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(FE4) SOYO Draft II


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Chapter 3 26 turns

Brought up Sigurd, Beowul, and Lachesis. Jamka and Sylvia glued together. Sylvia brought the Knight Ring. Lachesis talked to Eltosian and got the Earth Sword. I was angry when Lachesis hit down the Warrior to 1 HP, then I realized that it meant that Sylvia could get the kill for the leg ring. Sigurd moved back while Jamka got the boss kill. Seized on turn 26.

Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Items
Sigurd	23.06	54	25	0	22	19	14	15	4	Speed, Silver, Shield,Barrier
Sylvia	7.33	34	7	0	5	14	8	1	6	Slim, Knight,Leg

Beo	18.63	45	17	0	16	14	6	14	1	Steel,Slim,Hero
Lache	12.73	31	15	8	12	13	12	10	11	Prayer,Magic,Earth
Jamka	22.42	50	23	0	16	21	10	16	5	Killer,Skill,Silver,Power

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Chapter 3 - The Lion King (INCOMPLETE)

Agusty to Madino - 5/78 turns


Madino to Silvail - 6/84 turns

Running past Crossknights, wee. Also, Sigurd killed Elto. YOU TRAITOR TO YOUR BEST FRIEND IN COLLEGE!

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Chapter 4 30 turns, Chapter 5 29 turns

Finished, Lachesis never promoted

:angry: , but Beowul and Jamka were awesome. I had never seriously used dancers and now I really appreciate them. I can not wait for Gen 2

Note, I had finished a nice long synopsis of each chapter then I hit backspace and my page went back erasing my whole post



Sigurd RIP 159 kills

Sigurd was as always amazing. However unlike my last draft he gained a ton of speed(what I think can be his only weakness) making him even better.


Jamka, Death to Flyers 44 kills

Jamka was great. My only problem with him is his 10% skill growth. But he was instrumental in Silesia. Still he is quite a pain in the ass to recruit.


Lachesis Charisma-Bot 23 kills

She never promoted which would have been nice but her use is in her skill. I am excited because her children will be good because of Beowul


Beowulf Awesomeness on a horse 66 kills

Beo was much better than I expected, he gains a ton of skill speed and strength. He was able along with Jamka to kill flyers using the clipper. Probably my second best fighter this generation


Sylvia Prostitute Dancer 4 kills

Sylvia proved great for getting me low turns. She killed one promoted unit to get the Leg ring and is passing down great stuff to Leen. My only wish is that I could have gotten her a better mate but this is a SOYO.

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Chapter 3 - The Lion King (reposted)

Agusty to Madino - 5/78 turns


Madino to Silvail - 6/84 turns

Running past Crossknights, wee. Also, Sigurd killed Elto. YOU TRAITOR TO YOUR BEST FRIEND IN COLLEGE!

Silvail to Orgahil - 13/97 turns

fuck it, I'm gonna lose this one. Ethlin and Midir do a decent job holding out against the Leg Ring bros, but are eventually overwhelmed and forced to retreat to the castle, where Fin backs them up. Sigurd Returns home, and leads the charge against the enemy castle.


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Chapter 6 29 Turns

I looked at my gen 2 team and I realized that everyone gets to fight except the nun. Maybe Celice was right Nuns and warfare really don't mix. Celice went forward while Radney and Roddlevan took on the axes. Dimna chipped down for Radney and Roddlevan to kill. I quite like having the worse sword twins because they have sibling crit. They took on Johalva's whole crew while my mounteds and Celice took on Johan. Having Charisma is very nice, it is the only reason Dimna survived. Of course I went and got Rezire. Julia killed the boss and Celice seized on turn 29.

Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Rings
Celice	5.74	34	12	1	12	10	11	7	3	Speed,Barrier
Rodo	4.50	33	11	0	14	14	4	8	1	
Delmud	8.04	37	16	0	11	13	10	9	0	Strength
Dimna	3.99	32	10	0	8	9	4	8	0	
Oifaye	17.28	42	17	9	19	17	10	18	9	Skill
Julia	3.88	25	0	13	8	12	6	3	14	
Radnay	6.94	32	12	0	15	16	5	8	2	

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Chapter 4 - Dance in the Skies

Sailone to Thove - 11/106 turns

LegRingSigurd lolololol, Ardan stands next to Tiltyu for the entire time, etc. etc.

Silesia's fall - 4/110 turns


As a matter of fact, Mahnya's squad actually killed about half of the PamSqd, as well as two or three BeigeRitters.

Thove to Silesia - 5/115 turns

I would've done it a turn sooner had the fighters not decided to cockblock Sigurd. Oh well~

Silesia to Zaxon - 3/118 turns

I didn't even engage Lamia or Pamela. Just ran around, and critted the boss in the face. Geezuz Christ, Leg Ring Sigurd is broken. Why did I never think of this before?

23/118 turns

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Chapter 5 - Doorway to Destiny

Zaxon to Dozel - 5/123 turns

Fun~ Sigurd almost dies because he was holding a Broken Sword, but he got over it and killed Swanchika's ass with a double crit from the Silver Sword. The great thing is, Sigurd is the only unit who can actually fight semi-decently right now. It's sad, but it's true.

Dozel to Phinora - 6/129 turns

Ignoring Trabant go!

Phinora to Velthomer - 13/142 turns

Hoo, boy. For once I didn't have trouble killing Reptor. Sigurd tanked the Torhammer like a boss, then killed him with the Tyrfing. Talk to Ida on turn 24.


--> 1st Gen Final Turncount - 142 turns <--

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Chapter 6 - The Light Shines on

Tilanogue to Ganeishire - 9/151 turns

Celice bumrushes the castle and wins. Oifaye follows.

Ganeishire to Isaac - 8/159 turns

I could have gone without capturing this one, but I figured I may as well. After all, this means Yuria gets an offensive weapon.

Isaac to Rivough - 7/166 turns

More Celice shitstomp. As a matter of fact, right now I'm kind of regretting not getting the Elite Ring. It would have made Celice promote that much faster.

24/166 turns


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