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Battlestar Galactica strategy game


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##Queen to choose a character next

Also I've neatened up the initial post slightly. READ THE SECRECY RULES SECTION. It's important. Disobeying the secrecy rules, even once, is a modkillable offence if it's severe enough, but I doubt we'll have too much trouble with things at that end.

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I should've put that in my mafia (but I'd have to modkill a fair number of players for that). Thanks!

Anyway, I'll take Callandra "Cally" Tyrol. I HAVE A GUN!

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I should've put that in my mafia (but I'd have to modkill a fair number of players for that). Thanks!

Anyway, I'll take Callandra "Cally" Tyrol. I HAVE A GUN!

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We're ready to run. I'll probably start the some time tomorrow either late morning or early afternoon (that means about 12-15 hours time), and hopefully things will make sense etc.

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The game is now being started. I've made a few small changes to characters - most of them are just clarifications of vague things, but I think Cally I errata'd because I missed something before (she can't shoot someone if she's already in the brig, because, well, that'd be stupid (I'll point out that in the board game she in fact CAN shoot someone if she's in the brig, but only if they're in the brig too. Still, what kind of crappy security lets a prisoner have a gun?)). I'm going to assume this wouldn't affect Eclipse's character choice.

Also added are revealed Cylon skill draws. They draw 1 skill that can either be a rating 2 Treachery, or rating 4 Politics, Leadership or Tactics (so you can get a weaker skill that's guaranteed negative, or a stronger skill that may be more situational). Also they are immune to the negative effects of crises (some crises do things like making players discard skils) and cannot be targetted for things by human players (including for example, Gaeta's mutiny, Roslin's Probation and Ellen's manipulation)

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Going to post this now because it's easier to give an example once than to tell Cylons where it differs. It shouldn't matter but...

This is a bit of flavour describing your situation. So it might talk about your new promotion or the loved ones you've lost, or just how much you want to kill humanity.

You are a human


You are a Cylon: Reveal effect. As an action, you can do the reveal effect if you're not in the brig. Then discard down to 3 skills

Your skills:





Skill rating-1, Skill rating-2

Special ability: This is your special ability, just quoted here for easy reference.

For flavour purposes you may find the following links handy:

Wikipedia character summary (may contain spoilers)

Pictures! (should be spoiler free)

(Both of these using Adama for example purposes)

Remember: Don't post what skills you have into the thread, nor what skills you intend to play. You can suggest your skills are low or high, and what you're playing is low or high too. In general though, the only thing from PMs you can quote are the links above and things you've asked are okay to quote.

Humans also have the following text:

Also remember: You may think you are a human now, but you never know who might be a sleeper agent. Still, chances are it isn't you... (Note: I haven't randomised who are the sleeper agents yet. As such don't try and read my hints at it, even I don't know!)

Eclipse: Unfortunately I specify it has to be another character :P.

Also most of the character image galleries contain the character sheets for the character in the real board game. You can ignore them or maybe have a look to see where I got inspiration from, if you want.

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"Admiral Cain! We've just jumped, and we've lost the Cylons." Gaeta reported. "In addition, the repairs are going smoothly... Deckhand Cally and Chief have almost repaired all the Vipers.

"Good. Tell Kat, Anders and the other pilots to launch immediately."

"Immediately? There's nothing out there..."

"The Cylons will be back. I want them destroyed as soon as they arrive."

"Understood. Gaeta out."

Meanwhile, President Roslin finished giving her inaguration speech to the people. "It will be an honour to serve, and an honour to protect. Thank you all for coming. I won't be taking questions right now, although I believe Tom Zarek will."

Zarek nodded, and was immediately fielded a question on some of the missing people. "It was tragic that so many of our countrymen were killed or are now missing. Ellen Tigh, the wife of the former XO Saul Tigh is still with us, however, and we shouldn't forget the sacrifice Karl Agathon made to save the esteemed scientist Gaius Baltar. We should also look towards the future, and seek guidance from the various people within the fleet... Elosha and Leoben are well respected Religious leaders, after all."

The questions continued (but I don't have to shoehorn people's names into those ones) for a while, before the press were satisfied. The Cylons were still out there and could attack at any time. But for now, the people had their own problems to deal with. The supplies being dealt out were insufficient, and people were complaining. Loudly.

Month 1. This month's crisis is:


Pass: No Effect

Fail: Each player discards 2 skills and draws 2 treachery skills

Difficulty: 17

Skill types (positive): Leadership

Yes, your role PMs still haven't gone out. You should all be getting them in the next 10-20 minutes (they're saved as drafts, yay)

Edit: I'll stop thinking of missing rules soon. You CAN vote to brig/release nobody. I advise you do so in fact, rather than not voting, if you don't want anybody brigged/released.

Edited by I Eat Tables
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Game begin proper.

For ease of reference here's everyone's starting draws and the crisis (again).

Ceadeus as Helena Cain (2 TAC, 1 LEA)

Kevin as Laura Roslin (2 POL, 1 LEA)

Excellen Browning as Gaius Baltar (2 POL, 1 LEA)

Wen Yang as Samuel T. Anders (2 TAC, 1 LEA)

JBCWK as Felix Gaeta (2 TAC, 1 POL)

BK-201 as Tom Zarek (1 POL, 1 LEA, 1 TAC)

Queen as Kat (2 TAC, 1 PIL)

Eclipse as Cally (1 POL, 1 LEA, 1 TAC)

WeaponsOfMassConstruction as Leoben Conoy (2 TAC, 1 POL)

Radiant Dragon as Ellen Tigh (2 POL, 1 LEA)


Pass: No Effect

Fail: Each player discards 2 skills and draws 2 treachery skills

Difficulty: 14

Skill types (positive): Leadership

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Guest Wen Yang

Well, from the published list I see we got seven LEA cards... question is, should we play all of them, guys?

I'll admit that my starting hand is rather sucky for this crisis. I can help to chip in if needed though.

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We know we'll have 2 people who are likely to try and sabotage us if they can, we should try and guarantee that we hit that 17 LEA, as I'd rather like to hang onto the cards I have right now.

I'm throwing one card into the pot.

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Guest Wen Yang

That's the part I'm worried about too.

Okay then, count me in. I hope the next crisis won't be a LEA one though, since I don't know what I'll draw.

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You actually get to choose which skills to draw. This only actually has an effect on the characters that have three skill pools to draw from, since you can only draw one of each skill per Action, unless stated otherwise.

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You actually get to choose which skills to draw. This only actually has an effect on the characters that have three skill pools to draw from, since you can only draw one of each skill per Action, unless stated otherwise.

Which remindes me, Ellen's Politically adroit needs that 'stated otherwise' bit, otherwise letting her draw 3 skills would be worthless (as she'd draw her Politics and Leadership and then run out of things to draw)

IMPORTANT: The difficulty of this crisis should actually be 14, not 17. I changed it just before starting the game after a short balance reconsideration, but I'd already copied the text I was about to paste into the game.

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Speaking of drawing skills, Wen Yang, Weapons and myself are the only ones who can draw extra skills, and Wen Yang has to discard his hand to do so.

Maybe drawing extra skills isn't as big of an advantage that I think it is, but... How did Ellen Tigh last so long?

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