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Who would you be? - The no longer serious edition.

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Still bastian. Don't go overanalyzing. It's just for his way with words and diplomacy. I have no interest in Lucia, or in hiring Volke out to kill Izuka.

Sephiran would be awesome. Feeling hatred for the entire world, he is swayed by the love of his daughter-not-daughter to fight for all humanity.

Makalov is gr9. He can't focus on what he wants, and is terrible to everyone, but he still gets love. Usually he's just a useless fuck though.

Edited by SeverIan
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I am not Makalov, No one ever said that. D=< I said "glad someone else is Makalov already, so people can't call me Makalov" No, srsly, no...

I don't even drink that much... I don't gamble... I do not look like Ronald Macdonald... I don't ride a horse...

I will edit this post with the character I resemble the most... Hopefully...

Look wise:

Oujay with blond hair

Klein, though not so uptight

Percival with a smile

Harken after i've had a haircut, exactly my short hair coupe

Leonardo, ---> Klein's comment

Ceasar, no headband..

Zihark almost, Blonde hair misses...

Edward... Almost, though not THAT cheery and overconfident

So... Make your pick...

Edited by Vicious Sal
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LittleAl- An emo and sometimes overly cheery Eliwood? pick one.
What? Can't I have a bit of both? I picked Soren because I like to try to figure things out logically. (And how is being FE's version of Spock being emo?) I picked Matthew because I'm pretty optimistic in most cases, and I like making jokes from time to time. If anything though, I'm pretty close to Eliwood personality-wise. If you want just one then pick Eliwood. What's hard about that? :lol: Edited by LittleAl
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What? Can't I have a bit of both? I picked Soren because I like to try to figure things out logically. (And how is being FE's version of Spock being emo?) I picked Matthew because I'm pretty optimistic in most cases, and I like making jokes from time to time. If anything though, I'm pretty close to Eliwood personality-wise. If you want just one then pick Eliwood. What's hard about that? :lol:

Because I said you could only choose one!

*mentions Hector x Flornia*

*watches logic fly out the window*

*nominates Lugh*

You're nominating yourself as Lugh?

Edited by Jack - Keeper of the Dead
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*mentions Hector x Flornia*

*watches logic fly out the window*

*nominates Lugh*

Do you like logic?

I guess you are a philosopher, because they consider, IIRC according to a ranking my friend proposed once, logic to generally be the highest ranked "school" of philosophy.

(Under logic are metaphysics, aesthetics and 2 others, probably ontology is one, I like aesthetics best and use all others to serve aesthetics.)

On topic, Generic Officer, why did you accept demotion. Have you considered that I may be able, if you allow me, to argue your case so that you are in fact an officer and not a soldier? Believe me, it is quite possible I can reverse a court martial, unless it is explicitly declared irreversible, and even then I have a chance. Which means that overturning a demotion may well be within my abilities.

~Your humble servant,


(In spying on general Ike, I heard a conversation between him and a "generic" army member regarding the desire for promotion. Believe me, such matters concern me greatly, and I consider them, unlike Ike, part and parcel of obtaining peace.)

Edited by SeverIan
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Do you like logic?

I guess you are a philosopher, because they consider, IIRC according to a ranking my friend proposed once, logic to generally be the highest ranked "school" of philosophy.

(Under logic are metaphysics, aesthetics and 2 others, probably ontology is one, I like aesthetics best and use all others to serve aesthetics.)

*thinks I should have put this in General instead of FFtf now*

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you are now and forever Lugh.

Crap. And besides, I don't even have a brother. Eliwood is more appropriate.

Hey Severlan, didn't you quote the wrong person?

Edited by LittleAl
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*thinks I should have put this in General instead of FFtf now*

Read updated post. I tend to post before I finish editing. This is one reason why I aspire to be a writer: I NEED EDITORS. Now it's on topic, relatively.

Edited by SeverIan
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