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SF Mafia Mafia


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Despite being the first person to die in this game, I somehow still managed to get an award??? Awesome! Speaking of which, I love these award names.

As for my thoughts on the game, I think it was really good. The roles, in particular, were just too good and some of them were really hilarious (like Raymond the Martyr). I'm sad that the Mafia had to get slaughtered so easily though, but it seems to me that it was mostly due to luck on the townies' targets/decisions, and less on the overall balance.

I'm still disappointed that I didn't get to be a role here

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Why is being a reverse cop in Low tier?

Because it's one use. The best it could do really is clearing oneself to a town leader after the NOC enforcer dies, but then chances are they'll use their ability before that, given they don't know such a role is in the game.

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I need to go up. In the right hands, my role could have been deadly to the mafia. Besides, WoMC blew the hosts minds with his cipher. And my role became a cop upon OC.

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First one was "If you can read this, send a message in code." Second was a sarcastic No. Third I haven't deciphered yet.

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I need to go up. In the right hands, my role could have been deadly to the mafia. Besides, WoMC blew the hosts minds with his cipher. And my role became a cop upon OC.

Firstly, eh. I didn't realise it became a cop after OC, that does boost it somewhat. Secondly, the cipher was my idea, WoMC was just the one to actually suggest public key (personally, I feel it would have been quicker and more secure to use one-time pad as I'd suggested, but no big loss). Thirdly, the cipher wasn't a part of WoMC's role.

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Congrats to the town and Slayer for winning and to Raymond for actually surviving until the end.

The roles are great, as is Bal's fake claim.



Raymond does survive to the end, at times, and when he does, he wins.

Why do you think we always try to shank him first?

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Raymond does survive to the end, at times, and when he does, he wins.

Why do you think we always try to shank him first?

Someone who survives until the end wins?! I wouldn't have guessed.


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*Still thinks we should have joint won*

Nah, that's okay. If I won, that meant my faction won, and trust me when I say they didn't deserve it.

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Nah, that's okay. If I won, that meant my faction won, and trust me when I say they didn't deserve it.

Fair enough, although I think CC (or at the very least, Paperblade) deserved to win, since we were the only ones that seemed to be trying near the end.

Edit: Apparently we did win.

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Fair enough, although I think CC (or at the very least, Paperblade) deserved to win, since we were the only ones that seemed to be trying near the end.

Edit: Apparently we did.

My apologies for being busy.

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Nah, that's okay. If I won, that meant my faction won, and trust me when I say they didn't deserve it.

Hey I made like 5 posts or so before I had to bugger off. :awesome:

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Is this game's postgame still coming? Personally, I'm quite interested in the hosts' thoughts throughout the game, and who did what when (even though I technically already know the latter).

Edited by Shade of Shadow
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Is this game's postgame still coming? Personally, I'm quite interested in the hosts' thoughts throughout the game, and who did what when (even though I technically already know the latter).


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[8/1/2011 7:07:52 PM] Brad: btw how is SFMM postgame going

[8/1/2011 7:08:18 PM] Haze: Bad

[8/1/2011 7:08:21 PM] Brad: =(

[8/1/2011 7:08:23 PM] Brad: what's wrong

[8/1/2011 7:08:36 PM] Haze: Every time I sit down to work on it I end up getting dragged into doing something else

[8/1/2011 7:08:40 PM] Brad: ew

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome to SF Mafia Mafia Postgame, after several weeks in development, I say "fuck you" to fancy formatting and go with something simpler.

Master Spreadsheet: https://spreadsheets...uthkey=COzfyJ4K

A lot of the roles in this game spawned from jokes that myself and Paperblade had made, for example, the Nightmare role. The second page of the sheet were rough ideas for roles that the various players could have if they were in the game, obviously not all of these made it in.

Okay, now onto the actual postgame. First things first, I'm going to show you what Mekkah said about this game;

Don't worry about the Town being too strong, they pretty much always lose, especially in NOC. If Mafia plays well enough Levity is never going to die.

