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Return of the Emblem Chapter Four: The Human Condition


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After he recovered from his laughing for a moment, Bert tried to launch another attack. This would be his last chance if the dosage lasted for as long as it did last time.


((4-2)+4)-8 = miss!

"How can you move with an injurry like that?" Bert asked, growing more frusterated with the fleet-footed swordsman. The first reply Bert got was iron.


((5+2)+5)-6 = 6 = hit!

(2+6)-3 = 5 damage!

The weak swordsman had certainly learned from last time, quickly attacking his target: a softer, fleshier part of Bert's anatomy: his neck. Though Bert managed to roll his head out of the way somewhat so that the sword cut into the back of his neck. T he iron hurt like heck though and now he was bleeding from several, small wounds. This guy's speed was really beginning to get on his nerves, too. "Why won't you just hold still, you little worm?!" he shouted at the speedy swordsman in frustration.

Bandit B 2/9

Bert 2/15

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''Well, now that we have a room, I'm going to get my stuff.'' John told Ranyin, before heading back outside. At least, that was the idea, since as soon as he approached the exit did he started to hear voices, more like shouting. Once he was outside, he saw the source was from that woman with the wyvern, shouting stuff to Raquel. He didn't heard all, but managed to hear the final parts.

'Get moving? That was quick.' He thought.

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Ranyin had been travelling light, hence as soon as the room was chosen, he unslung his belongings and immediately leaped onto the bed closest to the open window. The window wonderfully faced the inn entrance, meaning it was the noisiest part of the room depending on the arrival of patrons.

As he barred his exhausted consciousness to the dark soothing oblivion reaching out to him, a loud rude female voice forced its way through the window and assaulted Ranyin's tender ears and groggy mind. Angrily, he tumbled down from his bed and nearly swore in his native tongue when his face made contact with the ground. He rushed to the window to listen on the conversation between Raquel and Gabbie, hearing clearly the urgency of the mission. Grumbling at the meager one full minute of rest he was able to receive, Ranyin snatched his backpack and exited the room furiously.

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"That may be a good idea Amon. I would prefer to fight when we are rested but Gabriella may be right, if the Ursian authorities haven't been able to stop the serial killer from killing these scientists up to this point there's no reason to believe he can't get past them now. I'm not sure where the scientists would be currently though," she said, putting a hand on her chin.


"Hmm, so Gabbie didn't really come to work for Uncle by choice then? She's always seemed happy enough with the arrangement to me. I guess that's not suprising, Uncle treats his employees pretty well. I just hope I can reach the same standard if Uncle decides I should inherit the business," Connor said to Craig.


Nadya gave a little laugh at Luca's nicker. "All right, off we go then," she said, walking off in the direction of the star. Oh Satarma, guide me back to the merchant and her band so I can have a steady income of gold for once she prayed silently as she walked through the streets.

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OOC: I apologize for my absence. I was at a friends house and just got home.

IC: Robin took her seat within the military wagon without much of a complaint. Moving as close as she could to the far side of the carriage, she tried to look out the window as the rest of the group filtered within. Yet as they entered, Robin was silent, her back turned to her former party members as she looked out the window. Thoughts of solitude clouded her mind, trying their best to obscure herself from Lyra's abilities mentally as a cold shoulder did its best to distance herself physically from the rest.

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"Oh right, their locations. Well Raquel's been a bit too busy to really go over this thing, so I've been going over it myself in my spare time and trying to remember everything I could. The scientists don't seem to have any permanent residences here ... I'm guess that's part of the problem since the police don't know where to find them, but this big thing they're working on is apparently being done from some old research building in the city." he explained pulling out the file. "Maybe we should just start there."

"... so seriously, how many nanoseconds, Pinky? Ten? Two?"

"Ugh, just leave me alone. We'll get everyone ready, okay?" Raquel said conceding just for the sake of ending the argument.


