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(FE4) SOYO Draft II


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Looking at the averages, virtually none of my units have the res to avoid Sleep staves. It looks like that'll be a penalty for me or a whole lot of turns.

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No staffers in the prologue isn't too bad, since the churches aren't too far off the path. In chapter 10 it really stings because you have no Restore. Sleep is lol.

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Time to start doing the CASTLE TO CASTLE synopsis everybody else does.

To JUNGBY: 7 turns clear = 7 turns total

dafuq i cant capture shit

To EVANS: 9 turns clear = 16 turns total

Azel is kinda brotacular.

Chapter 1: Prelude

Sigurd: 7/7 Arena Clear, Steel Sword sold.

Azel: 3/7 Arena Clear fucking swordmaster.

Lex: 3/7 Arena Clear fucking swordmaster.

Noish: 3/7 Arena Clear ASDF FUCKING SWORDMASTER, Javelin get.

To GENOA: 6 turns clear = 22 turns total

Fuck Ayra. Why must I want that Hero Sword?

To MARPHA: 7 turns clear = 29 turns total

ha ha ha ha ha noish killed ganolf with a 18% javelin hit

To VERDANE: 18 turns clear = 47 turns total

fuk dat forest


Noish is a bombastic distraction.

Chapter 2: Prelude

Sigurd: Predictable/7 Arena Clear, Holyn Get!, Magic Ring sold. Javelin bought because I JUST noticed Cuan had one.

Deirdre: 3/7 Arena Clear fucking swordmaster.

Holyn: 5/7 Arena Clear.

Azel: 3/7 Arena Clear fucking swordmaster.

Lex: 5/7 Arena Clear.

Noish: 3/7 Arena Clear GO AWAY SWORDMASTER

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I hope you guys won't mind that I'm going to wait until I have some substantial progress on the OTHER FE4 draft that's finished drafting ATM before I start submitting chapter logs and turncounts

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To NODION: 6 turns clear = 53 turns total

asdf one of the knights died on my first try. Take 2 went better I WANT THAT KNIGHT RING.

To HEIRHEIN: 7 turns clear = 60 turns total

Noish isn't doing too bad this time. Weird.

To AMPHONY: 10 turns clear = 70 turns total

AKA: Castle Bullshit atop Suckadick Mount. Got the Elite Ring on Holyn though, that's nice.

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Oh great, now I'm COMPELLED to dethrone you.

Besides, it's more likely to be just next week before anything happens. FE4's fast when you know what you're doing.

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Prologue: Sigurd and friends! 15 Turns

"Alec, let's go! Noish looks like a pansy in pink!"

Alec goes up, Sigurd goes down, hopefully meeting somewhere near Jungby. Cuan turns up and goes to lend Alec a hand but has to retreat to castle to heal.

After a stroke of luck, Jungby is captured on turn 7. Sigurd takes the speed ring whilst Cuan sits back and stops anyone heading towards Chalphy.

Alec then takes on the oncoming army and holds suprisingly well on the village. He and Sigurd dash forwards meeting Alvis along the way, claiming Evans on turn 15. Alec broke his sword :P.

Sigurd 11 30 43 18 01 13 12 09 11 03 Steel Sword, Iron Lance, Speed Ring, Silver Sword
Cuan   05 53 35 17 00 10 10 05 10 03 Steel Lance, Javelin
Alec   06 94 35 10 00 12 11 05 09 00 Iron Sword


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Prologue Sigurd Solo Part 1 17+3 20 turns

Sigurd soloed while I took a Cuan penalty for him guarding the castle. Sigurd got the Speed Ring and the Silver Sword and seized on turn 17

Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	MDef	Rings 
Sigurd	12.16	42	17	0	15	15	11	11	4	Speed Ring

Chapter 1 Sigurd Solo and the entrance of Jamka 35 turns

Sigurd soloed until, thank god I got Jamka, he has great skills and will be marrying Sylvia, Although I do not like Charge on a Dancer I really have no choice. I hope Jamka likes it rough because his future wife will.

Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	MDef	Rings	Arena
Sigurd	12.16	42	17	0	15	15	11	11	4	Spd,Skl 7

Jamka	8.89	38	11	0	14	15	5	9	0	Mag	1
Deidre	4.53	26	0	14	10	12	6	3	17		1

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Chapter 1 - The Harem begins - 25 turns!

