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SF Mafia Mafia


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Everyone was even more on edge now, as the numbers of attendees at the daily meeting kept on decreasing.

Speaking of which, within the cellar, Anouleth's body was found, he seemed to be covered in hundreds of tiny cuts, Doctor Professor JB the Train Conductor, PhD, determined that they were papercuts.

Raymond took the bloodied orders and read them;

Dear Darros Anouleth,
I hate being dead.

You are Radiant Dragon, Town Hunter.

You're a pretty good player, although recently you seem to have taken a leaf from Raymond's book and have been getting killed rather early. You hate it when people roll and over die when being lynched, and you always fight to the end.

During the day, when you have a majority of the placed votes on you and there is less than an hour left in the phase, you may post "Explain to YOU, USER? I'M the one getting lynched here!" In all of its bold glory in the main thread. If you do so and you are successfully lynched, USER will be killed alongside yourself.

Post Restriction: You must not suggest that you be killed in any way, and if you are being lynched you must fight it to the end.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town are removed.

As he finished, Reinfleche rushed into the cellar with SHOCKING NEWS!

He said that last night, he had witnessed Psych as he was pushed into a portal that led into another land. He found himself surrounded by quite a few angry people, and one confused lady with a lance. Some numbers appeared, and in a very short time, Psych had been critblicked by some guy named Eric, who used him as a human bulletin board, impaling him with a dagger and a note. The note read:

This is a message from Lord Raymond,

I await you on the Dread Isle.

Wait... Wait wait, no. Host screwup. That's the wrong note. My bad.

This is a message from Raymond. RD is the bulletproof, and the tracker has confirmed that he hasn't left his home, so he's clear. If I'm dead at this point, forward all your claims to RD and let him lead the town. Otherwise I'll just confirm this message.

As everyone stood still with their mouths gaping open in awe, Rein somehow pulled out Psych's orders and read them to everyone.

Dear Psych,

Don't you have better things to do, like voting, talking, and planning to stab <FACTION> in the back?

You are Snike, Town Safeguard.

You're generally a good player, but you're pretty terrible at lying. You're also Eclipse's eternal rival. One of you usually ends up killing the other in any game that you are both playing in.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Protect USER from shenanigans." You will keep a watchful eye over USER, making sure no one can get near them to interfere with their duties, however, you will be unable to prevent any killing action that is used on USER that night.

Additionally, you know that your rival Eclipse is in this game.

Post Restriction: You must mention Eclipse(either the role or the member) in every post.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town are removed.

As Tables regained his composure, he deduced that Mikethfc was missing.

It is now Day 6. Day 6 will end on Monday the 25th of July at 6PM GMT.

Edited by Hazekitty
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I hereby confirm the message from the update.

While things haven't quite turned out like I wanted them to, I at least found out that Bal's claim is fake. I was going to test it at some point anyway, but I can safely say that we should lynch him today. He claimed beloved princess, and those don't leave their home and go kidnapping people at night, no?

Lynch Balcerzak today, thank you.

@JB: A mafia bulletproof without a serial killer? When the vigilante only has a limited amount of shots? Seems pointless to me.

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Day 6, Post 1/2.

First: My role is hilarious. I love it.

Second: ##Vote: Balcerzak, at least until he explains himself. Beloved Princess is a pretty awesome fake-claim though, now that I think about it.

Third: I don't think I'm a good candidate for Village Leader, due to my posting restriction, but I guess you take what you can get

I had Marcia... Now I have the horse... sad.gif

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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Well, I don't have anything really to say except that somehow I must have been set up by the mafia. I guess lynching me isn't the most terrible thing in the world, as you'll miss the next Night Phase which means no additional kills, and let you all back to lynching someone that actually matters, lol.

Anyway, I'm still gonna try to fight this with all I've got, because I know I'm innocent. But at the moment there's a lot of evidence stacked against me, and not that much I've uncovered to really help. :S This is definitely an uphill battle and will take quite a bit of time.

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1: I indirectly managed to kill myself. Awesome.

2: Why are they here.

3: Vacation ends tomorrow. Internet just got back up, but it's a bit shaky. Will ask to be an informed observer then.

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##Spontaneously Combust: Balcerzak

Wow, Raymond's still alive. That increases his chances of getting married by nearly 50%.

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The reason I haven't posted for a while is the tier list. I'm putting this down. I am not backing up my arguments. Whoop de doo.


Levity (MAFIA NOC enforcer)


Snike (TOWN Safeguard)

Raymond (TOWN Martyr)

Obviam (INDEPENDENT Survivor > MAFIA Driver)


Kay (TOWN universal backup)

Haze (MAFIA Tailor)

Life (TOWN OC specialist)

Radiant Dragon (TOWN Hunter)


General Spoon (TOWN Mayor)

Reinfleche (TOWN miller governor)


##Vote: Balcerzak

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Balcerzak (6): JB, Rein, RD, Slayer, Kay, Tables

That is majority. Phase ends in 3 hours if Bal doesn't do anything about it.

Edit: forgot to close my bold

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There's no way a safeguard is better than a martyr, Tables. For all intents and purposes, a martyr is basically a safeguard on crack, especially if doctors are involved. ;/

Edited by Shade of Shadow
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I... would say it's the other way around. A Safeguard is like a better Martyr. Except the protection against death thing. But they Martyr has to die for that. And if Martyr is such a good role, that's clearly a bad thing.

Yup. Infalliable logic there.

But really Martyr's are decent but not awesome.

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