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Battlestar Galactica strategy game


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I guess I'll throw in my low card to cement stuff, as it probably won't come in useful anyway.

Edit: forgot I couldn't specify the card. My apologies (although it should be obvious which card I'm using anyway).

Edited by Kevin
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Looks like discussion is evolving well.

I will confirm that no Crisis has no skills positive, because, well, that'd be stupid (what'd I do, make it difficult -5 and be like 'okay, Cylons can reveal if you want trolololol'). There is, however, at least one crisis with all three skills positive, but I can neither confirm nor deny that any of them will be appearing in this game (also hint: They have a high difficulty)

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The phase actually ended a few hours ago. Tables had said noon GMT, and it's well past. It looks like he was too busy to update, and I slept way in. I'll see about trying to get the tallying and other stuff done. I don't know if I'll be able to flavor though. :(

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I wasn't planning to do much in the way of flavour :P.

As it turns out someone was on my home computer right from when I got up until I had to leave to go back to Uni (which took about 4 hours), so I was just unable to update.

Anyway here are the results:


Pass: No Effect

Fail: Each player discards 2 skills and draws 2 treachery skills

Difficulty: 14

Skills: LEA









= 13


(For ease of showing skills I'll be colour coding in crises - you have LEA, TAC and POL and from now on, TRE)

Cain: 1 Skill

Roslin: 1 Skill

Baltar: 1 Skill

Anders: 1 Skill

Gaeta: Pass

Zarek: 1 Skill

Kat: 1 Skill

Cally: 1 Skill

Leoben: Pass

Ellen: 1 Skill

I'm not sure whether to feel sorry for the humans, getting just 1 away from passing, or congratulate the Cylon(s) who managed to exactly fail the check.

I'll update everyone's hands with your new treachery skills in a minute - except for Leoben and Gaeta, you two need to choose which two skills to discard.

Otherwise there's no point waiting, we're onto the action phase. Let's just make sure everyone knows what will happen here.

If you choose to draw skills, then at the start of next month everyone will be told 'X drew these types of skill' but obviously, not what strength skill. If you use a character ability, in general what you did but not what happened is revealed. A little more precisely:

Roslin: Which ability and it's target will be revealed (kinda necessary for release prisoner, but useful to know with Probation).

Gaius Baltar: Who you targetted will be public, but not the result.

Samuel T. Anders: The number of skills and types you draw will be public

Leoben Conoy: The skill type (but not strength) will be revealed. You should post publicly what type of skill you want to draw after seeing the next crisis.

Ellen Tigh: Who you gave a skill to and the three skill types you draw will be revealed, but not the skills themselves (or the type of skill you give away).

Nobody else has an action ability. Cylon reveals will be revealed in full.


I hope everyone knows what's going on. I'll give about 24 hours for the action phase, or as long as it seems to need since I suspect there may be a little bit of discussion.

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The only one of the people who played a card who could play a LEA-5 card is Haze, and he played it so Haze isn't a suspect in this case. This leaves us with Wen and Rein as the only suspects. Rein made a very scummy and for him completely unnatural post on page 5 that ended in him saying he'd play a skill. I will consider investigating Wen, but for now it is probably better to brig them.



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Also, can you tell us what everyone's hands looked like before we discarded?

EDIT: I mean after we played, but before we discarded.

I can tell you hand sizes, but not skills. Otherwise it'd be far too easy and Cylons would have no chance. But I suspect you can work out hand sizes, since 3-1 and 3-0 are easy enough sums :P.

Also, the TRE cards that have been drawn were Treachery rating-4, for reference. Which averages as a TRE-3 skill, but there is a moderate degree of randommness in that. Take of that what you will.

Edit: Excellen, brigging occurs during the crisis phase, not the action phase. Also you can only vote to brig one person per month.

Edited by I Eat Tables
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Well, we failed the first crises. Good start. Although it seems we all put in our Lea cards, so it doesn't seem like we could do much about it.

And regardless, we should still be aware of Haze, Wen and Rein. We'll be watching you guys.

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The only one of the people who played a card who could play a LEA-5 card is Haze, and he played it so Haze isn't a suspect in this case. This leaves us with Wen and Rein as the only suspects. Rein made a very scummy and for him completely unnatural post on page 5 that ended in him saying he'd play a skill. I will consider investigating Wen, but for now it is probably better to brig them.[/b]

Explaining my thought process in a game I've never played before is scummy? The fuck is this bullshit?

And if you take a look there's no fucking LEA 5 there at all. It's a TAC 5. Haze is not out of the question for being scum.

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And if you take a look there's no fucking LEA 5 there at all. It's a TAC 5. Haze is not out of the question for being scum.

No, but he is quite likely one of those that inputted the LEA-4, so he is less scummy than you, who screams Tactics. Especially after such an over-the-top reaction. Of course, he is also more likely than you to draw Tac-5.

Regardless, at least 1 cylon behaved during that crises, so there are no clears regardless.

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I'm considering revealing the exact draw distributions of skills... I'll think about it. For now, I'll just say that, no, skill ratings are not necessarily a cap on what can be drawn. I guess everyone's low LEA cards didn't reveal that though, heh.

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No one has said anything truly incorrect here(except those who thought there was a LEA-5 played.) Those who suspect me are right to suspect me.

I am in both cases the most likely candidate to have played either the TAC-5 or one of the LEA-4's.

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