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Hello everyone, I'm Primefusion. People keeps talking about this cool forum, Serenes Forest. Supposedly, it's even an active site! Because SoS isn't all that active anymore.

Anyway, I just thought I would say hello and introduce myself. So, without any further ado, hello!

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Welcome to Serenes Forest! Make sure you check out the Code of Conduct.

Enjoy your stay, hopefully it is a long one :tangerine:.

Yeah, this place is a bit more active than SoS. Most of the people are fucking morons though, hahah.


"A bit" is a huge understatement, maybe that is why you keep making silly sweeping generalizations :P:. We just have a way larger and more active member base than SoS. To say there are "more morons" is not incorrect, but you can say there are also "more cool people". The MOST accurate way to say it though? "There are more people". If you catch my drift, haha.

This isn't 2008 Death :D:.

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@Death - I'd love to defend you, but I don't think I want to hop into this argument =/ Seems dangerous

@chubby8pie - Sure does. They are my two favorite games of the series (Prime I btw). Though I've been known to do Prime+anything. It's a bit of a gamer tag I suppose =)

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@Death - I'd love to defend you, but I don't think I want to hop into this argument =/ Seems dangerous

@chubby8pie - Sure does. They are my two favorite games of the series (Prime I btw). Though I've been known to do Prime+anything. It's a bit of a gamer tag I suppose =)

Awesome I enjoyed the second prime game the most

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