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(FE10) KP FE10 HM Draft

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@Yuggles howcome you didn't train Miccy? She's level 910? mine was level 18 19 before promotion. Not sure what level she reaches on average but yours seemed like she was avoided, Poor Miccy :(.

I'm in 3-9 HARD MAP! I think i'm going to use the crown on Geoffrey :'( this just ruined some of my plans.

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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@Yugl- oh thats a shame.

I tried 4-4 again today and was fine until i meteor'd the sage room and mia decided not to dodge them both. Im about to ragequit the draft no kidding. I seriously screwed my part 4 with my picks. Sigh. Its still posible but i keep having bad luck.

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@Yuggles howcome you didn't train Miccy? She's level 910? mine was level 18 19 before promotion. Not sure what level she reaches on average but yours seemed like she was avoided, Poor Miccy :(.

I'm in 3-9 HARD MAP! I think i'm going to use the crown on Geoffrey :'( this just ruined some of my plans.

I focused on Zihark and Sothe rather than dump exp on Micaiah. She's relegated to being a healbot when Part 3 rolls around anyway :(

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I focused on Zihark and Sothe rather than dump exp on Micaiah. She's relegated to being a healbot when Part 3 rolls around anyway :(

Don't worry she's still helpful as a healer ^^' those physic staves will benefit both your Zihark and Sothe to be more open to battle, hopefully your Sothe keeps his speed up.

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@Yuggles howcome you didn't train Miccy? She's level 910? mine was level 18 19 before promotion. Not sure what level she reaches on average but yours seemed like she was avoided, Poor Miccy :(.

I'm in 3-9 HARD MAP! I think i'm going to use the crown on Geoffrey :'( this just ruined some of my plans.

i never train mic either, he'll be fine.

It's your best bet.

@Yugl- oh thats a shame.

I tried 4-4 again today and was fine until i meteor'd the sage room and mia decided not to dodge them both. Im about to ragequit the draft no kidding. I seriously screwed my part 4 with my picks. Sigh. Its still posible but i keep having bad luck.

how do you pronounce your name yugl?

How'd you get past 4-3 lol? & what strategies have been good with mia? kitty picked him in a draft for me so i'm curious.

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i never train mic either, he'll be fine.It's your best bet.how do you pronounce your name yugl?How'd you get past 4-3 lol? & what strategies have been good with mia? kitty picked him in a draft for me so i'm curious.

Resolve! Vantage eddie with a tempest blade, 2 storm swords and wind edges got rescue dropped by marcia and adept savior! marcia flies to the 2 corners of the map killing stuff while micaiah and sothe make their way with leanne to the vague katti. It was actually easy. 4-4 with tormod mist ike and mia only is the one thats making me go insane xd.

Mia is actually really really good. Give her an ike support a steel crit forge witg max mt and she rocks. I promoted her at lv 14 in 3-5 to kill the boss with adept and wind edge. I also had rolf though who helped get a 2 turn in that map. The problem with mia is that her 2 range is weak and she relies on crits and adept to 1RKO. And she sucks against generals.

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@RFOF but training Miccy isn't so hard in HM, Soul said it was possible and so far she's been good in my draft. Maybe its too soon for me to say ^^' and of course she's blessed, but I think she's a good combatant and I really like her support with Sothe because it helps both survive longer for a long time.

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@Yugl- oh thats a shame.

I tried 4-4 again today and was fine until i meteor'd the sage room and mia decided not to dodge them both. Im about to ragequit the draft no kidding. I seriously screwed my part 4 with my picks. Sigh. Its still posible but i keep having bad luck.

I feel sorry for you. So sorry, that I could take your place in your name and beat this thing for you.

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The problem with mia is that her 2 range is weak and she relies on crits and adept to 1RKO. And she sucks against generals.

*sigh* I'll give her an energy drop. That should help with generals, but 2 range remains a problem.

