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(FE5) Fire Emblem 5 Draft #2

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I thought I was the only one who thought that

Because I was looking through my notes on my last playthrough and anyone who doesn't have Lifis eats a penalty in chapter 3 and I didn't think that was fair so I changed the rules.

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You get enough door keys not to eat a penalty in C3. However, the game is definitely much more difficult without thieves as you need to have a very large amount of door keys, especially with limited warping.

However, changing it so late in the draft is kinda meh. But I'm not participating, so.

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You get enough door keys not to eat a penalty in C3. However, the game is definitely much more difficult without thieves as you need to have a very large amount of door keys, especially with limited warping.

However, changing it so late in the draft is kinda meh. But I'm not participating, so.

Oh I forgot about the door keys you get early, rule changed

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Tania and Evayl have a Door Key, which is enough as you can open a door and reach the kids, and the Bishop opens the Meteor Chest too.

You just can't reach the Storage House or the Armour Slayer without penalty.

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The numbers in brackets are Lancelot's scores on the same chapters, from last draft. I blame the compulsion to get items.

Chapter 1 - 8/8 turns (5/5)

Characters available: Leaf, Eyvel, Othin

So everyone went up. Used the two ranged swords a lot, since Javelins and Iron Bows are annoying. Then I turned Othin around to get Pugi. Captured on turn 8, could've been earlier but I kept Othin on top one turn too long. I did get the Life ring, Hero axe and Medicine, though. =D

Chapter 2 - 6/14 turns (5/10)

If Eyvel holds the Fire sword and Othin holds Pugi, the enemies all attack him. This is useful. Got both the Speed ring and Medicine, captured on turn 6.

Chapter 2x - 12 turns (10)

Sadly, I didn't get Shiva's Killer sword. Oh well. Oh, and I captured an extra Iron sword. Leaf uses the Speed ring.

Chapter 3 - 14/28 turns (8/18)

Characters available: Leaf, Eyvel, Othin, Lifis

I decided Eyvel was better off used to return kids to homes, otherwise it wouldn't be hard to get 7 turns on this chapter. Killed the boss on turn 9. Brought Lucia, Romeo and Corple to the appropriate houses, never mind Yuvel because I'm not getting Dalshein, seize on turn 14 after getting the kids. Probably could've done better. But considering I really wanted the kids' stuff...yeah.

Unit   Level  HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Bld
Leaf   11.52  32   6   0   6  12   8   6   5
Eyvel  15.40  31  10   4  18  20  11   7   8
Othin  11.70  35   9   2   9  15   9   5  13
Lifis   7.56  23   4   0   5  11   1   2   6

Nice magic, Othin.

Chapter 4: Lara goes down and opens the treasure door. Next turn, she lets Lifis out. Take advantage of everyone targeting Lara to slip Brighton and Machua's weapons to Lifis, along with the Thief key. Thank goodness for NPC units. I get to choose between Brighton and Fergus for the other Manster escape free unit - 5 PCC and better stats except BLD, versus Wrath. What do you think?

Yes, I know Dalshein's technically still on the list. Call it an executive decision. As for starting early, I have all my units up to and including chapter 13, so no problem there.

EDIT: I have decided to re-do chapter 3. It is given me that I need to send Corple home in order to get the Warp in chapter 7, is this correct? Also - am I right in saying that only drafted unit/s may return children to their homes?


Chapter 3 - 13/27 turns (8/18)

Characters available: Leaf, Eyvel, Othin, Lifis

Killed the boss on turn 10 with Othin, while simultaneously using Lifis and Eyvel to return kids to homes. Last time, the biggest bottleneck was the returning of kids, so one more person was assigned, besides having more people in the rescue chain. Seize on turn 13 after getting the kids. Lifis was also given the Life ring.