[23:29:33] <Paperblade> aight

[23:37:34] <Mekkah> whats with the roles that change when levity dies

[23:37:50] <Paperblade> They didn't work well for OC

[23:37:52] <Paperblade> such as Life's

[23:38:04] <Paperblade> Levity is the role that forces the game to be NOC

[23:38:11] <Mekkah> ok

[23:38:23] <Paperblade> The one with me is just because funny

[23:38:59] <Paperblade> it was originally going to be miller all the time but Haze thought it would be unfair

[23:42:15] <Mekkah> i like the idea of the guy joining mafia

[23:42:33] <Mekkah> however you win if you survive is kind of boring

[23:42:37] <Mekkah> oh well not much to do about it

[23:42:54] <Mekkah> the fact that theres only 2 teams means it's more like

[23:42:58] <Paperblade> I think we originally had the idea of him winning if eclipse survives

[23:43:06] <Paperblade> but that's pretty much winning with the mafia anyway

[23:43:11] <Paperblade> well

[23:43:13] <Mekkah> actually

[23:43:16] <Paperblade> kind of like winning with the mafia anyway

[23:43:19] <Mekkah> since him joining the mafia requires a mafian to death

[23:43:23] <Mekkah> he kind of gets pulled into a weakened team

[23:43:25] <Mekkah> poor guy

[23:43:48] <Paperblade> true

[23:44:01] <Paperblade> btw you are telling Haze all this too right

[23:44:05] <Paperblade> since technically I'm just the cohost

[23:45:27] <Mekkah> ill just copy the log in the post i was making

[23:45:31] <Paperblade> ah ok

all i cba to write atm...

"If Mafia plays well..."

The core of this game was, obviously, Levity. A role that simply by living completely changed the dynamic of the game and gave the scum a massive advantage. As such, the rest of the mafia was built around protecting Levity and/or sabotaging the town.

Nightmare could ensure early lynch control or double as a Doctor, since his kidnap outprioritized kills. In retrospect, he was OP as fuck. See the priority list for why.

Haze could easily force the town into a mislynch if he correctly predicted who the cop would insepct, alternatively, he could attempt to clear his teammates by making them appear town.

Eclipse was just a standard Hooker, devoted entirely to slowing the town down. She actually had two priorities. Priority 1 was *infinity*, meaning she could hook anyone, regardless of priority, but roles with a higher priority than Priority 2 would still affect the hook(ie, the Safeguard, Martyr, Driver, etc.)

Obviam was a reinforcement that came in to give the Mafia a likely much-needed boost for the OC phase of the game, since the second the NOC restriction was dropped, the Mafia(unless they had prepared for the possibility) would be in a huge trouble. Like most of the other Mafia roles, he could have used it to either protect his team or screw the town.

The Mafia had (in my eyes) a very powerful team, but they failed to unify properly and coordinate actions, this combined with their general apathy and inactivity in the thread lead to their loss.

But enough about the Mafia for now, let's talk about the Town, who had no real central theme.

[spoiler=The Town, Players]


For starters, Raymond worked out the loopholes in his post restriction in record time(you can explain your reasoning for wanting someone lynched, so long as you don't vote for them yourself for those reasons.) Eventually he started investigating the inactive players since he couldn't get a read off of them. Unfortunately for the mafia, that just about described their entire team. Raymond carried the town and caught all 5 members of the scum team, easily earning himself both Town and Game MVPs.

Papercomments: And yes, the "90% certain" was just flavor, since Weapons usually says he's 90% sure that USER is FACTION. Raymond played well, checking those lurkers and getting the whole scum team lynched 5 days in a row.


I knew this role would be deadly in the right hands, and it turns out the right hands were Weapons'. Especially when he contacts Tables N0 and they concoct mindblowing schemes together. He used this role beyond the scope of what I'd ever imagined he would. He and Tables came up with a method that allowed them to communicate permanently, which completely left me at a loss at what to do. I decided to let himself and Tables go ahead with it, but I "attached" the code to their role pms, meaning that if they died, the code would be revealed along with their role pm. Turned out to be fairly moot as his second target, Snike, was Mafia. So they were able to read it all anyway. Whoopsie! Eventually managed to piss Eclipse off enough that she killed him by faking a modkill(Which was hilarious in conjunction with the code being revealed.)