I have gatrie tho :awesome: :awesome: :awesome:

It's more questionable in HM, but at least in NM a competent Micaiah can be very helpful.

never had a competent micaiah, so i wouldn't know.

@RFOF but training Miccy isn't so hard in HM, Soul said it was possible and so far she's been good in my draft. Maybe its too soon for me to say ^^' and of course she's blessed, but I think she's a good combatant and I really like her support with Sothe because it helps both survive longer for a long time.

I would rather use the XP on another unit, a draft is different matter however.

I feel sorry for you. So sorry, that I could take your place in your name and beat this thing for you.

Drafting mia can do this to you.(the whole relying on dodges)

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I feel sorry for you. So sorry, that I could take your place in your name and beat this thing for you.

Nah its alright lol. Ill beat this i wont give up. I just felt a bit frustrated after that. But please feel free to throw me ideas :D.

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@RFOF but training Miccy isn't so hard in HM, Soul said it was possible and so far she's been good in my draft. Maybe its too soon for me to say ^^' and of course she's blessed, but I think she's a good combatant and I really like her support with Sothe because it helps both survive longer for a long time.

Of course it's possible, it's just a lot more difficult (and it is difficult). She dies to everything unless you get super lucky or reset a lot for good levels and she doesn't get enough Spd even on average. BEXP isn't abundant enough to fix her problems without screwing over other team members.

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What were your teams, again?

silver: mic sothe edward marcia laura <- lol i didnt train her leanne

greil: ike mia tormod mist rafiel

hawk: rolf ranulf pelleas reyson

After 4-4 its gonna be smooth sailing what with cain and ena. But i cant seem to do 4-4 before the turn 10 reinforcements appear or i die because of too risky strats i come up with. I want the fortify. Mist starts the chapter by climbing a ledge and crowning, ike is like lv10-11 thanks to all the kills in 4-1. Mia is like lv8-9. Tormod is 11/1 and can use rexflame (arms scroll and has paragon and a max mt fire forge). Mist has 25 floretes, rescuex3 mend restore. Mia has wind edges and chest key.

Edited by Marciaxrolf
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Yeah, I trained Micaiah on the last NM draft, but on HM it's just not worth the effort since without Battle Saves, 1-9 would be too frustrating and perhaps too difficult to be able to shave turns off with a good Micaiah anyway.

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Depending on your Ike's Res, he should tank the Sleep staff a bit (He needs a Pure Water, of course. That, or Mist's Ward may help). After you get done with the Sleep staff uses, have Ike deal with all the enemies to the North. Mia should go through the corridor and kill all the enemes there, later go up the ledges, kill the enemies up there. Mist should help opening the doors so Mia kills the enemies. Mist can handle the Mages single-handedly. Tormod should go up to the first chestroom to the West and kill the enemies there. After that, have him help Mia get rid of the reinforcements that appear at the North-East corner.

Edited by Saber
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3-9: 6 turns + 3 = 9

MVP: Geoffrey

I took a turn longer because Geoffrey got the speedwings and I decided to trade them to Astrid instead of him keeping it. I tried this map without using BEXP on Geoffrey but he sucked so I had to crown him, no BEXP though. Crowned Geoffrey was good enough to finish the chapter, Astrid is really weak so the NPC's were behaving as her shield (helped her train a bit). The chapter was pretty hard ^^'.

Unit     Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res     Support   Skills     
Astrid    5.88   33       14       8      17      17      19      11      16               Adept

3-10: 6 turns

MVP: Boyd

Boyd with celerity went to the boss area and took out everything or majority of enemies, Ike trailed behind him and turns later Reyson and Ulki joined. Heather, Ulki, Ilyana, Reyson and Lyre took care of the bottom area. Alot of the bishops were fed to Lyre since she had enough damage output to kill them. Lyre was pretty decent, everyone was way better though but she helped with scraps. I BEXPd and crown'd Ilyana (she helped alot), Geoffrey had to eat the other on 3-9, I guess Heather will have to wait because Astrid wants a crown and so does Fiona. Ilyana can use Blizzard now, she has D Fire I'm going to see if she can reach meteor rank.

