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Slight Rant

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*Browsing through Okami music*


*Browses through comments* *Reads the 1st one on the most liked*

"Awww. That's sad D:"

*Reads replies*

"T-thats horrible. I must do something!"



This went on for the duration of the day.

So, why? Why are the majority of people on Youtube complete morons? It's beyond me on how:

1. People think they can do whatever they want with no retribution

2. They don't see the not-so-fine and obvious line not to cross

3. People don't know that spelling an insult correctly usually makes it more effective.


I did decide to get my troll on for the last half or so though.

Edited by Joerachi
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Usually Youtube comments are lulzy for me (ie: see 90% of comments stating the obvious, or consist of "fake and gay" on a cartoon video of all things). They used to bother me due to the lack of people not caring about the world, but all and all, I've just learned to ignore them or lulz at them.

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Well, son, it's time we have this discussion...

People have no lives! A lot of people who post dumb stuff like this have no friends of their own and therefore this is the only time they have social interactions. They usually feel so bad about themselves that they just make fun of others online, because they don't have to say it to their face. People say crap about me online that I know they'd be too afraid to say to my face. Just ignore idiots like this, that's what I do.

^one rant answered with another...FTW!^

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Well, son, it's time we have this discussion...

People have no lives! A lot of people who post dumb stuff like this have no friends of their own and therefore this is the only time they have social interactions. They usually feel so bad about themselves that they just make fun of others online, because they don't have to say it to their face. People say crap about me online that I know they'd be too afraid to say to my face. Just ignore idiots like this, that's what I do.

^one rant answered with another...FTW!^

you made your name doctor for a reason...

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Nothing you can really do about any idiots you find on the net. Unfortunately there's no cure for stupidity. The best advice I can come up with is: if they're getting on your nerves, and no one's doing anything about it, block 'em.

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Dumb YouTube commenters will be dumb YouTube commenters. As infuriating as it can get, the best thing to do is to acknowledge that all they want is attention, that they'll do anything to get it no matter how negative the attention they get is, and to just ignore them.

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Excuse me while I headdesk.

Even /b/ recognizes the proper way to avoid these things and that is to NOT TALK TO THEM.

And for the record, it's actually not 'everyone' who comments on Youtube, in fact, most of the cancerous individuals hardly talk at all unless you're going to a Shane Dawson, RWJ, or popular VEVO Music video (I.E. Justin Bieber).

The people you see on *MOST* other videos are blatant trolls.

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