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Battlestar Galactica strategy game


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I will believe in the Heart of the Cards and--


Once again, a deck of cards has decided to give me the proverbial finger. I'll be of little help during this crisis.

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Urghh... I've just reread Laura Roslin's character... it's missing something pretty key. All of the abilities are one-shots. Also Investigative committe should be an immediate ability which has to be called in the first half of a day.

But hey, don't say I didn't warn you the game wasn't unverified :facepalm:.

I'm going to actually read EVERY character carefully now and make sure they're exactly what I meant for them to be.

I think they are now. I don't think I changed any other characters that were actually chosen though.

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Heh. What happened basically was about halfway through development I changed the ways abilities worked. Before that there was no concept of 'actions' and the like, it was just, you drew 2 skills and people had abilities they could use at various times. Roslins said 'you have 3 once per game abilities:...'. When I standardised and made everything actions, I zealously cut out the once per game bit and just put them all down as actions.

But, hey, that's development for you. And what happens when you try and make something complex.

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Well, from the published list I see we got seven LEA cards... question is, should we play all of them, guys?

+1 Piloting card. You can't leave that out for consideration! Though, whether or not it's worth using it now is another story.

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Also we can consider brigging the players who are Cylons in BSG lore.

Too obvious. Would have made Six a useless pick.

Cylons are randomised.

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As the cylon selection process is random, brigging those who are cylons in the actual series may brig those who are actually town. We'd be better off scumhunting.

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[spoiler=Cylon list in the show]

Normal Cylons:

John Cavil (1)

Leoben Conoy (2)

D'Anna (3)

Aaron Doral (4)

Simon (5)

Six (6)

(Daniel) (7)

Sharon (Boomer/Athena) Valerii/Agathon (8)

[spoiler=Final Five (Highly spoilerous)]

Samuel T. Anders

Tory Foster

Chief Galen Tyrol

Saul Tigh

Ellen Tigh

And it should go without saying that, no, Cylonhood in the show is totally independent of Cylonhood in the game.

Edited by I Eat Tables
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Spoiler (Cylon list in the show)

I almost clicked that on habit, but then realize "Oh shit". I still need to watch more of the seasons. It is pretty hilarious considering how many times I've played the board game that I have no idea who are actually cylons or not. Board game gives two very obvious hints in that characters

Baltar and Boomer

have additional loyalty cards and thus higher relative chance of cylon-hood. Also the expansion's Cylon Leader subtype is kind of waving a sign at you.

Edit: That said, our forum game is only inspired by the board game, and even those hints are completely meaningless. Every character has equal probability to be a cylon.

Edited by Balcerzak
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'tis a good point. I removed them in the intention of making a new thread with only the relevant information, but then decided I didn't need to. Have at the original (but slightly modified) list.

[spoiler=Character list]Laura Roslin

President: You have three one-shot abilities: action - Presidential Pardon (move someone out of the brig); immediate - Investigative Committee (Who played which skills into the crisis is made public at the days end, must be called within the first 36 hours of a crisis); action - Probation (play on any other player, then once after you may: immediate - call in their probation to see what skills they play)

Politics rating-5, Leadership rating-3

Gaius Baltar

Cylon Detector: Action - once before and once after the sleeper phase, may find out one player's loyalty

Politics rating-4, Leadership rating-3

Tom Zarek

Friends in low places: Immediate - your vote for brigging/release (not execution) counts twice, and your vote wins draws

Politics rating-5, Tactics rating-4, Leadership rating-3

Ellen Tigh

Politically Adroit: action - choose another player, give them a skill you have, then draw three skills (you may draw from one of your skill ratings twice)

Politics rating-6, Leadership rating-4

William Adama

Admiral: action - once after a skill check, you may take all of the skills played and keep them. (You may have to discard down to the hand limit of 10)

Leadership rating-5, Tactics rating-3

Saul Tigh

Declare Emergency: action - after any skill check, you may play up to three skills from your hand

Tactics rating-5, Leadership rating-4

Felix Gaeta

Mutiny: immediate - once during the game, choose any player and send them to the brig - they cannot play skills into this crisis (if they attempt to do so or have already sent them in, they'll be given the skills back)

Tactics rating-5, Politics rating-4

Helena Cain

Guts & Initiative: immediate - during each skill check you may add three skills at random with Skill Ratings Tactics rating-5, Leadership rating-5, Politics rating-3. You do not get to see the added skills.

Tactics rating-6, Leadership rating-5

Lee "Apollo" Adama

Support of the People: immediate - once during the game, choose any two players (including yourself). They each draw three (any of the skills within their skill set, as many times as they want up to 3 skills) and may add them immediately to the skill check

Politics rating-4, Tactics rating-4, Leadership rating-4

Kara "Starbuck" Thrace

Expert Pilot: action - once before and after the sleeper phase, take three actions

Tactics rating-6, Leadership rating-3

Louanne "Kat" Katrine

Hotshot Pilot: other - One of your skill draws is the Piloting skill. When this is played into a crisis, you may convert it into any other skill type immediately (Politics, Leadership, Tactics or Treachery)

Tactics rating-5, Piloting rating-4

Samuel T. Anders

Pyramid Player: action - discard any number of skills, then draw the same number from your skill set (that is any number of Tactics rating-6 and Leadership rating-4 skills)

Tactics rating-6, Leadership rating-4

Galen "Chief" Tyrol

Blind Devotion: immediate - once during the game before skills are revealed, you may halve the value of one colour of skills

Politics rating-6, Tactics rating-4

Callandra "Cally" Tyrol

Discharge of a Firearm: immediate - once during the game if you are not in the brig, you may execute another player. Then you are moved to the brig.

Tactics rating-4, Politics rating-3, Leadership rating-3

Leoben Conoy

Glimpse the face of God: action - draw one skill. After you see the next crisis, you may draw any skill (with a skill rating 4)

Tactics rating-4, Politics rating-3

Caprica Six

Intimate: action - choose another player, draw a skill from their hand at random and choose a skill for them to draw (with skill rating 4). Then draw one skill.

Politics rating-5, Politics rating-2

Finally more rule erratas. A fairly minor one this time that may or may not have been assumed anyway. After revealing, Cylons cannot use their character's special ability any more. This should generally make sense (Six getting intimate with people from on board a basestar? Roslin the Cylon giving Presidential orders and Baltar the Cylon telling people who the Cylons are? Cally Sniping someone from across the galaxy? All seem a bit farfetched, right? Some still seem reasonable but, well, this is a rule that was meant to be there from the start. Like a lot of others. Heh.

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Good morning everyone!

I've been thinking we can qualitative claims about the cards we play for the crises, so can we use the following system to indicate what each card you're playing is worth?

Good = worth 5 points or higher

Average = 3-4 points

Low = 1-2 points

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Good morning everyone!

I've been thinking we can qualitative claims about the cards we play for the crises, so can we use the following system to indicate what each card you're playing is worth?

Good = worth 5 points or higher

Average = 3-4 points

Low = 1-2 points

Ideas like this are good, and is where it kinda tows the line with the secrecy rules. I'm happy for people to use a polar opposite description, such as low being <=3, high being >=4, since that narrows it down somewhat but not too much. But then you have to be careful in what you type, since saying things like 'very high' or 'very low' generally is a bit too specific.

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