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What Do You Believe is the Internet's Greatest Contribution to Humanity

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Guy #1: The internet's greatest contribution to humanity is that it creates a community with in some ways unparalleled anonymity. This creates a situation in which a great deal of selfish motives are stripped away. In its place is a world of discussion in which one's power to challenge and destroy the ideology of others regarding their place in the world and place in the world of others, and yet at the same time to put one's own ideology regarding the world in which their place is found and the place others have in the world at unparalleled risk.

Guy #2: I disagree. This is nothing new. From the beginning of time, people have been anonymous for no one can ever really be known; as a result, the internet has contributed nothing new to humanity, at least not that you have posited.

Guy #1: How stupid are you? You fell right into my trap card. I anticipated your argument, and instead of actually constructing an argument, I have a video which utterly demolishes your argument regarding the idea that people can never really be known, and that the internet has contributed nothing to humanity. Even more humiliating is that anyone reading this argument will be aware of it.

Guy #2: I'm not going to give this argument up until I hurt you. Show me the video.

Guy #1:

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I knew it. I knew it. but I did it anyway.

The brilliance of the rick roll is that even when unveiled to the point of being obvious prior to the click, there is no way to resist his manly voice crooning to you about trust. Is there really anything we lost lambs desire more than another individual who commits themselves fully to being with us, not hurting us, etc? porn

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I think fb has really given a lot, now you can check if its raining without even looking outside the window

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It sure as hell ain't 4chan.

damn, I was gonna say 4chan t- oh wait I still can, nothing gIO says matters

I LOVE never gonna give you up.

me too but the malicious intent of sevver's post is pretty INFURIATING

Edited by Obviam
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me too but the malicious intent of sevver's post is pretty INFURIATING

Barthes (spelling?) once said that the author is dead. I don't believe this is true, unless you kill him. Unless you're ready to kill me, consider this as a possibility: I am a happier man than you. No, not only that, I am the happiest man in the universe, and every moment of my life, looking into the eyes of others, confirms it. I am trying to bring that happiness to you, too.

Proper response? Blast off my head with the first gun you can find. Each and every member of SF join in.

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