"Holy holepunch! Alec cleared the arena!"

And I'm not kidding. Sigurd sells the Steel Sword, Alec buys it along with the Slim Sword, Fin's Iron Lance and a Javelin. All 3 guys clear the arena, Alec having a much harder time than the other two.

They all head down, Cuan prepping Fin for his usage in Chapter 7. Alec takes on the Axe morons while Cuan snipes the hunters. Kinbois goes down after Alec chips for Sigurd, letting him take the kill.

Instead of baiting Aira, I just charge down with Sigurd and Alec. Thankfully, the two of them together deal exactly 50 damage, letting Sigurd take the castle on turn 5.

Meanwhile, Dew is surrounded and chips the Captain for XP.

Aira goes to sit next to Dew, taking on baddies whilst he chips the Captain. Cuan is too hurt to get near them so stays back, Alec and Sigurd go after Gandolf. It takes a turn but Marpha is captured on turn 12.

Jammy is as annoying as ever so I sacrifice Dierdre in order to get him not kill Sigurd. I get her back at the end of the chapter so it's cool. Sigurd rushs blindly letting Alec finish off Jamka's squad. Thankfully the speed ring makes it tough for the evil Bishop to get him. Meanwhile Ayra clears the arena but Dew gets stuck on Weissman, the lance knight.

Sigurd captures on turn 25. I'm actually doing better than when I got to choose units!

Sigurd  17 00 49 22 01 15 14 12 12 03 Silver Sword, Iron Lance, Speed/Magic/Skill Rings
Dierdre 03 64 26 00 14 09 12 06 03 16 Aura, Silence
Cuan	08 79 37 19 00 11 11 06 10 03 Steel Lance, Javelin
Alec	12 78 40 11 00 14 14 05 10 00 Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Javelin, Iron Lance, Slim Sword
Dew 	04 74 29 04 00 07 17 13 02 00 Iron Sword, Slim Sword
Ayra	09 93 36 13 01 20 20 03 09 01 Iron Blade


I noticed SP has the same setup that I did in FE4 Draft III. Jamka was a pain to recruit, right?

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I noticed SP has the same setup that I did in FE4 Draft III. Jamka was a pain to recruit, right?

Yes, I had to bring Aideen behind Sigurd and then recruit Jamka, Aideen is so fragile but luckily Jamka decided not to attack her but instead attack Sigurd, and the other bandits suicided on Sigurd meaning Aideen was not in danger

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Just so you know, it's faster to leave the arena uncleared at the beginning of the chapter because you can get a full heal from winning a fight. Which means for Sigurd, all you have to do is stay alive between castles.

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Something tells me I might need that for the second generation.

Chapter 2 - Healing is for wimps! 45 turns

Sigurd, Ayra and Cuan blitz the arena. Alec, Dew and Dierdre aren't as lucky, getting to 5, 3 and 3 respectively. Ayra gets the Skill Ring and Steel Blade whilst Dierdre buys the Live Staff.

The gang set out, Ethlin, Fin and Arden coming along to get their goodies. Arriving at Nodion, the idiot trio are pretty badly hurt. However, I get pretty lucky. Without any RNG manipulation, all 3 of my knights come out unscathed. Alec even dodged a 93% hit from Elliot. That's worth a save. Elliot goes down from a Continued Steel Lance from Cuan and Lachesis is recruited. I don't really trust Eve and co. so they can chill at Nodion. They decided to take on Phillip despite Lachesis being in the other direction. They scrape survival - Dierdre is a stinky healer. They head forwards and capture Herhein on turn 13.

Cuan gives Fin the Hero's Lance but steals it back almost straight away. After a lot of tomfoolerly, Ayra gets Voltz. Somehow, Dierdre manages to Prayer tank all of Amphony and the Free Knights. Captured on turn 23!

Sigurd return rings home as it's quicker, the others dash over madly. Integrity's really done one on me, I'm relying on Churches! The Fury Squad could have posed some trouble, however, conducting them with Lachesis meant I didn't even have to touch them! Dierdre silenced and Mackill was captured on turn 34! Zyne was a pain but the power of Ayra came through. Dew's really struggling now, Alec's strength is falling behind too. Hopefully the Elite ring will solve these problems. Shagall was put to sleep and then beaten/captured on turn 45!