"Working for Weyland has more than just monetary benefits. The whole organization is an extension of the man himself, and because of that, we've gained quite a few privileges, protection, and situational immunities that mercenaries or soldiers in the army could never hope to have. Gabbie may feel 'safer' working for Weyland than underhanded and conniving nobles in the west, or the militarized eastern equivalents." Craig replied. "I imagine you'll be in a position to take over wherever Weyland leaves off, so there's no sense in keeping all of this from you. If you do inherent all of this, you'd do well to remember that you're taking everything, the good and the bad, the wealth, the power, the politics, and enemies."

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Before Chelsea could even decide on a room to rest in, she heard yelling and concerned she left the inn and decided to see what was going on. Shadrak of course, followed along.

When she got out, there was Gabriella yelling and talking quite rudely to Raquel. Chelsea opted to say something however instead her eyes meeting Shadrak's, she asked a question to the dark mage. "Where are you from? Perhaps a village at the border of Kigen and Ursium?"

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Shadrak blinked at Chelsea in disbelief, and a rather large blush came over his face... he was about to ask her the same thing, but he wanted to do it somewhere a little more private. "Why... um, Yes... ummm" He broke eye contact for half a second and took a deep breath. "How'd ya guess?"

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"I came from a village just like that. And really that was a random question."- Chelsea told Shadrak her eyes meeting the sky.

"2 questions. How old were you when you learned Magic? and how old are you now?"- she said her voice tensing up a little.

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By the Gods, it IS her...

Shadrak scratched his head nervously as he spoke. "Magic Proper? I was like... 6, maybe 7, though people always said I had an affinity for it, before I left that little village of jerks... I'm 20 now." He sighed and kicked the first as he reminisced over the little town... dumped there by his parents, forced to grow up with powers that others hated him for... everyone there hated him, except for one person who didn't see his 'Evil Magic' as 'Evil'... but she alone wasn't enough reason to stay and grow up as dirt.

"Well, I guess not everyone there was bad, I remember this one girl, and something we used to say together... 'The lightest of stars...'" Shadrak said, trailing off and looking at Chelsea expectantly... a hopeful glimmer in his eyes.

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"............Only shine in the Darkest of Nights."- she knew it. It was HIM. Approaching Shadrak she whispered into his ear.

"What the hell Ucollas, you said you would check up on me once you were older."- Chelsea told the dark mage a frown evident on her face. She pulled back and let out a sigh.

"Though I knew you would be alright. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW WORRIED I WAS!?"- Chelsea yelled, albeit quietly at Shadrak, her voice was quite tense.

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Shadrak just stood there blinking for half a sec... then Chelsea yelled in his ear... which was enough to stir him back into reality. "I tried once, you uh... weren't there..." he said sorrowfully, "I'm honestly suprised to see you again, and to here that name again... no one's called me that... well, Let's just say I'm suprised I remember it as MY name." A tear fell to the ground from his hood. "It's been so long... I'm rather curious, what happenned to Zeph and Zwool?" he asked, looking to face her again with a weak smile.

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"Those two clowns? Pffft... They left some time ago, few years back actually to find you. And harass you some more. That was like what? 7 years ago? Anywho i left 2 years ago trying to travel around and maybe I'd find you along the way. Savvy?"- she told Shadrak.

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Tyrs - Southern Fortress

"Our current theory is that the serial killer has been targeting people who were all involved in the same... ... ...so command will be left to the Captains of each division."

Tyrs began to get worried. He really had no idea where he was supposed to be, or who his "division captain" was. However, the last thing he wanted to do was go and ask, further embarrassing him. So instead he stood where he was, trying to look like he knew what he was doing, hoping someone could tell him what to do, or that he could just slip in with some group.

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"Enemies, huh? I didn't know Uncle Seth had any of those. I guess Neviskotia might not be happy that the Ursian army uses his inventions, but that's not really the fault of Weyland Enterprises. We just sell to Ursium because they're the ones buying," Connor replied to Craig.


After several days of flying, Noelle landed outside of Ursentius. She found a stable for Lucky to stay in, then headed towards the church.

Ok, so this Alastor guy...white armor, purple hair was what the Major General said. Damn, this is a big church. I could have flown Lucky right in here, there's certainly room enough Noelle thought to herself, walking around the cathedral.

