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(FE10) Standard Penalties Draft

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Because you saw the similarity from our teams and try to match my Turns? =3

Nah, that can't be it...

Nope, rather because i tried but due to thunder's weak migth and the pacifist fire mage it went into 6 :/

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Nope, rather because i tried but due to thunder's weak migth and the pacifist fire mage it went into 6 :/

Then you should look at my turns in the FE Draft tournament topic. Really similar teams. you could've 1 Turned 3-5 with meteor. 8D Also, yeah, I always take wind or fire. :)

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Then you should look at my turns in the FE Draft tournament topic. Really similar teams. you could've 1 Turned 3-5 with meteor.

I'm happy with a 2 turns. I'm going to try to 3 turn 3-9 with meteor and Callil.

At soul... I don't know why i had it, but Soren broke everything else.

Edited by Jhen Mohran
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I'm happy with a 2 turns. I'm going to try to 3 turn 3-9 with meteor and Callil.

That shouldn't be possible. Enemies will get in your way. 4 turns is the fastest I've found it to be possible.

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That shouldn't be possible. Enemies will get in your way. 4 turns is the fastest I've found it to be possible.

I think he's talking about 3-5. A 2 turn clear of 3-8 would be a little ridiculous.

Edit: And that's what I get for assuming I know what I'm talking about.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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That shouldn't be possible. Enemies will get in your way. 4 turns is the fastest I've found it to be possible.

Ok then 4 turns is still good. Keeping my turn losses to a minumum. I want to try and beat Soul :3

...Wait what you guys talking about? 3-5? I two turned that one. Reyson, Rolf, and soren with celerity did the trick (note he got lucky).

3-8 is a five turns.

and 3-9 is an expected 4 turns.

Edited by Jhen Mohran
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Is 4-turn with Calill in 3-9 still possible on Hard Mode?

I did it in the Transfers Draft, although it is not reasonably possible considering I only got it by rigging a 2% crit. Not my most honorable of draft strategies, that's for sure, but I really didn't want to take a penalty and I still got the Speedwing.

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I did it in the Transfers Draft, although it is not reasonably possible considering I only got it by rigging a 2% crit. Not my most honorable of draft strategies, that's for sure, but I really didn't want to take a penalty and I still got the Speedwing.

What if I have Danved to cover her while she Meteors?

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What if I have Danved to cover her while she Meteors?

I don't think that would change anything. Calill had 0% chance of death before reaching the Meteor point. It's just that there are enemies in her way that she killed on enemy phase. Their AI puts them in the spots that she would need to stand on and she can't go around them. Turns 2 and 3 she only healed herself as a result.

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I don't think that would change anything. Calill had 0% chance of death before reaching the Meteor point. It's just that there are enemies in her way that she killed on enemy phase. Their AI puts them in the spots that she would need to stand on and she can't go around them. Turns 2 and 3 she only healed herself as a result.

Actually its possible to 3 turn 3-9, atleast on NM. Promoted Callil 1RKOs everything except the boss (that requires +2 points of magic [and that she capped magic before promoting] and this is with Meteor). She would also require atleast 29 speed and 15 str, or 18 str and 27 speed. Or whatever other variation you can come up with. With some positioning of Geoffrey to attarct certain enemies, Callil can stand infront of the general (near the speedwings guy) and from there she can meteor.

3-8 5 turns

Soren is awesome. With celerity and a galdr from the begining, he clears the whole center almost by himself. He flare'd the boss, killed the pacifist mage on turn 5, and then waited for the generals on turn 5 EP. Ulki killed whatever Soren left behind. Ike and Ulki cleared the beginning area, while Ike goes back and reinforces Kyza and Rolf who took on the northern path.

3-9 4 turns

Adept!Callil goes up the ledges the first two turns, hits the boss on turn 3 with meteor, adepts the boss on turn four (breaking Meteor). Geoffrey waters down a house as well as attracting a halberdier that would otherwise block Callil's magic meteor spot. I got ~15k from this chapter :3 don't you just love NM

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Actually its possible to 3 turn 3-9, atleast on NM. Promoted Callil 1RKOs everything except the boss (that requires +2 points of magic [and that she capped magic before promoting] and this is with Meteor). She would also require atleast 29 speed and 15 str, or 18 str and 27 speed. Or whatever other variation you can come up with. With some positioning of Geoffrey to attarct certain enemies, Callil can stand infront of the general (near the speedwings guy) and from there she can meteor.

So basically you need Geoffrey to do it.

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So basically you need Geoffrey to do it.