Papercomments: Weapons almost broke the game with his code, except that JB broke his PR Day 2 and we forced him to idle as a warning (we were gonna do it to Rein too but he never sent in an action in the first place), so he was killed. For some reason, he didn't find it odd that Snike basically claimed Kidnapper (a traditionally scummy role) and was unwilling to give him a role PM Day 2, while Tables gave one immediately. Or maybe he did and just didn't say anything.

The mafia found out what was going on due to him targeting Snike and eclipse thought he was cheating, so he was shot by both town and mafia.


The Tables role was originally given to Levity, who went around posting and having tons of fun with the PR, eventually she requested to be subbed out due to a combination of being bored with the role and being sick of the town's play. She was replaced by Kay, who didn't do all that much either, really. Oh well.

Paperblade's comments: Suspected as scum because Numbers is an easy claim for scum and due to Psych's safeguarding N1, both Levity and her replacement, Kay, mostly just used their post restriction to insult people.


I can't make too many comments on Reinfleche, he was very active in the thread and certainly contributed to the discussion, but he constantly forgot to send in nightactions, only tracking once before the end of the NOC phase. Come the OC Phase he just followed Raymond's orders without question. How boring.

Papercomments: Rein's hobbies include targeting people that have no night action, forgetting to send in an action, and editing his PR into his posts. He seemed to think "wrong" meant "not correct" when we intended it to be more like "immoral," but the PR wasn't entirely clear so we couldn't really godkill him for it.


Participated in the thread a lot, and basically just sat on Raymond for the entirety of the game after he'd claimed. Not much to say. How confused he was when his action kept getting redirected was highly amusing though.

Papercomments: ;/

JB was under a bit of suspicion because A. He's me and B. StSS died. That went away pretty quickly when Raymond discovered Core had lied to him, although RD and eclipse were a bit suspicious of him to the end.



Strawman basically made the Strawman role look very silly this game with how active he was in the thread, kudos for getting out from under the bedsheets. Definitely one of the better town players, he even took a bullet for the MVP. So he gets the award I forgot about, Snike Award for Best Assist.


Hilarious. Had everyone and their mother thinking he was Obviam, and actually defended himself for once instead of roling over and dying, unfortunately, this didn't stop him being lynched due to giving confusing reports, as well as "being Obviam", I believe.


Psych did lots of funny things this game. Let's go over them

1. He was quite flamboyant with his PR, making people think he was Obviam

2. He safeguarded Levity N1, stopping Tables from Broing it up with her. Tables seemed to forget that he was told his action failed due to the influence of another and only remembered that Levity was "not at home," leading him and Raymond to think Kay was scum.

3. He screwed up his safeguard reports when talking to Raymond, leading Raymond to think he was dirty lying scum (he had safeguarded people who had claimed they had no night action and was off by a night, saying he safeguarded clips the same night she was hooked), and so Raymond had eclipse shoot him.

4. He defended himself! Props to you for that.

Radiant Dragon.

I... really don't know what to say. I was hoping he'd pull some kind of mindgame or gamble with his PR only stopping him from using his action if he broke it. He was also considered "clear" based on the sole fact that he didn't visit anyone when tracked, which I'd count overall as poor play, since the mafia had already been shown to have one passive role(Levity.)


In retrospect, this PR should have been that he can't post at night due to being in hiding. If we had extended a day phase, we would have given him extra post to compensate, but unfortunately a certain other PR meant we couldn't do this. These kinds of PRs are dumb and we shouldn't have let them through, and shame on our informed observers/checkers for not insulting us for having a terrible idea. >_>

RD was made backup town leader as Rein cleared his BP claim, but for some reason Raymond never gave him sheet.