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Divvying Up The 'Volunteers'

Once Patricia was finished addressing those present, she ordered the volunteers to gather together, of which there were around twenty-something. Lyra addressed them since Patricia was busy with her own troops, and deciding who would lead which divisions. The volunteering Captains were just popping up out of the woodwork.

"We'd like to thank you all in advance for taking on this dangerous assignment." Lyra began.

Thank us for being forced to do that bitch's dirty work? Screw you, buzzard girl! Liza scowled.

"I-I uh ..." Lyra paused to shake her head a bit.

Wait ... she freaking heard that, didn't she? Oooooooo.~ Liza grinned mischievously.

"I'm going to be dividing you into two buzzards ... err groups, each of which will be led by a bu-captain, and some of his or her own buzzards-I-I mean men."


"Do you ... have buzzard questions? UUUUGH!" She finally gave up. "Liza, enough already! Please!"

"Enough of what? I have no idea what you're talking about." she shot back looking away offended just by the accusation it seemed. Hah! Some officer you are. Can't even run a meeting without getting distracted. I feel sorry for the people under your command.

Oh my goood ... "Okay, now you're going to be divided into two groups and taking orders from your assigned captains for the duration of this mission. You'll know where you're stationed and what your roll is once we finish the final preparations for the mission. Are there any questions?" she asked again.

"Question!" called out Liza.

Oh god ... "Y-yes, Liza?"

"Are those things real, or did you just tie'em on?" she asked mockingly.

"Any ... relevant questions?"


"Well, your uncle owns and controls a very powerful organization. Enemies always come prepackaged with success, fame, and any other blessing in life. He also has poor attempts at rivals. The Neviskotians are a potential threat should they push far enough into Central but for now, we've got all the enemies we'll ever need right here in our own backyard."

As the cab's horse came up on the hotel, it slowed to a stop and nickered. He wondered if his driver knew that he was tired. Stepping down from the cab, Craig took all he could carry without being vulnerable, and let Connor take the last bag. Once Craig paid the cab driver, he was off again. The horse's twenty second break was over.

Inside the scenery was about the same, save for the change in lighting. The receptionist recognized Connor immediately and curiously spoke up. "Oh, it's you. What happened to the woman you were with?"

"She'll be along later. I'm here to take care of the reservation." Craig answered for Connor.

"..." Why is he wearing a mask? And that coat, and ... goodness he looks like an assassin of some kind. "Sir, will you be staying here as well?" he asked.


"Okay then ..."


"So you see ... I do not believe that our four orders truly conflict with on another, but simply serve as four parts of a whole that has been too forcibly separated and exasperated." An old man with a weak voice said to who appeared to be Priestess Io.

"That's one way to look at it I suppose." she replied sounding a bit tired of the conversation. When the front door opened, she glanced over to see a pegasus knight coming in. "So what do you think she's here for? To pray, deliver a message, find someone?"

"I am not certain, but perhaps we should greet her. Hmm, perhaps only I should greet her. You have the vocabulary and experience to deal with young folk on a much higher plane than I, Io, but you don't seem to be in a very sociable mood right now from what I can tell."

We've been talking about the conflicts and rights and wrongs of four different religious orders for about five hours straight. Anyone outside the church would be dead by now. Io thought to herself. "If you really want to, Remiel, I won't try and stop you. Watch your step though. From what I've seen, you shouldn't be up and around as much."

Approaching the young pegasus knight, Remiel cleared his throat and welcomed her. "Good evening, young miss. Might I inquire as to why you have graced us with your presence this evening?"

Research Building

Sabina had returned to the place after being summoned. Annoying, yes, but the scientists and everyone else involved had been summoned there as well. Doctor Dolan had called them all there. In a large meeting room, the man stood hunched over with a bad back, and on his forehead was a strange winged symbol that several other similarly clad individuals had. Speaking with a dulled weak voice he addressed those present, who were all seated save for Sabina who was leaning against the door, and many of the white haired individuals in the room.

"We have come to a point where our ability to create new soldiers is no longer viable, and on top of that, there are military hounds we must now contend with. We've just learned that dear Sabina was followed here during her last little visit, and our entire facility has been compromised." Sabina immediately uncrossed her arms, got off the wall, and glared over at Dolan.