Yes... Well the possibility is there at the very least there for those drafts that allow geoof to be used (in EP).

Also having some trouble with with 3-10... Damn Kyza's lack of strenght and durabilty... Give me back Mordy :angry: . I tried having Ike and Soren go through the center with Soren except i failed because Soren can't double... >_> I might give him a speed wing so he can (27 speed currently iirc), oh and ike has a perpetual problem of no Ettard >_> or reliable 2 range >_>... Ulki and Rolf team fails because Rolfie likes to attract enemies, and i need ulki with adept meaning no adept crossbow!rolf... And Ulki is unreliable at killing Generals... thanks alot Kyza >_> worthless piece of arghhhhhhhh RAGE!!!!

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3-10 5 Turns

After many tries i finally found the way. Those Wyvernriders sure are a pain >_> Pacifist bastards. Anywho, Soren goes through the northern side, kills everything he comes in contact with. Ulki rushses to Soren's help. Reyson played a key role in being smitten and helping Ulki and Soren move. Kyza was mostly a smitebot. Rolf, killed reinforcements along with ike.

3-11 4 Turns

Thanks to soul for the idea of using halfshift.

Ulki takes a stone (finishing it) on turn 1. Ike kills the axe guy on turn 2, while rolf kills the mage which brings Tibarn and Leanne. Ulki Rescues Ike, and moves to a place where he gets vigored by Leanne. After that Ulki moves trhough the enemy's openings and stops in a position of great danger and uses Olivi(almost surrounded and carrying ike although ~90 avoid is fairly good and dodges most things). Then he moves again, untransforms, halfshifts, and waits till next turn. Then on turn 4 he tears the boss and ike equips the slim sword and seizes. Soren, Callil, Rolf, and Kyza just went about doing barely anything, Soren reached D rank and is almost on C (wonder why I'm even bothering on raising his staff rank :mellow: ) Callil had some fun with fire (i guess...?), and rolfie just strolled by with his bow. Kyza tried to attract enemies, but the they though he was an ugly hooker and went for Soren instead :mellow:

Kyza and ulki got some BEXP. I gave Ulki Celerity and Halfshift. I also promoted Rolf this chapter. Ulki got S strike this chapter.

Edit: I'm getting an aweful habit of not finishing sentences, put a period and then finish it with the next sentences... :mellow:

3-12 4 Turns

Nolan wrecked everything with Pass and Resolve. Micaiah was there with paragon and displine, she killed a mage and healed some people. Sothe got a spot in theledges and killed a few people. It could have been a 3 turns, but i didn't want to use the boots.

3-13 3 Turns

Nolan again with Pass and Beastfoe. He gets down to Ike, and uses Brave axe on him. 56 hit rate and 15 for each hit... It took 3 restarts, but in the last try he decided to just Colossus :newyears:

3-E 5 Turns

Ulki plays with Halfshift and olivi grass and kills the Sleep mage turn 2. He faces Nolan a few times until he gets killed by Rolf, Ike, and Ulki. Callil and Soren just go around killing some stuff. Kyza was around and did um... well he killed something... idk.

Part 3: 96

Total: 191


Silver team

Micaiah, Sothe, Leanne, Callil, Ulki.

Greil Team

Ike, Rafiel, Soren, Nailah (Oliver)

Hawk Team

Reyson, Nolan, Rolf, Kyza

Edited by Jhen Mohran
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I'll try to put Part 4 in one single post... If no one does post after this... Anywho...

4-P 5 Turns

I distributed 10,000 BEXP between Ulki, Miccy, Sothe, and Callil. Callil solo'd the north. Ulki, Miccy, and Sothe face the east. Leanne vigored Callil first turn and accompanied Miccy and Sothe and Ulki. It could have been a 4 turn, but it required Callil to flare the boss and the Priest, actually it wouldn't have worked i think because the northern reinforcements arrive on turn 3 and the Tempest blade won't attack. Meaning Callil can't kill all of them. Oh well. Ulki's strike is now almost over the S :awesome: Micaiah was doubling here with the 2 speed wings i had leftover. She was awesome.

4-1 5 Turns

Ike south, Soren west, Nailah east along with Rafiel. I forgot to pack soren a concoction, and I moved Nailah the wrong way and then i battle saved... Then i realised i was screwed, so i just decided to do it over later today. Ike had Paragon.