Screwed by me stupidly allowing her no talking during the day PR into the game. Eclipse came to a lot of correct conclusions(ie. Mikethfc = Eclipse) for a lot of wrong reasons(the flavour, amongst a bunch of other dizzying logic that made no sense to us.) She also shot Obviam and Weapons despite suspecting them both being town for "ruining the game" in her eyes. Due to this I can't really say she was the best town player this game, but oh well. She was originally one of the mafia's early kill targets, but Snike deduced that if they left her alive, they could gain lynch control much earlier via his kidnap, allowing her to survive to the end of the game.

Papercomments:The other stupid PR, this was my idea since JB lives on the other side of the planet from most of SF so he's usually on at weird times and updates at terrible times (4AM? No thanks). Eclipse figured out most people's roles, even if sometimes from really weird leaps in logic that we hadn't considered when making the game, and yet couldn't figure out RD was StSS, despite Haze being on her team in MotG and saying he was pretty sure I killed him for reasons he couldn't explain (the reason being the StSS role... Funny enough, that's not why I killed him).


Darros seemed to have a strong start, but wanted to take a break from SF and was subbed out. Anouleth did nothing, lazy git.

Papercomments: The bolded quote is from TotA Mafia (the day RD was lynched, to be specific), in case you're curious. Darros had to be subbed out and then Anouleth never really got into the game because he didn't feel like reading the topic. He didn't claim until after Raymond prodded him to do so (which wasn't until after Raymond checked him, being quite annoyed to find he was town). Anou was then killed by the mafia for I don't know why.


Acted as an early voice of reason, which I suspect got him killed. Perhaps the best part of him being the voice of reason was his use of the #FETO memes to do so. Good show, I wish I could have seen more.

Papercomments: "We need to beat up Kevin like SDS beats up small children" is probably my favorite line from this game. Proto had my favorite PR and used it hilariously as opposed to just throwing it at the end of his posts, but was unfortunately killed by the mafia N1 for no real reason (Snike suggested it out of the blue and Fear agreed) after making something like four posts in the thread.

Haze Addendum: Mine is probably "Unlynchable isn't THAT broken without vigs. It's like how Grandjackal hypes up armored units. Just because you can take a hit doesn't mean you'll never die."


His tombstone read;

RIP Kevin: N0~D2

"I told you about the troll roles, bro."

No one believed Kevin was town and he was lynched based on role and flavour, whoopsie.

Papercomments: Kevin wins my award for unluckiest player. His flavor was outed D1, followed by Snike finding his PR linking him to the role, and then his horrible role (miller governor) lead no one to believe him. And so he was killed. Eclipse would have shot him N1, but she was hooked, so the town wasted 2 days on this.


Nearly broke the game with Weapons with their code, and even though he assured Obviam he was town, no one seemed to fully trust him. Curious. Eclipse contemplated killing him but decided to use her flavour to scare the living daylights out of him instead. Amusing.

Papercomments: Also known as "that time we argued martyr vs. safeguard"

Tables was targeted by every information role N1, which I found hilarious. He bro'd Obviam N2 (after failing N1 due to safeguard), who cleared him before being killed, corroborating Raymond's inspection. Despite that, Raymond seemed weary of him, even though, as Tables said, a godfather that could ENSURE his townliness would be quite overpowered.


Tried to pick up where Tables and Weapons left off, but it blew up in his face when Tables refused to go along with the code. He also seemed to not understand the difference between "a request from the host", and "threatening to modkill" for some reason.

Papercomments: Obviam didn't get to use his role much because only people with no night actions were dying, and when he finally did get one, he was killed (plus it was redirected to StSS). Still, he got Tables cleared, even if Tables didn't want to play ball with the encryption.

[spoiler=The Mafia, Players]


Wasn't nearly active enough, in the thread nor in the mafia's pms. His inactivity was his downfall as it got him checked by Raymond, setting the ball in motion for the mafia's loss.

Papercomments: BK didn't post much, except for once to uphold his PR. And so he was killed. I'm pretty disappointed with him overall.

Fear the Pika/Mikethfc.