"What do you mean, I was followed?! I watched my ass, you old fool!" she shouted across the room.

"Oh really?" he said motioning over someone at one of the side entrances to the room. The same man Sabina had been speaking with earlier came into the room leading a painfully restrained pegasus knight. She struggled but was easily overpowered again and again by the long white haired man.

"Easy, love. Easy. Sometoimes I dunno my own strength, and I'd hate ta damage a pretty little thing loike you." the man said to calm the pegasus knight.

"Hmph." Sabina scoffed.

"As you can see, the military is taking action. She has most likely already sent out a report before Azrael here apprehended her, so we can safely assume that the military will make themselves known ... soon ... possibly even tonight." Dolan explained. "As for you, Sabina, this is most troubling, but your skill and expertise can redeem you. We're paying you to bring down the prototype ... by any means necessary. Do this and all will be forgiven, and you will still receive your requested payment in full."

"Tch, like I need your forgiveness. Just have my gold ready when I chuck that corpse at you, then you can kindly fuck off." she shot back crossing her arms and going back to leaning on the wall.

"So about this girl ... canIkeep'er?!" Azrael asked excitedly.

"No." Dolan replied lamely.

"... bugger." he said before releasing the girl. She had no time to comprehend the situation before Azrael reached out to grasp her by the front and back of her head and snapped her neck. "She was a real cutie too. Well I hope you're happy, Doctor." he said to Dolan.

"Now then, what to do about the guests we'll be having soon. As you know, your personal guards are no match for the prototype, and the military will have us impossibly outnumbered, and skill difference, unless astronomical will not aid us much. To counter this, we will bolster our forces with the recent units we have created." he explained before a scientist stood up from his seat, much to the surprise of his bodyguards.

"Ludicrous! We haven't had any time to train these units proper! You'll be throwing away valuable resources! What we need to do is abandon this facility and move the project elsewhere!" he protested rather loudly.

"No, I'm afraid that is not an option at this point in time." he replied looking down.

"Why in the hell is that?!"

"The prototype has inadvertently exposed us to the regular military, and made our weakness known to all with eyes to see, and so our protection is gone. Protection from the military, protection from ..." he paused just long enough for the scientist to cut in. "The field agents." "Exactly. Trying to move now while they have their eyes on us will end rather poorly. They will destroy us to prevent our going underground once again. Our best option is to regain total control of the situation, by wiping them all out."

"But the artificials can't be exposed to the military. The project will have failed and our only chance of getting out with our lives will be to abandon everything we've worked for and go into hiding."

"I was not expecting the prototype to so easily bring down so many of our own, and for the military to find this place. As careful as you all were, we will soon have failed to keep our aims a secret, and if we do not bring down the prototype and any units that show up to investigate us, we'll be brought to a swift end. With that in mind, our objective now should simply be to hold out until I complete my work. Secrecy will soon run its course here. Anyone that enters this building must be eliminated. None of our own should exit this building, and I don't care who they send to investigate us. Even if it's a general, they must not come out alive."

"So ... hold up in here, and if the prototype shows up, kill him. If the military makes it inside, kill them too. Is that what you're saying? Just kill absolutely everything that comes our way? They'll resort to demolition to stop us eventually. The more attention we bring to ourselves, the less chance we have to amass the amount of units we're aiming for. We won't have a chance."

"I've gone over this situation a hundred times and we've been cornered! We have no choice but to complete and unleash our trump card." replied Dolan.

"This is URSENTIUS, Dolan! The ROYAL FAMILY lives here!"

"So do many of the generals and they're the real threat, not the royals." Dolan muttered quietly.

"They'll hit us with everything they have and more! We have one hundred units, only ten of which are fully trained and ready to go. If they even triple up on that number which they will ... We. Will be. Destroyed. What part of that don't you get, Dolan? We'll be able to revive this effort and make a final profit in another ten years if we're lucky and aren't tracked down again, but if we just bunker down and start killing everyone that comes by, we'll be surrounded and killed off like common criminals." the scientist protested even more.

