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That was a bit of an overreaction. How about you scumhunt instead of making excuses?

Eclipse's reluctance to vote is reading scum.

I just did. Wait for me to post.

Also, I always overreact.

And you read my mind on that one. Is this enough suspicion to warrant a vote? I don't know. Let's try.

##Vote: eclipse

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##Unvote: eclipse

##Vote: Radiant Dragon

I'll give my reasoning for this in a minute.

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Everyone else, speak up. I can't get a real read out of anyone else.

But RD's just sticking out to me. One because of his vote before (he DID acknowledge that it would make him look badly, but think about it), and secondly because his posts afterwards and overall have been minimal (at least from what I've read lately) and his last post was small and fairly off-topic. That always trikes me as a bit scummy, at least from the Levity Policy POV, but I could very easily be wrong, and it's still early in the game. We need more to read, and as Weapons previously stated, the cop information later on will also be a benefit. But until then, more action needs to be taken so town can at least move in the right direction.

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I just realized the phase ends in a few hours. My apologies.

I would've preferred a night start, so the cops could give their reports. Since I don't have that, and I want to see what they say once the night's over, I'll keep my votes off of them for now. I know that if one ends up dead, I'm voting the other one in a hurry. However, I will feel like absolute shit if we accidentally lynch the doctor today.

##Vote: Radiant Dragon I don't want to see votes on cops. Not yet.

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But RD's just sticking out to me. One because of his vote before (he DID acknowledge that it would make him look badly, but think about it)

Random voting is a horrible, horrible idea, especially now when we have so many suspects. It wouldn't look so bad if it wasn't me he was random voting.

and secondly because his posts afterwards and overall have been minimal (at least from what I've read lately) and his last post was small and fairly off-topic.

What? My last posts were not off topic (unless you're referring to my post about the Google bot).

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I just realized the phase ends in a few hours. My apologies.

... oh wait

i didn't realize this

I'm so sorry /:

However, I will feel like absolute shit if we accidentally lynch the doctor today.

This, too. That's the danger with lynching on somewhat little information. But RD needs to speak up more, at LEAST, because he's honestly bothering me a little, and it's just... not working for me

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##Vote: Radiant Dragon I don't want to see votes on cops. Not yet.

But I'm voting for Ulki... I swear, if I get lynched because Ulki is dumb and Bizz is indecisive I'm not going to be very happy at all.

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Random voting is a horrible, horrible idea, especially now when we have so many suspects. It wouldn't look so bad if it wasn't me he was random voting.

Many sucpects? who, Kaoz who was a random bandwagon and 2 cops, who tbh shouldn't be lynched yet anyway.

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What? My last posts were not off topic (unless you're referring to my post about the Google bot).

Yeah, this is what I'm referring to. I know it's a stretch /:

i play too much em

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Many sucpects? who, Kaoz who was a random bandwagon and 2 cops, who tbh shouldn't be lynched yet anyway.

Well, and you, too.

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However, I will feel like absolute shit if we accidentally lynch the doctor today.

If the doctor is targetted, then he/she can claim before we mislynch he/she.

Also, I think I'll ##Vote: Radiant Dragon today. His vote for Slayer seemed a bit off, and just saying it looks a bit off doesn't excuse it. Also, I don't like voting for inactive people and agree that lynching a cop claim is a bit silly.

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Whooooaaa why are you guys following me like that, I was only kinda pressuring him

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Would you vote yourself?

I'm not telling you to vote yourself, I'm saying that it's a little odd that you don't consider yourself a suspect even though you kind of are one

I mean, it's bias, of course, since you don't want to consider yourself a suspect, but technically everyone is a suspect in this game

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Having the doctor claim IN THIS GAME is a friggin' disaster! I don't want to see that!

Yes it would mean he died the next night. But that's better than lynching him. :/

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##Unvote: RD

fuck that shit

kevin, I'm looking more into you now

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That's why I hate D1 lynches. We're going off of very little info, with a role that I do NOT want to lynch under any circumstances.

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I'm not telling you to vote yourself, I'm saying that it's a little odd that you don't consider yourself a suspect even though you kind of are one

I mean, it's bias, of course, since you don't want to consider yourself a suspect, but technically everyone is a suspect in this game

I know and i'd consider my self a suspect, but he was saying there were suspects to vote on rather than random lynch. I'm a suspect, a big one at that, i know, but why would i vote myself.

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Yeah, this is what I'm referring to. I know it's a stretch /:

i play too much em

But I always make weird, off-topic posts like that... Anyway, Ulki is either scum or useless so lynching him sounds like a good idea to me.

As for myself... I would like to think I'm more useful and/or less suspicious than Ulki, and I know I'm Town so I'm not going to lay down and get lynched. Seriously, you guys are bandwagoning on a random vote. Knock it off.

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I know that Weapons only means the best for town. It's better that we quarrel amongst ourselves rather than sit idle, because we get more out of players' reactions that way.

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