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Name: Oshea Horvath

Ager: 28

Class: Fighter (apparently)

Affinity: Fire

Weapon: Rapier, completely inept with any other sort of weapon despite his




Dressed pretty fancily. Gotta have a cape

Personality: Cowardly, although he puts on a brave face for the ladies, also very selfish and vain. However, he does have some conscience.

Nation of Origin: Calystin, Astarte


Born into an ordinary family, Oshea was never satisfied with his meagre existence. He wanted riches, power and all the ladies he could get his hands on. As a child, he wasn't terribly popular, mostly because of his self-serving nature. By his teenage years, he had, almost unfairly, become rather dashing. However, every girl in the village was wise to him, so his efforts were rarely rewarded not that it discouraged him. By another instance of blind justice, Oshea was selected to become a squire to a Astartean knight. The entire village bid him a fond farewell and he began a new life. For a couple of years, he cruised through squire hood with minimal effort. His master was on the verge of kicking him out, but decided to take him to the battlefield, giving him a final chance to redeem himself.

That had turned out to be a fatal mistake quite literally. The Astartean regiment were completely wiped out, except for Oshea, who decided hiding was a far better tactic after receiving a small wound. Raiding what he could from his master's home, he set off into the world, ready to start his journey of extravagance.

He usually poses as a mercenary, his act is pretty convincing. Always asking for the money upfront, doing as little work as possible and claiming as much credit as he can keep him in the black. However, his charm is somewhat overbearing, and most women wouldn't touch him with a barge pole.

Hopefully we can spawn him near the action, no?

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Name: Zeijos Temerath

Gender: Male (Age Unkown)

Class: Ancient

Affinity: None

Weapon: Energy, His body.

Appearance: 765e6cd25ce5174e225d21368df66c6c.png13', hunched over.

Nation of Origin: Unknown

Backstory: A general in the great war, he sought peace for the land. Brave, Valorous, kind, compassionate, he was everything and upstanding knight wishes to be in this present day. Though not by name, he is mentioned in and alluded to in many stories, his tales being only slightly exaggerated with time. Given any challenge, he would complete it, not out of bragging rights, fame, fortune, any of that. He simply wished to better himself, so that he could instruct others and be a shining standard of what a decent human being should be.

The Goddess herself even took a liking to the man, appearing to him one night. Overcome with awe and fear at her mere presence, he prostrated himself before her. When he finally found his voice, he spoke up, asking what the Goddess herself would want with 'a lowly human such as me?'

She explained to him of the workings of the world beyond, something he still cannot fully comprehend to this day, but he heard clearly that she needed a protector completely devoted to upholding the law, order, and the balance of the world. She also explained that his current form would not be enough, that the other gods would not allow a human into their own circle unaltered. "It will empower you, change you, for as long as you live." Accepting without hesitation, his life changed right then and there.

His mind numb, his memory hazy, he had only one thought in his mind. "Balance... Must be upheld." His instructions were simple: He was to act as an equalizer. Given the power to combat the gods, his mind was also wiped, to secure that he wouldn't act out and go berserk. He has been given free reign to wander his world, but he has chosen to act as a hermit, away from civilization, waiting for his time to act. In his solitude, glimpses of his past self slmost tease his mind, quickly disappearing before he can truly see what they are. He remains hidden, waiting for the scales to tip, waiting to break free from his solitude. Even now, he can feel order about to be broken.

Oshea has been approved, derp.

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Name: Gabriel Sarson

Gender: Male, Aged 20

Class: Caster

Affinity: Ice

Weapon: Snow Magic, which is another form of magic that derives from the Ice affinity. It is a special magic that his family has practiced over the ages, and every so often a boy in the family gains the ability to use this rare form of magic. Gabriel has the ability to manipulate snow in different ways, including solidifying it into ice, reshaping it, and concentrating it into large amounts. He cannot create snow, only manipulate what already exists. He can't really use this offensively, mostly he uses it to create a defensive wall, but if he concentrates enough he can create avalanches by manipulating the snow just right. When all else fails he's got a shortsword ironsword.png that rarely sees use. He's not into the whole fighting thing.

Appearance: Park_Musician_by_Josketh.png

Nation of Origin: Lushira, in his father's manor near Albion

Backstory: Born the youngest of six children to Lord Daman Sarson and his beautiful yet troubled wife Jessica, Gabriel was thrust immediately into the world of the social elite; his three older brothers and two older sisters (ranging from the ages of three to seventeen at the time of his birth) were all trained in the art of the sophisticated. Gabriel immediately was tutored in the musical arts, to become the family's resident musician. Gabriel began with the basic instruments like most musicians. He found the harp and lyre to be his favorites, specifically the harp. For his tenth birthday his parents purchased an elaborate ornate harp that had a beautiful sound. He began playing in the orchestra shortly after, achieving the position of third chair at age eleven. The orchestra was one of the most famous groups of musicians in the world, and his parents made large monetary donations every year.

When he was fifteen, the previous first chair of the orchestra retired after many years of playing, and this allowed Gabriel to take the man's place as first chair harpist in the orchestra. After one of the annual Spring shows, his father introduced him to a young man only a few years younger than he; a nephew of Lord Dovern, one of his father's closest friends and allies. Gabriel was instantly smitten with the beautiful young man, who had piercing eyes and yet such a stoic and calm face. The boy was attractive and loved Gabriel's music.

