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Battlestar Galactica strategy game


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Well thanks :<

I'd like to survive after having given you guys the win

Nothing I or anyone could do to stop Eclipse shooting you now, regardless of alignment. :<

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For the record though, I believe Excellen.

No toaster in their right mind would accuse the chick with the not-really-a-gun of being a cylon, they'd accuse an innocent(ie. Kevin) and get Eclipse to shoot them.

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I have a question

Can a cylon reveal while in the brig?

A Cylon in the brig can reveal but does not get their reveal effect, and their skills carry over their halved strength.

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So eclipse can shoot me, get brigged, reveal and we won't suffer her reveal effects.

Or she can get brigged without killing me, reveal and we won't suffer the effects again.

Or she can get brigged, not reveal and get executed the following month.

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So eclipse can shoot me, get brigged, reveal and we won't suffer her reveal effects.

Or she can get brigged without killing me, reveal and we won't suffer the effects again.

Or she can get brigged, not reveal and get executed the following month.

And with the rest of the toasters all revealed she'd have no way of getting out of the brig.

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Or you can realize WHY you fucked up. You see, this was the wrong time to scan. You needed to wait for the next month. And now, you'll pay for it.

##Shooting Radiant Dragon

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Reveal as 5th Cylon.

I can practically solo this crisis, but I'd probably need support against anti-contributions.

G&I(provided it's skills aren't halved, and maybe even if) may be able to cover Eclipse and one other Toaster's contributions.

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I could give you flavour, but... nah.

Ellen Tigh has been killed. She was human. All her skills are immediately discarded (you don't get to play into the check). Cally goes to the brig.

RD, you still win with the humans.

Edited by I Eat Tables
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