45/95 turns

Sigurd  21 82 54 25 01 17 14 13 13 03 Silver Sword, Steel Lance, Speed/Magic/Skill/Return/Barrier/Shield Rings
Dierdre 14 38 32 02 23 13 12 08 04 22 Aura, Silence, Live, Relieve, Sleep
Cuan	18 77 47 22 01 12 15 06 14 05 Steel Lance, Javelin, Silver Lance, Hero Lance
Alec	17 11 44 11 01 17 16 07 11 00 Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Javelin, Iron Lance, Slim Sword
Dew 	07 15 31 06 00 08 19 14 04 00 Iron Sword, Slim Sword
Ayra	19 44 45 15 02 25 21 07 10 01 Steel Blade, Skill Ring, Iron Blade, Elite Ring, Knight Slayer
Levin   07 73 35 01 12 12 17 07 06 10 Elwind, Cutter. 

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Prologue: Birth of a Holy Knight

Chalphy to Jungby - 6/6 turns

Could've been a turn faster if Sigurd gained strength. Alas, mostly HP growths atm.

Jungby to Evans - 9/15 turns

1 strength away from a 14 turn. Fuck you RNG. Not to mention that I got screwed five times in this segment (map saves are your friend).

15/15 turns

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Chapter 3 - Dierdre's Explosive Retirement! 33 turns!

"Sigurd, I better stay in the castle to look aftere Celice"


"By the way, I cleared the arena"

"What?!? Dump the baby on Lachesis and come with us!"

"I'm not sure, I don't know what she's like with children."

Ayra promotes and smashes the arena, lending the Elite ring to Levin then having Dew claim it. Dew also takes the Pursuit Ring and Light Sword. I'm in a pickle, all my kids will have pursuit.

Dierdre clears the arena. Prayer really can work wonders. After a little item reshuffle giving Sigurd the Javelin, they head off.

Alec takes on the Lance Knights, Sigurd and Cuan storm the castle, Levin goes after the Armours, whilst Ayra and Dew get to that strength village. All goes to plan, Levin has to bail out Alec after an unlucky miss but all goes well and Sigurd crit-kills beardy on turn 11.

Alec then heads north so he's ready for the dragons/pirates. Ayra and Dew lure Elty's squad through the forest, getting acquainted and giving Sigurd more time to capture. Levin has to step in when Dew's light sword breaks. He and Cuan manage it on turn 18. I didn't even have to fight Elty at all!

Alec, with a little help from Levin, takes care of the pirates whilst the gang catch up. Cuan gets his Gae Bolg but he only uses it once. He also returns Fin's Hero Lance.

Usual antics for Briggid, she gets the Ichieval and 2 turns next to Alec. Sigurd seizes on turn 33.

Sigurd  25 72 54 25 01 20 16 14 14 03 Silver Sword, Steel Lance, Speed/Power/Barrier/Shield, Thunder Sword Rings
Dierdre got to level 16 :P ,
Cuan	got to level 21 ^^
Alec	19 60 45 12 01 17 17 07 11 00 Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Cutter, Knight Slayer, Iron Lance, Slim Sword
Dew 	14 99 34 14 00 11 21 16 06 01 Iron Sword, Slim Sword, Pursuit Ring, Light Sword, Elite Ring
Ayra	23 30 48 21 02 30 27 08 13 05 Steel Blade, Skill Ring, Iron Blade, Silver Sword, Hero Sword
Levin   18 64 46 01 15 17 25 07 07 11 Elwind, Magic Ring, Leg Ring
Briggid 15 96 43 20 00 22 22 09 14 09 Steel Bow, Ichieval
Claude  25 95 38 00 22 14 18 12 05 22 Reserve, Valkerie Staff

If I'm lucky, Amid should have sufficient resistance to avoid being put to sleep. Take that Integrity!

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Ch1: Girl of the Spirit Forest

Evans to Genoa - 5/20 turns

Sigurd just ignores Kinbois' squad and proceeds to murder everything in sight.


