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Pokemon Legendaries Mafia - Game Over


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Random stuff from Outlaws chat:

[spoiler=My half-unused fakeclaim]

Dear user,

You are Dialga, the Temporal Pokémon.


You are a legendary Pokémon of Sinnoh. It is said that time flows when your heart beats.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X - Send USER through time". You will propel USER forward through the time stream, causing USER to arrive at their destination sooner, increasing USER's priority. <SNIP>

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.



  • Luka Megurine should i claim for investigating to be a town leader
  • Luka Megurine ANOULETH
  • Anouleth I can't say anything, Rein
  • Luka Megurine why
  • Anouleth I have been silenced
  • Luka Megurine aren't you playing
  • Luka Megurine Oh.
  • Luka Megurine :(
  • Anouleth JB will modkill me if I try to be helpful
  • JBCWK And I'm in chat!
  • Luka Megurine uhh
  • Luka Megurine oh wait he's 313's sub
  • Luka Megurine dammit
  • Luka Megurine Haze!
  • JBCWK ...
  • Luka Megurine shush jaybee
  • 4:35 PM
  • Luka Megurine I only want to do it if others are okay about it but as of now no motivation
  • Luka Megurine :<
  • Aoibara has left the room
  • Luka Megurine i am not very good leader material but i think it is for the best
  • JBCWK Haze is playing too btw
  • Luka Megurine i know
  • Luka Megurine i am asking someone's opinion
  • Luka Megurine particularly someone who knows stuff about mafia
  • Psychic has entered the room
  • Luka Megurine HEY
  • Luka Megurine There you are, I was witing for you to join
  • Ceadeus Hm?
  • Luka Megurine i need someone to let out my worries on
  • Psychic sorry
  • Psychic I was too busy winning
  • Spectakitty helloo
  • Ceadeus You want to be investigated to be the town leader?
  • Ceadeus SPECTA!
  • Luka Megurine Yeah
  • Psychic has left the room
  • Spectakitty HAZE
  • Luka Megurine do you think i should do it
  • Spectakitty OH HI
  • Ceadeus I'm pretty sick of town leader, but if you think you've got a good role for it, go ahead
  • Luka Megurine Yeah I am too but
  • Luka Megurine I think it is in the town's best interests
  • Psychic has entered the room
  • Ceadeus Then go for it
  • Ceadeus You won't get my claim until I see a clear though
  • 4:40 PM
  • Psychic has left the room
  • Luka Megurine Okay.

Meanwhile, at Haze's house:


Meanwhile, at Haze's house:


I demand that you post this in postgame so that we can add it to the quotes collection.

Someone explain to me how Rein being framed clears him...

Welcome your new teammate!

Oh hi Life. Welcome to Outlaws.

I didn't think it would go like this >_>;;

Hi Life.

Oh look, someone was telling the truth.


Can you really blame me with stuff like

<Paperblade> Trusting Life may not have been a good idea


I love when the TOWN defends me.

[23:24] Paperkitty [6/26/2011 8:48:15 AM] Anouleth: I'm also tempted to say

[23:24] Paperkitty [6/26/2011 8:48:17 AM] Anouleth: that if I die

[23:24] Paperkitty [6/26/2011 8:48:28 AM] Anouleth: everyone should claim to Life and make him town leader

[23:24] Paperkitty [6/26/2011 8:48:33 AM] Anouleth: just to troll him

[23:24] Paperkitty [6/26/2011 8:48:36 AM] Brad: haha

[23:24] Paperkitty [6/26/2011 8:48:46 AM] Brad: I was gonna say I don't think he'd be willing to do that

[23:24] Paperkitty [6/26/2011 8:48:50 AM] Anouleth: tough

[23:24] Paperkitty [6/26/2011 8:48:54 AM] Brad:

[23:24] Paperkitty [6/26/2011 8:49:00 AM] Anouleth: what's he going to do

[23:24] Paperkitty [6/26/2011 8:49:05 AM] Anouleth: just let the mafia kill him?

My face.

I'd be in favour of killing Kevin, unless Life thinks it's too suspicious.

