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Duel Terminal Mafia


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In a shocking plot twist, the front runner Bizzu has been overtaken by a dark horse candidate!

##Elect: PaperBlade

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The reasoning in this case is that according to our claims, his is the least useful and most suspect at the moment.

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We're going to kill Paperblade is what this vote is for. Don't try to sugarcoat it; the dude's endangered.

He has been saying suspicious things all game from my perspective and presumably the perspective of others and to top it off, the intelligence we have, accurate or otherwise, suggests that in the off chance we're wrong about his alliance, losing him won't hurt us nearly as much.

We could just "no lynch" but that is a terrible idea; lynching is the town's primary means of victory and to simply not use it is begging the mafia to overtake us in kills. Paperblade it is.

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It just has to be clear what your intentions are; jokingly using synonyms isn't going to disqualify the vote.

That said in your case you should follow the rules precisely since you see so confused

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Alright, I guess ##Vote: Paperblade is the way to go. Sorry if you're Town.

He is not even denying that he is mafia in the chat and is even basically admitting to mistakes he made that "got him caught", so if he is actually a townie somehow I have to wonder wtf he's doing.

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He is not even denying that he is mafia in the chat and is even basically admitting to mistakes he made that "got him caught", so if he is actually a townie somehow I have to wonder wtf he's doing.

I made that post before Paperblade admitted to being Mafia.

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Wen Yang

how come it's quiet all of a sudden? <_<

Radiant Dragon

I just don't have much to say.

Radiant Dragon

Happens quite often.


because paperblade is shitting himself and everyone else is picking on him

Radiant Dragon

That too.


and/or arguing with him over getting himself lynched

Wen Yang





I'm just waiting for clips to answer a quick rules question


what question is that

9:40 PM


You'll see


will I!?




if she answers the way I want her to

Radiant Dragon

Oh, just do it anyway.


fu RD

Radiant Dragon

Hopefully you'll get modkilled.


I dun wanna get modkilled



Wen Yang

**expects to see a "Tee~hee!" from eclipse**


if she Tee-Hee~!s I'm going ahead with it


because that would be a bullshit response ;/

Radiant Dragon

Why would you see it if she's replying to Paperblade?


'cause Wen is my mafia buddy

Radiant Dragon

I see. Want to lynch Wen next?


lynch him instead imo


Why would you hope he gets modkilled and why do you want him to "just do it anyway" if you don't even know what it is that he's going to do?


his role is much better


Is it because you actually do know what he's going to ask to do?


You see how that works?

Not in the mood to decipher anything from this at the moment so I'm just going to let it fester in the open

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You did? I completely missed that.

Not that the snippet in question is entirely related to you, although I am amused that you were paranoid enough to respond like you think it is.

Edited by Mazda
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