It wasn't until later that the two became any closer than friends: Gabriel was eighteen and Julius was sixteen. It was not too long after Julius was able to acquire property independent of his uncle and have his own lordship. By this point all of Gabriel's siblings had moved onward and either married into another noble house or acquired their own smaller home, and his mother had passed on from illness a year prior. Gabriel stayed home with his father in the hopes of keeping the man company, as well as learning the ins and outs of being one of Lushira's most prominent nobles. He attended every event his father attended, and co-hosted all events that were at their manor. To that day Julius was becoming more and more attractive to him; his gentlemanly manners made his heart swoon with delight.

It was late and Gabriel was just about to leave Julius' home to return to his own dwelling. Yet something kept him from leaving. "What is it, Gabriel?" Julius asked quizzically. "I...don't know," Gabriel replied, as if he knew all along yet he didn't at the same time. Instead he ran to Julius and the pair embraced in a kiss, as if it were what they both wanted the whole time. It was as if the pair were lovers from the start and one of them had just returned from war into the loving arms of the other.

The happiness did not last, however.

Shortly after, Julius began to act strange. At the mention of his uncle Julius would tense up slightly, and he would become distant. Gabriel was becoming annoyed and afraid at the same time for Julius' mental stability and health. While he was alone in his manor one night, he found himself quickly embroiled into watching one of his father's servants walking by. For some reason he had never noticed the man before, who was the same age as he, but in the light of the candles, he was almost mystified by him. Despite his love for Julius, Gabriel found himself walking up to the man. He didn't remember what happened next, but the angry and sob-ridden voice of Julius snapped him from his dreamlike state. He didn't know what was going on underneath the amount of profanities and accusations flying his way. After finally taking the time to look at what happened, he noticed he was not clothed in bed, and next to him was the servant, also not clothed.

He tried to apologize but Julius refused to hear more, he had snapped. The argument between the pair ended with Julius delivering the final blow on the pair's friendship, going outside and snapping the neck of the Sarson family's animal mascot, the hawk. The two became sworn enemies after that day. Gabriel returned to the servant, whose name was Cameron, and laid back in bed with him. His love life was in a wreck, but he at least had companionship.

Shortly later he learned that Julius' uncle was dead and both his and Julius' homes were burned to the ground. With no confirmation on Julius' body being found Gabriel was in shock--he wondered if Julius had escaped, or worse, done the deed himself. He became slightly paranoid afterward, wondering if Julius would ever come back to Gabriel for revenge or not. Since then he still lives at home with his sickly father and his "lover" Cameron.


Name: Cameron Elderson

Gender: Male, aged 19

Class: Guard

Affinity: Thunder

Weapon: ArmourKiller.gif He wields a small sword that almost never sees use. All of the servants in the Sarson household (and many other households as well) have weapons to protect their masters if necessary.

Appearance: neo_victorian_man_by_fireblade_knight-d32q7pq.jpg

Nation of Origin: Albion, Lushira

Backstory: His parents were servants of the Sarson family, it was only obvious that Cameron would take the same profession as his parents. When he was seven years old he became a servant in the Sarson household, starting with catering to Lord Sarson's youngest son Gabriel, who was only a year older than he was. The pair's relationship never escalated beyond master-servant, although it was obvious that Cameron was Gabriel's favorite servant.

Cameron and his parents were among the first people to actually meet Lord Dovern's nephew, whom he had discovered wandering the streets of one of the poorer districts of Lushira. The boy was less than a year younger than he was, and quite attractive. Cameron feared that Gabriel would take notice of the boy, and pay less attention to him.

His fears came true when Gabriel announced to the heartbroken Cameron that he and Julius had become lovers; and the pair were hoping to one day unite their families and fortunes. Cameron, having been in love with Gabriel for years, was crushed. Part of him wanted to give up and leave; the other part of him wanted to take Gabriel from Julius. He began to act much more seductively around Gabriel, making sure he used his body in all of the right ways. His excitement would peak whenever he caught Gabriel giving him a few looks.

Everything began to turn in Cameron's favor when Gabriel's relationship with Julius began to become strained. Cameron intensified his seduction, and Gabriel took more notice. The usually innocent Cameron was becoming more and more devious, determined to crush Julius and take Gabriel for himself. It all culminated when Gabriel suddenly embraced Cameron for the first time; he was ecstatic. It was also the night he first experienced what he had been desiring for so long. The happiness faded when Julius caught the pair in bed and swore revenge on Gabriel.

Gabriel was crushed; he truly did love Julius. Cameron, on the other hand, was thrilled: finally, Gabriel would love him for the man he was and realize his mistake. However, things changed between the pair. Gabriel was less affectionate, his kisses lacked passion, whenever they made love, it wasn't meaningful for Gabriel. Cameron sensed this and realized what had happened: he was now an object to Gabriel, only there for companionship and the occasional fuck. His goal became simple: prove to Gabriel he deserved better, that Julius was a wrong choice, that his true love was right next to him in bed every night.

