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Battlestar Galactica strategy game


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Guest Wen Yang

Also, may I suggest the heavy-duty POL-players to chip in? We can't really afford to fail this one, what with only having two pop left.

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Tables, why am I not allowed to shoot across the galaxy? I really wanna shoot Rein! PLEASE?!

Theoretically it should be doable.

Newton's first law: An object in motion stays in motion.

So as long as nothing stops Eclipse's ketchup as it flies through space, it should (eventually) connect with it's target.

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Guest Wen Yang

Please do chip in.

I got the bad feeling that at least one of them cylons might be trying to sabotage this. We might need all the help that we can get.

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Tables needs to update the first post!!

Here's what we should expect to see, by player list (I guess):

Haze - no

Kevin - yes

Excellen Browning - yes

Wen Yang - no

JBCWK - yes

BK-201 - no?

Rein - ARGH

Eclipse - yes

WeaponsOfMassConstruction - yes

Radiant Dragon - yes

So that's basically everyone that could contribute positively (except for the toaster named Rein). WHEE! I'll pitch in what I can, but I'll try not to overdo it, in case the next check is another POL check.

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