Unit      Level  HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Bld
Leaf      10.00  31   5   0   5  12   7   4   5
Eyvel     15.40  30  10   4  18  20  10   7   8
Othin     12.56  37   7   0  11  15   9   5  14
Lifis      6.32  29   4   1   6  12   1   2   6

Well. The 2 magic on Othin was more a gimmick than anything. I'm not too happy with the stats, but hey, one less turn while achieving all objectives. And Lifis has 1 magic. Awesome. I left out the Armourslayer and Meteo, though. ><


I lost count of the replays. Now I'm just trying to get the Armourslayer to Leaf within 11 or 12 turns...and hoping for good stat growths when I finally get it. >< But my question on chapter 4 still stands: Brighton or Fergus, and why?

Edited by Kiriane
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Also - am I right in saying that only drafted unit/s may return children to their homes?

Undrafted units can rescue children, but only drafted units may return them to houses

I'll take Ralph and Delmud

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Chapter 1 7 turns

Moved up Eyval, Leaf and Havan. Evayl got a movement star on turn 1 and killed a soldier guarding a village. All villages were saved, except for Othin's and Tanya got a level up consisting of all stats except build, including a movement growth. Evayl killed the boss and Leaf seized on turn 7.

Name	Lvl	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Bld	Mov
Leaf	2.34	22	4	0	3	5	6	3	5	6
Eyvel	13.40	28	9	4	18	20	10	7	8	8
Havan	4.40	30	8	0	7	8	4	5	12	6
Marty	1.58	32	9	0	0	0	6	6	15	6
Tanya	2.64	21	4	2	7	11	7	3	4	7

Chapter 2 8 turns, 15 total

Eyvel rushed and got Ronan. Leaf followed her, Ronan got the Speed Ring village, Marty used the speed ring. Leaf used the Life ring. I captured two brigands and got a iron axe and a hand axe.

Name	Lvl	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Bld	Mov
Leaf	3.56	30	4	0	3	6	7	4	5	6
Eyvel	14.38	29	9	4	19	20	10	7	8	8
Havan	5.62	30	8	0	8	8	4	5	13	6
Marty	3.60	33	9	0	0	3	7	7	17	6
Tanya	5.68	21	6	2	8	12	8	3	4	7
Ronan	4.68	20	5	3	4	9	3	2	7	7

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More surprised Dalshein lasted as long as he did. I figured someone would pick him this round. The way I see this going down is: Amalda, Dalshein and Xavier are chosen in the next three, allowing oval to go on the A route (Sleuf and Eyrios say hi), and the three remaining characters are all B route. I lose a pick no matter what, since I refuse to go B route.

Now, Xavier requires 8 civilians to talk to 8 armour knights. That's just crazy stupid hard - and even if Leaf has to walk the long way, I don't need to be so masochistic as to recruit him. Amalda's a mounted healer at a time when I no longer need such, and besides she's annoying (not hard, but annoying) to recruit. Dalshein will mess up my chapter 3 play, and there's always a shortage of axes after chapter 12.

oval, you can have Xavier and either of Amalda or Dalshein. I'm not particularly choosy, and I was replaying chapter 3 anyway.

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Bob's team

1. Leaf (1)

3. Othin (1) - DD/axes, capturer, etc (DD stands for damage dealer)

5. Eyvel (1) - the reason I can get through the early game parts

11. Lifis (3) - the thief

20. Hicks (6) - becomes Brighton, with a Wrath M.

21. Shiva (7) - the DD/swords, some capturing

22. Carrion (8) - quite a lot of potential

23. Selphina (9) - may as well do something with all those bows

25. Alva (9) - the generic

28. Olwen (11x) - the DD/mage, capturer

30. Salem (12) - the staffbot

43. Sara (17) - just that awesome

47. Amalda (19) - more healing is always good, right?

51. Sety (23)

Not spectacular, but not too bad either. I intend to take a Dean penalty to get Sleuf in good time...how were you planning to do that chapter anyway, oval?

6 : Elite M - Alva

8x : Wrath M - Hicks

12 : Ambush M - Olwen

12x : Charge M - is Carrion a good idea? I have a lack of high-HP characters.

16A-20 : Awareness M - if I even get this on turn 20

16A : Sun Sword M - ooh shiny...Olwen might work...or Carrion, or Alva

18 : Continue M - someone fast.

Thoughts on this setup?

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