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Battlestar Galactica strategy game


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That's why I want to sit on my hand for another month. That way, I can discard them, and get two more cards that should be helpful one day.

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They're sitting there, and I'd really rather not have them. I could really use all the help I can get, since my hand stinks. The more opportunities I have to draw, the faster I can improve what I have.

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I play a certain card game, where things like hand advantage are super-important. I guess it doesn't carry over to this game.

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Dead cards in Yu-Gi-Oh! are a complete and utter disaster. Ideally, you want a hand full of cards that can be used at a moment's notice, and lots of it. In this game, I'm staring at two useless cards, and I don't like that.

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Disposing of some shockingly low cards.

I never said I took them out of the pot, now did I?

Except we might need them for more important crisises.

Besides, no harm, no foul.

That's not the point, if someone had sabotaged the list of suspects would be larger and both you and BK were on the original 5 suspects IIRC. If anything, that was a very stupid gamble by you. I will watch you closely.

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Except we might need them for more important crisises.

That's not the point, if someone had sabotaged the list of suspects would be larger and both you and BK were on the original 5 suspects IIRC. If anything, that was a very stupid gamble by you. I will watch you closely.

1. No we won't, and do not try to dictate what I do with my hand or even act like you have any idea what I have in it.

2. That's exactly why I knew BK(if he's Cylon) couldn't do anything, so it was safe to do so. If something had gone wrong, I'd have known it was either RD or yourself because BK wouldn't be that stupid when as far as he knew he was the only of the original five suspects playing cards.

3. It wasn't stupid in the slightest, and I find it incredibly odd that you're going to "watch me closely" as if I were somehow now suspicious like I'd actually harmed us in some way.

4. Why did it take you this long to reply when you saw those posts immediately after they were posted?

5. FOS on Kevin for going apeshit over me helping with a crisis.

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1. No we won't, and do not try to dictate what I do with my hand or even act like you have any idea what I have in it.

This attitude will make us lose.

2. That's exactly why I knew BK(if he's Cylon) couldn't do anything, so it was safe to do so. If something had gone wrong, I'd have known it was either RD or yourself because BK wouldn't be that stupid when as far as he knew he was the only of the original five suspects playing cards.

This implies that by sabotaging that crisis BK would instantly be a cylon.

And amazingly enough Haze I am clear. Why? Because Excellen said I was. If Excellen was a cylon, then she might be lying, yes, but I'm not one of the orginal 5 who could've played that TAC card and neither was Excellen IIRC. And if excellen isn't a cylon why would he lie. So you FoS your clear, good job.

3. It wasn't stupid in the slightest, and I find it incredibly odd that you're going to "watch me closely" as if I were somehow now suspicious like I'd actually harmed us in some way.

Except now you can't help with other criseses.

The fact is that you refuse to listen or work as team when that is our primary way of winning. For all I know that was an act just to gain trust in the future.

4. Why did it take you this long to reply when you saw those posts immediately after they were posted?

I was debating with myself over whether it was right or wrong, and I decided it was wrong.

5. FOS on Kevin for going apeshit over me helping with a crisis.

Nice OMGUS and overreaction, if you thought that was apeshit then you're a terrible judge of a post.

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And amazingly enough Haze I am clear. Why? Because Excellen said I was. If Excellen was a cylon, then she might be lying, yes, but I'm not one of the orginal 5 who could've played that TAC card and neither was Excellen IIRC. And if excellen isn't a cylon why would he lie. So you FoS your clear, good job.

Excellen is far from trustworthy, Kevin. You are not clear in the slightest.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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This attitude will make us lose.

Again, stop acting like you know what's in my hand. I had good reason to dispose of those cards.

This implies that by sabotaging that crisis BK would instantly be a cylon.


Except now you can't help with other criseses.

The fact is that you refuse to listen or work as team when that is our primary way of winning. For all I know that was an act just to gain trust in the future.

Yes I can, and who said anything about refusing to listen or work as a team? I'm just not going to mindlessly sheep because some guy said he's going to solo a crisis. Good job saying I'm not helping or refusing to be a team player when I've done nothing but help this entire time.

I was debating with myself over whether it was right or wrong, and I decided it was wrong.

Again, what?

Nice OMGUS and overreaction, if you thought that was apeshit then you're a terrible judge of a post.

I'm the one overreacting? You basically said I was suspect for HELPING.

Also what RD said.

Edited by Ceadeus
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Besides Kevin, the fact is I was planning on helping with this crisis while ditching some bad cards in favour for some better ones the entire time. The only thing I didn't do was say I was doing so, which was a tactical move to prevent BK from trying to pin anything on me in the event that he's a Cylon.

Edited by Ceadeus
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Excellen is far from trustworthy, Kevin. You are not clear in the slightest.

Reread what I said. Seriously.

Do you accept that neither excellen nor I could've played that TAC card. If so, then you must accept that both excellen and I cannot be cylons. If excellen is a cylon, I cannot be because I couldn't have placed that TAC card. If excellen is innocent then why would he lie about me not being a cylon?

And if you don't accept that neither Excellen not I could've played that card, then reread our card options.

I'm the one overreacting? You basically said I was suspect for HELPING.

Not suspect, but you need to actually help so we don't have a repeat of phase 2. And yes helping can include doing nothing. This is the first ever mafia game where doing nothing in a phase can actually help the town.

And yes you are overreacting.

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Do you accept that neither excellen nor I could've played that TAC card. If so, then you must accept that both excellen and I cannot be cylons. If excellen is a cylon, I cannot be because I couldn't have placed that TAC card. If excellen is innocent then why would he lie about me not being a cylon?

That's a good point... However, it's not your place to dictate who plays what cards and when. Obviously, BK wasn't going to try and sabotage the crisis when he was the only suspect playing cards, so there was nothing wrong with Haze getting rid of some low cards to make room for higher ones, since I don't believe we're allowed to draw if we have a hand of 10 cards.

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Except he had 7 cards, so it's not like he'd run out of space.

And its important we work together on this and try the best for the long term. Again, we passed this by quite a large amount, and we need to stop this from happening or when all 4 cylons awaken, we'll have no chance of beating the harder criseses (assuming there are harder crises).

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You don't realize that Haze was preparing for long term by getting rid of his lower cards to make room for higher ones, so he has better cards for when there are more Cylons.


Use your head.

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Yo Tables, rules clarification (one which I don't mind having in the thread):

If I have a hand size of 10, would I be allowed to draw the next month? What about if my hand size is 9?

This determines what I do next month. For now, I draw.

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Yo Tables, rules clarification (one which I don't mind having in the thread):

If I have a hand size of 10, would I be allowed to draw the next month? What about if my hand size is 9?

This determines what I do next month. For now, I draw.

Yes. Ah, rules buried in a big pile of rules, how convenient~. But seriously I don't blame you for missing it. Basically draw limits are 'soft' in that you draw to over the limit then discard secretly.

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