Unit     Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res     Support   Skills     
Boyd      4.95   60       31       6      29      30      19      24      13     B Ike     Provoke, Celerity     
Ilyana    1.98   43       15      26      25      26      12      16      19     C Heather Counter, Wrath             
Heather  16.29   34       20      11      25      30      24      12      17     C Ilyana  Disarm, Adept    
Ulki     28.80   59       16       3      17      18      25      11      10               Nullify  
Lyre     21.25   51       11       6      15      15      19      10      11               Blossom, Wildheart     
Ike      19.67   49       27       3      30      27      15      25       7     B Boyd    Pass, Vantage 

3-11: 5 7 turns

MVP: Ulki

I BEXPd Ulki to level 30 so he could wield more skills. I gave Blossom to Sigrun so she could gain speed and she did, Lyre on wrath was actually helpful and benefited Astrid. I'm not sure if Ulki is really that good or if I got very lucky but I completed it on my first try. Ulki grasses up and on turn 2 he rescues Ike and is vigored by Leanne. By turn 4 EP Ulki was untransformed, he had dropped Ike diagonal to boss and parked himself so only a few enemies could hit him, well he dodged all 3 (well he survived because the mage got to hit him) including a silver bow archer/sniper which allowed Ulki to kill the boss on turn 5, since Ike had weakened him Ulki only needed to hit and he did. Everyone else was self improving, NPC's were left on roam. I LOVE Ulki he's amazing :D:

Unit     Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res     Support   Skills     

Astrid    8.90   35       16       8      17      18      21      11      17               Adept, Miracle     
Ilyana    2.08   43       15      27      25      26      13      16      19     C Heather Counter, Paragon             
Heather  16.89   34       20      11      25      30      24      12      17     C Ilyana  Disarm, Adept    
Sigrun   20.31   34       19      13      23      25      29      20      23               Blossom    
Boyd      5.14   60       32       6      30      30      19      25      13     A Ike 
Ulki     30.89   60       17       3      17      19      27      12      10               Pass, Celerity, Savior  
Lyre     22.24   51       11       6      15      16      20      10      11               Wrath, Wildheart     
Ike      20.00   50       27       3      30      27      15      25       7     A Boyd    Vantage 
Leanne    7.72   26        0       3       1       6      29       2      12     C Nealuchi  

3-12: 5 turns

MVP: Volug

An NPC, Micaiah and Sothe made a fence while Volug had his own show. Volug moved to attack fighter on turn 1 and Miccy got to use Physic plenty of times. Volug on Wildheart + Resolve owned this map, Leo did take care of a nearby peg. I'm amazed by Volug, he gained SS strike on turn 2 EP, he would revert, transform and attack on PP :^_^:, Miccy got some combat. Fiona has LOL hit and LOL damage on enemies, dealing like 5 damage with javelins at 20% hit rates, she gained CEXP by carding, however she rescued dropped NPC's to build a shield on the left so the enemy pegs wouldn't reach my team. Tauro wielded the brave axe so enemies wouldn't target him and it worked. Bought Blizzard, Daemon Card.

Unit     Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res     Support   Skills     

Micaiah   9.15   34        8      28      23      23      28      12      28     A Sothe   Vantage, Paragon     
Volug    23.48   56       14       4      13      16      21      12       6     C Leo     Wildheart, Resolve             
Fiona     1.33   28       10       8      10      13       8      10       9         
Sothe     8.93   39       22       7      25      23      20      14      12     A Micaiah Cancel, Adept
Leo       2.41   24       13       2      19      13      11       9       8     C Volug

