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2LP: Fire Emblem - Tactics Universe


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We weren't really sure where to put this. It doesn't really fit into the TU thread itself (I think we're using a slightly old version or something) and, well...

Anyway, one fateful Saturday Astra and I were mooching around being a burden on society, when out of sheer boredom we decided to play the much-vaunted TACTICS UNIVERSE hack, which we found...interesting.

I'll let the videos speak for ourselves. Astra's doing the playing itself, after ManyCam kicked me repeatedly in the balls.

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It's not called "Fire Emblem - Tactics Universe"... *dies*

(I think we're using a slightly old version or something)


Anyway, one fateful Saturday Astra and I were mooching around being a burden on society, when out of sheer boredom we decided to play the much-vaunted TACTICS UNIVERSE hack, which we found...interesting.

I'll let the videos speak for ourselves.

Yay, people are LPing my hack without being polite and asking first*watches*

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What about the patch on the Tactics Universe thread on this forum? I remember WinRAR Archive could unzip that one, but I don't know which Rar unzipper thing you're using.

I tried downloading from all sites I knew. 'Finished' abruptly at ~35%, zip wouldn't open.

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It's actually okay as of now. I sent the unziipped ups to Astra with the DS version to try. But when they started off, it was with an old patch which they tried to correct, but were unable to get past that at the time. So it's not that big an issue.

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I have a lot of comments so I'm posting it here. Don't take anything personal, I just like to explain things that have explanations for them.


The LPers are also certified spriter whores who must analyze all sprites instead of just laughing and enjoying... *facepalm*

And uh, yeah, how many hacks have changed openings? ...? Right. 4 years? That's bull, it's a 1-man project and it's not like I actually hacked during all those 4 years. Not to mention I was doing events in hex and portraits using unLZ-GBA so I had better things to worry about than custom openings... just the idea that someone could whine about that makes me want to puke... and when I did hack, a lot of it was to help others, or coming up with all the hacking innovations that everyone else takes for granted. -___-

ROFL "was the period really necessary?...", since you brought it up, a comma in dialog typically denotes a small pause, while the period is put there to signify a longer more staccato pause, which was the point there. lol

If you'd play the game instead of just being judgmental off the bat, you'd know that Shon gets most of his traits from his mother, which plays an important part in the plot... lol.

I can't tell if you're just trying to be funny with Etruria's description, or if you're actually criticizing me for generic soldiers having generic descriptions...?

lol you pressed "R" on the description, and yet you didn't get it...? "Suffers from an injurous wound". Obviously he is experienced and was strong but got wounded and became a lot weaker... *sigh*

alright since I can't call you guys out for every little thing, I'll just say this: try and be a little patient because there's typically a reason for everything (cough, Sieg getting good exp has a reason). but if not, I'll outright admit I'm at fault and fix it. :\

you got me on the red hair, no one has ever mentioned that. will fix XP

wow, how did shon get +5 stats. did you hack it beforehand? =O

Whoever's doing the voice acting has a very, very interesting voice... XP

Sorry for the download link not working, something went wrong with my website. I don't have enough time to fix it right now so just use the mirror download: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8875056/hacking/Tactics%20Universe%20v4.6.zip

Some guy said there were axe-brandishing Etruscans in the prologue, but...that's about the only difference I know for sure.

Not sure where you heard that, but it's true that there were some, a long time ago. Then I realized how stupid it was...

It's actually okay as of now. I sent the unziipped ups to Astra with the DS version to try. But when they started off, it was with an old patch which they tried to correct, but were unable to get past that at the time. So it's not that big an issue.

I don't quite understand, but it's probably best to use the link I gave, just to be safe, so you can blame me for any problems.

(I think we're using a slightly old version or something)


When I said "lolfail" it was because I thought you were using an old version simply because you didn't want to use the new version. Which wasn't logical, so I left it at "lolfail" to see if there was a reason. Aaaaand it's my fault, sorry. XP

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Pre-empt: It is impossible to say something like don't take it personally without saying something on a personal level.

