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Do people here play this game for other stuff than restricted playthroughs?

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I have been stalking the forums a bit, and well I realized people play this game in such ba different manner than I am ( I wasn't surprised, thats what its all about in such games... EV training/ IV breeding /RNGing in pokemon games and using wavedash,shffl'ing, dash dance, edge hogging in super smash bros melee does come to mind in this reguard). Anyways I only played FE 8&9 (I'd like to play the new ones and the old ones' remakes at nsome point though). So my question is :

What do you play this game for?

I personnally LOVE the game content outside the chapters, the creature campain is really fun imo. Lately I've been playing through the lagdou ruins a lot, having fun with the control enemy glitch (clearing the gorgon egg skirmish area without ever landing a single hit is pretty fun imo), maxing out units (movement included, 15 spaces is quite a lot). I also just started a HM run (my first one... I mostly played this game casually... so it's kind of a challenge lol).

Hope this gets some ppl talking and I can find new interesting stuff to do :O

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I play FE because I'm bored and some of the FE games offer an interesting battle system, like FE4,9 and 10. And because a lot of FE games are piss-easy, people give themselves restrictions to challenge themselves.

Edited by Excelkitty
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As far as this game goes, I love just abusing my characters in the tower (since it's much less stressful than using the arena). For other games, I pretty much just use who I want, maybe doing some AA or BA if possible, or if i'm playing ROM's, where I can savestate. I've never been big on trying to get the best rank or whatever, for me, picking my team and having them end up the way I want (including things like having all high rank weapons/tomes on my main guys, or full supports for hax crit rates) is the best accomplishment for me, and is a better feeling than saying "hey, I got lucky with the RNG and beat the game in 100 turns". (no offense to anyone who likes to play this way, to each his own, as they say).

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I use this game to make glorious soloruns of my favorite FE character because he does it with ease and style. And Hard Mode, always~

No seriously. Sethsolo is not only very doable, but downright easy save for like, two chapters.

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"hey, I got lucky with the RNG and beat the game in 100 turns". (no offense to anyone who likes to play this way, to each his own, as they say).

Why would we need to get lucky with the RNG? That's just for pulling off really ridiculous stuff.

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I play FE because I'm bored and some of the FE games offer an interesting battle system, like FE4,9 and 10. And because a lot of FE games are piss-easy, people give themselves restrictions to challenge themselves.

I would not describe Fire Emblems as "piss-easy", unless you mean relative to each other. I suppose if you play with no restrictions, the game is quite easy, but most games are if you truly play with no restrictions.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been stalking the forums a bit, and well I realized people play this game in such ba different manner than I am ( I wasn't surprised, thats what its all about in such games... EV training/ IV breeding /RNGing in pokemon games and using wavedash,shffl'ing, dash dance, edge hogging in super smash bros melee does come to mind in this reguard). Anyways I only played FE 8&9 (I'd like to play the new ones and the old ones' remakes at nsome point though). So my question is :

What do you play this game for?

I personnally LOVE the game content outside the chapters, the creature campain is really fun imo. Lately I've been playing through the lagdou ruins a lot, having fun with the control enemy glitch (clearing the gorgon egg skirmish area without ever landing a single hit is pretty fun imo), maxing out units (movement included, 15 spaces is quite a lot). I also just started a HM run (my first one... I mostly played this game casually... so it's kind of a challenge lol).

Hope this gets some ppl talking and I can find new interesting stuff to do :O

Here on Serenes Forest, you have to dig a little to get past all the Play Logs and Draft Tournys. I tried to change that, but no one went for it...

Anyway, I play Sacred Stones because it's one of my favorite.

It may be extremely short in one play through, but it has more content than people think. Because of it's branching storyline, there's actually about as many chapters in Sacred Stones as in Path of Radiance(SS has 28 total if you count both Eirika and Ephraim routes). Not to mention the Tower and The Ruins after the story.

The branched promotions are possibly the best thing about the game. There's so many different possibilities, especially with the trainees. One playthrough Ewan could go Pupil, Mage, Sage; the next PT, Pupil, Druid, Summoner. It makes the replay-ability so much higher. Branched promotions are genius, and I don't understand why they've only included them in Sacred Stones.

The final thing I love are the characters, most notably Lyon. Out of all the characters I've ever seen in Fire Emblem, he probably has the most depth(maybe tie between him and Soren). He does everything he does out of love for his country, and out of strive to be as great a king as his father. The only thing that he did wrong was tamper with the Fire Emblem. It's so sad. You have to love him and hate him.

So yeah. I hope that answers your question... The game is amazing.

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As far as this game goes, I love just abusing my characters in the tower (since it's much less stressful than using the arena). For other games, I pretty much just use who I want, maybe doing some AA or BA if possible, or if i'm playing ROM's, where I can savestate. I've never been big on trying to get the best rank or whatever, for me, picking my team and having them end up the way I want (including things like having all high rank weapons/tomes on my main guys, or full supports for hax crit rates) is the best accomplishment for me, and is a better feeling than saying "hey, I got lucky with the RNG and beat the game in 100 turns". (no offense to anyone who likes to play this way, to each his own, as they say).

*Claps* You and i are the same person?!?!

I actually really like Creature Campaign. Its a great way to pass the time for me. I usually play the main game with CC in mind. I also like building supports and seeing the different paired endings.

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The amount of replay quality.

Creature Campaign; playable enemy units. Ability to max every unit.

Split tier routes, including Pupil, Journeyman and Recruit. I love the Recruit class, for its battle animation mainly. I just like Amelia in general.

One annoying thing is if a unit dies any time in the Ruins or Tower, it has to be restarted from the first map, if I remember rightly.

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The amount of replay quality.

Creature Campaign; playable enemy units. Ability to max every unit.

Split tier routes, including Pupil, Journeyman and Recruit. I love the Recruit class, for its battle animation mainly. I just like Amelia in general.

One annoying thing is if a unit dies any time in the Ruins or Tower, it has to be restarted from the first map, if I remember rightly.

You're right. Just happened to me with Ewan... he was being his usual amazing Shaman self... then all the sudden... CRITICAL! ...sad day

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