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Write book, random traveling/gypsy stuff, pair it under psychology/therapy.

It alone probably won't do much if you want a job. Music Therapy isn't part of the social hegemony in most countries of the world.

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Write book, random traveling/gypsy stuff, pair it under psychology/therapy.

It alone probably won't do much if you want a job. Music Therapy isn't part of the social hegemony in most countries of the world.

It is, it just isn't really explicitly spelled out in a theoretical nature. Or that's how it seems to me. That is to say, people use music as therapy without saying that it is therapy. They just say "oh it is relaxing" or "oh it is fun to listen to this with other people."

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It is, but I meant it in the pursuit of a career based around music therapy specifically and alone.

Or in other words, being hired for knowing shit about music therapy techniques. Which basically sounds as good as EFT techniques.

Facking hippies.

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It is, but I meant it in the pursuit of a career based around music therapy specifically and alone.

Or in other words, being hired for knowing shit about music therapy techniques. Which basically sounds as good as EFT techniques.

Facking hippies.

Facking hippies indeed.

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Oh wait, you want to make money.


Although I'm not seeking that as a career. As insulting as that is you are probably right...

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Who said I was looking? And even if I was, there's the facts of 1) I'm easily ten years older than most people here, and 2) this place is a bit of a sausage fest.

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Who said I was looking? And even if I was, there's the facts of 1) I'm easily ten years older than most people here, and 2) this place is a bit of a sausage fest.

1) We try not to discriminate based on age.

2) :( That hurts my grapes' feelings. Most of us are not castrato, AFAIK.

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Sorry to bring you the bad news, but McDonald's management is calling your name...

Other than that I would say your best options are to either go on to grad school and get a Doctorate and become a professor, or get a teaching certificate and become a music teacher. But even the latter has limited openings available nowadays.

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Sorry to bring you the bad news, but McDonald's management is calling your name...

Other than that I would say your best options are to either go on to grad school and get a Doctorate and become a professor, or get a teaching certificate and become a music teacher. But even the latter has limited openings available nowadays.

What about community college, learn some things, go to grad school in a different field which is more applicable, etc? For instance, if I really wanted to go into finance I would probably be best advised to learn calculus better even though stats (lol easy) I have an OK, and I do mean OK, grasp on.

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What about community college, learn some things, go to grad school in a different field which is more applicable, etc? For instance, if I really wanted to go into finance I would probably be best advised to learn calculus better even though stats (lol easy) I have an OK, and I do mean OK, grasp on.

The guy just finished four years of university, and probably has debt out the ass. If someone told me, after four years of schooling, that I would have to go back to community college to make myself employable, I would likely strangle every guidance counsellor I've ever had.

(It should be noted: every paid employee I've ever had has a Bachelor's Degree. I've never stepped foot in a college classroom.)

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The guy just finished four years of university, and probably has debt out the ass. If someone told me, after four years of schooling, that I would have to go back to community college to make myself employable, I would likely strangle every guidance counsellor I've ever had.

(It should be noted: every paid employee I've ever had has a Bachelor's Degree. I've never stepped foot in a college classroom.)

I mean, Superbus, if that's really your first thought - the strangling - regarding community college, no wonder people consider you to have anger issues on FESS, and people on SF would rather not have you around (probably not actually true but I remember vague complaints about you from some corners). Why can't you stick around in the ashtray? ARE YOU TOO A PHOENIX? But whatever, I love you.

I am on the opposite end of the spectrum of debt out the ass. It's a long story, but I had to go to a state school to finish and I did it. Then again my parents were paying. Overpriveleged? Maybe, but I also have a mental illness and I went back and mopped up my mess from the beginning of that diagnosis relatively well.

As for community college, I've heard of many people working and then schooling at night at community college. Tough but my own econ prof did it IIRC, then again different times in his case. It's just a way to get a few necessary skills if the employers you are really interested in require skills you don't have.

(Fair enough. I don't see what PRECISELY your experience as an employer has to do with this though. What kind of wages/benefits do you give? What kind of work do you offer - is it the kind of thing nestling'y would be interested in? Are you competitive with what Nestling deserves from a job? You're just throwing out tidbits as far as I'm concerned, give us the full story of your business - are you awesome to work for? I'm not trying to privelege the college degree though. It's worth SOMETHING but it depends on the holder.)

Edited by Loki Laufeyjarson
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Where in the everliving fuck did you get "I have anger issues" out of THAT statement? Here's the point I was making: the guy just did a four year degree in a field that he loves. But now he's having problems finding relevant employment. To have to go *back* to school - at a Community College, no less - after that fact, if I was him, would be a little tough to swallow. Especially if he has the debts that I'm assuming a B.A. has. THAT was the point I was colourfully trying to make.

As for my popularity, I couldn't give two shits. I'm well aware that a part of the site doesn't like me and wants me to go away. I couldn't care less.

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Where in the everliving fuck did you get "I have anger issues" out of THAT statement? Here's the point I was making: the guy just did a four year degree in a field that he loves. But now he's having problems finding relevant employment. To have to go *back* to school - at a Community College, no less - after that fact, if I was him, would be a little tough to swallow. Especially if he has the debts that I'm assuming a B.A. has. THAT was the point I was colourfully trying to make.

As for my popularity, I couldn't give two shits. I'm well aware that a part of the site doesn't like me and wants me to go away. I couldn't care less.

Oh ok. I mean, I have had pills so tough to swallow they made me throw up, literally, but I still swallowed them unitl they gave me liquid instead (liquid is much easier for me).

I was trying to point out that of those still going to college, some might not have so much debt due to parents paving the way to a college degree with good intentions. But ya, assuming debt, community college might be difficult, but work will also likely prove difficult: the key is, to learn to love what you do till you find what you knew you always loved, IMO.

(What I always loved...? I dunno what that means...)

As for your popularity I WANT YOU TO STAY but I dunno what the site thinks.

Edited by Loki Laufeyjarson
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