Edited by Octavian
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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Maxine

Gender: Female (19)

Class: Caster

Affinity: Wind

Weapon: Magic tomes

Appearance: post-3855-069315800 1315706167_thumb.jpg

Nation of Origin: Sapphire

Backstory: Born to a family not too distantly related from the cadre of mercantile families controlling Saphire, Maxine has enjoyed a fairly privileged life. As one of the family's middle children, she was not in a position to become the ultimate inheritor of their estate; however, this did not overly concern her, as she proved to have some affinity for magic at an early age, and her parents were happy to support her studies financially. In all likelihood, her life might have been fairly uneventful if not for a fateful encounter. One day, at age 16, on her way home from training, she got distracted in thought and ended up taking a different route home. On this route, she stumbled upon an active slave auction. Growing up as she had, she had never given too much thought to Sapphire's underclass. However, upon seeing one merchant lash what he called his "merchandise," a young boy who couldn't have been more than seven, for forgetting to address him by his title, she became enraged and cast a minor wind spell at the merchant responsible. Of course, this caused a not-inconsiderable furor; were it not for Maxine's family connections, she would likely have been jailed. Despite avoiding jail, this act nonetheless made her something of a social pariah, and her relations with her family cooled considerably.

Contemplating matters afterward, Maxine came to realize that, outside of her magical training and some of the basic principles of bourgeois etiquette, she really knew very little of the world and the tribulations its people faced. As such, she made a heretofore unprecedented decision to leave her family and standing to become an itinerant travelling mage, aiding the downtrodden wherever she goes. It was a rather acrimonious parting, especially since her father had planned to marry her to the second son of another merchant family to increase their standing and secure further alliances, but Maxine stuck with her decision, leaving a few months after turning 18. With less than a year's experience, she knows she still has a good way to go, but she's nonetheless determined to vindicate her actions.

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How.... Descriptive...

A few points I'd like to mention

1: She is born to a relatively higher up family, is a fairly good magician, yet isn't sent to Pravna to study magic. TBH, I'd like to see some reasoning behind that. (if you'd like to discuss this, I exist on Skype (Username is SlaveBlade))

2: WTF why would ANY noble dress like that? (This right here is why the signup is being denied until further notice, BTW)

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Yeah, I guess I'm a bit laconic.....But now that you mention those points....

1) I was a bit hasty in looking through the background, and now that I see that this mage tower exists in Pravna...yes, that would work even better. Actually, I can envision a pretty easy modification. Her parents did indeed send her off to Pravna, seeing it as an appropriate option, but they cared more about the prestige then actual magical scholarship; they still expected her to fulfill a lady's role when she reached marrying age. The incident in question still occurred when she was 16, but it coincided with her being on a brief vacation from her course of studies; additionally, let's say that the young slave boy in question was an Anri. She also still severs her ties with her family some time after turning 18, which also coincides with her taking "leave" of her studies.

2) Well, you see, she's actually a LARPer and.....ah, ok, fine, here's another one. I think it captures more of that noble mage initiate look you're looking for:

post-3855-096300500 1315716768_thumb.jpg

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2) Well, you see, she's actually a LARPer and.....ah, ok, fine, here's another one. I think it captures more of that noble mage initiate look you're looking for:

.......? How does Larping affect the decision at all....?

As for the looks, yes, much better.

Unless someone has any complaints, I think this is easily approved.

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Name: Rine

Gender: Male, 18

Class: Caster

Affinity: Wind


- Wind Tome: Allows the user to use the wind around him, for many purposes. Be it to create a wind barrier, or use the wind in order to slow one's movement, or attack.

- Wind+ Tome: Can be used to generate wind from the tome and control it, thus making this tome the most appropriate one in almost every situation. The cons of it is that it costs a good ammount of mana, which Rine still can't handle properly for now. A gift from his master.

Appearance: Long silver hair; Wears a white shirt along with a grey cape and grey pants, also wears a silver amulet with a green jewel in the center with the image of a whirlwind engraved on it's center. Has emerald eyes.

[spoiler=It isn't exactly how my char looks, but it's the closest I could find]My link

Nation of Origin: Shuthra

Backstory: Rine and his twin brother were born in a family of casters, as obviously expected. The only problem is, although Rine had magical talents since he was born, he couldn't use any kind of magic his family's casters tried to teach him. They were a family of Fire, Thunder, Wind and Ice casters, although it was known that there were casters who had talent with healing magic (in those cases, they were transfered to The Church in order to develop their abilities further). Unfortunately for the boy, he was born in a generation where no one could teach him anything about Wind magic, since his parents were Fire casters, his uncle was a Thunder caster, and his grandparents had an afinity with Thunder and Fire magic. His twin had an afinity with Thunder, so he got no problems whatsoever.

But, for Rine, it was difficult. He couldn't control the other elements even though his parents tried their best to teach him about Fire magic, no matter how much he studied and tried, it was clear Wind was the only kind of magic he could use. Even after he got to the academy (as a 6 years old boy), where he finally had lessons about how to control the wind, it wasn't the same thing as learning. He got to learn a lot of things about Wind magic in two years, but it wasn't enough. He could practice, yes, but he only had brief lessons, and he lacked experience since no one taught him anything about it until he joined the academy. His parents tried to introduce suitable masters to their Wind adept son, and they even got to teach him for a while, but in the end Rine's skills weren't enough to keep up with the classes. Many masters gave up on teaching him after seeing how much unnecessary work he was giving them, choosing instead to teach another student.

Until one day a middle aged man showed up in the academy, looking closely at the young students of his class, looking for a student for himself. He chose Rine, although it was unclear to everyone, since he was, by far, the worst caster. His reasons were always unknown, even to his new student. No matter how much he asked, his master would just say "You have talent, and that's all you need. Just believe on yourself.". After that, he stayed most of his day learning Wind magic, returning home just late at night. And so it repeated for an eternity.