Genoa to Marpha - 6/26 turns

Sigurd LITERALLY ignores everything and just runs straight for Gandolf. Everyone but Fin follows. Said lance knight stays behind for the sole purpose of gaining experience off of Elliot.


Marpha to Verdane - 14/40 turns

Phew. I don't even bother Silencing the dude this time, he's just too easy.

25/40 turns


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To MACKILY: 12 turns clear = 82 turns total

Je-SUS this gave me shit. Wow.

To AUGUSTY: 12 turns clear = 94 turns total

why won't fucking shagaal attack sigurd? He cost me like two turns.

Chapter 3: Prelude

Sigurd: Predictable/7 Arena Clear.

Deirdre: 3/7 Arena Clear.

Aideen: Physic Get!

Lex: Promoted, 7/7 Arena Clear, fucking BARELY bought the Pursuit Ring.

Azel: Elfire Get, 2/7 Arena Clear GUESS WHY.

Holyn: Promoted then cleared the whole Arena. What a baller. Sorta sad he's not getting paired.

Noish: 3/7 Arena Clear because of an ...armor?

Fury: 5/7 Arena Clear, Hero Lance Get!, Light Sword Get!, Thief Sword Get! Yeah, I'm stacking for Fee.

To MADINO: 6 turns clear = 100 turns total

To SILVAIL: 14 turns clear = 114 turns total

Fuck Eltshan. At least his dudeses AI is dumb as fuck.

To ORGAHIL: 9 turns clear = 123 turns total

Let Claude and Briggid die like a dickfacehead. Got Lex to fuck Aideen, woo! Now she gets his money. Fury went from broke as fuck to 50k by Thief Swording shit.

Chapter 4: Prelude

Holyn: 7/7 Arena Clear, Elite Ring sold.

Noish: Hero Sword Get!, 7/7 Arena Clear, promoted.

Lex: 7/7 Arena Clear.

Fury: Elite Ring Get!, 6/7 Arena Clear.

Sigurd: Guess/10 Arena Clear.

Azel: 1/7 Arena Clear lol.

To THOVE: 18 turns clear = 141 turns total

Aideen: Promoted, 7/7 Arena Clear. Wait, what?

Fucking Dew. Big Shield procced on the boss and prevented a clean 1RKO and cost me a turn. :(

To SILESIA: 10 turns clear = 151 turns total

Fury promoted and dicked up the 7th Arena guy.

Fucking Silesians. There's always ONE who dodges a ludicrous number of shots and stalls everything for a turn. And it's never Mahnya.

To ZAXON: 7 turns clear = 158 turns total

Azel: Promoted, still can't get the 2/7 Arena Clear.

Big Shield costed me a turn again. ;/

Chapter 5: Prelude

Sigurd: Just guess.

Noish: 7/7 Arena Clear.

Azel: 0/7 Arena Clear lol

Lex: 3/7 Arena Clear fucking SWORDMASTER.

Fury: Pure ballin', Elite Ring sold.

Aideen: 3/7 Arena Clear, Knight Ring Get!

Holyn: Straight trashed the Arena.

To LUBECK: 6 turns clear = 164 turns total

Meh. Sigurd needs money BAD.

To PHINORA: 5 turns clear = 169 turns total

Sigurd bought the Elite Ring.

Much faster than my last clear, spearheaded by Fury.

To BARHARA: 15 turns clear = 184 turns Generation 1 total

Fucking Alvis. Why don't I ever have money for Tyrfing anymore? Seriously.


SIGURD: 164 kills

NOISH: 51 kills

LEX: 40 kills

AZEL: 41 kills

AIDEEN: 1 kill

HOLYN: 57 kills

FURY: 50 kills


u no u jelly

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right let's get this bro on the broad

To GANESHIRE: 9 turns clear = 9 turns total


It got a little hairy when the Silver Sword broke after killing the boss and there were still enemies. Eesh.

dafuq I just noticed it storage'd Sigurd's Elite Ring. Fuckers.

To ISAAC: did NOT mark lol = something


To RIVOUGH: 16 turns since Ganeshire = 25 turns total

heh. Yeah. Julia got a bunch of kills Cel should have gotten but asdf hand axes

Chapter 7: Prelude

Celice: Duh. He's Sigurd's son.