"By the time they come at us in true force, I'll have completed my work. We only need to do this without painting a bullseye on our backs for those incessant pawns or giving the prototype and the military an opening. If the field agents ... there must be at least one watching us ... if they come in force before my work is complete, we truly will be destroyed. Without retreating, we must overtake the prototype and anyone who can't be dissuaded from entering this facility. Once my current experiment is complete, we'll need not worry about anyone coming down on us from hence forth. It is true, we have taken considerable damage here, but we cannot abandon this place ... not until I complete this final unit. After that, we will begin efforts to relocate and escape this place. Before that, we have no chance."

"What exactly are you and those magicians working on, Dolan?"

"I didn't want to have to do this, but we'll be eliminated by one of three parties otherwise. If you really want to know, come down to the sub level and I'll show you, but understand ... we are at a point in this affair where simple profit and scientific achievement are no longer the primary goal. Our true purpose now must be to overpower all of our enemies before they end us. To do that, we'll need to seize power, and quickly."

"What a cryptic answer ..."

"If The God of Wrath knew of my work, he would surely rain down hell upon me in furious judgment. Until we are in the absolute security of the labs, that is all you need to know." he replied eerily.

Edited by Phoenix
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Oh yeah rival companies. Like Hammer Industries, who tried to mass produce hammers for the military. They didn't really catch on. Connor thought to himself as Craig helped him with some bags.

"Well, if you have some investigating to do I won't keep you. I should be fine by myself for tonight. Pleasure making your acquaintance, uh Mr. Craig," Connor said, holding out his hand to shake.


"Oh hey, hello there sir," Noelle said to the old man, not exactly sure how to greet him. She hadn't spent much time in churches, certainly less than her mother would have liked. "Could you direct to me to the soldier Alastor? Purple hair, white armor? He should be in the Wrath division, so if you don't know where he is you could just point me there if you please." Do cathedrals even have divisions really? Ugh, this guy probably thinks I'm an idiot.

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Bert felt the red potion's effects wearing off as he dove at the swordsman again.


((3-2)+2)-8 = miss!

There's no way he can move fast enough with an injurry like that! He's cheating somehow! He's really weak, too.. Wait a minute... Now way! Is this a street kid?! GAH! Quick, little pickpockets not worth my time and-- CURSE IT! I CAN'T PULL BACK MY SWING!!! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT, RAQUEL!!! The fleet-footed swordsman had an opening and both of them knew it.


((5+2)+5)-6 = 6 = hit!

(2+4)-3 = 3 damage!

"GAHHH!" Bert cried out in pain as the sword cut into the mostly-healed gash in his side from when he was fighting Blaine. The wound reopened, the axe-user stumbled back, using a tree for support. His more recent cuts stung and his muscles were tired from trying to keep up with the swordsman. Gahh... Curse it... Agh, I can't keep fighting! This is so embarrassing! I'm used to less agile opponants... Stupid, annoying, little... "Tch... Not like you'll survive that cut I gave you, you agile vermin... As soon as you move your arm, your guts splatter onto the ground. Leave your sweaty, dirty arm there and you'll get yourself infected. Heh. And your friend with the lance has a kink in his neck and a splitting headache, I'd bet. The other guy should be alive unless my pegasus accidentally stepped on his throat. Oh, and by the way... See my pegasus up there in the sky? She has everything I have of value with her. Best you can get from me is this old axe I picked up from a corpse. Agh, I miss my maces..." what started out as a string of reminders of what he'd managed to accomplish throughout the battle ended in annoyance at Raquel and some regret at not having Splinter and Crunch with him. These guys would be dead if I had them with me... At least I had some sort of weapon I could use.

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"What is this assignment that we have undertaken?" asked Robin, her hand being raised up as an afterthought. As she raised her hand to ask the question, however, her mind was not focused on the mission about to be undertaken by her. Instead, her train of thought was focused on something completely different. Niko.