Tactic's Universe, on a side note, should be about accepting the help of those who were on the forum at the time, so the whole 'It's a one man project' depends on if you want to accept help for it. I'm not going to try and become the absorbing pad for your words nor try and speak for them. But to say 'don't take it personally' and then use the word whore in the next sentence is kinda a herp derp moment.

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You're analyzing what I'm saying way too much... or perhaps you're just taking it too literally, but regardless, casual speech isn't really meant to be analyzed. Right now I feel like if I said "heyyy" you'd think about 20 different reasons as to why I said "heyyy" and not "hey", "hi", "hello", "yo", "what's up", etc... "certified spriting whore" is just an expression for spriters who can't pass by a sprite without critiquing it. "Don't take anything personal" just means "don't think that because you may say something I don't like or I say something you don't like, we should go to war about it".

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I do tend to overanalyse, I can't fault you there. But I don't, pardon me, like the word whore. And simply put, saying 'it's just a phrase' 'it's only a joke' and the like only works if both parties are laughing. You should ask how funny that might be to others.

Heavy stuff aside, I do like the fact you both do this for fun plus the fact that I do like the hack being quite custom. I don't like, on your part, the critique all the time, but on the hacks part, I recognise their are a lot of obvious mistakes.

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I do tend to overanalyse, I can't fault you there. But I don't, pardon me, like the word whore. And simply put, saying 'it's just a phrase' 'it's only a joke' and the like only works if both parties are laughing. You should ask how funny that might be to others.

I see your point there, I'll avoid using the word. You just made me think of how calling people "gay" as a joke can be offensive, so yeah, I won't use 'whore' anymore.

But now I gotta find some other way to make fun of all the spriters who puke whenever they see half-assed splices...

Part 2 response:

Part 2:

how'd you know Sieg has awesome growths? o_O

LOLOLOL SPRITE CRITIQUE ON VIDEO I caught spriting whores on tape

thankfully only 5% of the people who will play my hack will complain about portraits

blue shit under Gordon's chin is fixed.

I think the music was changed too.

there are different versions of the game in different patches, with different changes.

major sound desync.

it's chapter 1, if it was a challenge it'd be an unbalanced game, right? also I tried to make normal mode easier for people who aren't as good since some of my friends said that they suck at Fire Emblem. XD

LOL they can use swords. hmm, I should fix that... heheheh *sweats*

LOLOL everyone hates Siegfried's battle palette... until you came along. ahahaha

hahahaha that called critical was pretty epic

and while I'm at it Bardolph is too ugly for you to read his lines =P


...oh, the glitchy pixel was fixed too. XP

so was some of the dialog, which was pretty funny

the critique is just kinda repetitive and boring...

Okay, I had enough. I'd really appreciate if you'd stop "LPing" the hack. I knew it'd be bad but it's really bad. I don't care if you keep up the existing videos, but please stop. Now I know how it feels to be Rebecca Black

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But now I gotta find some other way to make fun of all the spriters who puke whenever they see half-assed splices...

Instead of, say, making better mugs.

This attitude is ... flawed.

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Okay, I had enough. I'd really appreciate if you'd stop "LPing" the hack. I knew it'd be bad but it's really bad. I don't care if you keep up the existing videos, but please stop. Now I know how it feels to be Rebecca Black

I'm sorry, but you really don't have a say in the matter. It's like with sprites, once you put them on the Internet, they're fair game for C/C. If you didn't want people critiquing your hack and pointing things out that honestly should be fixed if you want a quality product, then you shouldn't have released a patch in the first place.

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Blazer, I gotta say, the example of "Bardolph" with you saying "LOLOLOL SPRITE CRITIQUE ON VIDEO I caught spriting whores on tape" shows your attitude about it.

ROM hacking in general should have a standard of "quality". If you think it's acceptable, then there's nothing we can do about it. HOWEVER, the fact that you're just brushing the critique off is just, not proper.

The way you actually flaunt this hack around, is KIND of justified. Seeing as it is one of the main hacks out there IF NOT the only hack out there of this length with complete custom events that don't game break.

