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SF Mafia Mafia


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He was also considered "clear" based on the sole fact that he didn't visit anyone when tracked, which I'd count overall as poor play, since the mafia had already been shown to have one passive role(Levity.)

Yeah, it didn't really occur to me that the mafia might have another passive role - I just thought it was very unlikely. I agree that this may have been poor play, and in fact probably is why I never actually gave him the sheet. After what happened in BS mafia, I was pretty paranoid about the sheet in general though.

Choosing him of all people, with a post restriction like that and stuff, as a backup town leader, is also something I don't really know why I did.

As for Tables, yes, I was weary of him. He kept saying weird things, and after Kevin's troll role I wouldn't have put a mafia godfather with the friendly neighbour ability past you. But in the end it was fine.

Edited by Shade of Shadow
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Was this about the "redacted" thing? There had been a miscommunication (fuck you, Chrome, that is totally a word) about if he could talk outside the thread while kidnapped between him and Haze, and if a PM is edited there's no "This was edited at blah blah" text

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Well, good to know I was half-right. That means the coin I bought was awesome!

In other news, my logic makes no sense. But I think we all know that now~!

EDIT: *sees "clips" and her name in rainbow*

*awakens write-your-own-death powers one more time*

"Paperblade and Haze were found as part of each other. By that, investigators think the killer hacked off everything, and rearranged it so that the two corpses had exactly half of each person's body parts.

In other news, water is wet."

Edited by Clipseykitty
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I wasn't going to reveal that I could break my restriction until I deemed it necessary, but it was never necessary (go Raymond), so... Even if the Mafia had shot me, I would've still pretended to have the restriction until I needed not to.

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Darros seemed to have a strong start, but wanted to take a break from SF and was subbed out. Anouleth did nothing, lazy git.

Papercomments: The bolded quote is from TotA Mafia (the day RD was lynched, to be specific), in case you're curious. Darros had to be subbed out and then Anouleth never really got into the game because he didn't feel like reading the topic. He didn't claim until after Raymond prodded him to do so (which wasn't until after Raymond checked him, being quite annoyed to find he was town). Anou was then killed by the mafia for I don't know why.

I'd completely forgotten Rein was still in the game so process of elimination made me believe that Anouleth was the tracker.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Night Actions.

Anyone not listed either idled, couldn't use or didn't have a night action.

[spoiler=Night 0]Raymond(Weapons).

Action: Reaction Test Tables.

Result: You are 90% sure that Tables is Town.


Action: Ask Tables for a claim.

Result: You have asked Tables for a claim. You may talk to eachother outside of the thread(preferrably via PM, if not I'd like logs) for the duration of Day 1. At the start of Night 2 all communications are to cease.

(Tables recieves: Weapons has asked you for a claim. You may talk to eachother outside of the thread(preferrably via PM, if not I'd like logs) for the duration of Day 1. At the start of Night 2 all communications are to cease.)


Action: Just WHOIS Tables anyway?

Result: Tables <~daba08f3@591FA003.CFB7E18C.D4CCBA75.IP> "[daba08f3] SF MAFIA MAFIA:IRC User"

Tables: member of #HomeSleeping

Tables: attached to webchat.svc.us.sfmafia.net "SF MAFIA Webchat Service"

End of WHOIS information for Tables.


Action: ;/ NOBODY

Result: Your action failed because NOBODY isn't playing in this game. ;/


Action: Protect Eclipse from shananigans

Result: You successfuly protected Eclipse from all shenaniganous activities.

Fear the Pika(Eclipse).

Action: Tee-Hee~ Levity!

Result: You had lots of fun playing dress up with Levity all night. Many a Tee-Hee~s! were had.

Wen Yang(Haze).

Action: Write a fakeclaim for Eclipse.

[spoiler=Fakeclaim]Dear Eclipse,

What if we got someone to change their name to No Lynch, what would happen then?

You are Haze, Mafia Hitman.

You love fakeclaiming, so much that you wrote several fakeclaims for one game and then didn't use any of them. You also wrote a majority of the role PMs and flavour for this game, and you had a bit too much fun with most of it. Oh well, it's funny, and that's all that counts, right?

If you are chosen to perform a nightkill, you will bypass any protective ability used on your target.

Post Restriction: You must pretend to have a different post restriction.

You are allied with Life's Mafia. You win when all threats to the mafia are removed.

Result: You have been foiled yet again as your action has failed due to the influence of another. Curses!


Action: Suspend Snike.

Result: Psych has been suspended for the following day phase. That'll teach him.


Action: Hello everyone, this is Psych!

Hello there people of Serenes Forest. I salute you and I'm happy to be part of another one of these games. While I got psych, its not overall bad, I got announcer :P. Also, Whoever got Raymond is a lucky bastard. He probably just have to live past day 1/ night 1 to win... lol. J/K Raymond.

