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(FE10) KP FE10 HM Draft

KP 2010

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You're pretty much all set.

Just make sure he gets to S-rank by either 2-E or some early point ay 2-E. That way he can kill Ludveck single-handedly and even get you an Energy Drop. Of course, he needs to Wrath like twice to be able to kill Ludveck. Also BEXP. Tons of it.

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@ queen kittylincy- Eww i just noticed u have asstrid only for 2-3. Buy the killer bow and try to weaken every enemy with geo and kill them with her. That chapter is gonna be a real pain for ya :/. Good luck.

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@ queen kittylincy- Eww i just noticed u have asstrid only for 2-3. Buy the killer bow and try to weaken every enemy with geo and kill them with her. That chapter is gonna be a real pain for ya :/. Good luck.

Of course not. It's not like she has to solo it with her. She just takes the Geoffrey penalty while training Astrid.

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The problem is the training asstrid part. 10 def. She gets 2RKO'd iirc, there are lots of enemies and they like to target bowmen obv. She also cannot be sent where the stonehoist guys are because she dies. Its really hard to train her when u cant even keep her alive.

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The problem is the training asstrid part. 10 def. She gets 2RKO'd iirc, there are lots of enemies and they like to target bowmen obv. She also cannot be sent where the stonehoist guys are because she dies. Its really hard to train her when u cant even keep her alive.

I'm sure it's been done before and can be done again.

V sal... ):

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The problem is the training asstrid part. 10 def. She gets 2RKO'd iirc, there are lots of enemies and they like to target bowmen obv. She also cannot be sent where the stonehoist guys are because she dies. Its really hard to train her when u cant even keep her alive.

You can easily keep her alive if you're going for a pacifist run. The NPCs make sure to wall her nicely.

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I'm sure it's been done before and can be done again.

V sal... ):

Yes, I Know, But I almost finished my Draft, so after that... (Also, I could only find an easy mode file, but the thing is the same except Haar, he can still be recruited in NM/HM. And Nealuchi's damage is like this: EM ---> NM : 3 ---> 2--- >1 , 1--->0, which is why he needs a STR up.) I'll get to 2-P soon in NM though, just for this. But today I'll post the EM version.

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The odd thing is I'm having trouble keeping Geoffrey alive, since he doesn't know how to dodge. Astrid is kept secure by going left in the onager area, what sucks about her is that she deals very little damage to enemies. I'm thinking of getting a Kieran penalty.

Like Soul said NPCs wall Astrid, since they're all going the same way (until speedwing part).

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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The odd thing is I'm having trouble keeping Geoffrey alive, since he doesn't know how to dodge. Astrid is kept secure by going left in the onager area, what sucks about her is that she deals very little damage to enemies. I'm thinking of getting a Kieran penalty.

Just have Geoffrey charge, and keep the Partner units near him. That should allow him to survive...

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Don't take the penalty. Rely on having Astrid get kills from the NPCs and lucky Killer bow critcals. 8[

And don't forget to BEXP her to 99 before the chapter starts.

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I remember having trouble keeping geo alive there too. Btw, this is imposible. I mean 4-2

i sent rolf and ranulf here but i cant do it in less than...wait for it, 15 turns! O_o asdfamwpmpnpgadgm. And after i devised a way to 8 turn 4-1 with mia and ike. Those enemies sure love to chase u all over the map lol otherwise i would have taken like 30 turns. Anybody have ANY ideas for 4-2? Rolf handles everything just fine with a crossbow taksh aquar but hes only 1 man. Ranulf is ruining everything in his side, due to gauge problems :/.Aarghh RAAAGE

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You know Resolve might help on Gefforey in the long run. :D

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I remember having trouble keeping geo alive there too. Btw, this is imposible. I mean 4-2

i sent rolf and ranulf here but i cant do it in less than...wait for it, 15 turns! O_o asdfamwpmpnpgadgm. And after i devised a way to 8 turn 4-1 with mia and ike. Those enemies sure love to chase u all over the map lol otherwise i would have taken like 30 turns. Anybody have ANY ideas for 4-2? Rolf handles everything just fine with a crossbow taksh aquar but hes only 1 man. Ranulf is ruining everything in his side, due to gauge problems :/.Aarghh RAAAGE


Depends, he needs rend, resolve and wildheart? I don't even remember if that fits. xD I don't blame your rage. I had Rolf, Ranulf, Reyson and Kysha there, I hated it! xD

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Sorry, I've been busy for the last few days and I haven't really had much time to play...

But I'm back now.

1-4: 7 turns.

Forged Stealth (+5 Mt, +15 Hit Iron Knife)

Yeah I redid this chapter because I decided that the Seraph Robe was worth the extra turn. I made Sothe go round the map with Aran, Micaiah and Meg staying in the middle pretty much the whole time. they gained a lot less EXP than with my 6 turn method. Oh well.

1-5: 6 turns.

Forged Stealth (+5 Mt, +15 Hit Iron Knife)

Forged Gaebolg (+5 Mt, +5 Hit Iron Lance)

Aran w/ Seraph Robe

This chapter was actually a pain in the behind because I wanted to give Aran and Micaiah a bit of EXP. I ended up spending a few turns blocking the ledge and then moving on it. Sothe stole the Master Seal which I'm planning on giving Aran sometime later. I doubt I'll need one for Med (she didn't even get deployed this chapter).