"I know you have no reason to care, or even to read my mind seeing as there is nothing more than memories of my hometown within them. However, on the off chance you do, the priestess girl, Olga, has a pet of her own that she has left in the hotel. It would be unfair and cruel to at least the pet to force it to starve or be given away to the butcher because his mistress was no longer around. Please, return the flea-bitten thing to her, or at least ensure it won't get slaughtered."

Then, as soon as the thought had finished, it had vanished from her mind. In its place was naught but a cold and biting memory of the chill winter times and Robin and her father slowly stalking through the snow as a child; a memory she was focusing on to keep Lyra from reading her mind.

OOC: On the off chance you are interested...

The frozen wind howled loudly across the snow-covered glade; it's chill bite ripping through both hide and flesh to lash the flesh underneath like ice-laden fangs. With each step she took forwards, Robin could feel the snow underfooot brushing against the fur boots like sharp gravel. Upon her back, a thick cloak of bear fur was the only thing that kept her from becoming like the ice that coated the top of the snow. Robin looked up, her cheeks rubied from the chill, to look at her father only to note that he shared the same crimson cheek as her. It was worse for him, for he had given up his own cloak so that his daughter would be a bit less cold. In his hands, a longbow was unslung and ready for use, the arrow knocked.

The pair had been out hunting for hours. Three hours ago, they had spotted a deer, which Robin's father had taken a shot at and scored a hit upon the flank. The pair, Robin's father with his bow unslung and ready for use while Robin herself carried the supplies for the hunt on her back, had taken off in hot pursuit following the trail off blood from the wound as it fell into the snow underfoot. Now, after three hours, the blood on the snow was coming to a stop, and Robin could see why.

Before her, lying frozen with an arrow in its flank, was the deer. The wound that the arrow had inflicted, though not fatal, had caused the blood to slowly bleed out, and chill to sneak in. Robin's father was a skilled hunter, but Father Winter was far more lethal than him. Carefully, in case the deer was not fully dead, Robin's father approached the kill. Suddenly, as he was within two feet of the carcass, the leg of the animal twitched. Robin's father sprung back drawing the arrow to its full length as a small fawn emerged from under the corpse. The deer had been a doe, and the fawn its child.

"<Awww, dang it.>" muttered her father. "<She had a babe I didn't see. Bah, well, no getting hung up over it. What's done is done.>"

"Dad?" asked Robin in common. Her father suddenly shot her a harsh look, causing her to recoil timidly. "<Dad? What's going to happen to the fawn?>" she asked again, this time in proper Neviskonian. Her father seemed to relax for a moment, thinking it through while the fawn desperately nuzzled at its mothers side, trying to get her to wake up.

"<It's an out-of-season fawn without its mother dear. Even if the wolves don't get it, the cold will. Not much we can do about it.>"

"<Can't we take it home with us? Just for the winter?>"

"<Wouldn't be much point in doing so. Even if it lives, you'll spoil it. It won't fear us, and won't flee when hunters come for it. Hand me some string dear. I want to start dragging the corpse back.>"

Robin nodded and removed the supplies from her back, handing her father a roll of string for binding bodies.

"<Still, it doesn't seem fair or right to let it die from apathy daddy.>"

"<How do you even know what that word... bah. Your mother probably. Fine, I'll let you take the fawn home, but you keep it out of sight from other people. Don't want us taking it in just so it can end up on someone elses dinnerplate. And only for the winter, understand?>" he asked as he bound up the body, muttering something about how Robin was too soft to be a hunter under his breath.

"<I understand.>" said Robin, approaching the scared fawn. "<If it lives, we can let it back into the forest, where it can make more fawns! Right dad?>" she asked as she held her hand out to the animal, letting it smell her scent and realize Robin wasn't a threat. A few moments later, all three beings, father, daughter, and fawn, slowly marched back over the ice.

The following spring, true to her word, as soon as the fresh shoots of grass started to rise up, Robin let the deer go. She hadn't even named the animal, but she knew she had done the right thing in not leaving it to die. Well, maybe not right, but... the kind thing. She could live with that.

Edited by Snowy_One
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"Hurry up, let's get'em!" shouted the armored bandit. The swift one stepped back and looked around. There had to be a vulnerary somewhere he could use, and that was his priority at the moment. The armored bandit realized it and scowled. It was just him and the wounded pegasus knight now. "That's it, punk. I'm gonna bleed you even more than he did for messin' with us!" she yelled as he began stomping toward Bert.