Result: Leaked a USER's(Kevin's) rolename/flavour.

[spoiler=Night 1]Raymond(Weapons).

Action: Reaction test Proto

Result: You are 90% sure that Proto is Town Dead.


Action: Ask Snike for a claim

Result: You have asked Snike for a claim. You may talk to eachother outside of the thread(preferrably via PM, if not I'd like logs) for the duration of Day 2. At the start of Night 3 all communications are to cease.

(Snike recieves: Weapons has asked you for a claim. You may talk to eachother outside of the thread(preferrably via PM, if not I'd like logs) for the duration of Day 2. At the start of Night 3 all communications are to cease.)


Action: Just WHOIS Levity anyway?

Result: You attempt to WHOIS Levity but.. what's this? Someone kicked you from the channel! Your action has failed due to the influence of another.


Action: ;/ Weapons

Result: You successfuly kept watch over Weapons throughout the night.


Action: Protect Levity from shenanigans.

Result: You successfuly protected Levity from all shenaniganous activities.


Action: Murderize Kevin by: "modkilled, for forgetting his post restriction and editing it in too many times."

Result: As you prepare to set out and murderize Kevin, someone grabs you and forces you to spend all night with them.. You don't remember the details, you do remember a lecture about your language, however. Your action has failed due to the influence of another.


Action: 'Sup Levity?

Result: As you arrive at Levity's place, you realise that she's been evicted and you're at the wrong house. Your action has failed due to the influence of another.

Note: Your charge has not been used. You may "'Sup?" again.


Action: Tee-Hee~! Eclipse!

Result: You had lots of fun playing dress up with Eclipse all night. Many a Tee-Hee~s! were had.

Wen Yang(Haze).

Action: Write a fakeclaim for Tables.

Dear I eat Tables

What if we got someone to change their name to No Lynch, what would happen then?

You are Haze, Mafia Hitman.

You love fakeclaiming, so much that you wrote several fakeclaims for one game and then didn't use any of them. You also wrote a majority of the role PMs and flavour for this game, and you had a bit too much fun with most of it. Oh well, it's funny, and that's all that counts, right?

If you are chosen to perform a nightkill, you will bypass any protective ability used on your target.

Post Restriction: You must pretend to have a different post restriction.

You are allied with Life's Mafia. You win when all threats to the mafia are removed.

Result: You successfuly switched out Tables' role pm for the night, now you just have to wait...


Action: Suspend Obviam.

Result: Obviam has been suspended for the following day phase. That'll teach him.

Mafia Kill.

Action: Send BK-201 to kill Proto.

Result: You successfuly broke into Proto's place with an army of mafiabots. He didn't beg, he didn't even scream, though maybe that was because you cut his tongue out.

Proto, AKA General Spoon has been silenced.


Action: Hello everyone! This is Psych!

Well, well another night. A piece of information, there is/are independent(s) in the game, I myself am one... because no one wanted me on their teams, so I win if i survive :newyears: ... Anywho, for anyone that still doubts it, I am not Radiant.

A healthy breakfast is part of a healthy lifestyle

Result: A USER's(Wen Yang's) role power is leaked.

[spoiler=Night 2]Raymond(Weapons).

Action: Reaction test Wen Yang

Result: You are 90% sure that Wen Yang is Mafia.


Action: Ask Eclipse for a claim.

Result: You asked Eclipse for a claim... but just as soon as you did, you were jumped and brually murdered.

You are dead.

And to clarify - You weren't actually modkilled. Someone is being a smartass.


Action: Don't worry Psych, I'm still alive!

Result: You tried to stick close to Psych all night, but someone grabbed you and made you spend all night with them. You don't remember the details, but you do remember drinks were involved. Your action has failed due to the influence of another.


Action: Protect Eclipse from shananigans

Result: You successfuly protected Eclipse from all shenaniganous activities.


Action: Murderizing WoMC by what's in the quote box:

has been sent to work on the Golden Statue of Paperblade's Glorious Self for sending messages that violated the terms of NOC. The fate of the other person is under discussion. Any future offenders will be sent to work on the Statue.

Result: You shipped Weapons off to go work on a statue of Paperblade while laughing sinisterly to yourself. Pretty sure there was some goth music in there somewhere too, or at least that's what the media will probably say. ;/

Weapons, AKA Life Admiral, has been murderised.

It's at this point that you noticed that Weapons has asked you for a claim. You may talk to eachother outside of the thread(preferrably via PM, if not I'd like logs) for the duration of Day 3. At the start of Night 3 all communications are to cease. Unfortunately Weapons is kind of dead since you murdered him, whoopsie!


Action: 'Sup Obviam?

Result: "Yes, your action succeeded." - Paperblade, after Haze forgets to give Tables a result or write flavour for it.

