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I'd say they were more complex in origin than construction.

I would also say Judas is way too optimistic ;/

Someday, he's getting out of Satan's jaws.....SOMEDAY OVER THE RAINBOW (I meant somewhere, sorry).

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so what happened to the princess?!

Crap I've forgotten their name, who was that guy who was flamboyantly camp guy? Anyway long story short he got on the wrong side of some lumberjacks.


Not feeling so fabulous anymore

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Ok, you know how the princess is always in another castle in the original mario?

Were I a princess myself, the first time I ever remember mario coming after me was when a girl in kindergarten or first grade gave me a valentine which was probably one of the more original valentine cards I ever got. I didn't pay much mind to it. At some point it was placed in my white dresser, and eventually it was thrown out. I don't remember whether I made the decision to do that, or someone else in my family did. Essentially, I marked that valentine as just one more expression by someone so open I didn't particularly want to have any interraction of any real significance with her.

Sorry princesses, your mario is in another castle.

Edited by SeverIan
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