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How to play Brawl on the mixed philosophy following on how a person chooses to walk their own path in life both honorably and as passionately possible

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Bullshit. You created the topic, you can strike flawed rules.

I created the topic, not the rules. 8[ The wise sages created the rules of The Third Way.

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why is there always a 2 day lull on this thread after jhen makes a post?

I kill many threads. This one is just slightly resistant.

Edited by Jhen Mohran
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You know what kinda surprises me now that I think of it?

The fact that Snake isn't S-Tier. He's mobile, heavy, powerful, has decent projectiles, and has a good form of recovery. I understand his attacks lag a little more than MK does but still.

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  • 1 month later...

So, if its a little bit resistant, is it the best or worst thread on Serenes?

Actually this one seemed to die and then come back alive a few days later. I'd say abit above the .... hmm... whats the word... majority(?)... no... not quite... hmmm.... that will have to do i suppose >_>

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  • 4 months later...

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