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Bull(crap) Mafia


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Well then, I see the long awaited day (of lynch the killer has arrived).Honestly I was expecting more votes,but I guess you guys know I am not as big as a threat as I look.

But , just because I am the killer,it does NOT make GBB any dangerous faction cause most of the kills I pulled off were my own choices.

Can anyone tell me why Spykor was subbed?

Is it because he was BEING USELESS , like MOST(yes that includes me) of the other members in our group.

And as for votes,currently we have 4,after my death there will be 3,but Joe NEVER votes, at least not on time anyways which means we will only have 2.

Let us once again look at CC,the ACTUAL faction that is WINNING.

They also have 3 votes,oh wait they do not have 3 votes,they have 3.5 because Psych is a mayor and their group is not being useless like we are.

So, once you guys are done with me,remember to destroy the faction which is actually winning, which is CC and NOT GBB.

oh and as for my votes


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Let us once again look at CC, the ACTUAL faction that is WINNING.

You guys have 4 votes, we have 3.5 (why do you think it's Psych that's the Mayor, though?). You guys have a kill every night. We have a kill every other night. All of this you acknowledged. So you're either bad at math, or failed logical reasoning 101.

Things will be more equal between the 5 factions (not completely equal. I'll admit we'll probably have a slight advantage) once you're gone. Can't you just accept this and die without slinging false accusations at my faction?

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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If any of the rest of you guys actually listen to Blitz, I just won't even know what to think about you anymore. It doesn't matter how useless the members are as long as they aren't dead for them to win now does it?

##Vote: Blitz

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Oh FFS. . .well, better now than never.

##Vote: Blitz Kitty

Never in my life have I wanted to shoot my own team mate as badly as this. So to everyone that's voted, you have my eternal thanks. I hope I can have some peace in my faction now.

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I can see that you mistook my post.

I will completely agree with you on the fact that killing me is a wise decision.

But seriously,ONCE I am DEAD , CC will one AGAIN take have the advantage and so I suggest you take down Psych the first chance you get(IMPORTANT NOTE:AFTER I AM DEAD).

well that is all I have to say and I must say it was playing this game, but fun never lasts forever and this is my time to be kicked out,so goodbye and good luck(To every faction and not just GBB).

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I can see that you mistook my post.

I will completely agree with you on the fact that killing me is a wise decision.

But seriously,ONCE I am DEAD , CC will one AGAIN take have the advantage and so I suggest you take down Psych the first chance you get(IMPORTANT NOTE:AFTER I AM DEAD).

well that is all I have to say and I must say it was playing this game, but fun never lasts forever and this is my time to be kicked out,so goodbye and good luck(To every faction and not just GBB).

I do not recognise this what the fuck is this engrish

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I do not recognise this what the fuck is this engrish

No one asked you since you cannot even differentiate between moles in LDRM and LDRM itself, since you ARE the one who wanted BOTH Pariah and BK dead.

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The day went by quick. You entertained yourself with bullying Blitz Kitty for a while, and then went on to read the board.

Stacy Kimball has been roundhouse kicked to the moon.

Dear Joerachi, you are Abraham Lincoln.

You are Abraham Lincoln. You abolished slavery. You can shoot lasers from your eyeballs. What more could you fucking want, you selfish prick?

During the day, you may send a PM to Life and Excellen with "Day X - Make a speech in <USER>'s town" in your message. You will then make a speech in <USER>'s hometown. <USER> will get so pissed off that they will target you instead of their intended target because they are anti-American and all that jazz.

During the night, you may send a PM to Life and Excellen with "Night X - Overrule <USER>" in your message. Since you are the President, your choice to negate <USER>'s vote will stick and <USER>'s vote tomorrow will be worth nothing. In addition, <USER> will not be informed that they have been overruled.

You know that <SNIP> is <SNIP>.

Your alias is Stacy Kimball.

You are allied with God's Bowling Buddies. You win if your faction is the last one standing

Turtle shells have made a second victim, it seems. Strawman the SawmanShaman has been bludgeoned to death with one.

Dear Strawman the Sawman Shaman, you are Stephen Hawking.

You are Stephen Hawking, the pimpin' wheelchairin' genius that can't move anything but still burned through 2 wives and a fuckton of girlfriends.

Because you're so sexy and smart and all, and are looked up to by so many, your vote for lynch will count for two.

During the night, you may send a PM to Life and Excellen with "Night X - Protect <USER> with black hole theories" in your message. If someone tries to kill <USER>, a shield of research papers and science books will appear and <USER> will survive.

You know that <SNIP> is <SNIP>.

Your alias is Jenn Lyon.

You are allied with the Crazy Casayas. You win if your faction is the last one standing.

After you're done reading, you notice tournament officials carrying away Blitz Kitty's dead body. Seems like another case of bullying taken way too far.

Dear mikethfcBlitz Kitty, you are Eminem.

You are Eminem, the world's greatest white boy rapper and father extrodinaire. Unforetunately, your rhymes don't kill anymore so you need to smash a couple heads to get back into prime form. That's what happens when you become a daddy too early; you go pussy.

During the day, you may send a PM to Life and Excellen with "Day X - Let Hailie play with <USER>" in your message. Hailie will then go play with <USER> and <USER> will dodge all malicious day actions done to him because he is busy chasing after your daughter. Kill attempts, however, will still succeed.

You are the fire that keeps your faction going and allows them to kill properly. Every night, you may send a PM to Life and Excellen with "<Teammate>, send <USER> back to the lab to scribble out new rhymes" in your message. <Teammate> will then kill <USER> with their own specific flavour. If you are killed, your faction's killing ability is greatly reduced.

You know that <SNIP> is <SNIP>.

Your alias is Yul Kwon.

You are allied with God's Bowling Buddies. You win if your faction is the last one standing.

It is now Night 8, phase will end on july 24th, 2300 GMT.

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So...looks like its SF Mafia Mafia all over again(don't worry, I'm not maf), I haven't got a clue as to whats going on.

Technically we are all mafias in this game :mellow:

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