4-2 9 Turns

ResolveWrath!Rolf goes south with crossbow, Taskh, Aqqar. Nolan goes west, Kyza goes along Rolf for a while but he stays in the begining area. Rolfie goes west and takes care of the generals all the way over there at the entrance of Valtome's Den. nolan goes and kills the boss takes care of everything there then doubles back to take care of the swordmaster reinforcements. Kyza takes cares of reinforcements. I leveled him up to level 40 and he ended up with 19 str and 15 spd. That was just enough to kill that general reinforcement. Surprisingly this chapter was done without restarts :newyears:

4-3 8 Turns

Ulki, Micaiah, and Callil are freaking awesome. I gave miccy Wrath, and she killed almost everything i wanted. Sothe helped but then was left behind by the fast moving units. Callil took on the center. Ulki and Miccy went through the right edge of the map along with Leanne. Purge Saved my ass like twice. Good use of Laguz stones and olivi grass allowed Ulki to remain Transformed for all of the enemy phase. Ulki got S Rank :newyears: .

4-4 9 turns

Soren went around and opened and cleared treasure rooms. Ike rushed to clear every enemy in Oliver's room. Rafiel Gladrs here and there on Ike/Soren. Nailah goes through the bottom and kills everything there... I think i could have done better had I made Nailah gone through the treasure rooms... hmm....

4-5 3 Turns

Rolf Pass, Celerity, gets vigored by Reyson. Nolan, Kyza, and Geoff protect Reyson for a turn while he stoned, then they shove and or clear path for shover to get to Rolf. I think i could 2 turn this... hmmm....

4-E-1 3 Turns

Rolf takes care of the sleep Bishop and Lekain. The rest took the middle whle Soren and Callil took the east and western sides respectively. Turn 3 most things were cleared up, EP everthing dies. Also, I silenced the bolting mage with Loliver, who got silenced by Hetzel :awesome:

4-E-2 1 Turn

Most units were not deployed. Soren with Blizzard takes care of the boss. Kyza gets his S-strike (don't really know for what but eh). Ike with hammer does the magic.

4-E-3 1 Turn

Took a while to figure out how to 1 tunr it, but eventually, a Max strenght giffca, max str Nailah, along with Rolf and Rafiel manage to do it. I had to use the 3 Rescue uses, but i didn't really needed them for anything else.

4-E-4 1 Turn

Giffca, Nailah, Nolan, and Rolf get galdr, while Celerity!Ike kills the spirit infront of Lehran. Nolan shoves the side Spirit, Rolf takes the care of the spirit on the back, and Nailah kills the other spirit. Giffca 1RKO the boss.

4-E-5 3 Turns

I did not get my base convo with Soren :angry: its the last one i need. Anywho, distribute Provokes, shades, Nihils, and parities scrolls. I gave all of my BEXP to Rafiel. 3 Auras the first turn. 4 the next turn. 1 Aura and Ashera the last turn.

Part 4: 48 Turns

Total: 232 Turns without Penalties (according to the game)

Total with Penalties: 240 Turns

Edited by Jhen Mohran
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I'll try to put Part 4 in one single post... If no one does post after this... Anywho...

4-P 5 Turns

I distributed 10,000 BEXP between Ulki, Miccy, Sothe, and Callil. Callil solo'd the north. Ulki, Miccy, and Sothe face the east. Leanne vigored Callil first turn and accompanied Miccy and Sothe and Ulki. It could have been a 4 turn, but it required Callil to flare the boss and the Priest, actually it wouldn't have worked i think because the northern reinforcements arrive on turn 3 and the Tempest blade won't attack. Meaning Callil can't kill all of them. Oh well. Ulki's strike is now almost over the S :awesome: Micaiah was doubling here with the 2 speed wings i had leftover. She was awesome.

4-1 5 Turns

Ike south, Soren west, Nailah east along with Rafiel. I forgot to pack soren a concoction, and I moved Nailah the wrong way and then i battle saved... Then i realised i was screwed, so i just decided to do it over later today. Ike had Paragon.

4-2 9 Turns

ResolveWrath!Rolf goes south with crossbow, Taskh, Aqqar. Nolan goes west, Kyza goes along Rolf for a while but he stays in the begining area. Rolfie goes west and takes care of the generals all the way over there at the entrance of Valtome's Den. nolan goes and kills the boss takes care of everything there then doubles back to take care of the swordmaster reinforcements. Kyza takes cares of reinforcements. I leveled him up to level 40 and he ended up with 19 str and 15 spd. That was just enough to kill that general reinforcement. Surprisingly this chapter was done without restarts :newyears:

4-3 8 Turns

Ulki, Micaiah, and Callil are freaking awesome. I gave miccy Wrath, and she killed almost everything i wanted. Sothe helped but then was left behind by the fast moving units. Callil took on the center. Ulki and Miccy went through the right edge of the map along with Leanne. Purge Saved my ass like twice. Good use of Laguz stones and olivi grass allowed Ulki to remain Transformed for all of the enemy phase. Ulki got S Rank :newyears: .

