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Effective strategy for 3-13

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Hello. I am currently at 3-13 and I need some help for a strategy to defend for 10 turns. I trained and promoted Nolan,Jill,Edward and Laura and it's a NM playthrough. Edward and Nolan have a A support, Zihark and Laura a B support and Jill and Volug a B support and Micaiah and Sothe a A support. What should I do?

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Make a wall in the middle. Let your most defensive units chokepnt the side of the ledges in the center (second level after the staris.). While a 2 ranger gets the middle. Have 3 units, preferably 2 rangers to chokepoint the ledges on the third level. Miccy cn chokepint the middle of the ledge. Let ballistae take care of birds. And make sure you can spare units to go for birds because ballistae won't last for ever.

Edited by Jhen Mohran
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The birds are generally the biggest threat in that mission (the allied units can take care of the enemies during most of the turns if yours aren't strong enough, so it's a good idea to have Miccy prepared with that Purge tome and, if you bothered to train her, Jill ready to fly off and try to kill the bird laguz that get near. If you have Beastfoe skill, put it on a physical attacker with good defence/evasion, and let him take part in the defence.

If Nolan and Edward have good levels and stats in addition to that A support, they can totally afford to be thrown into the frontal scenes of the battle without fearing to be knocked out, but don't be reckless.

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Having a unit with beast foe is not recommended, atleast i wouldn't recommended. Killing more units means more units can attack your units so its best just to hit them but not kill them.

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Nolan rocks shit with that Taksh crossbow too. He can take out those birdies (especially on the right hand side) really easily. I usually have Nolan and Volug on the right hand side blocking those laguz and destroying them. Someone with 2-range and Tauroneo on that ledge in the middle, and Fiona (yes, Fiona) on the left hand side. If Jill isnt stolen to the GMs by that time, shes helping out on that side too. Sothe blocking the ledges over on the left too but on the upper level.

Since you got Nolan and Edwardovich A supported. Perhaps having Eddie on the right hand side kicking it with Nolan and Volug (if you wanna put him there. Probably best to stick him near Jill though) Laura can go on the center ledge to use Light on those guys that swarm below. (shes promoted you say.) Since yer not using Fiona (lol), Have Zihark on the left side of Laura or near there whoopin shit that comes close. Jill can kick it on the Left side with Volug blocking the stairs there. (Those general allieds are gonna die.) Sothe can probably be below Micaiah near where 3-13 Archer is. (in case those laguz that appear over there get too rowdy.) Micaiah can heal folks or snipe shit with Purge. Thats how id do it if i were you. *shrug*

I do use Beastfoe in that chapter and Volug usually gets it. If you wanna allocate that at all, give it to who will be blocking the most. (or who you want to get the most experience. :B)

Edited by Giygas
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Phase 1: Saint Laura.

Phase 2: Equip Adept.

Phase 3: Purge Ike.


EDIT: Fixed for visual pleasure.

Edited by Integrity
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Having a unit with beast foe is not recommended, atleast i wouldn't recommended. Killing more units means more units can attack your units so its best just to hit them but not kill them.

That depends on how you use it, actually. Of course giving a unit beastfoe that ORKOs Laguz with it and then expecting it to block them off is a stupid idea, except maybe for Tauroneo if you think his defense is good enough. However, a dead enemy can't kill you (...usually) - so using it for offense on the player phase is not a bad idea at all.

If you want Nolan to block enemies, simply give Beastfoe to Leonardo instead so he can one-shot tigers and crap when there's no hawk in his range.

Or give it to anyone you want to take some potshots at 2-range with, really.

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Phase 1: Saint Laura.

Phase 2: Equip Adept.

Phase 3: Purge Ike.


EDIT: Fixed for visual pleasure.

Extremly doubt his Laura would be a saint.

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I had a Volug/Zihark A support, I put Tauroneo and Sothe on the chokepoints and had Micaiah purge/Physic a lot (and Laura herself used Physic/a bunch of random long distance shit). I also had a bunch of units come into the thing where Micaiah was so those stupid dick Hawks don't get onto there. Sothe and Tauroneo did fine on the chokepoints, though. Volug/Zihark had an A support, Volug himself had Resolve + Beastfoe and I got Zihark to a Lv1 Trueblade by the end of the chapter simply because those two did a shitton of killing.

Though, I might've actually had it set so that the allied units did whatever they want at some point, but when Hawks showed up I did some odd things to make sure they didnt touch the fort... I might've actually had some extra units at the edge of the fort to do that.

Oh, this was Hard Mode. I had to restart quite a bit but generally this strategy worked out while well.

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Then comes the real hardship: Getting her to that magical B rank in Light, in one chapter, no less. Maybe if you have a spare Arms Scrolls, or have Discipline and train her a bit more at 3-13 (under the influence of Resolve) before Ike advances.

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well, in reality i doubt theres enough bexp to give to her.

I like 3-13, I've had some epic moments on this stage. like beating it in HM when i used no DB characters.

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I ran out of stones and grass for volug =( Zihark is capable of taking Ike alone tho

Zihark can't deal with Ike by himself unless he's third tier. He's gets 2HKO'd by Tigers and isn't really too dodgy, thats why I rely on VolugxZihark.

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