Days passed. Weeks. Years. A decade. Everything looked like a dream, as if he became a pupil yesterday, but he had in mind that it has been a long time since it happened. After ten years of intensive training, Rine finally became a Wind Caster. He could control the wind around him as easily as he used his tongue to speak. He also got the gasp of some advanced techniques, and, as such, developped his owns. When he was 18, his master told him that he had nothing else to teach him, and that only experience could fill the empty space within the young caster. He once again asked him why he took such an amateur under his wings, and that he has been wondering about it since the day he has been taken as his apprentice. His answer was a bit more different, "You can't fill a cup that is already full. That's why I picked you. You had talent, and your cup wasn't filled at all. That's what made you the best candidate for training: You had much to learn.", and then "Well then, it is time we go in different paths. I'm sure we will meet again, but I can't teach you anything now. Some things in a Caster's life can only be learned with experience, it is something I can't teach you. When you are experienced enough, you will see what I mean. In order to complete your training, you need to travel around the world and develop your own techniques.Take this Elwind tome and go, do not look back and do not come back."

His family simply let him go without hardships. From generation to generation, their sons left their home-towns to create their own families and spread their knownledge throughout Shuthra, thus expanding their family name through the country. But he had other plans which were not revealed. Rine planned to travel throughout the world, in order to fully hone his skills, as his master told him it was necessary. He began with the nearby cities, but he knew some day he had to leave Shuthra, and this future draw closer.

Edited by Lorddomu
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Um... Wow.

1st: Tome names aren't needed, plus, I get the feeling you think this is a FE RP. It's not. The names, in and of themselves are technically OK, but I'm just saying.

2nd: How is a 6 year old deemed as 'not good enough' when magic is a hard thing to grasp in everyone, especially for children? All I'm saying is, since a 6 year old didn't show good signs, it isn't that decisive of a factor that early. 10 years old, I could see it being a bit of a problem, a much more identifiable one at that.

3rd: Why would the guy outright deny giving tutelage? If he can't teach the kid, he'd still get paid, unless he's a really snobby guy who wants to only train the best, in which case that bring up a new question of 'what caste is the kid's family in'.

4th: I can't get over that picture... Nothing wrong with it, just a bit... I watched YTAS a lot.

But all in all, I'm gonna have to deny this signup. If you wanna talk about it, PM me or message me on Skype (SlaveBlade) Skype would work best since everyone else in the RP has it, FYI.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Gasp! It's somebody's long lost sister!

Name: Lunaria

Gender: Female

Age: 27

Class: Castor/Caster/Great Castini

Affinity: Fire

Weapon: Fire magic - very basic but due to her nature, reasonably powerful. Although she isn't above biting someone



Also wearing a tattered dress.

Personality: Very unstable, prone to attacking over the smallest thing. Also fairly delusional, when she's not scorching people, she acts very childlike - probably a result of her torture and isolation. Pathologically afraid of water, which is often the trigger for her rages.

Nation of Origin: Keyes, Astarte

Backstory: Much like her brother, Aurelio, she spent her childhood in Keyes. However, unlike Aurelio, she got to see their father a little more often. However, soon after Aurelio was born. A different man took his place. Keyes was often robbed by bandits, so they had to make by on what they had. She spent most of her time working in the fields, although she was fond of one book in the library - which covered the basics of magic. Not wanting to be brandished as a witch, she practiced in secret, never displaying her rather basic ability.

However, when she hit 18, the village had been overrun by bandits. She was captured along with her mother, but was later saved by Aurelio's brigade. It seemed like a happy ending but things soon turned sour, meaning that she had to flee with her mother. After months of travelling, the pair found their way to Pravna, the mage capital. Unfortunately, her mother had become progressively ill during the journey and was bedridden within weeks of arriving. Needing a source on income, Lunaria became a senior caster's assistant, picking up little bits of magic as she worked.

Sadly, not even magic could save her mother, who passed away after fighting the disease for two years. Not being held down by anything anymore, she left in search of her brother. Unfortunately, she was soon captured again by bandits, who had their hideout on an island near Pravna. She was kept against her will for five years, them having their way with her and often torturing her. She made many attempts to escape. However, not being able to swim meant none of them were successful – and her captors didn't take kindly to her doing so.

Fire being her element, and her heart full of anger and passion, she one day snapped, unleashing flames upon the bandits, she made sure that none of them survived. However, in her rage, she destroyed the last boat on the island. Being terrified of water, it meant she had inadvertently removed her last hope of escaping. Now extremely violent and aggressive, she has spent the last two years on the island in solitude, viciously attacking anyone who dares investigate.

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Time to bother SB Using two characters is better than just using one. And no, it's not a girlfriend for Rine. XD

Name: Asviel

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Class: Caster

Affinity: Ice

Weapon: If it can be considered a weapon... A black staff with a white jewel on it's top, which amplifies her magic a bit; and a basic Ice tome

Appearance: Gladly I have plently of them although it's kind of obvious which character it is.


Except she is a bit older.

Nation of Origin: Shuthra

Backstory: Asviel always had a hard time with using the elements. Her case was special, as she -had- a magical affinity, which made her father guess that she'd have more luck with healing magic, as a few members of the family had. Fortunately and unfortunately for her, her father's many trips between Lushira and Shuthra had given him many contacts with other magi, experienced enough with healing magic to train her, but it meant getting separated from the family for an undefined long time. Knowing this, he made sure to comfort his daughter as much as he could, taking her with him in trips and showing her places which her brother couldn't even dream of visiting. And that ended up adding to his jealousy.

