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Best Gamefaqs Warn Ever?

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Tier debates is probably the main reason.

Yeah its so upsetting to them that by the end of it they're in tiers :awesome:

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Oh. I seriously wonder why people have it in for SF though. We're not bad.

Pretty sure most sites with even moderate amounts of popularity have people who have it in for them.

I mean fuck, there are probably soulless bastards who hate homestarrunner ON THIS SITE, READING THIS POST.

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Yeah its so upsetting to them that by the end of it they're in tiers :awesome:


Maybe it's because we like Marcus as a community and don't like Ests (as Trollblade said, the best archetype in all of FE) very much.

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Maybe it's because we like Marcus as a community and don't like Ests (as Trollblade said, the best archetype in all of FE) very much.

There's that too but it's not as common as those that get pissed off after they dived into the tier lists here.

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Maybe it's because we like Marcus as a community and don't like Ests (as Trollblade said, the best archetype in all of FE) very much.

But Est is cool.

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Lol, some of the Gamefaqs mods are awful. That's no secret.

Post does not match any of the descriptions given in the TOU for trolling:

-"Messages that annoy and/or offend other users by going against the clear nature of a board": This board is for discussion of SRW OG2, and it is relatively frequent that on this board users discuss matters of gameplay, plot, relation to the metaseries, characters, and bust sizes, to give some idea as to the nature of the board. The post in question is a rendering of a character from SRW OG2, a deceased horse named Trombe which is later "reincarnated" as one of the forms of a giant robot used by the horse's owner. If you don't believe me I can supply a wealth of sources, but anyone who has played through the game would know this, so don't think you need to ask me.

-"Provoking other users to respond with flames": Is my little pony offensive? Is it rude? Is this post at all critical of the game, gamefaqs users, or SRW fans or of anyone at all?

-"provoking fans of a particular system or game, especially on boards or topics dedicated to that system or game": What is provocative about my little pony, especially regarding Super Robot Wars? Has my little pony committed crimes, insulted anyone of character goodd or ill, or challenged the social norms of society? Is my little pony anti robot, anti japanese, anti video game, anti internet, anti gamefaqs?

-"making misleading topic titles": Topic title describes what is contained accurately in my view, unless you mean to question whether I am an artist. I think most would agree that question is extremely complex and not likely to be answered anytime soon.

-"asking obviously useless questions": no questions asked in the topic.

-"Posting false information as a fact": I'm pretty sure all the information supplied is accurate. Happy to hear how it isn't so I can dispute this.

-"and using another user’s quote in your signature without permission." It is a quote generated by gamefaqs when I exceeded my posting limit, some years ago, so I don't think this qualifies.

I do see the clause which says something like "not limited to," allowing for additional definitions to be supplied. I think it is fair for me to ask what those are, if they are being applied in this instance, otherwise I can't be sure as to whether I was breaking the rules.

Edited by SirBrickingtonCrushworthy
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The Lost Woods makes the task relatively simple and the payoff is much better than what you'd get in other games.

Yeah but you can't grind in there for too long without the risk of becoming a Stalfos

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I'm sorry, did I miss the discussion about Zelda? I'm having trouble grasping how awesome having the "Lost Woods" and "Stalfos" in FE2 would be.

Replace "Stalfos" with "Mummy", and we've got ourselves a pointless, but possibly workable theory! Where do those rich in experience points critters come from?

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Amazingly, it got overturned!

A Mod/Admin replied

In the future, please don't do a rundown of the examples of a specific violation as written in the TOU: we can see the exact same text you do and can determine for ourselves if your post fits any of those examples. That said, it's totally obvious that there was no real purpose behind this thread other than to mislead people into looking at a photo of a pony, making this clearcut trolling. A pony is not a Gundam. ~XboxYou


Sorry for the list. The quotes were for my convenience, as I am not as familiar with the TOU as you, not being a moderator and not being a person who applies the TOU to any situation on a regular basis, and need to refer to the lines frequently if contesting a moderation. In future such conflicts, though I hope they don't happen, I'll avoid quoting the TOU to someone who probably knows it well enough to quote it back without referring to it.

Still, I'm lacking the explicitly requested matchup between a definition of trolling in the TOU and what I did, meaning I am still pretty sure I did not violate the TOU.

"it's totally obvious that there was no real purpose behind this thread other than to mislead people into looking at a photo of a pony"

I'll get back to the word mislead later. The debate regarding authorial intent is really complex, if this were a discussion I would suggest reading Barthes's "The Death of the Author." I personally do not think I, much less the moderator, have any ability to determine my intent to the extent to which one could say it is "totally obvious" that I intended to troll.

Assuming, however, that my intent matters, and that I have some ability to determine it, It's interesting to see someone is so assured of their judgment in this scenario. Allow me to clarify: my intent was to provide a humorous depiction of a video game character. I made the pony with the intent for it to resemble Trombe. As opposed to making a joke about a game which I enjoy, why would anyone seek to "mislead people into looking at a photo of a pony?", when I really know nothing about my little pony besides that there is a pony generator based on it. I haven't ridden a horse in at least 10 years, I only know 2 people (AFAIK) who ride horses on a regular basis and I haven't spoken to either today or very recently. What makes you think making people look at ponies is an interested of mine?

Additionally, I probably have trolled on gamefaqs before, I admit it, but not in this post. I think those posts would make up a very small fraction of my total, probably less than 20 of my posts in the last 5 years have been trolling. I am pretty sure there is only one instance on gamefaqs where I explicitly had trolling in mind when I posted. I am NOT making an appeal like "I usually follow the rules so don't punish me." What I am saying is: generally my posts on gamefaqs would indicate that as far as matters of content are concerned, there is reason to suggest I am likely to have that proclivity.

"A pony is not a Gundam."

The pony is based off of a cartoon animal, not a robot. So, there is a robot version, but in terms of the game's storyline it's based on the horse, not the other way around. I know a pony is not a horse, but it seems that the gap there is much smaller than the gap between a pony and a robot, to the point of being insignificant (now we are in "A White Horse is Not a Horse" territory). Certainly, ponies and horses are about as different as photos and a pngs.

By the way, to be as specific as possible, the name of the robot isn't Trombe. It's Aussenseiter, and is sometimes called "Daitrombe." Another reason why it would be natural expect to horse rather than a horse robot.

Finally, I question the word "mislead," an extremely poor choice of words. This implies that there was no clear reason to expect a picture of a pony. I guess I could grant that one would expect a horse, not a pony, but again I think the gap is so small that to call this "misleading" is questionable. Ask yourself this. If someone said "Look at this picture of a horse" and showed you a picture of a pony, would you accuse them of being misleading?

A Mod/Admin replied

...which is basically why the site you linked to has the same images of the same pony characters that have been going around for the last month or so. Right? Either way, maybe a warning was a bit much so that will be relaxed, but this is not being reposted for reasons previously stated.

Even the final shot by the mods is one I could blow out of the water like a PT boat, sadly I have no channel with which to try and make him realize he is an idiot only to have him read 2 sentences and go TLDR.

Edited by SeverIan
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