However, saying in your attitude that "this is the best hack around" (don't deny it, you have done this by IMs to MANY people) is flawed. If you think about it, if you take that statement as true, then what does that say about the whole of ROM hacking's views on QUALITY and going back and correcting stuff?

From what Astra and Furet have found in your gameplay and asthetics in the videos so far, even if you ignore the sprite problems, details say a lot about it.

The little things make the game experience complete. Even if YOU don't care about the "three line skips" or "Sword wielding bandits", even if you do have your fanboys, that still says a lot about the lack of quality that could ACTUALLY make this ROM hack as good as you make it out to be.

If it's not obvious enough, or you "tl;dr" me:

"Astra and Furet are LP'ing it and pointing out all the crap in it so you can take it out or FIX IT"

Edited by shadowofchaos
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And the rest of us find this LP enjoyable. Sorry, man.

A lot of the points Furet and Astra made are rather valid. And aesthetics, whether you like it or not, does add to the enjoyment of hacks. A portrait is categorized under pixel artwork. Artwork is meant to approach aesthetic and technical perfection like an asymptote, and if there's a lot of issues with it, it's meant to be pointed out and fixed. It's not only just artists that take issue with anatomical and color issues, but rather, anyone with an eye for it does, and frankly, it hurts to see extremely flawed artwork. It's like someone tried to draw a human figure in realism, but the proportions are all off. It's painful to look at. I think it would make the hack better if some of the sprites are replaced. Not all of them, because there are good ones, but there are some that are just, frankly...terrible.

Furet, I don't know how many times I told you this but your voice is sexy.

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Instead of, say, making better mugs.

This attitude is ... flawed.

I'm one man, doing what I can.

But thanks for your opinion.

I'm sorry, but you really don't have a say in the matter. It's like with sprites, once you put them on the Internet, they're fair game for C/C. If you didn't want people critiquing your hack and pointing things out that honestly should be fixed if you want a quality product, then you shouldn't have released a patch in the first place.

Oh? But they could still be respectful and take it off anyway, even if it is fair game for "critique" (critique has too much opinion attached to it in terms of what is and isn't critique so I'm putting it in quotes). And the things we share are meant to be shared with the people who want and like them, so if one doesn't want or like something, it's best they avoid it.

Blazer, I gotta say, the example of "Bardolph" with you saying "LOLOLOL SPRITE CRITIQUE ON VIDEO I caught spriting whores on tape" shows your attitude about it.

I guess. I'm not a fan of it. I think people are too quick to judge and too quick to hate. And if I don't call people out for it, it won't stop. And I've never met a single person in my entire life who has taken highly-biased criticism well, so I think it needs to stop.

The way you actually flaunt this hack around, is KIND of justified. Seeing as it is one of the main hacks out there IF NOT the only hack out there with complete custom events that game break.

I don't flaunt the hack around. I'm really sorry you get that impression. I think because I have a blog, post videos, and have the hack on several forums, people think I'm trying to brag or something. I'm really only trying to get the word out because the internet is so vast and by the logistics curve I need to make a strong start on spreading the word for it to be continued to spread. And the point of all that is so that people can enjoy the game. I'm not a professional video game maker so I'm not making money so the only good I get out of this is hoping that people will enjoy it... and I'm not sure what you mean by "complete custom events that game break" so uh... could you explain maybe?

However, saying in your attitude that "this is the best hack around" (don't deny it, you have done this by IMs to MANY people) is flawed. If you think about it, if take that statement as true, then what does that say about the whole of ROM hacking's views on QUALITY and going back and correcting stuff?

*sigh* Since you brought it up... I once told Arch, who is a friend of mine, that I thought that some chapter of my hack was really epic, and I said my game was really epic. Then he told you guys and you started judging me off of that. But look here: Arch's not a douche (at least I don't think he is), he understands (or at least I hope he does... lol) that when I say something like that, I'm just getting overhyped about my hacking, and since he's my friend I trusted that he knows me well enough to know I don't actually mean it. I didn't think he'd go around telling someone else, because obviously saying "omg I have the best hack ever" to people who don't know a thing about me isn't gonna make a good impression, nor do I think it's true at all, everyone knows Elibian Nights is the best/most popular hack around, and after that, probably A Sacred Dawn, or Dream of Five, or the FE6 Remake, or something. If there even IS a best hack at all.