Obviam received: While you sit around watering the petunias and writing love e-mails to your internet heartthrob Proto, Tables knocks on your door. He greets you with a friendly "'Sup Obviam?" This causes you to immediately recognise that he is Anouleth, and that he is allied with the town.

Wen Yang(Haze)

Action: Idled

Result: You sat around doing nothing. You blame writer's block. (Idled)


Action: Tee-hee~! Strawman!

Result: You had lots of fun playing dress up with Strawman all night. Many a Tee-Hee~s were had.


Action: Suspend Excellen

Excellen has been suspended for the following day phase. That'll teach him.

Mafia Kill

Action: Send BK-201 to kill Weapons

Result: You successfuly intercepted Weapons with your army of mafia bots. A few bullets and a knife to the tongue later and Weapons, AKA Life Admiral, had been silenced.

[spoiler=Night 3]


Action: Reaction test BK-201

Result: You are 90% sure that BK-201 is Mafia.


Action: ;/ Raymond.

Result: You successfuly kept watch over Strawman throughout the night.


Action: Don't worry Raymond, I'm still alive. lol I bet so many people are going to be using their night actions on him, I wonder what will happen.

Result: You're in for a doozy.

You successfuly following Raymond around all night, sticking incredibly close to him and making sure everyone knew you were alive.

Whilst you were doing that, someone grabbed you and made you spend all night with them. You don't remember the details, but you do remember drinks were involved.

Obviam has asked you for a claim. You may talk to eachother outside of the thread(preferrably via PM, if not I'd like logs) for the duration of Day 4. At the start of Night 4 all communications are to cease. Unfortunately, Obviam is dead, so he's not talking much right now.

Additionally, you can't get a strange face out of your head, and you find yourself unconciously making the same face yourself. For the duration of Day 4, you must include ";/" in every post you make.


Action: Protect Tables from shenanigans.

Result: You successfuly protected Tables from all shenaniganous activities.


Action: Murderizing Obviam by what's in the quote box:

has been sent to work on the Golden Statue of Paperblade's Glorious Self for failing to follow a direct order from a host.

Result: You shipped Weapons off to go work on a statue of Paperblade while laughing sinisterly to yourself. Pretty sure there was some weird alternative artwork in there somewhere too, or at least that's what the media will probably say. ;/

Obviam, AKA Kay, has been murderised.


Action: Ask Raymond for a claim.

Result: You asked Strawman for a claim... but just as soon as you did, you were jumped and brually murdered.

You are dead.

Clarification: You weren't modkilled.


Action: Tee-hee~! Raymond!

Result: You had lots of fun playing dress up with Strawman all night. Many a Tee-Hee~s were had.


Action: Suspend Kay

Result: Kay has been suspended for the following day phase. That'll teach her.

Mafia Kill

Action: Send BK-201 to kill Obviam.

Result: You successfuly intercepted Obviam with your army of mafia bots. A few bullets and a knife to the tongue later and Obviam, AKA Kay, had been silenced.


Action: Hello everyone! This is Psych!

Screw this, I don't like being quiet. Would the mafia be worried and want to shut me up? I don't know... I mean I do outtownies as well so its like a win-lose for both sides, and its not like it happens everytime... Atleast its not supposed to happen everytime according to my PM. I wonder if anyone has any guesses towards my identity. If you do just say so. I'll come out if some gets it right in a certain amount of guesses (because just posting everyones name is not really guessing). Of course that'd be bad for me since you guys would probably want to kill me, even if I'm third party, because my role is sort of dangerous to both sides... but its also good for them...

Result: You successfuly made your announcement to everyone.

And... you.. didn't leak anything? THIS CALLS FOR CELEBRATION! FREE MILK FOR EVERYONE!

[spoiler=Night 4]


Action: Reaction test Anouleth.

Result: You are 90% sure that Anouleth is town.


Action: Just WHOIS RD anyway?

Result: RD <~daba08f3@591FA003.CFB7E18C.D4CCBA75.IP> "[daba08f3] SF MAFIA MAFIA:IRC User"

RD: member of #HomeSleeping

RD: attached to webchat.svc.us.sfmafia.net "SF MAFIA Webchat Service"

End of WHOIS information for RD.


Action: ;/ Raymond

Result: You successfuly kept watch over Kay throughout the night.

(Poor JB was getting so confused by this point.)


Action: Don't worry Raymond, I'm still alive.

Result: Bombshell imminent.

You successfuly following Raymond around all night, sticking incredibly close to him and making sure everyone knew you were alive.

During the course of your duties someone realises you've lived far too long, grabs you, and brutally murders you.

You are dead.


Action: Protect JBCWK from shenanigans.

Result: You successfuly protected JB from all shenaniganous activities.


Action: Being a good little squirt and staying home.

Result: While you sit around inventing new swearwords, someone grabs you and forces you to spend all night with them. You don't remember the details, but you do remember a debate about your musical taste.