Julia: 5/7 Arena Clear before an axer 1HKO'd her.

Oifaye: Oifaye.

Lester: Steel Bow Get!, 6/7 Arena Clear.

Fee: 7/7 Arena Clear.


Uh, is there something that caps Cel's XP? The beginning of C7 and he's at 19.00 and will not gain anymore.

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Fear my cunning! I have also made a lot of progress!

Chapter 4 - Who's Fury again? 34 turns!

"Do you feel like someone's missing?"

"I dunno, Lachesis is cooking something tasty though."

Everyone except Dew clears the arena. Sigurd gets the Leg ring, Alec gets the Hero sword and they're off. Alec has also promoted by this stage. Sigurd storms ahead and kills the priest guy before he can put anyone to sleep. I'm going to run into trouble later in the game with no restore users other than Julia.

Sigurd plows through the baddies, having to wait for Dew to sort that bridge. He captures on turn 16. Claude returns everyone home, ready for the next phase. He then buys the return ring to get back himself. Not much happens and Silesia is captured on turn 26.

Levin blows up Lamina, Alec and co. taking out the others. The Pegasi flee back, all suiciding on Briggid. Sigurd and Levin team up to finish off Daccar resulting in a capture on turn 34.


Sigurd  30 -- 63 25 01 22 18 17 17 03 Silver Sword, Speed/Power/Barrier/Shield/Leg Ring, Thunder Sword
Dierdre got to level 16 :P ,
Cuan	got to level 21 ^^
Alec	23 68 47 14 06 21 21 09 16 05 Iron Lance, Cutter, Knight Slayer, Clipper, Hero Sword
Dew 	21 23 38 16 00 14 22 20 09 02 Iron Sword, Slim Sword, Pursuit Ring, Light Sword, Elite Ring
Ayra	27 20 50 21 02 30 27 08 15 05 Steel Blade, Skill Ring, Iron Blade, Silver Sword
Levin   25 03 51 01 25 24 30 07 07 17 Elwind, Magic Ring, Restore, Recover, Holsety
Briggid 22 42 49 21 02 24 23 14 15 10 Steel Bow, Ichieval
Claude  30 -- 41 01 25 15 18 13 05 23 Reserve, Valkerie Staff, Wind, Libro, Relive, Return, Return Ring

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Chapter 5 - Sigurd falls for it again 22 turns!

"Sigurd, every other character seems to want you dead, why trust Alvis?"

"I've got to give the newly weds my blessing!"

Everyone aside from Claude and Alec clear the arena. Dew promotes and buys the Knight Ring. Sigurd takes the Elite ring off of him and Alec gets the Thunder Sword. Briggid and Alec head west, they need a little more time together, whilst the gang head out. Sigurd gets his sword but doesn't bother to repair it. Sigurd then takes down all the Axe Knights whilst the Bow brigade suicide themselves on Levin.

Langbart gets a lucky big shield but Sigurd manages to capture on turn 8. Cuan and co. turn up. Ethlin's going to die pretty easily. Cuan's also got some pretty stinky stats desipite being level 21. They both die doing marginal chip damage. Sigurd storms through the desert. Levin follows behind leaving the trio of Aira, Dew and Claude to finish off the knights. Talk about a third wheel. Alec and Briggid finally do the deed, their conversation isn't bad either!

Levin takes on Leptor from the side, allowing Sigurd to go through without a problem! Aida spoken to on turn 22! I seem to have forgotten most of my pictures, which is incredibly embarrassing.

Total turn count - 174

Sigurd - A man amongst manly men - 155 kills


Sigurd delivers, as usual. I can't fault him at all. Other than not passing down much resistance to Celice.

Dierdre - Prayer tank - Not that many in all honesty


Fairly average, she did get me out of a pinch near Anphony. She also cleared the chapter 3 arena, which was a great shock.

Cuan - Lance wielding chump - Fewer than I would have liked


Lances aren't that great. I gave him the Hero Lance but that just negated his Continue. He kept taking hits and wasn't very durable. Especially in Axe country.

Aira - The green blur - 45 kills


Easy to recruit, all I did was capture the castle before she moved much. Killed a good amount of stuff, her kids will be pretty good.