"Before I go, take this." Craig began taking out some sort of familiar looking rune. "If you're not expecting any room service, put it on the door. Gabbie knows how to spot these things even when they're only visible from the other side so she won't try to kick the door in or anything. It's just a rune lock, like those on the archive room door. A small precaution."


"Oh why certainly, young Miss. Simply follow me closely and I will lead you to him."

It sounds just a little weird the way Remiel says it. Io commented to herself standing in the background.



You might want to read the first sentence of "Southern Fortress" in this post:


Note: It hasn't been edited.

"The assignment is to follow the orders of your respective captains to the best of your ability. This mission may or may not escalate from one to an estimated forty-something hostiles, so we have to play it by ear. Your primary target for now though is the killer." she explained. The sheep is already here. Lyra thought in response to Robin though the archer had no way of knowing. "If there are no more questions, then I will begin dividing you into the two strike teams."

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Bah, whose idea of a joke is this? I can't be killed by a few, sub-par bandits.. This can't be Wrath and certainly not Mercy. Nature doesn't have a reason to care and I don't think Truth does either. Unless this is some sort of lesson like Nigel would say. Are these my last thoughts? I can't move fast enough with this wound... This is just pathetic! "I can't be killed by a lout like you!" Oops, that wasn't supposed to-- oh well. Might as well say it to his ugly face. "I bet even with these injurries I have you won't be able to land a hit! And even if you do, what sort of a kill is that?! The swordsman's a street kid, isn't he? Not even a real bandit! You've won nothing! You won't even get anything of value off of me! How pathetic; I almost feel sorry for you! Haha!" Ugh, Merz, it hurts to laugh. Not like I'll let them know that, though. If I'm going to die here, I'm going to die tearing these guys down as much as I can, even if I can only assault them with my words!

OoC: @ Roy: Cue! Cue! Very cue!

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Robin said nothing, her only question having been answered for the moment. She kept her mouth as shut as it could be, eager to speed this process up. Live, die, if she was to do one or the other she would rather hurry it up than spend time sitting around on her behind. She couldn't even sit down to shape an arrowhead for herself. Even if the guards had no problem with her making a weapon in their presence, the noise would doubtless cause them to make her stop.

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Well, the woman certainly looked to be in a hurry, and wanted them to be on their way as well. John made his way to Gil, who was still awake since it wasn't that late anyway.

'Looks like this will be a long night...' He thought. ''Let's go Gil, Looks like it's no sleep for tonight.'' He told the wyvern, who grunted showing it's disapproval but still complied.

'And now that it'll be night... much more freedom in airspace...' He mused.

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Was that… a pegasus? The man shaded his eyes, trying to get a better look. Seeing pegasi near the capital wasn’t unusual, but this circling one seemed to be missing its rider. Valter turned to his passenger, the cleric he was supposed to protect, and sighed. Even if he didn’t investigate, he knew she would. He turned his horse towards the anomaly and egged her into a full on gallop.

“Joanna, I’m going to check this out. I don’t care what’s happening over there; do not leave this horse unless I tell you to.” The quicker he got there, the less chance Joanna would decide flying was faster and go off on her own… That wasn’t really something he wanted to deal with right now.

A few minutes later they were close enough to make out the scene; a minute later Valter had strung his bow and was close enough to shoot.

First roll: 3,4,6

7 + 3 = 10 – 3 = HIT

3 + 4 = 7 – 5 = 2 DMG

Valter doubles!

Second roll: 3,4,2

7 + 3 = 10 – 3 = HIT

3 +4 = 7 – 5 = 2 DMG

-4 HP total

Bandit C HP: 8/12

Two arrows pierced the armored dude, one in his arm and one in his side. Valter veered around, circling the two bandits and Bert with an arrow strung. “Move and I’ll shoot. Tell me, what happened to the pegasus knight? It’s not often you see a lone saddled pegasus flying around.”

Edited by roymbrog
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