Pika tried to be active, but RL concerns forced him to request a sub, which came in the form of Mike. I can't say too much bad about Mike, as he was able to avoid being killed for quite some time. He was eventually killed for being Eclipse.

Papercomments:mike played decently and had a good fakeclaim, unfortunately he confused Core because he forgot there are methods of redirection other than Driver (such as Martyr, which he claimed a version of)

Wen Yang.


Don't tell your team who you're tailoring.

Don't tell your team what you're making someone look like.

Don't even consider the fact that the role can be used to shield teammates.

What is this "team" thing anyway?

Get power leaked.

Talk about it being awesome in the thread as your only post in the game.

Get inspected.


Papercomments: I am very, very disappointed in Wen.

A. He didn't go to his team for the tailor fakes

B. His fakes didn't entirely make sense (and he had 4 PMs + dead people to work from)

C. He didn't post, which likely lead to Raymond checking him

This role plus the kidnapper had the potential to keep BK/Levity hidden for a long, long time, and yet...


Mafia MVP(s). Snike was incredibly active in the thread, including appearing incredibly pro-town while making town waste two days killing Kevin. Unfortunately all of this was brought to an abrupt end when his internet died and he was forced to sub out. Balcerzak was brought in and concocted a fantastic fakeclaim for the OC portion of the game, but was eventually caught in a lie when he was tracked and revealed as the kidnapper. He was subsequently lynched.

Papercomments: And yes, I know Nightmare has played before. Shush.

Snike is by far scum MVP even though he was subbed out, for one reason and one reason alone: He got Kevin lynched, thus wasting two day phases on a mislynch, and no one suspected a thing.

The Role: I have very little to say about this role, other than that I considered the Numbers role publically claiming in this game a double-edged sword, with 14 townies in a 20 man game, it could have caused the town to assume a 14-3-3 setup, while the mafia should have grabbed that piece of information and realised it was 14/4/2. PR was a bit of silly fun in the absence of anything clever.

[spoiler=Independents, Players]


How to play Naive Announcer:

Leak someone's flavour, think it's amazing.

Leak someone's role, laugh about it.

Decide to idle, then decide it's boring.

Announce, don't leak anything.

Stop announcing.

Slayer, I love you.

Papercomments: Slayer wussed out on announcing because he was scared, and then Raymond asked him not to, fsr.


Excellen did nothing, his grand plan was to do nothing and claim independent if anyone called him out on it. Eventually he decided he didn't care about the game and asked to be subbed, even going as far as to post requesting a sub while kidnapped, which annoyed me greatly.

Core, you have my condolences, your predecessor did nothing and only asked to be subbed out immediately before the OC phase began, which must have confused the hell out of you. Claimed Town Driver and was eventually caught completely by accident and lynched, a shame, had Raymond not forgotten who Rein was tracking, Core could have potentially gotten away with getting the martyr killed and taken care of Raymond the following night.


Fun fact: This role can't win with the town.

Core unfortunately was confused by mike, and they thought the town had a driver, and didn't really think much about the redirection after I stepped in and said the town had no duplicates of their roles. This lead him to getting himself redirected and Raymond living, which got him lynched.

There's only one part of postgame that isn't complete: The night actions/results flavour list, which I will get around to shortly. For now, have a teaser;

[spoiler=Rein's death flavour.]

You log onto IRC and right click on Pariah's name, you're mere moments away from clicking WHOIS when suddenly...!


Have some host notes showing how detailed and careful we were when coming up with concepts for this game, too;

Kaosuhaze: "# eclipse Hey, what's with that look?"

*Looks at Paperblade role*

Too perfect

Kaosuhaze: I like Kaoz's

but it's a huge joke

for my amusement

Kaosuhaze: Yeah

Read Kaoz's role pm?

me: Reading it


[6/7/2011 12:45:33 PM] Haze: I just got a great idea

[6/7/2011 12:45:37 PM] Brad: ?

