IRL I could play it with. I would probably pick the Lannisters, since they're generally awesome.

Well, I've never played the boardgames, but I've been a longtime fan of ASoIaF, so I voted for the Targaryen's based on the books. Barring R + L = J, Dany is the legitimate Queen of Westeros, and the only person who if they won wouldn't leave the realm an utter mess. I've never been a big fan of the Starks--sure, they're sympathetic characters, but they're firmly entrenched in a feudal Old Order and a threat to the realm. As for the Baretheons, I can only say that those brothers deserve each other. I could (and have) talk about this for hours, though.

Being the 'legitimate' Queen only means so much. After all, Daenerys is still an inexperienced girl who is not doing very well for herself in Meereen, and before her, you had the cruel and insane Aerys and Viserys. Robert was not a perfect king, but he gave the Seven Kingdoms fifteen years of peace and prosperity.

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Being the 'legitimate' Queen only means so much. After all, Daenerys is still an inexperienced girl who is not doing very well for herself in Meereen, and before her, you had the cruel and insane Aerys and Viserys. Robert was not a perfect king, but he gave the Seven Kingdoms fifteen years of peace and prosperity.

You mean like how he drained the Treasury of the Crown and racked up millions of sovereigns of debt to a bunch of feudal potentates like the Lannisters and compromised the power of the monarchy? But frankly, if Robert had produced a legitimate heir, the whole mess would have never began and it wouldn't really matter.

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You mean like how he drained the Treasury of the Crown and racked up millions of sovereigns of debt to a bunch of feudal potentates like the Lannisters and compromised the power of the monarchy?

Like I said, he wasn't perfect. But there's a reason why so many people in the Seven Kingdoms regard Robert well - because he brought peace and stability. Even if he was excessive in his personal life. I suppose that the success of his reign should more be attributed to Jon Arryn, since he was largely responsible for actually ruling the country while Robert hunted and whored.

But frankly, if Robert had produced a legitimate heir, the whole mess would have never began and it wouldn't really matter.

He did, once, but Cersei killed it in the womb. It would have been better to say that if Lyanna had lived, the whole mess would never have begun - since Robert would have had a real relationship with her.

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  • 4 months later...


You know, the one with a map of the world as a board and can play with up to 8 characters. Over the summer a few years ago, three friends and I played 4-5 hours. Each day. Over around half a week.

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