There was a time in which he brought her to his sister's house, giving the opportunity to meet her cousins Rine and Rainos, and surprisingly enough Rine was in a situation very similar to hers, while his brother seemed to have an easier time; that draw their attention to each other and helped them become friends, in a way. But it was Rainos, not Rine, who his father would bring home a few years later to train, since -her- brother had an affinity with Ice, not Thunder as their father, so his nephew would gain more from his training than his own son.

At the age of 6, she was ready to be sent to a friend of her father and learn more about it from him... But not without struggle, as there was no reason to believe the pride and honor from her family would give a motive for getting separated. "Rine is just like me... So why won't dad listen to me?! Why do I even need to go away? It's so unfair, damn it!". In the end, like there was a choice, she went with him to their neighboring country. Gladly for her, she knew who her master was and had already met him beforehand. Her life didn't change much, aside from the training she had to undergo and the demands her master gave her at home and on training; and besides, her father would visit her from time to time, and they kept in touch by sending letters to eah other.

When she was 16, Asviel fled from her master's home, intimidated by his long stares and his often glances plus the authority which gave him the right to do anything with her. He even tried to do it once, but his obvious behavior made it avoidable. And she knew where to go next, as working in the church would give her a place to stay, and then it would be possible to continue the training from where it stopped. At least his teachings paid of, helping her on getting the job and graduate at an age of 17. And it was then that her father replied her newest letter saying that they would reunite in order to celebrate this moment. They came to pick her a week later, and after some deals, she managed to stay away from work for a time.

Rainos came with her father as well, but the surprise wasn't his presence as she already expected it but her brother's absence, until her father explained that he had been tasked with managing their resources in a settlement nearby, answering that "He's excelent at casting Ice magic and at management, no doubt that he is going to become a better caster than me in the future. I trust him". That's when she really paid more attention to their differences: Her father didn't look much different from before, aside from the traces and the beard; but Rainos was very different from before, with his height being higher than hers and his sharpened voice, as well as his personality. From what her memory tells, he was a self-confident, optimistic and careless boy, but now he was calmer and cooler like his master. "No doubt he learned a lot from my father. My brother must have changed a lot too, it'll surely be a great reunion. The problem is, I don't think I've changed much... They have their own trophies, but I don't". After giving the girl a smile and lending his hand in order to help her getting in the horse, his master smirked, and then signed them with his hand to follow him.

The three chat about their lives, their reunion, what happened after they separated, what they were planning to do afterwads, and much more. But it didn't take long to reach the settlement, and Asviel recognized some of his father's companions, while the rest were a bunch of strangers in the girl's eyes. Her father used to make settlements between long distances because they used to travel in big numbers, and the numbers have doubled this time. After being dismissed by his master, Rainos decided to stay with her until they gave him a task, but even so he kept returning after finishing it. It didn't bother the girl, as she liked to hear what has been happening since 11 years ago. Her brother only spoke to her when necessary, courteously as always.

It didn't matter that they were on the plains, their numbers were big enough to secure the area while others were feasting. But as soon as the men went to their own barracks, a yell broke the silence. It wasn't exactly a yell, it's more like a "call", before another yell drawed the attention of everyone. A man laid on the ground with his eyes open, frozen and pale by some kind of magic, next to their father and with a knife next to his hand. Asviel's brother looked at everyone, as if looking for something. "We have traitors among us...", he chanted, as his magic words became true and more men attacked each other. They had the advantage, as their weapons were readied in antecipation. It didn't take long until the battle turned out pretty disadvantageous, the least Asviel and Rainos could do was to defend themselves.

On the end the girl, her family and her "bodyguard" were drawing back. Their father stared at her with sorrowful eyes as if asking "I'm sorry", seeing how his comrades were dying one by one and they couldn't do anything about it, and besides it was the day which he finally reunited with his daughter, it wasn't supposed to be the day where everything would be lost by the greed of the traitors. They could take all his riches and his power for all he cares, those things didn't matter now. He just wanted to keep them safe... His beloved children and his student. If he didn't do something about it right now, maybe his children would become a part of a bargain, or even worse. Taking enough courage, he ordered them, "There are horses inside this stable, just take two and flee. I'll hold them until you're ready, it's not fair to see them die because of me, so I'll stay there and get those bastards. Rainos, protect my daughter at all costs; Asviel, I'm sorry that it came to this, get out of this place and live, just live peacefully. And you..." ....

Before finishing his phrase, the air around them became cold and was focused in a single position, running a chill through their spine; his words escaped through his mouth like a faint sound, and he fell to the ground with his hardened body losing it's consciousness and dying, without heat, incapable of doing it's usual functions. "Hmph. Just die, old fool. I'm your legitimate heir, and after I kill my dear sister, nothing will stay on my way. When they discover about what happened today, I'll be the lone survivor. Sleep in the eternal and cold solitude that is death forever". Seeing his master die slowly with so much sorrow in his eyes, Rainos turns to face his newest enemy, getting infront of the girl and fulfilling his role as ordered. "Asviel, I can't go with you, but someone must warn the others. This can't end just like that. If you stay there, then our sacrifice will be in vain... and your father's sacrifice will be in vain. After I deal with him, I'll meet you". He concentrated his energy onto his fingers, slowly generating a light around them. "Now go!".

