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Favorite SRW OG Aggressor?


11 members have voted

  1. 1. Can Anyone Beat the Sword That Smites Evil?

    • Sanger Zon Volt
    • Elzam V. Branstein (AKA Ratzel)
    • Kai Kitamura
    • Gilliam Yaeger
    • Latooni Subota
    • Raidiese F. Branstein

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..Wait why is Rai on there? He's not an Aggressor, he's SRX.

Post-OG1 and through the very early parts of OG2, he's an Aggressor, with Lat and Kai (out in Hawaii, IIRC).

The topic creator is also forgetting Tempest and Kar-Wai...

As for me... ... ...I think I'll have to go with Kai, too. I mean, just how badass do you have to be to seriously kick ass in a non-prototype Gespenst?

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Kai, duh.

Also I'm not sure Latooni should be on there(or rather, if she is, then Arado/Seolla and Lamia would have to be too)

If Rai belongs, then Latooni does, both joined at the same time. I forgot about Arado, Seolla and Lamia XD

I voted Kai. I didn't use him much in OG1 cuz I failed to get the Gespent Mk S, but in OG2 he was one of my best pilots and I did get the Mk S, which made me happy.

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