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Build a Laguz Race!

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Snail laguz. 1 movement transformed, so you basically have to be vulnerable to move far, very high defence. Lowish HP. AS scores untransformed are pretty pathetic. Mostly vulnerable to magic.

While transformed, they can never Attack, but only consume by moving onto a target. This kills them instantly unless they are Dragons, Spirits, or bosses, and transfers half of their HP into the snail.

They live in forests. I guess.


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Snail laguz. 1 movement transformed, so you basically have to be vulnerable to move far, very high defence. Lowish HP. AS scores untransformed are pretty pathetic. Mostly vulnerable to magic.

While transformed, they can never Attack, but only consume by moving onto a target. This kills them instantly unless they are Dragons, Spirits, or bosses, and transfers half of their HP into the snail.

They live in forests. I guess.

So basically, they're a clone of the Oozium from Advance Wars DS?

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Fox Laguz


HP 65

Str 19 (38 transformed)

Mag 10 (20 transformed)

Skill 18 (36 transformed)

Spd 20 (40 transformed)

Luck 40

Def 15 (30 transformed)

Res 10 (20 transformed)


A rank Strike: 9 Mt, 90 hit, 1 range, 0 critical

S rank Strike: 13 Mt, 95 hit, 1 range, 0 critical

SS rank Strike: 18 Mt, 100 hit, 1 range, 0 critical

Mastery Skill: Savage

Move 7 (9 transformed)

Gauge: Same as Hawk Gauge.

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Dog Laguz

High Defense High Speed Low Strength Low Restence

Weak to Fire Magic

Fox Laguz

High Speed, Low Attack and Defense

Weak to Fire Magic

Can Steal (Need Lockpicks untransformed, do not need Lockpicks transformed)

Fish Laguz

Balenced stats

Weak to Water Magic

Can move in water with no penalty

Dolphin Laguz

High Speed, Low Defense

Weak to Water Magic

Can move in water with no penalty

Shark Laguz

High Strength, Low Speed

Weak to Water Magic

Can move in water with no penalty

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fish laguz

a Laguz that uses water magic. has regular mage-like stats (low def, high res) and can only transform in water. (can actually attack when untransformed)

I've been thinking, how do Fish Laguz live, anyways? If they transform, they die unless they're in one of the few chapters with water.

lol, I thought of that

most likely:

they live near the water and can hold their breath for a very long time under water when untransformed, but have to get up eventually. when fish they can use magic without talking (silence effect resistant), and use that magic to catch their food. some fish Laguz live under water, having a bubble of oxygen to breath when untransformed. every now and then they'd have to fill up the bubble. parent fish Laguz have to watch their children very good, 'cause they never know when the younger ones decide to transform while above water. In compare to other species they don't live very long, 30 years is already quite old for a fish Laguz. the turtle Laguz they live close with see a lot of generations of fish Laguz pass, since they even get older than dragon Laguz.

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  • 2 months later...

-Eastern Dragon Laguz (Probably called a Serpent Dragon or something)

-Type: Dragon Tribe

-High speed, skill, and luck- decent strength, HP, and resistance- low defense

-Weapon: Dragon Fang

-Able to fly while transformed

-They would usually spin around the enemy and then attack them

-Weakness: Wind Magic

They need more variety in the Dragon Tribe :/

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Fish Laguz

Balenced stats

Weak to Water Magic

Can move in water with no penalty

Dolphin Laguz

High Speed, Low Defense

Weak to Water Magic

Can move in water with no penalty

Shark Laguz

High Strength, Low Speed

Weak to Water Magic

Can move in water with no penalty

...Why would Fish/Shark & Dolphin laguz be weak to water magic? That just doesn't make any sense. They live in water. That's like saying aerobic bacteria are weak to air.

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Here's a good one:

Platypus Laguz

  • Ridiculous luck, good SPD.
  • Decent SKL, RES, MAG (for some reason)
  • Terrible HP, STR, DEF.
  • Mastery Skill: Something Venom related (For reasons unknown to absolutely everyone, Platypusseses have incredibly powerful venom), perhaps 2x Damage and a very powerful poison effect (reduce movement/HP cap/both temporarily?)
  • Movement is not reduced by water (when transformed, when untransformed it is slightly reduced).
  • Weakness: No Idea. Perhpas Crocodile Laguz?

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...Why would Fish/Shark & Dolphin laguz be weak to water magic? That just doesn't make any sense. They live in water. That's like saying aerobic bacteria are weak to air.

I believe it's like how flying units are weak against wind. it's about turning their natural habitat against them.

(and lol @ water magic; "a water broke")

but really, I thought about it, and I think only the dragon and bird tribes should have another type added.


cat: fast

wolf: average

tiger: strong

lion: all of the above


raven: fast

heron: average

hawk: strong

eagle: all of the above


white dragon: fast

red dragon: average

black dragon: strong

divine dragon: all of the above

magic based laguz:

herons: Galdr (songs to help units survive)

cats: feral magic (spells to help others get temporarily stronger)

white dragons: magic breath (actual magic attacks)

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So basically, they're a clone of the Oozium from Advance Wars DS?

What kind of Oozium, perchance, transforms into a human to gain movement and regenerates by moving over objects?

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Here's one:

- Lethe in track 1

- Mordecai in track 2

- Ulki in track 3

- Nealuchi in track 4

400 m timed race. Grounded laguz have to leap hurdles while airborne laguz have to go through rings of fire.

Mordecai wins, he can Smite the hurdles out of his way. Nealuchi loses due to 8 movement.

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I believe it's like how flying units are weak against wind. it's about turning their natural habitat against them.

(and lol @ water magic; "a water broke")

Well, if you put it that way...

It makes sense that wind magic and cut through the peggie's wings. But water magic on fish? :/ Peggies also don't live in the air, they eat and sleep on land.

Edited by Soul
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