Dew - Semi-legal consenting adult - 20 kills


Slow to get going but the Elite ring really helped. He and his bride took on the Thracian knights and did great. Also helped a lot with funding. He definitely made up for his shaky start.

Briggid - Dreadlocked and wedlocked - 33 kills


I was a little annoyed by the extra turns needed to get Edain near her but she plowed through a lot of stuff. She took her time with Alec though.

Alec - Fashion pioneer - 58 kills


His strength was his main issue, meaning he struggled to 1RKO against most tougher opponents. However, his help was appreciated in the early chapters so he gets an OK from me.

Levin - The involuntary bachelor - 40 kills


Great work from Levin, it's a shame I couldn't pair him with anyone.

Claude - Staffbot in drag - 0 kills


Supplied much needed healing but otherwise did nothing.

Lachesis - The great conductor

Kept the Nodion trio out of trouble, got me the Knight Ring and helped kill Fury without touching her. What's not to love?

The Nodion Trio - Pegasus haters


Whilst being blithering idiots, killing Fury was much appreciated.

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So anyway, Cel sold his Elite Ring since it's doing him no good. Anouleth talked me through the XP problem because he's smart. Daisy was fed to the Yied so she wouldn't become asdf bugged lover.

Which leads me to ...

To YIED - 13 turns clear = 38 turns total

Fucking hate this castle.

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Ch2: Disturbance in Agustria

Evans to Herhein - 12/52 turns


Fin killed Philip, which is nice. Cuan forks over the Hero Lance and runs back to the castle (he never entered combat).

Herhein to Anphony - 7/59 turns

More Sigurdlol. Fin sells the Return Ring before heading over to deal with the Mckily rush.

Anphony to Mckily - 10/69 turns

aaaaaasdf. I didn't need my Diadora trick this time, Fin and Midir made quick work of the initial rush. Ardan grabs his ring. Meanwhile, the Eve/Eva/Alva trio engages Fury's squadron.

Mckily to Agusty - 4/73 turns

Amaaaazing. Sigurd blitzes through Agusty's frontal guard (obliterating Zyne Harold's squadron at the same time) and critkills Shagaal. Done.

33/73 turns


Time to get back to that other draft! Or to get back to hacking, I dunno which.

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33 turns, that's impressive. Zyne gave me a major headache, he didn't like Cuan very much.

Chapter 6 - I wish nuns and warfare mixed - 25 turns

"Mana, you're quite welcome to join us."

"Nah, Integrity wants to make you suffer."

The second generation! My initial squad seems pretty cool, so I set out. Moustachio will probably come and help in a little. Celice charges ahead, the other three following. Mana will have to give Julia a staff, so I can't leave her behind. Celice takes a couple of unlucky bow hits but holds out.

Harold suicides on Celice on turn 8, letting him capture on turn 9. Amid turns up, I'm going to hate him so much. Julia and Mana unite so I can actually have a healer.

Celice obliterates Johan whilst Skasaha and Lakche recruit Johalva. Amid hits for peanuts against bandits. Oifaye takes the Skill ring whilst Celice is eons ahead. He has to wait a little after getting cornered by Axe knights, and to let Julia catch up. Amid chips at Dannan for a while, Oifaye finishing him off for a turn 25 capture!


Celice  17 52 50 16 07 18 13 20 13 04 Silver Sword, Slim Sword, Speed/Barrier/Power/Leg/Elite Rings
Julia   02 00 25 00 12 08 12 05 03 14 Relive, Rezire
Oifaye  16 11 41 17 09 18 17 09 18 08 Cutter, Javelin, Skill Ring, Thief Sword
Skasaha 06 95 33 12 00 19 17 09 11 00 Silver Blade, Light Sword, Iron Blade, Slim Sword, Pursuit Ring, Knight Ring, Slim Sword
Lakche  03 06 31 12 01 15 13 12 07 00 Steel Blade, Iron Blade, Skill Ring, Silver Sword, Prayer Sword, Slim Sword, Cutter
Amid	03 79 30 01 11 11 15 06 04 09 Wind
Johalva 12 30 42 16 00 07 16 05 13 01 Steel Axe 

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