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Mafia of the Gods - Game Over

Guest Wen Yang

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Yet another message.

You have successfully used your ability on Kay/BK-201/Kevin/Kaoz/Anouleth/Nobody/Excellen Browning.

Kay/BK-201/Kevin/Kaoz/Anouleth/Nobody/Excellen Browning attempted to protect/kill/target Kay/BK-201/Kevin/Kaoz/Anouleth/Nobody/Excellen Browning this night.

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And this isn't the Norse faction trying to screw everyone over?

Egyptian faction more harmful atm given that Norse would be losing people two times in a row while Egypt remains healthy. I'm sure most factions can agree Egypt is the bigger threat.

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Egyptian faction more harmful atm given that Norse would be losing people two times in a row while Egypt remains healthy. I'm sure most factions can agree Egypt is the bigger threat.

Both have two players, they're actually equal threats. In addition, size doesn't matter at this stage. What matters is which faction has a nightkill.

If you lynch an Egyptian, then it's 2 Norse, 1 Old One, 1 Egypt, 1 Japanese. When the Norse make a nightkill, they win. The Egyptians don't have a nightkill on Night 6, so if you lynched a Norse instead, it wouldn't be game over.

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also some more night results.

Kaoz visited Sho, RD, Haze, Bear, Bal, JB, Obviam, StSS, Kay, Paperblade, Anouleth, SirBricking, Raymond, Proto, eclipse, Rein, Psych, Snike, WoMC, Slayer, Excellen, Kaoz Kevin, BK-201 or maybe even nobody :D:

Kaoz was visited by Sho, RD, Haze, Bear, Bal, JB, Obviam, StSS, Kay, Paperblade, Anouleth, SirBricking, Raymond, Proto, eclipse, Rein, Psych, Snike, WoMC, Slayer, Excellen, Kaoz Kevin, BK-201 or maybe even nobody :D:

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Guest Wen Yang

My deepest apologies for the extremely late phase end.

My computer required some... repairs yesterday. Once again, my apologies.

The crowd approaches Anouleth, with lethal intent apparent in their faces.

He did not even attempt to defend himself.

A darkness envelops him, and when it went, so did he.

There was not a sign that he existed save a falling Role PM.

Dear Anouleth,

You are Nepthys.

You are the goddess of Night and lamentation. Your life is a rather depressing sob story.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM With "Night X - tell USER a sad story." USER will be so saddened by your story that they will cry themselves to sleep instead of carrying out their night action.




You are allied with the Egyptian Gods. You win when you have eliminated all other factions in the game.

Anouleth has ceased to exist.

It is now Night 6. This phase will end on June 22nd, 12:00 PM GMT+7

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Guest Wen Yang

Kay saw a shadow in the moonlit night.

It was a bird.

A BIG bird.

Too big apparently, for it went and ripped her to pieces.

Dear Kay,

You are Skadi.

You are the goddess of Winter. Technically you are a Frost Giant, and not a goddess, but you married a god, so you count.


During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X – Let USER have a taste of the Fimbulwinter!" You will freeze user in a solid block of Ice. This will protect user from ALL night actions directed their way, but also prevent them from carrying out their own night action.



You are allied with the Nordic Gods. You win when you have eliminated all other factions in the game.

Kay got animalitie'd

Kevin was sleeping comfortably in his bed when what is probably the most beautiful woman he has ever seen showed up.

They went and danced the horizontal lambada all night long.

It went on, and on, and on...

Come morning, all that is left of Kevin is a dried-out husk with a grin plastered on its face.

Dear Kevin,

You are Isis.

You are the goddess of Magic, Motherhood, and Fertility. You are married to your brother Osiris who was killed by another brother, Set, who was killed by your son, Horus. You have one fucked-up family.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM With "Night X - Protect USER from the cold embrace of death." You will prevent USER from being killed that night.




You are allied with the Egyptian Gods. You win when you have eliminated all other factions in the game.

Apparently too much sex is too much for Kevin

The Egyptian Gods have been eliminated!

It is now Day 7. This phase will end on June 24th, 12:00 PM GMT+7

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Alive: Kaoz, Excellen, BK-201. Tell me if I missed anyone, since the first post needs to be fixed.

This should be correct.

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