[6/7/2011 12:45:40 PM] Haze: Anyone you protect gets your post restriction for a day

[6/7/2011 12:45:45 PM] Brad: haha

[6/7/2011 12:45:48 PM] Brad: yesssss

[6/7/2011 4:36:51 PM] Brad: Anouleth's PR makes me lul

[6/7/2011 4:37:18 PM] Brad: I really want to see that happen

[6/7/2011 4:37:21 PM] Haze: It's going to be awesome

[6/7/2011 4:37:27 PM] Haze: Especially if people chime in

[6/7/2011 4:37:29 PM] Brad: yeah

[6/7/2011 4:37:29 PM] Haze: DRIVER IS TOP TIER

[6/7/2011 11:37:07 AM] Haze: I half want to give Obviam the Kay role

[6/7/2011 11:37:15 AM] Haze: "Post Restriction: You must not use profanities or insult other users during the game."

[6/7/2011 11:37:23 AM] Brad: ahaha

[6/7/2011 4:45:40 PM] Brad: I'm gonna write up the StSS role PM since I can't seem to find it

[6/7/2011 4:46:05 PM] Haze: Oh

[6/7/2011 4:46:07 PM] Haze: I forgot about him

[6/7/2011 4:46:09 PM] Haze: don't worry I've got it

[6/7/2011 4:46:11 PM] Brad: ah

[6/7/2011 4:46:11 PM] Brad: k

[6/7/2011 4:46:20 PM] Brad: that tends to happen

[6/7/2011 4:53:34 PM] Brad: I hope the person with the JB role is a smartass and has "modkill" as the method

[02:06] <Anouleth> hopefuly

[02:06] <Anouleth> people will realise that I am always town

[02:07] <@Paperblade> ;/

[02:07] <@Paperblade> Note to self: Make Anouleth mafia

[02:07] <Anouleth> inb4 paper makes me mafia

[02:07] <Anouleth> awwww

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Oh, also, something else I wanted to mention. At one point in the game, eclipse asked me if Snike's PR was including "lol" in all his posts, and if it was, wasn't he breaking it?

Well, you were right about the PR, but Snike wasn't breaking it--he just had about a billion ideas for ways to hide it.

For example:


Another thing he did was after he discovered what Kevin was doing, he did the same thing, only he hid it in quotes from other people--because things in quote tags don't show up when someone else quotes your post, so he wouldn't get caught like he did to Kevin.

Edit: Snike also never realized that he did not need to keep up his PR in his group PM, and we never had the heart to tell him otherwise

Edited by Paperkitty
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In retrospect, this PR should have been that he can't post at night due to being in hiding. If we had extended a day phase, we would have given him extra post to compensate, but unfortunately a certain other PR meant we couldn't do this. These kinds of PRs are dumb and we shouldn't have let them through, and shame on our informed observers/checkers for not insulting us for having a terrible idea. >_>

So sorry about that, but imagining how those people would suffer was just too much fun.

(In all seriousness, I didn't really realize that a restriction like that in a NOC game might not be the best idea, my apologies to eclipse and RD >_>;;)

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Oh, also, something else I wanted to mention. At one point in the game, eclipse asked me if Snike's PR was including "lol" in all his posts, and if it was, wasn't he breaking it?


Well, you were right about the PR, but Snike wasn't breaking it--he just had about a bilolion ideas for ways to hide it.

For example:


Another thing he did was after he discovered what Kevin was doing, he did the same thing, only he hid it in quotes from other people--because things in quote tags don't show up when someone else quotes your post, so he wouldn't get caught like he did to Kevin.

Edit: Snike also never realized that he did not need to keep up his PR in his group PM, and we never had the heart to tell him otherwise

I loved the challenge, to be honest. It let me avoid detection early on, and allowed for lines like this:

In other news, I say we flood the Overlord's Castle with a kiloliter of sulfuric acid. Anyone with me?

Which is ironic, since, well, I was part of the reign.

The players made it too easy with things like LolSlayer, at times, though.

@The white text thing: What made it more egregious is that I started on the same post that I exposed Kevin, on the line right below his. That was dumb on my part.

Edited by Snikitty
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