4-4 9 turns

Soren went around and opened and cleared treasure rooms. Ike rushed to clear every enemy in Oliver's room. Rafiel Gladrs here and there on Ike/Soren. Nailah goes through the bottom and kills everything there... I think i could have done better had I made Nailah gone through the treasure rooms... hmm....

4-5 3 Turns

Rolf Pass, Celerity, gets vigored by Reyson. Nolan, Kyza, and Geoff protect Reyson for a turn while he stoned, then they shove and or clear path for shover to get to Rolf. I think i could 2 turn this... hmmm....

4-E-1 3 Turns

Rolf takes care of the sleep Bishop and Lekain. The rest took the middle whle Soren and Callil took the east and western sides respectively. Turn 3 most things were cleared up, EP everthing dies. Also, I silenced the bolting mage with Loliver, who got silenced by Hetzel :awesome:

4-E-2 1 Turn

Most units were not deployed. Soren with Blizzard takes care of the boss. Kyza gets his S-strike (don't really know for what but eh). Ike with hammer does the magic.

4-E-3 1 Turn

Took a while to figure out how to 1 tunr it, but eventually, a Max strenght giffca, max str Nailah, along with Rolf and Rafiel manage to do it. I had to use the 3 Rescue uses, but i didn't really needed them for anything else.

4-E-4 1 Turn

Giffca, Nailah, Nolan, and Rolf get galdr, while Celerity!Ike kills the spirit infront of Lehran. Nolan shoves the side Spirit, Rolf takes the care of the spirit on the back, and Nailah kills the other spirit. Giffca 1RKO the boss.

4-E-5 3 Turns

I did not get my base convo with Soren :angry: its the last one i need. Anywho, distribute Provokes, shades, Nihils, and parities scrolls. I gave all of my BEXP to Rafiel. 3 Auras the first turn. 4 the next turn. 1 Aura and Ashera the last turn.

Part 4: 48 Turns

Total: 232 Turns without Penalties (according to the game)

Total with Penalties: 240 Turns

NICE, that must be a new record

Edited by Xander
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  • 4 months later...

Let's necro this shit from God-knows-where since Soul is being a prick and not doing his leg of the FE4 Tag-Team.

98 turns going into 3-P, I have no idea what my team is, let's go team!

3-P: 9 turns clear = 107 turns total


Skrimir went left. I can't make this shit up, Skrimir went off to go kill something Boyd left behind. Stupid fucker.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe I'm slick enough to finish this by Wednesday when I go back to school. Just have to push through 3-1, really. I hate this chapter so much.

3-1: 11 turns clear = 128 turns total

Ike and Boyd. YAY.

Lethe shaved a turn, though, so that's uniqueish.

This chapter took an ENTIRE episode of Voyager to finish. Yay.

3-2 BASE

hahaha Ilyana just showed up with a max forge Steel Axe called Laura's Gift. I'm so cheeky.

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  • 2 months later...

Integrity is known as a man prone to sudden flights of industry.

3-2: 4 turns clear = 132 turns total

I don't remember what good clears are for this game and FUCKED IF I'M LOOKING GO UP BOYD

3-3: 9 turns clear = 141 turns total


also gatrie was my freebie

3-4: 8 turns clear = 149 turns total

finally promoted boyd so he just wrecks

but he did eat a crit from the boss lol that hurt


hahaha after i typed this boyd missed an 80% and died to a second crit by the boss

load bsave that i made because i knew THAT would happen

3-5: 2 turns clear = 151 turns total

so i thought "hmm, wonder what boyd's crit is. oh, 11%. should i abuse a crit? does the boss attack on ep if he's wounded?"

and then boyd crit anyway, first attack.



oh my fuck laura is a level 8 bishop

can you spell B-A-T-T-L-E-F-I-E-L-D-P-R-O-M-O-T-I-O-N? i can

3-6: 9 turns clear = 160 turns total


3-7: projected 12 turns clear = 172 turns total


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3-9: 4 turns clear = 182 turns total


3-10: 6 turns clear = 188 turns total

ai fucked up a potential 5, oh well

don't rely on greens

3-11: 5 turns clear = 193 turns total

tanith makes me boner so hard

she didn't even need savior to go up and win the chapter

3-12: laura needs a biorhythm pill jesus

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