Saying I did it to many people is a lie. I only talk about my hack to a few people, and Arch is the only one who even goes on any of these forums. >___>

From what Astra and Furet have found in your gameplay and asthetics in the videos so far, even if you ignore the sprite problems, details say a lot about it.

The little things make the game experience complete. Even if YOU don't care about the "three line skips" or "Sword wielding bandits", even if you do have your fanboys, that still says a lot about the lack of quality that could ACTUALLY make this ROM hack as good as you make it out to be.

1) It's not a finished product

2) you pointed out stuff that I either fixed or said I would fix

3) if I have more than 5 fanboys, I'd like to know about them

4) I really don't make it out to be awesome, I'm not sure where you got such an absurd impression. I've been on the internet far too many years, I know better than to brag about anything. I don't even brag in "real life".

Once again you guys are over analyzing me too much, I'm a casual person. When I say "my game's epic" that just means "I like my game". Sheesh...

And I knew this would happen, but oh well. Discussion is the only way to solve things~


Seems some new posts popped up while I was ranting

""Astra and Furet are LP'ing it and pointing out all the crap in it so you can take it out or FIX IT" "

I'd love to, but since I'm not perfect, am only one person, and can't please everyone, I think it's a little silly to expect that. I could just ignore it, but since it's just 2 people, it's not that hard for it to just end. It's not a professional game so it shouldn't be treated like one. At all. :\

And the rest of us find this LP enjoyable. Sorry, man.

A lot of the points Furet and Astra made are rather valid. And aesthetics, whether you like it or not, does add to the enjoyment of hacks. A portrait is categorized under pixel artwork. Artwork is meant to approach aesthetic and technical perfection like an asymptote, and if there's a lot of issues with it, it's meant to be pointed out and fixed. It's not only just artists that take issue with anatomical and color issues, but rather, anyone with an eye for it does, and frankly, it hurts to see extremely flawed artwork. It's like someone tried to draw a human figure in realism, but the proportions are all off. It's painful to look at. I think it would make the hack better if some of the sprites are replaced. Not all of them, because there are good ones, but there are some that are just, frankly...terrible.

The rest of who...?

A lot of the points they made are valid. In fact, practically all the ones that I didn't say were already fixed are valid. And yes, aesthetics are a HUGE part of the enjoyment of hacks. But there's a limit to how extreme one should be in tearing one's hard work apart. If I had intended Tactics Universe to be an amazing hack that was near perfect and THEN you found flaws in it, that'd be different. But it's just a hack.

Most people who have an eye for flawed art, are artists themselves. :P

I can tell when art is flawed, too. But don't you think that I would have already fixed it if it was my intention for it to not to be flawed? Things are flawed. If the LP really was made to fix flaws and not just to ruin my self-esteem because you thought my self-esteem regarding my hack was absurdly high, then it should be a little less critical, and a lot more tolerant. You can point things out, I may or may not fix it, I found out several problems in the game just by watching 3 parts or so, but there should be a limit to how extreme "constructive criticism" is, or else it's just criticism. Does that make any sense?

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I'm one man, doing what I can.

But thanks for your opinion.

-If you asked for help, then I'm pretty sure people would want to.-

Oh? But they could still be respectful and take it off anyway, even if it is fair game for "critique" (critique has too much opinion attached to it in terms of what is and isn't critique so I'm putting it in quotes). And the things we share are meant to be shared with the people who want and like them, so if one doesn't want or like something, it's best they avoid it.