No, I was going to suggest that. The one time he doesn't suggest a Life lynch he dies? Perfect.

Guardians fucking hate us. They shot Kay, myself, and now Kaoz. They're starting to become a hindrance.


No JB, we're going to sit here and watch them win >_>;;

Handle what? Trying to lynch me?

By now, they've probably all forgotten about me.

I think the correct term for the ending of this game is...


If we can pull it off, yes.

In that case it'll be the same procedure as every year time:

-Life joins a SF mafia

-Life's team wins

-Life gets MVP

Naw. I just want to get a nod for how I played.

MVP goes to Kaoz. That's both mine and Eclipse's argument.

I know, it's more the whole I've-been-dead-all-game-and-now-there-are-three-people-left-and-it's-up-to-Kaoz situation.

Also all 4 Old Ones were mafia this game.

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[spoiler=Back in the day when I thought Wen was mafia]

Whilst Wen has shown himself to be lying, I'm not all too sure about Life being a TP:

He says he's staying neutral but if that were the case why was he so opposed to Rein trying to lead if he just has to survive, that and TP seems the most plausible explanation for the mafia avoiding him. Plus WoMC's death didn't exactly help, as like with Bal in AG he would have persisted with the lynch until it happens, and then Wen lying saying he went for Obivam, I'll need to double-check when Life said he investigated WoMC but his role would've been a huge pain in the arse for the mafias. Although it could've just been because WoMC had a stronger case than Obivam for being town.quote]

I told you he was tricksy I told you he was false.

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For the record, I didn't start off Mafia.

Remember those two days where you guys tried to lynch me and I had to work my ass off to push them off? Yeah, my win condition at the time was You are not allied with anyone. You win if you survive.

Kaoz for MVP.

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My turn~!

[spoiler=The Guardians, who are real comedians]

it's called "being mafia"

hurr hurr

Hrmmm well then he may be asleep. Also he hasn't been on in like 2 days. So I hope he doesn't go all inactive and whatnot. ...whoops, now I'm being kind of a creeper.

Ooh, thanks~!

Ho-oh the wonder chicken has priority of 19.

Well yeah but I mean...as a townie you're trying to scumhunt the entire game. But as mafia you know mostly who all the townies are...so what do you do when you aren't killing someone?

You lie, cheat, and steal. . .and try not to claim town persuader. . .

(sorry about that. . .)

/me uses Sacred Fire on JB, and burns him

i don't wanna modkill you twice

that's reserved for proto only

Done! I hope they don't somehow deduce that I'm mafia from this lol...


(Why the hell would I resurrect Psych?)

To piss people off!

I may be dead, but I can still be your logic board~! BEEP BEEP BOOP!

No problem~!

I'd love to explain more, but Catboy!Arceus might not appreciate that. I must appease him.

That's it from my end~!

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One more thing.

Some of the stuff that I might have said in the Outlaws PM, IP Chat, IRC and MSN might have been pretty mean but JB, you have to see where I'm coming from.

I just looked at your spreadsheet with regards to BK and it looks like the BK could use whatever power he wanted for any specific night as long as that person was dead. Because becoming the 3rd town killer (which in and of itself is fucking stupid) doesn't explain why Kaoz (who was targetted on night 4) lived to the end of the game.

Basically, if BK made it to halfway through the game, he became broken without anyone knowing it. Like all bets are off broken and priority doesn't matter broken.

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I think I understand what happened:

BK got his power, but it looks like he kept his original priority of 20. Something tells me the mafia kill's priority was way before 20. Thus, BK lost.

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No, he only took the power of the person he targeted and couldn't change it. He targeted Wen to become the next vig and then didn't lose his power at all.

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Guest Wen Yang

/me facepalms

I knew either I was redirected or else obviam pulled that kind of thing.

That explains a lot. sorry guys. I didn't even know that it was WoMC that I killed. :P:

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For the record, I didn't start off Mafia.

Remember those two days where you guys tried to lynch me and I had to work my ass off to push them off?

You mean the stray votes from Kevin and Jhen, if I could find it I'd get that tiny violin of mine out just for you bbe

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