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E3 2011!!


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So like the Microsoft press conference is about to start. Excited?

I just felt there should be a thread about this. There was one last year iirc.

Can't wait to see everything thats announced!

Too bad the good Nintendo stuff won't happen until tomorrow.

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I saw on somebody's facebook there making halo 4. its gonna BLOWWWW, to bad cause i really like halo...im not gonna be buying any games this year though.

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Yeah I saw on gamespot that something leaked mentioning a Halo 4. Eh. I like Halo but the kept saying they were done making them.

Reach was the final Halo made by bungie, whose partnership with microsoft was ended in favor of a contract with activision. Microsoft still has the rights to Halo, so I think microsoft is going to make this without bungie. Hoping for the best...

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Microsoft's conference was pretty disappointing, especially since their only big news, Halo Anniversary and Halo 4, got leaked on the website before the show. Oh well, they tried. Everyone knew their conference was probably going to be the weakest of the three due to their lack of a new system to promote. And jeez did they go overboard on Kinect. Only they would advertise a Sesame Street game shortly after Gears of War. Who exactly was this show aimed at?


Motion controls in sports games and making avatars from pictures of yourself. Wait, that stuff hasn't been done yet, has it?

You can now watch TV... on your TV.

Disney kid: "This is sooo cool. FIST BUMP!"

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Yeah the emphasized Kinect a ton. Which I think is dumb becuase I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't have a Kinect or enough room for a Kinect. It'd suck if they start making a ton of good games only for the Kinect.

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Personally, I was particularly disapointed by Sesame Street: Once Upon a Monster. With the focus towards voice controlled gameplay shown at this year's stellar Microsoft E3 conference, I was hyped up to see Sesame Street: Counting with the Count.


One refunded X-Box!


Two refunded X-Boxes!

Ah Ah Ah Ah Ahhh!

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Sony's Vita is the same price as Nintendo's 3DS. Somehow that makes the 3DS feel a hole shit-ton more needlessly expensive than it already was.


The Wifi-only version is the same price as the 3DS, but the 3G one is more.

Anyway, it is cool that they kept the price down. I might actually (briefly) consider getting one... if any really good games get announced, that is. But so far, it just looks like Sony is rediscovering that a touch screen is useful. And they're only like the 100th company to do so (the most obvious of which is their senior competitor). I will admit that the graphics are slick, however. And I cannot figure out why on earth the 3DS doesn't have dual analog like the Vita.

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The links, good man, the links?




I'll post the kid doing the thriller dance when I find it.

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[p= ]The press conference started out with an apology for the outage and thanks for the commitment of playstation gamers. Jack said over 90% of PSN traffic was back after the outage.

Uncharted 3 demo played and trailer shown.

Along with the already announced multiplayer beta for Uncharted 3 when you buy inFamous 2, Sony announced a partnership with Subway to unlock early access to the "complete" competitive Uncharted 3 experience. According to the brief announcement, players will be able to visit Subway in October to get early access to Uncharted 3's full multiplayer component.

God of War Origins Collection was announced, PS3 versions of both of the PSP games by Ready at Dawn, they will be HDified and 3Dified, coming around September.

In a very interesting move, and something i'm personally considering, Sony anounced a PlayStation-branded 3D display bundle. It is 24 inches (relatively small) and obviously works like a normal HDTV aswell (not sure if 720p or 1080p, i'm betting on 720p), it comes with Resistance 3, a 6 foot HDMI cable, and a pair of 3D glasses (additional pairs are $70 each). This TV also uses the 3D technology to allow two people (each wearing a pair of glasses) to look at a different image on the same screen simultaneously, effectively replacing split-screen and eliminating screen-cheating. The best part? It's only $500.

In another bundle of sorts involving Resistance 3, Playstation announced Resistance 3 'Doomsday Edition', which is basically a Move bundle. The bundle includes Resistance 3 (obviously), A playstation move controller and a navigation controller (both used simultaneously for Move), a playstation eye (which is required for the move controller to work, and a sharpshooter. It will be coming September 6th for $150.

The Playstation Move can now be used to control NBA 2K12, but the whole control scheme is garbage

Jack announced that the PS3 is the leading device for streaming Netflix, claiming nearly 30% of Netflix traffic.

Jack announced that a CinemaNow app will be coming *in the future*, just incase Netflix, Hulu, and the Playstation store weren't enough for you.

The developers of Sports Champions are creating a new game called "Medieval Moves: Deadmund's Quest", which is a move-only action game where you shoot, slash, and throw ninja stars to attack enemies (all without switching between weapons, it can tell which attack you're doing by your motion). It also has a grappling hook to do some Zelda-style grappling hook-action. The arrows were used to hit targets which opened a path for you to grapple through, all with the Move mind you.

