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Kiryn does Nuzlocke comics!

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I decided quite unwisely a while back to start a Nuzlocke run of Leaf Green. It took a few tries to get it off the ground because oh hey, I'm really bad at Nuzlocke on account of kind of being a reckless idiot.

Clearly this isn't one of those technical report on my Nuzlocke run and how fast I did it and how leet I was topics, man I don't even know how to do those. Instead, I draw stupid comics!

I'd been meaning to get a buffer started and then begin to post, but then they just weren't getting done, so I figure if I try to hold myself to some sort of weekly update schedule either I'll eventually find the "TIME TO MAKE COMICS" groove I'd wanted to get into, or at least the verbal abuse I get when I forget to update will motivate me to keep churning out one a week. (They're way too crappy to be whole-week efforts, it's more of "oh shit I was doing homework all week and forgot to comic".)

HERE IS A BORING COMIC FOR YOU. Subsequent updates will be somewhat more interesting. And probably be on SATURDAYS so saturdays are when people should PESTER me.

I will probably submit them to the Nuzlocke comics site as fan comics when there are more of them to send maybe. Also deviantart because all my stuff ends up there.

[spoiler=GIANT COMIC]nuzlocke01.jpg

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*botha botha botha* Make more comics. It is saturday. *botha botha botha* More substance please; it's cute and good and so MOAR. *botha botha botha saturday botha*

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Going to try and draw two comics today! One now, one after I do some more homework. Should I livestream dumb comics y/n/Kirynyou'restupid?

Update: O SABOTAGE my tablet is on the fritz. Hoping to fix it and have comic up later but no livestream, alas.

Edited by Kiryn
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Man, the second one was awesome. Better than the first even. And it's ok. No pressue. I do like your MSPainting, though. It's awesome. XD

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Kyrin is lying. She actually abandoned this project/put it on hold because her Charmander was killed by a Ratatta's critical while she was grinding.

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I suppose I could do a prose adaptation of the log I've been keeping (I'm at Victory Road in-game now FYI, and haven't actually been playing for a while due to busy), but it seems like shitty comics would be more fun.

The other thing is, I am very busy/stressed/dead right now (so it turns out that summer classes don't work so well when they forget to post the lectures on time, but don't amend the deadlines to fit!) so I'm really searching for time/energy to fix tablet/mourn tablet/draw comics. I was all set to draw some on Saturday, and five minutes into comicing my tablet stopped responding... I really hope it is not completely dead, because I can't afford another one Dx

Anyway, anyone want an adaptation of my log in the meantime? I'll replace log posts with comic posts when comic gets made.

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Due to my lazy, these last two coments beat me to the punch. XD Yes, Toon Kiryn, go go!

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oh lord I was dead today, so dead, but so much fun. comic tomorrow. You're allowed to whine at me about this unless your username is, contains, or ever has been Psych.

(I was with friends all day and away from the computer; I badly needed the stress relief. Please do not hold it too badly against me.)

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