3-13: 5 turns

MVP: Volug

I wish Vantage would work with untransformed Volug, but it never activated :(:, Volug gained crazy levels untransformed +Beastfoe and Paragon :D: but sadly he can't survive too many laguz so I had to limit him. On turn 1 Sothe(beastkiller) and Volug build a shield with the NPC halb, Fiona rescues NPC general and moves right, Tauro moves left, Leo moves next to Fiona (EP tiger dies on Volug) . Turn 2 Sothe wields Bronze dagger, Volug grasses, Mic physics, Leo and the genral cover right ledge, Tauro covers left ledge. On Turn 2 EP the laguz in the bottom target NPCs on the left platform and one of the laguz attacks Volug and dies, another comes but attacks Sothe. Micaiah purges the cat that attacked Sothe. Sothe, Fiona, and NPC halb cover that ledge. Volug moves down, transforms, and heals himself and makes his way to Ike killing laguz on the way (EP). Ike attacks Volug on EP and volug kills him on turn 5 PP. NPC's were put on halt or roam on different turns, the halb next to Fiona was really important. Miccy got to physic almost every turn, even Fiona and Leo gained CEXP. BTW do you think Fiona can be decent enough for the two 4-2 fighter reinforcements? She's really sucky right now, but i'm planning to BEXP her 10 levels to bless wishblade.

Unit     Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res     Support   Skills     

Micaiah  10.96   34        8      29      23      23      28      12      28     A Sothe               
Volug    25.11   58       15       4      14      16      22      12       7     C Leo     Paragon, Resolve             
Fiona     2.08   28       11       8      11      14       8      11       9               Beastfoe
Sothe     9.01   39       22       7      26      23      21      14      13     A Micaiah Cancel
Leo       2.72   24       13       2      19      13      11       9       8     C Volug   Adept

3-E tomorrow

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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Dont bother with fiona IMO. Btw ur turncount for 3-11 is ridiculous lol good job.

I meant 3-11. Anyway thanks to saber i managed to 9 turn 4-4. FINALLY! Mist started by getting up the western ledge and crowning then cantoing. Ike attacks a halberdier in that ledge. Mia gets up the ledge. Rafiel vigored them. Mia equips killing edge and waits while ike attacks the archer. Tormod muarim and vika hide. Ike chugs a pure water and owns the boss area. Mia goes to the east room where the fortify is. Tormod after handling the west room with help of rafiel starts taking down turn 5 reinforcements. Mia got the fortify and joined tormod. Mist got the mage room. Tormod finishes the general to the south and mia and ike finish their stuff.

4-5 i give ranulf adept and savior. Rolf beastfoe pass. Im planning a 4-5 turn with reyson. Took pelleas' miracle and gave it to reyson btw. Reyson also has celerity. Pelleas got pavise. Btw rexflame tormod even with 20 something mag is pretty cool lol flare ftw. My fam is using the tv so i cant play anymore for now.

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3-E: 5 turns

MVP: Sigrun

I don't remember Sigrun taking many kills but somehow she won MVP. Sigrun, Ike, Boyd and Ulki behaved as walls/leading fighters but enemies targeted Sigrun the most, and she left alot of scraps for Astrid, Heather and Ilyana. Sigrun was BEXPd to 20.50 (didn't want to waste much BEXP on her). I completed this chapter twice but restarted due to forgetting about rescue staff. Overall the 2nd completion was better because Lyre got closer to S rank, Ilyana is one hit away to C Fire, Heather got more levels, and Astrid though she gained less levels due to blossom she actually had better stats because on the first try she had no blossom. Sigrun's forge broke lol. Gave laguz stone to Reyson so he could help my units gain more CEXP. Lyre was having fun attacking Zihark until he ran and a tiger killed him.