Action: Tee-Hee~! Eclipse!

Result: You had lots of fun playing dress up with Eclipse all night. Many a Tee-Hee~s were had.


Action: Suspend Tables.

Result: Tables has been suspended for the following day phase. That'll teach him.

Core(Obviam)/Mafia Night Kill

Action: Kay, why is Strawman your scumbuddy?

Send Core to kill Strawman.

Result: You ran Kay and Strawman around in circles with your dizzying logic about why they were scumbuddies, confusing everyone as to just who they were planning on targetting in the first place.

Amidst the confusion, you successfuly jumped Strawman with your pack of wild animals, and you ripped him to pieces. Following the deed you triumphantly yell that you are WINNING, and leave.

Strawman, AKA Raymond, has been mauled by wild animals

[spoiler=Night 5]


Action: Reaction test Mikethfc.

Result: As you approach Mikethfc to reaction test him, someone smacks you in the face, grabs him, and runs away. Your action has failed due to the influence of another.

Additionally, you can't get a strange face out of your head, and you find yourself unconciously making the same face yourself. For the duration of Day 6, you must include ";/" in every post you make.


Action: Just WHOIS Balcerzak anyway?

Result: Balcerzak <~daba08f3@591FA003.CFB7E18C.D4CCBA75.IP> "[daba08f3] SF MAFIA MAFIA:IRC User"

Balcerzak: member of Member of #Mikethfc

Balcerzak: attached to webchat.svc.us.sfmafia.net "SF MAFIA Webchat Service"

End of WHOIS information for Balcerzak.


Action: ;/ Raymond.

Result: You successfuly kept watch over Raymond throughout the night.


Action: Protect SlayerX from shenanigans.

Result: You successfuly protected Slayer from all shenaniganous activities.

During the course of your duties, someone grabs you and brutally murders you.

You are dead.


Action: No action.

Result: As you sit at home hiding under the bedsheets, someone grabs you and forces you to spend all night with them. You don't remember the details, but you do remember a lecture about getting out more.


Action: Murderizing Psych by what's in the quote box:

was pushed into a portal that led into another land. He found himself surrounded by quite a few angry people, and one confused lady with a lance. Some numbers appeared, and in a very short time, Psych had been critblicked by some guy named Eric, who used him as a human bulletin board, impaling him with a dagger and a note. The note read:
This is a message from Raymond. RD is the bulletproof, and the tracker has confirmed that he hasn't left his home, so he's clear. If I'm dead at this point, forward all your claims to RD and let him lead the town. Otherwise I'll just confirm this message.

Result: You broke the laws of time and physics and murdered Psych, somehow... Pretty sure you did it because he insulted your makeup, or at least that's what the media will probably say. ;/

Psych, AKA Snike, has been murderised.


Nah, just kidding.

Mikethfc(Eclipse)/Mafia Nightkill.

Action: Tee-Hee~! RD!

Send Mikethfc to kill Anouleth.

Result: You had lots of fun playing dress up with RD all night. Many a Tee-Hee~!'s were had.

When you were finished playing dressup, you tracked Anouleth down and cornered him. Producing your deck of sharpened Yu Gi Oh cards from your coat, you began to throw them at him one by one with startling accuracy. Each card inflicted a tiny papercut until your unfortunate victim eventually bled out.

Anouleth, AKA Radiant Dragon, has had his life points depleted by your Fabled Deck.

Once that was over and done with, someone grabbed you and threw you into a trunk. You have been kidnapped, do not talk for the duration of Day 6.


Action: Suspend Mikethfc

Result: You suspended Mikethfc for the following day. That'll teach him to make you wear a frock

[spoiler=Night 6]


Action: Reaction test Mikethfc.

Result: As you head out to reaction test Mikethfc, someone grabs you and forces you to spend all night with them. You don't remember the details, but you do remember spending your life savings on life insurance. Your action has failed due to the influence of another.

Additionally, you can't get a strange face out of your head, and you find yourself unconciously making the same face yourself. For the duration of Day 7, you must include ";/" in every post you make.


Action: Just WHOIS Kay anyway?

Result: You log onto IRC and right click on Pariah's name, you're mere moments away from clicking WHOIS when suddenly...!



Action: ;/ Raymond

Result: You successfully kept watch over Raymond throughout the night.

Mikethfc(Eclipse)/Mafia Nightkill.

Action: Tee-Hee~! Raymond!

Send Mikethfc to kill Reinfleche.

Result: You had lots of fun playing dress up with Raymond all night. Many a Tee-Hee~!'s were had.

When you were done dressing Raymond up in a wedding dress, you tracked down Reinfleche and let him become intimately acquainted with your friend The Fabled Unicorre, and all of his friends too. Reinfleche, AKA Kaoz, is out of Life Points.

T-t-t-t-t-t-that's all folks.

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