-Respect is an odd word. Respect I think can also mean when you respect a person, maybe as a friend or loved one enough that if you saw them doing something you didn't agree with, or you thought they weren't giving their all to, you'd tell them. Even if people aren't your best buds or the like, respect can still be to show you where they think things aren't quite right or need more effort. As said, suprisingly despite all this 'over anaylsing' as you put it, it's been mentioned by some, such as Dan, Lumi, Furet, Rey, lots that this hack can be great. But they don't believe it can unless those mistakes, pointed out here, are adressed. It's not vindictiveness. If anything, with all that's happened before with criqtique, this is respectful in that they're pointing out mistakes and adressing them, rather then just passing them up and counting them as simply purposeful.-

I guess. I'm not a fan of it. I think people are too quick to judge and too quick to hate. And if I don't call people out for it, it won't stop. And I've never met a single person in my entire life who has taken highly-biased criticism well, so I think it needs to stop.

-I don't take critique well. So? It doesn't mean we don't need it. I'm absurdly lazy, yet my friends still believe in me, in that I can do well if I actually tried at stuff. You're no different. It's a case that critique isn't designed to make you feel depressed. It's there to show you how, if you really want people to look at your sprites, to make them better and go from being not so good to awesome. Trent wouldn't hesitate to say some of my sprites look crap if they were crap and my loved ones wouldn't either.-

I don't flaunt the hack around. I'm really sorry you get that impression. I think because I have a blog, post videos, and have the hack on several forums, people think I'm trying to brag or something. I'm really only trying to get the word out because the internet is so vast and by the logistics curve I need to make a strong start on spreading the word for it to be continued to spread. And the point of all that is so that people can enjoy the game. I'm not a professional video game maker so I'm not making money so the only good I get out of this is hoping that people will enjoy it... and I'm not sure what you mean by "complete custom events that game break" so uh... could you explain maybe?

-As in, I could very well be wrong, assumption is the key here, one's that alter the game in such a way it makes it unplayable. But again, could be wrong. However it could also mean ways which make the game not fun to play, as in broken. But I think it's more likely borked.-

*sigh* Since you brought it up... I once told Arch, who is a friend of mine, that I thought that some chapter of my hack was really epic, and I said my game was really epic. Then he told you guys and you started judging me off of that. But look here: Arch's not a douche (at least I don't think he is), he understands (or at least I hope he does... lol) that when I say something like that, I'm just getting overhyped about my hacking, and since he's my friend I trusted that he knows me well enough to know I don't actually mean it. I didn't think he'd go around telling someone else, because obviously saying "omg I have the best hack ever" to people who don't know a thing about me isn't gonna make a good impression, nor do I think it's true at all, everyone knows Elibian Nights is the best/most popular hack around, and after that, probably A Sacred Dawn, or Dream of Five, or the FE6 Remake, or something. If there even IS a best hack at all.

-To be fair, we all want the stuff we make to be, well, liked. However, again, this isn't about your hacks reputation. This is about being disproportionate in terms of the hacks quality to it's publicisation and renown, pardon my spelling. In this case, if you want the hack to become wider liked, wider known? Adress the issues here, then you know what? Next time it get's LPed, it won't be people saying things are good when they may not be just to say it for the sake of making you not feel critiqued or hurt. It may be because they geuinely think it's awesome.-

Saying I did it to many people is a lie. I only talk about my hack to a few people, and Arch is the only one who even goes on any of these forums. >___>

-Suprisingly, that statement is not too daft. Yes, it's hard not to tell other people things, but in the end, if something has a problem, you adress it. Be it that it's praise is wider then hacks which don't admit to half-assery in some areas, or that if mistakes are brought up, they are adressed rather then not.-

1) It's not a finished product

-Finished or not, sometimes, if you have to take months on one chapter to get it awesome, you do. That's just how it rolls. Some hacks, even though not finished, are still really awesome looking, such as some of the ones you mentioned.-

2) you pointed out stuff that I either fixed or said I would fix

-Fixed? Then good. Portraits done, text fixed, issues with characters maybe not being unlikable intially? Not every character, such as Kelik, can be thought of as instantly heart warming the moment they turn up, but still, if there was an insight into maybe why, then that would help. Dorcas, however much hate he gets stat wise or character wise, start's off as an enemy, but there's a lot of dialogue in his chapter explaining why he's being a douchebiscuit and what he'll do about it-

3) if I have more than 5 fanboys, I'd like to know about them

-I like your hack, but see the effort that needs to be put in. Most of the people here seemed to mention liking the potential in your hack. While not fanboys, a lot of people here have hopes for an awesome hack.-

4) I really don't make it out to be awesome, I'm not sure where you got such an absurd impression. I've been on the internet far too many years, I know better than to brag about anything. I don't even brag in "real life".