She didn't even look for a horse. Most of the guards were dead, and the others were more worried about men with weapons than with a frail girl that could be killed with a single hit. With all the strenght left in her, she ran to the nearest exit, ignoring her brother's calls as their cousin stops him in his tracks. The sound of steel facing steel, people dying in the outcome, lightning being thrown agaisnt something, horses running around panicked, tents being burned and the curses of their comrades who lost the hope stuck on the girl's mind like a song, one which she would take with for all her life. What else could be done, if not run away and save your own life? Powerless and saddened by the loss of her father, she cried and ran, ran with all the strenght left. That's all an useless person could do. That's all -she- could do right now.

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Right, seeing as I don't have a final say, I'm just going to express my opinion by saying, I don't know if you have enough activity to justify getting another character. There's no real quotient, but you've barely posted at all in the RP, and have made no attempts to interact Rine with the other RP characters. I'd really like to see some more activity/interaction from you before I say this is okay.

But I have a feeling that SB's going to veto me anyway, so this is just an opinion.

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Right, seeing as I don't have a final say, I'm just going to express my opinion by saying, I don't know if you have enough activity to justify getting another character. There's no real quotient, but you've barely posted at all in the RP, and have made no attempts to interact Rine with the other RP characters. I'd really like to see some more activity/interaction from you before I say this is okay.

But I have a feeling that SB's going to veto me anyway, so this is just an opinion.

I'm not active because, for now, there's nothing important happening around my char. Yes, I know, I haven't done anything important yet to even complain about it.

Well, I'm not complaining. That's my style... Depending on how the RP is interacting with me, I either roleplay a lot or let it go. I hope that I'll be able to do much more with another character (and I took three hours to finish it [also because I can't focus on one thing, and I keep doing two or three things at a time], I'm not going to throw her away like that), so it'll be better for all of us imo.

Thanks, but I'll insist... Also, I'm sorry if there are any inconsistences or if my "narration" became dull through the end. It's 1 AM on where I live, that's what happens when you can't use your mind properly. =P

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I'm not active because, for now, there's nothing important happening around my char. Yes, I know, I haven't done anything important yet to even complain about it.

Well, I'm not complaining. That's my style... Depending on how the RP is interacting with me, I either roleplay a lot or let it go. I hope that I'll be able to do much more with another character (and I took three hours to finish it [also because I can't focus on one thing, and I keep doing two or three things at a time], I'm not going to throw her away like that), so it'll be better for all of us imo.

Thanks, but I'll insist... Also, I'm sorry if there are any inconsistences or if my "narration" became dull through the end. It's 1 AM on where I live, that's what happens when you can't use your mind properly. =P

It's... not really our job to interact with you. It's your job, as the roleplayer, to shove Rine into the story as best as you can. I mean, sure, it's our job to interact as well, but we're already doing that, and going out of our way for one character without any reason would be pretty silly.

And there's a lot important happening around Rine, like Carrion getting her group together to leave the city. Unless you missed that.

I still maintain that you should interact with Rine more before we introduce her into the story, but again, that's not my decision ' x'

And you still haven't, apparently, gotten Skype, which is making it increasingly difficult for us to keep contact up with you as a group. Please, please get it, and tell me your username, so that I can add you to the group.

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It's... not really our job to interact with you. It's your job, as the roleplayer, to shove Rine into the story as best as you can. I mean, sure, it's our job to interact as well, but we're already doing that, and going out of our way for one character without any reason would be pretty silly.

And there's a lot important happening around Rine, like Carrion getting her group together to leave the city. Unless you missed that.

I still maintain that you should interact with Rine more before we introduce her into the story, but again, that's not my decision ' x'

I know that. That's just me... And I like enforcing my characters, so she's pretty welcome to my RP.

I didn't know the Crimson Witch in the newspapper looked so much like Carrion, and I suspected she didn't, because otherwise she wouldn't be in the Inn or next to the city. But you're right. '_'

Now that I'm back, I'll definitely download Skype.

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I didn't know the Crimson Witch in the newspapper looked so much like Carrion, and I suspected she didn't, because otherwise she wouldn't be in the Inn or next to the city. But you're right. '_'

Now that I'm back, I'll definitely download Skype.

Well, that's why everyone's calling that person the Crimson Witch, because of the similar look, and her throwing fire around.

And, awwwwesome. Please let me know your username once you've installed it.

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Name: Lowell Sheridan Ryszard

Gender: Male, 29

Class: Caster

Affinity: Thunder

Weapon: He uses his magic barehanded, but he can use a rapier with moderate skill.

Appearance: Shizuo-durarara-10104029-459-604.jpg

Something like this. He doesn't smoke, though.

Nation of Origin: Malegon, Lushira

Born into wealth, though not immense wealth, Lowell was a typical highborne child - studious, polite, and diligent - but he was always exceedingly inquisitive, and bright as a result. Where his peers saw fit to recite their studies by rote and accept the praise afterward, Lowell always found it necessary to ask why. By age eleven, he was an avid fan of games of strategy and mind power, and quite good at them. It was through his days of beating his friends at such games (whether they knew or not) that Lowell found himself a student of human nature, and what he saw frustrated and disappointed him. It may have been due to his social status, but everyone Lowell fraternized with had a fixation with power and wealth, as if nothing else mattered in life. No matter where he went, that was all he saw - fools with more ambition than sense.

