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Bull(crap) Mafia


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When users are killed, they don't get their alias revealed. So when aliases die, they shouldn't get their username revealed.

And that is a very nice username I see in Jenn Lyon's role PM.

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When users are killed, they don't get their alias revealed. So when aliases die, they shouldn't get their username revealed.

And that is a very nice username I see in Jenn Lyon's role PM.

I can't be perfect but at least I don't break rules, JB.

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I was never a big fan of policy lynches this far into a multifaction game, so I'll ##Vote: Wen Yang instead.

EDIT: Let's make that ##Vote: Spykor.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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is it just me or are the CCs winning

Yes you are right CC IS winning since they have been controlling the lynches(open your eyes)

They had a Double voter,and they still have a 1.5x voter.who knows what other broken ability they are hiding.

It's probably just you. GBB are the ones who haven't lost any members fully yet.

Radiant WILL obviously say they are not winning to win since he IS CC(you of should know that much Obviam)

I will admit that GBB(us) seems like the strongest faction to everyone looking ONLY AT THE FIRST PAGE,

but we are seriously under powered.Our members are inactive in most cases,and to top it off we are anything BUT coordinated.

We do not even get to contact one another.

As for our abilities,just check out JB's self destruction since it will tell you almost everything about us.

Ah, you're right. I guess I just hate that color so much that I can't see it very well.

Well is Wen GBB then?

And know your own faction Obviam.

as for votes,

we should try and destroy Kaoz since he got subbed and take him out before he recoils(being kidnapped by him is NOT fun)

##vote: seven deadly sins

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OMFG. . .I can't believe I'm doing this. . .

##I'm sorry: Seven Deadly Sins

. . .but the game's balance is about to go straight to hell, if one more thing goes right. Have fun~!

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Today you wake up and you kind of miss all the noise that used to be there. You dress up and go cast your vote. On the way there, you notice people ganging up on the newbie, Seven Deadly Sins.

A little while after that, Snike's phone rings. The moment he answers it, a bullet enters his brain.

Dear Loki LaufeyjarsonSnike, you are Megaman.

You are Megaman. You died once but your dad was smart enough to turn you into data rather than stick you in a deep freezer. So you became a crimefighter on the Net and haven't been deleted even ONCE. Well, there's always a first for everything.

You are the heart and soul of your faction's ability to bust other <USER>s. Every day, you may send a PM to Life and Excellen with "<Teammate>, go bust <USER>" in your message. <Teammate> will then kill <USER> with their own specific flavour. If you are killed, your faction's killing ability is greatly reduced.

During the night, you may send a PM to Life and Excellen with "Night X - Upload Timpani against <USER>" in your message. You will then use Timpani to confuse <USER> and for the next day and night, they will have a posting restriction of your choice. There are no restrictions on whatever you want them to say.

You know that <SNIP> is <SNIP>.

Your alias is Ethan Zohn.

You are allied with Skillz That Killz. You win if your faction is the last one standing.

At the same moment, a hole in the ground appears under Obviam. He falls into eternity.

Dear Obviam, you are James Quall.

Singer of the all-time hit "Beach Blast!" You are the greatest singer of all time as well as a pusy magnet which makes you undeniably gay

During the day, you may reply to your role PM "Day X - Perform Beach Blast for <USER>". You will perform your famed song in front of them, and quite frankly, he won't know what to think of it. <USER> will then start deliberating about what to think about it and forget to perform his day action.

During the night, you may send a PM to Life and Excellen with "Night X - Impair <USER>s speech" in your message. This will give <USER> a post restriction for the following Day and Night phases. You can choose what the posting restriction will be yourself, and there are no bounds to what you want to make them say or not say.

You know that <SNIP> is <SNIP>.

Your alias is Jon Dalton.

You are allied with the Latter-day Renaissance Men. You win if your faction is the last one standing.

An announcer walks up to the stage and starts talking:

Both Obviam and Snike have been godkilled for now following the rules layed upon them.

After all that, you go and read the notice board:

It seems some contestants went a little too far with our new sub Seven Deadly Sins; he has been bludgeoned to death.

Dear KaozSeven Deadly Sins, you are Buckethead.

You are Buckethead, guitarist extraordinaire. You wear a KFC bucket on your head and expressionless white costume mask on your face at all times. You were raised by chickens and your mission in life is to alert the world to the ongoing chicken holocaust in fast-food joints around the globe

During the day, you may send a PM to Life and Excellen with "Day X - Stun <USER> With my amazing chicken holocaust stories!" in your message. They will be so shocked and amazed by your stories they will go home and cry themselves to sleep, not performing their day action.

During the night, you may send a PM to Life and Excellen with ""Night X - Invite <USER> to my concert!" in your message. You will give <USER> a free ticket to your concert, and <USER> will scream his lungs out during it. <USER> will only be able to whisper and will not be allowed to talk in the game thread.

You know that <SNIP> is <SNIP>.

Your alias is Courtney Yates.

You are allied with the Crazy Casayas. You win if your faction is the last one standing.

Do us a favour and don't make us godkill more players.

It is now Night 6, phase ends on july 20, 16:30 GMT

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