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Team Fortress 2 Mini-Mafia


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I'm sorry but what good reason is there to vote someone on day 1 start?

We have 13 pages of discussion so far. Don't tell me you can't make an opinion of anyone by reading them.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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We have 13 pages of discussion so far. Don't tell me you can't make an opinion of anyone by reading them.

Before i made my vote there wasn't much discussion anyway which is why i random voted only 3 pages (40 post each) and starting th fourth IIRC and it was mostly about cops. Besides why did you, and anyone else for that matter, get mad for the vote? Its not like i was trying to get you lynched, i never even said everyone should random vote. If you felt no danger from it, why even bvother to come at me and put pressure on your self? I like doing random votes on day one that have no effect on the final outcome. Its a habit of mine, and apparently a dangerous one.

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Before I made my vote there wasn't much discussion anyway which is why i random voted. There was only only 3 pages (40 post each) and starting the fourth IIRC and it was mostly about cops. Besides why did you, and anyone else for that matter, get mad for the vote? Its not like i was trying to get you lynched, i never even said everyone should random vote. If you felt no danger from it, why even bvother to come at me and put pressure on your self? I like doing random votes on day one that have no effect on the final outcome. Its a habit of mine, and apparently a dangerous one.

just fixing and adding wording to the thing so it makes more sense... Then i again i don't seem to make sense anyway... :unsure:

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Besides why did you, and anyone else for that matter, get mad for the vote?

They did get mad at teh vote, its one of the reasons you're being lynched.

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They did get mad at teh vote, its one of the reasons you're being lynched.

I'm not obvlivious to the fact that they are mad at it, i'm asking why.

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The arguing went on for hours. By the end of it, there were a small pile of cocktail sticks and olives next to the three heavies. But eventually, they reached a decision.

In the first hours, there had been an accusation against Comrade Ivan. His subsequent rage had been terrifying to behold, and hadn't helped his case. Half the people assembled agreed: he had to go. And for those who didn't agree, they didn't speak up too loudly.

Comrade Ivan

Admittedly, things could have gone better. You could have remembered to bring a Sandvich. You could have asked to borrow Vladimir's Sandvich. And you certainly could have not propped Sasha on a windowframe, set to full auto, and gone and looked for one, only to return and find an enterprising Engineer had stolen it.

A proud member of the BLU team, you must protect the intelligence from the dastardly REDs! You win when all of the RED Spies are dead.

Day 1 has ended!

Night 1 has begun! It will end at 12:00AM GMT, 2nd June.

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Because somebody random lynching and not pushing for it immidiatly says scum >_>

Scum or not Ulki, you just aren't very useful. Although I do wish we hadn't lynched a Townie, it can't be helped now.

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See? I said Slayer was town.

um, and so did I

fuck you guys, he just didn't understand the setup very much. And RD:

Scum or not Ulki, you just aren't very useful

I reaaaallly don't like this comment. At all.

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Also, Levity is a reliable source.

is this sarcasm

because I don't mind if it is, I wasn't trying to be a dick or anything but I sounded like it

why do you think I didn't vote

but between going to my friend's house and also seeing a movie, I really wasn't able to say more than "I don't like this lynch"

and it kinda irks me

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I'm still not sure exactly why Slayer was lynched. Rereading I suppose

From what I read, it was mostly RD pushing a bit because "omg RANDOM LYNCH IN THIS SETUP IS BAD" and telling Ulki that he was useless regardless and Ulki fruitlessly attempted to defend himself

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From what I read, it was mostly RD pushing a bit because "omg RANDOM LYNCH IN THIS SETUP IS BAD" and telling Ulki that he was useless regardless and Ulki fruitlessly attempted to defend himself

I just detest random voting like choosing a name based on an RNG. It serves no purpose except to hinder the Town's efforts to gather information, and leads to really horrible lynches.

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I just detest random voting like choosing a name based on an RNG. It serves no purpose except to hinder the Town's efforts to gather information, and leads to really horrible lynches.

But did you see the questions he asked?

I mean, it's good that we at least didn't NL/accidentally mislynch the doctor, but still. He seemed so confused.

And I hate it when players call other players useless. If someone at least TRIES to contribute, they aren't useless at all. I was called useless once, and it can be hurtful. This was long ago...

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