When Lowell was seventeen, his father died in his sleep. His mother and friends all grieved him, and the funeral of Lord Ryszard had a vast attendance list. His idealistic son was not present - he had left Malegon, taking his chance during the funeral to disappear. Using what little knowledge his upbringing gave him about magic, Lowell spent the next month in solitude outside Malegon, disciplining his mind and hand to better harness the mana inside him. He emerged from the forests outside Belenos a greater mage and a greater misanthrope, and made his way to the nearest tavern. The filth in his hair and the condition of his clothes made him unrecognizable as Lord Ryzsard's heir.

What he did in that tavern is hearsay, and it has developed into something of an urban legend of Belenos' underground. Apparently, the filthy Lowell called out the largest armed man he could find in the tavern, taunting him into a fight. Drunk as he was, the ruffian obliged, preparing to knock about a small, dirty boy to relieve his aggression. They agreed to hold the fight outside town where guards would not be able to detain them. That was the last the tavern-goers saw of their acquaintance. His body was never found, but most everyone living in that neighborhood agrees that the Griever (as he came to be known after a few embellished retellings of the tale) murdered him that night.

Within a year, Lowell had cleaned himself up, earned some money, and presented himself to the public of Belenos as the wayward son of the then-dead-of-grief Lady Ryszard. He quickly took the first job he was offered, working as an advisor and aide to a senator in Belenos, his father's meager estate dissolved and divided at his request. For five years he climbed the political ladder of Lushira as best he could, seizing opportunities, 'advising' his opponents out of their reputations, and taking somewhat regular reprieves, which, according to him, were for the purpose of honoring his father - incidentally, the mercenary population of Belenos declined slightly during this time. His short-term goal in Belenos was to become baron, and he did little to hide this fact, except from the baron himself; if the rumors about Pralken the Mad were true, he thought, it would do him no good to cross him yet.

Lowell was twenty-five when Baron Willard disappeared from his estate. A week passed, then a month, and he did not return. Seizing the opportunity, Lowell stated his intent to succeed Willard as baron. By then, his reputation as a lover of mindgames had caught up to him, and so his colleagues compromised - Lowell would fill the position of baron in Pralken's absence until such time that either he or his son Arcen returned to claim it back. Lowell agreed to the conditions they set and went straight to work crippling the political power of each to enforce the deal; with his newfound influence as baron it wasn't difficult for him. He has ruled at his leisure since then, still taking reprieves from his work once every other month or so for the same reasons he had at eighteen. There are some among Lowell's subjects who suspect that his time off has nothing to do with his father, but they are at odds over just what he does with that time.

Abilities: Lowell's mastery of thunder magic is crude and unrefined, but it suits his purposes. All of his spells use some part of his body as a conduit, and they are of exceedingly short range as a result; generally he cannot attack anyone at ranges much longer than a few feet from his hands. In addition, any body parts he uses to channel his spells weather whatever voltage the spells carry. Though he is somewhat capable of containing this voltage (otherwise it would surely kill him), his nerves have been dulled as a result of constant use of himself as a conduit, and powerful casts often leave parts of his body rigid or even immobile. Because he does not have the same level of control over his mana usage as other mages, Lowell's attacks are rather random in strength, varying from a slight jolt to well over lethal voltage. He has little control over which end of the spectrum his attacks inhabit.

Because of the numbing aftermath of his spells, Lowell has what seems to be incredible pain tolerance - in reality, he simply cannot feel in certain places, and so his wounds either go unnoticed or hurt him very little. The only exception to this is his lower torso, through which he refrains from channeling so as to protect his vitals.

When he is not using his magic (for example, in public), Lowell will use his sword, with which he is somewhat skilled. Still, his average physical strength makes him relatively easy to defeat in this case.


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Umm hello I suppose.

Was interested in joining this, but I've got no idea how I should go about things..... [besides reading everything that's happened up till this point which'd take me until Christmas]

Was originally invited months ago [Nearly a year actually... lol] to join Return of the Emblem but the stats aspect confused me to no end so I decided to pass.

Apologies if I'm not suppose to post this here, I can clear it off and turn it into an application if it's a problem.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Name: Kulen

Gender: Male (32)

Class: Exile

Affinity: None

Weapon: anything he can get his hands on.

Appearance: Brown hair greying heavily at teh tips, white eyes, 5 foot 11 inches, a slim build, very pale. Looks older than he actually is, scars can be seen all over his face and any exposed skin. Generally tries to cover it up as best as possible. Wears a vest with a long sleeve shirt, leather gloves, leather pants and boots.

Nation of Origin: Foreigner

Backstory: Shrouded in mystery, it will all be revealed in due time!

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Name: Lilith

Gender: 19

Class: Fighter (I guess lol nothing fits xD)

Affinity: Ice

Weapon: She can flail about, I assume.



On the left.

The girl on the right? A mystery :3

Nation of Origin: Sapphire

Backstory: Lilith, Adrian's sister, lived along with him and their parents in their small village, leading a quaint life. While her brother took to cooking, she took to cleaning, doing what most women were expected, where she lived. Life was slow, but life was good. She enjoyed the company of her brother, and spent many nights talking and laughing with him. Maybe she enjoyed his company a bit too much. Though, she had grown attached to this lifestyle, and was planning to live it out for many more years.

Unfortunately, bandits thought otherwise. One night, a scream rang into the village. The scream had come from their neighbours, whose house was now on fire. Her father was the first out of the house, and the first to die, skewered by one of their spears. Her mother fainted, and she stood there with a horrified look on her face. She couldn't understand why this was happening to them; to such a quiet village that no one knew. Adrian didn't just stand there, he tried to fight off the man who had killed his father, but all he got was a beating, left to die in the fresh snow.