-If you know better then to brag about things, then maybe you also know better then to ask someone to stop doing something about a project you released to the public.-

Once again you guys are over analyzing me too much, I'm a casual person. When I say "my game's epic" that just means "I like my game". Sheesh...

-Then here's one last idea. Say 'I like my game'.-

And I knew this would happen, but oh well. Discussion is the only way to solve things~

-And by discussion, you mean trying to stop people from just playing a game and giving honest advice. On a final note, again, the main issue raised? Fixed what's been raised. Accept the face people aren't doing it to treat you like crap. Also, if you need help, ask for it. I bet if you asked people like Astra or Trent or anyone for help with sprites or events or such? If you were honest about wanting help as well as acknowledging it, you might find people would gladly help. Of course, it wouldn't be your hack anymore. But truthfully? For a hack that was meant to be forum based, it never was. This hack, every hack, is peoples tributes to an awesome game they like. So whatever you think, ask for help if you need it, give it your full ass, as half an ass isn't a pleasent sight, and go make it epic. People'll believe when they see.-


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A good number of the people who watched it, man. Hell, Astra's subs increased because of it.

It doesn't take that much to make a simple, but clean and effective splice replacement. It doesn't event take a top-tier spriter to make them. Many spriters can easily make a clean enough I'm not asking for something fancy like all full-custom set of sprites, but just something that's not painful too look on the eyes. A splice out of only three characters can be made effectively, proven by the numerous splicing competitions. There are a lot of sprites and splices that are okay. I actually quite like Shuuda's mug, even though it is a tad effeminate. But sprites like Bandolph? All I want is something simple and doesn't hurt to look at for replacement. It doesn't have to be fancy at all. We aren't asking for that.

And not really. A lot of people who can't draw are good art critiques. They don't have the skill with a pencil or brush or stylus to create the artwork, but they know the technicalities of it. Hell. I have several friends who can't draw for their life, but give excellent criticism. And you know what you do to criticism? As long as it's valid, you take it.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Okay, it is pretty obvious what is going on here. It is no secret that you guys have a problem with Blazer, but keep it off the forum. My suggestion? If you are going to "critique" someone for the sake of "helping" them, you do not need to be utterly condescending or offensive. Do not even begin to try and tell anyone that is your big reason. Nightmare and I will both be watching this thread.

For you Blazer, do not be so thin skinned. I understand that it is hurtful to have people treat a project you have been working on for a long time that way, but at the same time it is kind of expected when kids are granted a certain degree of anonymity. Not only that, but they are making a video series in which they no doubt want to create entertainment. You could argue the game should be entertaining enough, but some people just find that type of thing funny. I don't think it is out of the realm of possibility that they are exaggerating somewhat. Insulting people in return is not the way to handle it and I would hope it is not the way you want to represent your project. Just relax, ignore the immaturity and address the legitimate criticism in a suit and tie, okay :P:?

Regardless, moved to Other Games.

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Perhaps I'm just an unsensitive fuck, but to me this is completely acceptable, sort of like all the critique of Jarly's stories

Whoa whoa whoa that remark was out of line. No one deserves to be compared to Jarly.

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No one compares to Jarly's brilliance in this world. I am merely his puppet, sent to finish what Shuuda would not allow for Shuuda cannot comprehend Jarly's awesomeness.

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Chapter six? Wait, actually? That sounds impossible. Even I don't like chapter 6, and I made it. XD While I'm at it I don't like chapter 1, 4 (nomads + fog = bleh), or 7 (final nomad chapter, you'll see...) either... the rest are all OK IMO.

We actually like the last three chapters we just recorded, Chapter 6, 7, and 7x. :/

Sure we died multiple times but still.

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