Jack Tretton announced that the upcoming co-op Star Trek title will feature both PlayStation and Move support. PlayStation network will also host an exclusive downloadable prequel to the game, which will also be 3D and PlayStation Move enabled. Star Trek is scheduled to be released next year.

LittleBigPlanet 2 is getting full Move support for level creation and playing in an update in September.

Sly Cooper is coming back in "Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time", there was a weird trailer with a lizard named Dmitri... just

Dust 514 is announced, a PS3 exclusive that ties in with the EVE universe (the PC MMO). It will support the Move and there will be an extension game on the NGP. It will launcher next summer and there will be a closed beta by the end of this year on PSN. Not too excited about this, the gameplay looked too generic and i don't really care about the EVE universe.

Bioshock Infinite trailer shown

Bioshock Infinite will have Move support on the PS3, but Irrational is still finding ways on how to implement it (they want to do it, he had a little speech about it). Also, Bioshock one will come with Bioshock Infinite for free, on the same Blu-ray disc.

The Bioshock universe is coming to the NGP, what he called a *pet project*, no details.

EA and Sony announced exclusive extras coming to the PS3 versions of three multiplatform EA games. For SSX, it's an exclusive Mt. Fuji level. For Need for Speed: The Run, it's seven exclusive supercars including the Bugatti Veyron. The PS3 version of Battlefield 3 will come with a free copy of Battlefield 1943.

Saints Row: The Third will launch November 15, the ps3 version will feature an exclusive mode on the PS3 utilizing the game's "signature weapon." So basically the dildo bat. This "over-the-top" game mode will rely on the PlayStation Move, but no details.

NGP officially announced the Playstation Vita, pronounced "Veeta", meaning 'life', soon to be shortened to PSV

The PSV costs $250 for the wifi model, $300 for the 3g & wifi model, no word on if there is a data plan attached, same prices in Euros too. The PSV will launch globally by the end of this year.

AT&T is officially announced as the exclusive provider of 3g data, the croud moans and he shrugs it off, no word on data plans.

Cross-game voice chat is announced for the PSV, called "Party", it allows people to talk to each other with either the built in mic or a headset. I honestly think the PS3 isn't capable of cross-game voice chat and it won't ever come.

Street Fighter X Tekken is coming to the PSV as well as the other platforms, Cole from inFamous will be a featured special character, and he might be in the PS3 version too.

Ruin is announced as a "social-action-RPG" where players create their own hero and lair, and siege the lairs of their friends and rivals. The top-down, Diablo-style lootfest will also have a PS3 version, which allows players to transfer their saves between the two versions at-will. So you can play to a certain part on your PSV, then save to the cloud and continue in the same spot on your PS3.

LittleBigPlanet and ModNation Racers are coming to the PSV, ModNation Racers for the PSV will work with PS3 tracks, costumes, etc. Both of the games are designed with the touch controls in mind for various different methods of gameplay or track creation.

and a list of PSV devlopers


from various places and watching the stream, i definitely missed some trailers so browse Playstation's youtube account for all of them

Bonus clip: Official PSV reveal trailer


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Missed the Microsoft one. Can't say I'm upset. Seeing as the PSV is the same price as the 3DS (I don't have AT&T so no 3G for me,) I don't know which one to get.

The games available by Christmas will by the deciding factor for me. I wish the PSV could read UMDs. If it could, then I could trade in my PSP 3000 (probably) for a discount.

I really wish that I wasn't going to miss the Nintendo one, though. Possible FE announcement, new console, and I'll probably actually care about games announced here. Although I want to get into Uncharted, now, so hopefully those games will actually be ones I end up excited about. Well, instead of watching Nintendo's exciting announcements, I get to work on a Greek tragedy for six hours! Enjoy exciting video game announcements while I enslave women and kill their children.

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Woooo. Redesigned PSP FTW! Sucks! Really? It looks the exact same as the 3000, except with a touch screen. That was soo five years ago. :/

Hopefully the 3000 goes down in price so I can get BBS. :/

Just to prove my point.



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Nintendo's really pushing not-letting-a-system-die syndrome :/ Though they were never really clear... if the Wii-U plays games on its own (as in, non-download titles, like actual retail games), or if its larger-game bretheren are completely tethered to being streamed. I wonder this because the presentation seemed to tout HD-quality now and then, but this is a bit wonky, considering its sub-category to the Wii in most purposes. It's one of those gimmicky addons Nintendo likes so well. I can't see it taking precedence, so I'm not sure it should be able to surpass the Wii itself in terms of overall graphical and computational prowess.

Maybe more info would be nice, 'cause right now it's the GBA connection all over again, only, seemingly able to run games "at HD quality," which its parent Wii cannot.

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