Astrid   10.71   36       18       8      19      20      23      11      19               Blossom      
Ilyana    2.55   43       15      27      25      26      13      16      19     B Heather Counter              
Heather  18.91   35       21      11      25      30      26      12      17     B Ilyana  Disarm, Paragon     
Sigrun    1.96   38       22      17      25      27      29      23      27               Adept     
Boyd      5.34   60       32       6      30      30      19      25      13     A Ike  
Ulki     30.97   60       17       3      17      19      27      12      10               Pass   
Lyre     23.05   51       12       6      16      17      21      10      11               Wildheart      
Ike      20.00   50       27       3      30      27      15      25       7     A Boyd    Celerity, Vantage  
Reyson   17.85   41        3       7       5      13      32       7      17       

Now on to Part 4 :D:

These are the stats of all my characters Right now, haven't decided teams. I was thinking about

Silver: Miccy, Sothe, Sigrun, Nealuchi, Ilyana, Leanne

Greil: Ike, Boyd, Astrid, Heather, Rafiel

Hawk: Volug, Ulki, Lyre, Fiona, Leo, Reyson

but RFOF said to send a laguz to the GM's, which laguz do I send?

Combat Units:

Unit     Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res     Support   Weapon Rank

Micaiah  11.81   35        8      29      23      23      29      13      30     A Sothe   B Light, B Staves               
Ilyana    2.55   43       15      27      25      26      13      16      19     B Heather D Fire, A Thunder, C Wind, E Staves              
Heather  18.91   35       21      11      25      30      26      12      17     B Ilyana  S Knives     
Sigrun    1.96   38       22      17      25      27      29      23      27               A Swords, S Lances   
Ike      20.00   50       27       3      30      27      15      25       7     A Boyd    S Swords, A axes  
Boyd      5.34   60       32       6      30      30      19      25      13     A Ike     SS Axes
Astrid   10.71   36       18       8      19      20      23      11      19               A Bows 
Volug    26.11   59       15       4      15      17      24      12       6     C Leo     SS Strike
Ulki     30.97   60       17       3      17      19      27      12      10               S Strike 

Idk-what-to-do-with-themOther Units:

Unit     Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res     Support  

Lyre     23.05   51       12       6      16      17      21      10      11               A Strike      
Fiona     2.33   28       10       8      10      14       8      11      10               C Lances 
Sothe    10.40   39       22       8      26      24      22      15      12     A Micaiah S Knives 
Leo       3.18   25       13       3      20      13      12      10       9     C Volug   B Bows


Unit     Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res     Support  
Rafiel   13.40   32        1       6       1       6      32       3      13  
Leanne    7.72   26        0       3       1       6      29       2      12     C Nealuchi  
Reyson   17.85   41        3       7       5      13      32       7      17  

Here are a list of boosts I have left idk who to give them to ^^' I was hoping for some guidance/opinions:

Seraph Robe, Secret Book, Speedwing, Dracoshield, Talisman.

I think Secret book for Nealuchi and Talisman for Ike

I also have these skills if anyone wants to suggest what to do with them(not counting my units innate skills):

Quickclaw(2), Wildheart(2), Shade, Miracle, Wrath(2), Cancel, Adept (3), Nihil (2?), Nullify, Daunt, Renewal (2), Imbue (2), Parity, Vantage (2), Resolve (2), Provoke, Counter, Beastfoe, Paragon (2), Disarm, Savior(2), Pavise, Maelstrom, Smite, Pass(2), Blossom

btw DB's 3-13 stats were wrong but I corrected them here :): didn't bother inputting Ike's promoted stats


P1 - 91

P2 - 53

P3 - 105

Total: 249

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I get the feeling I counted something wrong on the course of 3-9 - 3-13 since I did them right after each other...

Actually I'm pretty sure I miscounted on 3-11 because Ulki didn't have celerity, he had Nullify I'm sure. I remember crossbow guy dealing 8 damage to him ^^' and he also reverted and stoned on one of the later turns too. I apologize because I usually write everything on paper before finishing a chapter (: but that one went by really quickly and I was excited to play DB chapters. I'll check as soon as i'm done with the PT :^_^: unless theres a way to check turns.

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