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Mafia of the Gods - Game Over

Guest Wen Yang

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Not only did the old ones have the best roles by far, they also outprioritized us at the least, probably a bunch of other teams too.

Are you talking about Eclipse beating whoever it was when they both went to kill eachother? Strawman was protecting her.

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What I want to know is why BK thought Excellen was independent, since my faction knew each faction had 4 members.


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Wow, it makes me really sad that you posted like 50 quotes from our faction, and none of them were said by me :(:

Oh well, GOOOO OLD ONES! We had awesome roles.

Oh yeah guys, Eclipse wasn't insanely bullet proof. I just protected her every single night. And my ability let all actions of my target work, while NO actions work on them. It was glorious.

Edited by Strawman the SawmanShaman
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My surprise was losing my bomb ability and Snike appearently getting it. >_>

Meanwhile, I also got the ability to threaten someone with death and their vote counted for 2.5, which I used on BK. :newyears:

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Was it really that unbalanced? I mean all the factions ended up pretty close to winning.

Just wait until you see all of the roles without anything snipped out.

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You've got to be kidding me. One of these days we'll get a multifaction game where one faction isn't obviously more powerful than the rest...

I'll try next time.

Was it really that unbalanced? I mean all the factions ended up pretty close to winning.

You weren't greek.

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You weren't greek.

You guys had two Inspectors (partial but still) and a Doctor, didn't you? You had bad luck that Sho was lynched early (sorry about that btw) and Obviam was silenced almost all the time, but that has nothing to do with balance.

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You guys had two Inspectors (partial but still) and a Doctor, didn't you? You had bad luck that Sho was lynched early (sorry about that btw) and Obviam was silenced almost all the time, but that has nothing to do with balance.

There was no luck, There was eclipse. And you're not sorry at all. ;/

Fact of the matter is, the Old Ones were overpowered. Faction games in general just need more work, since none of them have really worked out particularly well.

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Faction games in general just need more work, since none of them have really worked out particularly well.

TotA would have worked fine (despite Daath's obvious initial advantage and Guy's wtf brokenness) if the factions had ended up more equal.

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There was no luck, There was eclipse. And you're not sorry at all. ;/

Fact of the matter is, the Old Ones were overpowered. Faction games in general just need more work, since none of them have really worked out particularly well.

Lynching Sho was Kaoz's call, there was also bad luck with Skype lagging out before JB could tell me to vote BK instead(since I was trying to buddy up with the Greeks), Obviam being silenced had nothing to do with us. I don't even think we made a single move against the Greeks aside from what I was planning. So Eclipse had nothing to do with your demise, at all.

Old Ones may have in theory been overpowered, but we got hit hard with me being N1 killed, the Japs randomly shanking Strawman, and Weapons coming back from the dead to kill Eclipse.

Also unless BK or Excellen had some kind of protection they could use on themselves, once everyone else was done killing eachother and it was only 3 people left the only way for Kaoz to lose was getting lynched and killing the wrong person(the person without the double vote), then tying the next day and being killed the following night. He only needed his KPV to win, and he wasn't the only one with that power.

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You've got to be kidding me. One of these days we'll get a multifaction game where one faction isn't obviously more powerful than the rest...

Consider your wish granted.

*shameless advertisement for Bullshit Mafia*

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There was no luck, There was eclipse. And you're not sorry at all. ;/

Fact of the matter is, the Old Ones were overpowered. Faction games in general just need more work, since none of them have really worked out particularly well.

Since when was I anything special? Wen, if you're reading this, EXPLAIN MY ROLE WELL, since no one seems to believe me when I tell people about it.

Each faction had its own advantages and disadvantages. I think we'll get a better idea of how (un)balanced this game was once everyone's full role PMs are posted.

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I honestly believe the only balance my faction had was that it could use other roles, presumably including the ones that were actually overpowered and not just transitively.

not that it mattered

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There was no luck, There was eclipse. And you're not sorry at all. ;/

Yes I am, because I didn't think he would be lynched. Everyone just bandwagoned while I was asleep.

That being said, eclipse was a Redirector which is a pretty normal role. Additionally, she could send the person she redirected an anonymous message, and another message to a random person as D3 surprise iirc. Announcer = best role ever?

Next, I didn't need my vest because no one besides us had a kill N7, furthermore I used the Mayor exactly once, not sure whether I needed the Hitman ability somewhere. In other words, you could remove the one time KPV and the result would have been the same.

SSS's role was pretty overpowered, that's true, and the game probably wasn't balanced perfectly, but it wasn't

metaknight.png = Old Ones

ganondorf.png = everyone else


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not sure whether I needed the Hitman ability somewhere.

Well, consider this. That was my entire role. Except mine was watered down. And until D3, it didn't even work against bulletproof vests.

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Announcer = best role ever?

It got me to pretty much out my role as a doctor, unless people didn't realise that's what that was.

Raymond - overrode protection

You know when WoMC died? I protected him that night. So I'm guessing that's true.

And yes, you guys were crazy strong.

Edited by Kevin
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Since when was I anything special? Wen, if you're reading this, EXPLAIN MY ROLE WELL, since no one seems to believe me when I tell people about it.

Each faction had its own advantages and disadvantages. I think we'll get a better idea of how (un)balanced this game was once everyone's full role PMs are posted.

That's not what I meant.

As for role PMs,

Dear Queen,

You are Aphrodite.

You are the goddess of love, and the most beautiful creature to have ever set foot on earth (according to the greeks, that is). You are so beautiful that flowers bloom in your passing and wither if you grieve. You also don't like competition, and know that Freya, the nordic goddess of Love and fertility is in the game and is hostile to you.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with “Night X – Show USER what real beauty is!” You will mesmerize USER with your beauty, and if USER is male, will be able to read his Role PM. In addition to this, you will prevent USER (regardless of Gender) from carrying out their night action.

You MAY use your power on members of your own faction.

You are allied with the Greek Gods. You win when you have eliminated all other factions in the game.

Your surprise for Day 3 is as follows:

You have gained the favor of some lovers. From now on, your vote counts as 1.5 votes.

Trolled hard.

It does not help at all that the roles were apparently handpicked.

Edited by Luka Megurine
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I think we'll get a better idea of how (un)balanced this game was once everyone's full role PMs are posted.

I agree. I'm going to refrain from making any further judgments until Postgame is up.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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It does not help at all that the roles were apparently handpicked.

Well, looking at it that way... Considering that my win condition was indeed epic (yet I still managed to fail it), I guess my role had to be watered down considerably as a compensation. Then again, we had a bomb survivor that nobody in their right mind would bother to waste a kill on in a multifaction game, so yeah.

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