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So, Osama is dead.

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One of my friends is on a roll with the Osama jokes.

"Guess there's no point in following Bin Laden on twitter anymore"

"To really stick it to the radical Muslims, the US Government is going to reward the Navy SEAL who killed Bin Laden with 72 virgins"

"What are we gonna do with Bin Laden's body? I saw make it a pinata and let relatives of 9/11 victims each have a whack"

"Donald Trump just requested a copy of Bin Laden's death certificate"

"somewhere in Texas, George Bush is yelling "THOSE WERE MY TROOPS!!!!!"

"alright, so now that Bin Laden is dead, who do we consider the World's Hide-And-Go-Seek champion?"

"President Obama trying to one up everybody for Best Gift at the Royal Wedding..."

"Antoine Dodson found Bin Laden... Now you can run and tell that, homeboy!!"

""He caught Osama Bin Laden multiple times, and let him go because he enjoyed the hunt. On May 1st, 2011, he decided he'd had enough." - new Dos Equis commercial"

Yeah, thats what hes been posting on facebook...

Can't say I'm a huge fan of them though.

Edited by Strawman the SawmanShaman
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Oh wait he isn't done yet...

"Sorry Lebron, it looks like Bin Laden won't be taking his talents to South Beach"

"Bin Laden's death: the one thing Bloods and Crips agree on"

"I almost felt bad for Bin Laden when I realized he's in hell having to listen to Billy Mays... then I remembered, he's Bin Laden!!"

Still not finding them very funny.

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"I almost felt bad for Bin Laden when I realized he's in hell having to listen to Billy Mays... then I remembered, he's Bin Laden!!"

What kind of monster implies Billy Mays is in hell?

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Quote from my facebook status regarding the matter:

"wow, all of the gross and offensive statuses about Islam. Shut up you idiots, Islam's no more violent than Christianity and Judaism, stop with the "OSAMA'S GOT HIS 72 VIRGINS LOLOL GOOD RIDDANCE FUCK YEAH AMERICA". Seriously, learn some fucking respect."

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I told someone that,

'killing one man who orchestrated the terrorist attacks is fantastic, but they wont stop because their leader is dead. They aren't a regular army. They will keep doing what they do, being led by the thirty other terrorist leaders. What the President said is half true, justice is not complete.' People got really mad, but I was only trying to tell them the truth.

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I told someone that,

'killing one man who orchestrated the terrorist attacks is fantastic, but they wont stop because their leader is dead. They aren't a regular army. They will keep doing what they do, being led by the thirty other terrorist leaders. What the President said is half true, justice is not complete.' People got really mad, but I was only trying to tell them the truth.

I go to college in Vermont, 90% of the population would applaud you for that. The other 10% would probably call you a fucking liberal hippie.


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Because that's the idiocy of some people, I agree on the pragmatism, I know people who are more moderate who are posting things like what you're posting.

Intelligent discussion in a spam forum, this is honestly a first.

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mhmm. I consider myself to lean more conservative, but I also think people should buck up and realize that terrorists aren't a regular fighting force..They're even different from the VC in 'nam. But some people call me a controversial ass hole, and so I have to curb my curbstomping ways.

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"alright, so now that Bin Laden is dead, who do we consider the World's Hide-And-Go-Seek champion?"

Duh, any limey who has been near a copy of the daily express should know the answer

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I go to college in Vermont, 90% of the population would applaud you for that. The other 10% would probably call you a fucking liberal hippie.


Personally, I prefer the Moderate way! Too much left, too much right is no good for me!

Anyway, it feels good to know Bin Laden finally faced justice. Of course, as its been said, it's not over yet, but at least its something! America still has received some relief last night!

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