1-6-1: 5 turns.

Forged Nyx (+5 Mt, +5 Hit, + 15 Crit Iron Knife)

Micaiah and Aran went north and Tauroneo and Sothe went west. Sothe's new dagger was a bit of a waste because he didn't critical much with it. I wish I could've gotten the Arm Scroll for Aran for earlier Silver Lance access.

1-6-2: 4 turns.

Omg, Fiona and her crew are so bad! She always dies on turn 3 (even earlier if the myrmidon crit-kills her) so I had to send Sothe up to kill the soldier and myrmidon. Tauroneo charged west by himself (he managed to get the Red Gem and killed the boss for Paragon). I had to have Micaiah cower in the bushes to the west with volug (she's still at base HP and she gets OHKO'd by almost everything). Self-improvement for Aran.

1-7: 7 turns.

I finally decided to deploy Meg again, just so she could shove and break doors. With a Steel Sword she only has 19atk so it takes 2 turns for her to break a door lol.

Doing 1-8 atm and it's not going well. I think I'll have to eat a penalty and I may promote Aran too.

Sothe has been the most valuable unit by a mile. Aran is useful but his Str is low and he can't double often. Micaiah can at least OHKO armours and cavaliers. I barely ever deploy Meg (and I wish I could undeploy Volug!) cos she just gets in the way. She's still at base level.

TOTAL: 70 turns.

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Anyone have any ideas? My stats:

rolf 20/3.44 51 31 8 32 29 20 27 18 A mist

ranulf 27.25 i think 56 14 6 16 16 25 13 10

pelleas promoted as soon as he gets there so base +promotion bonus.

I have adepts paragon wildheart pass. Like 10,000 Bexp and like 13,000 money. I can get ranulf to 29.93 if i spend all my BEXP. But that would make tormod suck. The problem isnt so much ranulf's gauge but his lack of 2 range. Rolf has way too little MT with aquar and if i use silencer he gets ganged up on. Pelleas isnt durable enough to do anything except killing reinforcementsand he cant double so he needs reyson. GAH

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Vicious sal- could u tell me ur strategy for 4-2 with rolf and ranulf? I saw that u 7 turned it. How? :S

He also had Reyson and Kyza.

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Meg isn't that bad ^^' It may be too late to train her but she's certainly more flexible than Leo/Fiona imo.

I think she's pretty poor. Leonardo's chip is stronger, more accurate, he has more movement, starts earlier and at a higher level than Meg. I'd have gladly taken him instead, although I suppose I wouldn't have deployed him on a lot of the maps either as he has fail durability too. That 6mov would make him a better shove-bot though.

I guess Meg is a far superior pick to Fiona though lol. I didn't really have the EXP/turns to spare to train her though because Aran was my top priority.


1-8: 8+6 (Nailah)

Micaiah w/ Seraph Robe

This chapter has been the most frustrating so far and hopefully it'll be the most frustrating for this run (although I doubt it because at least this map was short). Anyways, I realised I had to take a penalty because Micaiah sucks, Aran couldn't kill most of the enemies (even when he pulled off a lucky critical), and Sothe had to take care of the right side of the map.

At first, I thought to go for Tormod and Volug but Volug had trouble surviving all the ranged attacks and Tormod just missed ORKOs on the bandits. So I went for Nailah (equipped with Celerity).

The most annoying enemy in this chapter was the first Dracoknight who I couldn't reach until he killed 3 of the villages and decided to attack Micaiah (who survived an attack with 1hp remaining lol). The mages who popped up on the left were also pretty annoying because by that time, I sent Nailah down to attack the hand-axe bandit, but with Celerity she managed to reach one of them and Rafiel vigor'd her so she could kill the other.

I'm gonna leave 1-9 and 1-E till later. I'm dreading 1-E, but some of you seem to have managed it well. :)

Oh and Sothe + Adept is awesome. It activated pretty much every time I needed it to (and even when I didn't need it to).


I'm debating whether I should get an Arm Scroll or not...

Aran is currently on C right now and I doubt he'll get to B for 3-6. If I get him a Arms Scroll he could use a Steel Greatlance in 3-6 which could be useful. But I guess I could also forge him a +5mt Steel Lance which would work out cheaper than an Arms Scroll.

Decisions, decisions.

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Finally! 4-2 done in 11 :/ turns. Celerity! Reyson vigored ranulf every turn i could until he took care of the south side. Pelleas killed the stationary generals and a blizzard mage. Rolf took care of valtome and his lackeys then with the help of reyson he killed the remaining enemies to the east. Ranulf stayed behind to beat reinforcements. Might redo this rage chapter with tibarn. What is the fastest tibarn can complete this chapter? Assuming savior dropping rolf and celerity?

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Finally! 4-2 done in 11 :/ turns. Celerity! Reyson vigored ranulf every turn i could until he took care of the south side. Pelleas killed the stationary generals and a blizzard mage. Rolf took care of valtome and his lackeys then with the help of reyson he killed the remaining enemies to the east. Ranulf stayed behind to beat reinforcements. Might redo this rage chapter with tibarn. What is the fastest tibarn can complete this chapter? Assuming savior dropping rolf and celerity?

With just tibarn, Rolf, and Tauro I managed a seven turner.

Not worth the 7 turns penalty though, doubt it would save you a turn.

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