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Other tactical games


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I guess I haven't really introduced myself. I've made a thread and posted a reply but hey, whats up heh. You can call me by my name to the left.

I was wondering seeing as this is a Fire Emblem forum what other tactical games you guys can recommend. Here's a few free to play games I like. I've been playing off and on Tactics Arena Online with occasionally my moments but I will admit... for as much as I play these types of games, I'm pretty bad. I usually end up repeating Fire Emblem chapters 20 times until I get them just the way I want. Anyway, Tactics is a turn based game between two players. Only one unit moves at a time and depending on if they attack or move, each unit has a cooldown before they can be used again. One fortunate thing is that the Cleric doesn't have to be adjacent to anyone to heal them unlike Fire Emblem. They just stand back and be defended.

If that doesn't peak your interest, there's Battle Dex. I haven't played this nearly as much as I've played Tactics. In this game everyone moves at once, including your opponent. In this way, there are two phases essentially. A command phase (tell em what you want em to do) and a simulation phase (where it all happens at once). This I imagine makes it more fun because there is no waiting for your opponent to make his move. I've only done maybe 2 online games that were not just my brother. You can pay for better decks of cards to battle with others but there is a mode where you can both fight with a random deck so no monies needed. There is a pretty nice tutorial to all of this that still allows for plenty experimentation to make learning this as easy and fun as possible. The voice work is pretty silly.

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Just Breed is a very nifty JRPG/SRPG on the Famicom that no one seems to know of. I mentioned it some years ago at FESS while it was still alive. YouTube has, like, no videos of it, other than a demonstration video of some sort of mapper/sounds mischief. romhacking dot net has a full translation available for download. Think if Fire Emblem and Dragon Quest had a baby.

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I see no reason why "other games" cannot be extended beyond video games and into board games.

-Axis and Allies is an excellent WWII sim. Similar to risk, it seeems that the pros feel that it accurately simulates the real setting of WWII in that the axis needs to quickly steamroll the allies before the allies can use their superior size to muster a force capable of halting and overturning the axis assault. I have only played one or two games of this but had a great deal of fun. IIRC, house rules tend to favor the axis and give them advantages to compensate for the fact that experts in the game seem to feel the axis is at a disadvantage.

-The Game of Thrones board game is extremely deterministic and complex. The rulebooks for later expansions have fairly complex "house rules" suggesting how to make it more/less the result of chance. I am currently looking for players, if you're in the northern NJ area let me know. Frankly, I love the game so much that I am just happy to have a copy for myself. This is also vaguely risk-like, and rules include limits on the size of armies you can keep. Players who have mastered of Twilight of the Imperium (I have never played it) would probably find this child's play, but most would find it exceedingly difficult.

-Catan is an excellent game which is hard to peg, like a lot of good "eurogames", but some might call it similar to monopoly. You put down buildings, roads etc in order to gain access to resources. When numbers are rolled, settlements next to resources assigned that number get those resources. I think this is a great game which allows beginners to win but still has a great deal of complexity for experts to enjoy. It's a GREAT game. There's a reason why NYC has a group dedicated entirely to settlers.

-Chess is a game mastered by Lelouch Zi Britannia (sp?) among others. Most consider that to lose means knocking over your king, but Lelouch won a losing game of chess by moving his king first, a direct inversion of the rules. I have no skill at it, when at chess camp I lost every game of chess I played (this is probably because I didn't give a shit, but the fact remains that, matter of attention or no, I SUCK at chess.) I respect masters of chess. They have a devotion to skill at games which I can never match. It may seem trivial to some, but I believe it reflects quite excellently and beautifully all meaning.

Edited by SeverIan
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I played Age of Empires on the DS, and it's like a medieval version of Advance Wars (not as cute though...it's a Western game after all....)<br><br>Of course, if you're looking at a very time-involving game there's total war.....which you can get a glimpse of in my LP threads.<br>

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has anyone played Age of Empires: Mythologies on DS? was wondering if it's a good tactics game.

I played one of the Age of Empiresgames on DS and I thought the original PC games were better. But if you are looking for portable tactics games, it's good.

(I haven't played much total war, so not commenting on that)

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has anyone played Age of Empires: Mythologies on DS? was wondering if it's a good tactics game.

No but I played Age of Mythology on the computer and it was pretty boss.

Oh this one is a turn-based one by the looks of it not RTS

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Yup, it's turn-based. I remembered AoM last night (I remember it from when I was like 7 years old. It was my first video game :awesome: ) and looked stuff up about it, and saw the DS one. I was disappointed to find out it was turn based. But now I really want to play AoM, and my friend can only find the first disk :(:

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