Lilith was in tears, sitting on the ground and bawling her eyes out. Her crying wasn't heeded by anyone, of course. It was ignored, as her and her mother were snatched up by the brigands, as they left the village in flames. She couldn't do anything as her home was destroyed; nothing but watch the lifeless body of her brother fade into the distance.

She expected the worst from this new "life". She knew the savagery of bandits, and expected to be touched, prodded, even raped... but her and her mother were lucky, or as lucky as they could be, in this situation. The bandit's leader was a rather chivalrous man, despite his banditry, who took a liking to the both of them, and forbid his men from touching them. This didn't stop them from trying, but the men who were more loyal to their boss (whose name was Hratli) kept the two from the leacherous hands of the brigands.

Hratli still attempted to make advances on Lilith's mother. He left her alone because he preferred older women, and she made for better eye candy than company. Her mother never gave him anything, forever hateful of him and his men for killing her husband and her son (or so she thought). Countless times would she ask him why he kept them there, when he knew that they would never like him. And, being a bandit, he would get annoyed with this, and threaten to give them to his men. It normally ended with Lilith's mother crying, Lilith on the verge of tears most of the time.

This lasted for a year, until luck was forced upon them once again. The bandits' camp was attacked by a travelling knight cadre, on their way to Lazarynth. Hratli got away, but his men were almost all wiped out, and Lilith and her mother finally had their freedom again. They didn't have anywhere to go, so the went along with the knights, and they have been working at an inn in Lazarynth since.

And today, a certain woman's yelling has started to bother Lilith...


Lilith is laidback, and a bit quiet. Rather normal, if anything. She'll keep out of others' business, and will act vocal when she's annoyed. She does take a rather odd interest in things like cooking and cleaning, being more vocal about those than anything else. And now, she has become a bit more shy than normal, because of what had happened with Hratli and his bandits. Being quiet has become sort of ingrained into her.

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Name: Sophia

Gender: Female, 18

Class: None =D

Affinity: Wind



Sophia doesn’t actually know how to use this sword, but it’s something comforting to have if there’s any trouble, at least.



Obviously not wearing that sort of clothes, but with much simpler clothes of the time instead.

Nation of Origin: Arashiyama, Miyako.

Backstory: Sophia was born a typical child of Miyako, only knowing the other females in her family. Her family was rather poor, but able to provide for themselves. There was nothing particularly interesting about her childhood; she was told to never ask “where she came from”, and she didn’t find out anything much about those mythical creatures known as “males” until she was 16.

A adventurous group of travelling mercenaries travelled into Myan territory from Astarte, ending up in Arashiyama. While most of the town treated the male members of the town with fear and disdain, Sophia was interested by them, somewhat curious to find out who these “males” were, or what they were like. With the mercenary group trapped in Arashiyama due to the incoming Myan winter, Sophia had the perfect chance to talk to them, and get to know them.

Over the next 4 months, Sophia snuck out to talk to the mercenary group, eventually befriending them. She heard of their small exploits, and a little more of the world which existed outside of Miyako. She felt particularly endeared to one of the mercenaries, Jarod. With him, she didn’t feel at all scared, a feeling impossible to recreate around the other male members of the group. As the two of them found their short periods of time to talk, Sophia started to feel something a little different in her heart, something she had never been able to feel before for anyone else.

She can’t really remember what she was thinking that day, or what even happened between her and Jarod. 2 months later, Jarod had left, after the winter had been wrapped up, and Sophia’s stomach was… getting bigger? She didn’t even know what was happening to her. She began asking her friends what was going on, how to stop it, what could happen… until she finally found out what it meant.

Her mother and grandmother would have murdered her. Still young, somewhat immature and impulsive, Sophia grabbed whatever she could while her mother was out, brought enough money to travel to Astarte, and ran away, thinking a life on the run would be easier than being destroyed by her family.

For just over a year and a half now, she’s travelled wherever she could. Her daughter, Alyssa, is nearly a year old. Barely scraping by via the pity of others and small jobs on the side, Sophia and her daughter have somehow reached Shuthra, a place worlds away from Miyako, a place Sophia had heard via word of mouth only.

Due to her upbringing, Sophia’s rather ignorant of the outside world. She can be rather easy-going, but is also quite a curious person. She will also do anything in her power to protect her daughter.

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Name: Reynor

Gender: 28

Class: Fighter

Affinity: Wind

Weapon: Bow

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 148 Lbs

Appearance: rlarcherbytooaya.jpg

Nation of Origin: The city of Devon, Shuthra

Backstory: Reynor has always been a coward. A thin, rather short coward. While he grew up, he didn't hang around many people. He preferred to stick to himself, and one or two really close friends. His life was nothing special. It was a typical life in Shuthra, learning how to do the things that were expected of a man. His father even taught him how to hunt, and wield a bow. He enjoyed it, because it meant he wouldn't have to get up close to anyone, if he ever got into a fight.

When he'd finally left home, something unexpected happened to him. He joined a mercenary band, as a scout. They needed someone who was smaller, good at sneaking, and would be able to run away when needed. Reynor fit that perfectly, and they started doing small jobs over Shuthra, eventually taking on larger ones when needed.

Their latest, and seemingly final job, was at an island off of the coast of Shuthra...

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