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Bull(crap) Mafia


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Kaoz is a good player, he has no deaths yet, and I'd like to try to get rid of CC's silencer. Most of all, he's just not in my faction.

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No deaths? Fuuuuuck that.


Everyone's K/D gets porked by BS sometime in their career. Your turn buddy~

Edited by Obviam
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As fun as that would be, Kaoz is the one with a "flawless record" (supposedly). Imad.

If you are refering to deaths in this specific game, I believe you didn't die either yet? The same goes for 6 others.

That being said, my flawless record will stay a little bit longer. I would advise you to watch this post carefully.

##Vote: Kevin

Edited by Chaoskitty
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Screw this, I epicly derped and forgot I was silenced, so I might as well go down with the rest of GBB.


Note the roles, look at how good they are for the most part, and then start. Don't think you'd want GBB with every single role when lategame comes right? Also, realise how now we can't find Eclipse' alias? Yeah, good luck with that!

Life, modkill me now.

Edited by JBCWKitty
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That... was unexpected to say the least.

Now I have to wonder though, if they have these great roles and stuff, why the hell did you vote for me?

Also ##Vote: Wen for now.

Edited by Chaoskitty
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Some people in black suits came to pick JBCWK up. He was never seen or heard of again. Shortly after, an announcement appeared on the notice board:

Dear JBCWK, you are Joey Jordison.

You are a piece of shit drummer for a pussy band called "Slipknot" and some other gay faggot bands. Nobody loves you.

Since you are such a shitty drummer, God's Bowling Buddies invited you to join their faction instead of the pussy Latter-Day Renaissance Men. Unfortunately you are too much of a pussy to really join the Bowling Buddies, and will act as a spy for the Renaissance Men. If you are inspected, your role PM will be as follows. You also know that your own faction is being moled so be careful when talking to your allies.

Dear JBCWK, you are Joey Jordison.

You are a piece of shit drummer for a pussy band called "Slipknot" and some other gay faggot bands. Nobody loves you.

Even though nobody likes you or your band, you still have your band backing you. Because of this, your vote for lynch will count as 1.5 votes.

During the night, you may send a PM to Life and Excellen with "Night X - Appear alongside <USER>" in your message. You will go and stalk <USER> and because nobody likes you, everybody who first wanted to target <USER> with their night action will instead target you because you suck.

You know that <SNIP> is <SNIP>.

Your alias is Danni Boatwright.

You are allied with God's Bowling Buddies. You win if your faction is the last one standing.

During the night, you may send a PM to Life and Excellen with "Night X - Appear alongside <USER>" in your message. You will go and stalk <USER> and because nobody likes you, everybody who first wanted to target <USER> with their night action will instead target you because you suck.

You know that <SNIP> is <SNIP>.

Your alias is Danni Boatwright.

You are allied with the Latter-day Renaissance Men. You win if your faction is the last one standing.

JBCWK has been godkilled for breaking DA RULZ. Votes toward him will now count as no lynch votes.

Edited by Excelkitty
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WTF is up with that PM? It's too complete!


EDIT2: Yay, thanks~!

Edited by Clipseykitty
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..Vote Kevin, seriously?

What the fuck Casayas Bowling Buddies Everyone. Lynch a useless Animal Legion who isn't even paying attention to the game instead of a legitimate threat. You're all fucking tactical geniuses at this game, seriously. Let me applaud your marvelous strategy.

..Oh wait. No, it's not genius, it's fucking retarded.

##Vote: Wen Yang

Edited by Hazekitty
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