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Best lord? Why?

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And Ike doesn't end up dying like Sigurd or Hector. I don't care how badass Sigurd might be if he just gets killed anyway.

...Ike only doesn't die because his games don't go on long enough. Hector doesn't die for the next TWENTY YEARS after FE7.

Also, Micaiah's not a member of any ruling household and she's still primary Lord in FE10.

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For this one I pick Ike. I like how he's the only Lord who's not actually a Lord (meaning he's not a member of a ruling house). Unlike most of the other Lords, not much effort needs to be put into Ike to make him kick ass. In other words, he's easier to train than most people. And Ike doesn't end up dying like Sigurd or Hector. I don't care how badass Sigurd might be if he just gets killed anyway.

He dies in a literal blaze of glory, though.

Also, Micaiah's not a member of any ruling household and she's still primary Lord in FE10.

Secretly royalty, just like Arum and Cellica.

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Secretly royalty, just like Arum and Cellica.

I know about the others, but source on Mic?

EDIT: Derp. Kitty reading over my shoulder reminded me.

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So Micaiah's origins aren't a spoiler but the other two are?

Yes, that cheap Cellica knock-off isn't worth the trouble of an extra tag.

Also, thanks for agreeing with a quote.

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Best FE7 Lord - Marcus.

Real vote: Since I haven't played the earlier games (though my vote would likely be Sigurd anyway), I'll just say Ike with Hector at a close second. When you can be bad ass with Swords you know you deserve screen time. Marth was "okay" I guess. Definitely don't hate him too much in FE12.

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Secretly royalty, just like Arum and Cellica.

Or Lyn, to select a more recent example. Arguably Ike as well, since he turns out to be the child of a major Daein General. It's also vaguely alluded that Elena had some special ability that she passed down to Mist, but I think it's just that they're Special rather than it being an inherited ability.

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I personally think that Leaf is better than Sigurd simply because of how necessary it is for Leaf to be good just to make it out of Manster. 4 and 4x are two of the hardest Manster chapters and Leaf slices through Knights there with his 1~2 range Light Brand. Only Nanna and Fergus (if you brought over the Fire Sword) are nearly as good as Leaf at cutting through armours. Plus, the Speed Ring gives him +2 AS which could be the difference between doubling or not.

Sigurd doesn't need to be God to destroy Verdane. But Leaf HAS to be good to have a pretty easy Manster. Hence, Leaf but only because of his circumstances.

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Plus, the Speed Ring gives him +2 AS which could be the difference between doubling or not.

Speed Ring yields +3 AS. And it almost always is the difference between doubling and not doubling because Leaf has 0 AS at base with the Light Sword and needs a grand total of 4 spd and bld level ups in order to double 0 AS enemies.

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Or Lyn, to select a more recent example. Arguably Ike as well, since he turns out to be the child of a major Daein General.

Being the son of an ex-general grants him no birthrights, though. I suppose it's safe to say he's the only FE protagonist to date not of (at least) noble blood.

Unless you decide to consider My Unit a protagonist, that is. And even then, s/he can have a noble background.

Sigurd doesn't need to be God to destroy Verdane. But Leaf HAS to be good to have a pretty easy Manster. Hence, Leaf but only because of his circumstances.

Gotta earn that Master Knight rank, huh?

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Well, I kinda like Ike. (No reference to Eisenhower intended.)

For the start I would give credit to him for being a bit different then most previous Fire Emblem Lords. As far as I can see Marth, Alm, Celice, Leaf, Roy and Eliwood are pretty much interchangeable and in all their cases they not only become the symbol of hope from the regular desperate people but even army leaders with way more experience will follow them while having to experience on their own.

While Ike was also as green as the rest of the Lords, his reliance on Soren and Titania made his accomplishments more believable despite him being a bit of a dimwit. However it would have helped if the script wouldn't have thrown around superlatives during the invasion of Daein. (The Border Fortress of Daein being supposed to be impenetrable. Describing the Begnion army as outnumbered, etc.)

Either way Ike is a man with a simple worldview who doesn't think the word of authorities have special weight just because they are authorities. He will fight for what he thinks is right and he looks at people without prejudice. He doesn't notably develop in this regard over the course of the game, despite what Nasir expected. That doesn't sound very awesome but it makes him just the hero Telius needed a world whose confused inhabitants will happily kill each just other because of hate and fear. And whose goddess will happily pass judgment on her children while not even trying to provide them with the guidance they are all praying for.

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For the start I would give credit to him for being a bit different then most previous Fire Emblem Lords. As far as I can see Marth, Alm, Celice, Leaf, Roy and Eliwood are pretty much interchangeable and in all their cases they not only become the symbol of hope from the regular desperate people but even army leaders with way more experience will follow them while having to experience on their own.

While Ike was also as green as the rest of the Lords, his reliance on Soren and Titania made his accomplishments more believable despite him being a bit of a dimwit. However it would have helped if the script wouldn't have thrown around superlatives during the invasion of Daein. (The Border Fortress of Daein being supposed to be impenetrable. Describing the Begnion army as outnumbered, etc.)

Just going to point out that Leaf screws up quite often in FE5 and in reality, you end up losing a lot of battles (or retreat from them) even when completing maps in FE5.

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I like Leaf for having balls and just slicing the shit out of anything that tries to stop him, not to mention having to do everything on his own whilst Celice lives in luxury with with biggest anti-Grandbell army in the continent. Plus, he has an actual canon love who isn't a "Nuns and war DO NOT mix!" to "ILU" in a blink of an eye, or who he finds in the middle of a forest. Stat-wise, I have less love for him, I'll have to give the stat award to Alm. ;D

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super squishy yet still useful

God-moding through the game is not my idea of fun. Press A and watch 2D pixelized enemies die, wheee.

Ike for honorable mention and Hector for HM #2 for personality and/or humor.

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Since i havent played much of FE4, i cannot vouch for Sigurd and his awesomeness. (sooorrryyy)

Out of the games i HAVE played, the best lord was either Hector or Ike. (yeah ive only really played the games released outside of the US)

My favorite is Hector.

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I'm quite surprised by the shortage of Alm love; ignoring the lack of characterisation typical of the NES era he's functionally similar to Sigurd with the only major differences being that Sigurd has a horse and Alm gets 1-3 range bows on promotion.

Anyway, I like how Sigurd, Hector and Ike defy normal FE tropes and are really good at the same time. I also like it when Lords don't use swords, so Hector, Ephraim and Micaiah are good in my books. I dunno, I don't like to say that I have a favourite, this is just what I like.

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Stop breaking the rules Dondon. Severlan is an upstanding citizen.

I'd like to know what kind of twisted definition of "SeverIan" "is" "an" "upstanding" and "citizen" you have in order to draw that conclusion.

Dat Sigurd.

It's not because he's a younger, medieval/fantasy Yang Wenli or anything. Honest.

If you want to meet a younger, medieval fantasy Yang Wenli, go talk to Wen Yang. He's on IPchat and is the sexiest guy I have ever chatted w/ on serenes recently, though it's hard to rate SF guys based on conversation generally... (again, sexiness based on conversation alone) Too bad his support list is full on Silver Blade. You all are lucky bastards who are on HIS support list.


I think Marcus is the best lord. He's a beast throughout most of FE7 without needing much, if any, resources.

I think Juliet is the best lord. He's (she's???) a beast in Serenes Forest (remember, part of the FEverse) without needing much, if any, material.

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