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Build a Laguz Race!

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Specify where they would live, on Tellius if possible... 3 strong points and 3 weak points, and a description.

Snake Laguz

High SPD, high SKL, high MOV.

Mediocre STR, low DEF and weak to thunder.

Snakes are a highly mobile race of laguz that can be commonly found in swampy areas.

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High Luck. good movement/canto. High skill and class gives critical bonus.

Low Res. Low Str. weakness to wind magic.

The vultures live in the desert of death, and have a scavenging skill.

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Siren Laguz

Good Magic, Defense and HP

Weak Strength, Luck and Res

They use dark magic, and have no movement penalty in the water. Their mastery skill would allow them to be invisible in water for x amount of turns, and during that time they'd be able to drain HP from any enemies that they attack

Edited by Yuglyoshi
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Tyrannosaurus Rex Laguz :awesome:

Hight strength/movement

Decent Defense

Low speed/skill/luck/resistance/magic

Weak to wind magic (specifically blizzard because It's cold)

Mastery skill would be called Grind.

Tyrannosaurus Rex Laguz like to chomp enemies in half with their sharp teeth and then eat them. They live in jungles, and are sensitive to cold.

Edited by Isaac55
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Butterfly Laguz

High Magic, Resistance, Luck

Low Defense, Strength, Weak to Fire

Maybe a mage style laguz. The wing beats could be like wind magic or something.

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Owl Laguz

High Defense, Skill, and HP

Decent Strength

Not so great speed/res/luck

Weak to wind.

+5 hit indoors, +5 hit and +5 avoid outside at night, -5 hit outdoors in the day.

Weak to arrows.

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Owl Laguz

High Defense, Skill, and HP

Decent Strength

Not so great speed/res/luck

Weak to wind.

+5 hit indoors, +5 hit and +5 avoid outside at night, -5 hit outdoors in the day.

Weak to arrows.

The only night time chapters I remember are in 1-9 and early Part 3. :mellow:

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I remember when I wanted to make a vampire laguz. Never decided strengths/weaknesses though.

I guess strengths would be defense, skill, and hp?

Poor speed, attack, and resistance

Even worse resistance to light xD Arrows also work well.

They have low attack but high hp and can gain hp back when they attack (because they suck blood). This can work in human and laguz form since both forms have fangs. In human form they still have vision but in laguz form they emit ultrasonic waves so their skill greatly increases rather than decreases.

In my mind when I came up with this vampires still have wings in human form.

Oh yeah forgot about location.

I had them in tall tall mountains because they blocked sunlight and they had caves too. (in the story I came up with it they lived in an extinct volcano that for some reason was hollow)

Edited by Agnaktor
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Penguin Laguz

-Have high HP and Spd, average Str, Skl, Lck and Def but poor Res and Mag.

-Although they can't fly like other Bird Laguz (no canto either), they don't take any movement penalties in water and get +2 Mov on ice/snow maps.

-Have weakness to Thunder magic, not Wind like other Bird Laguz.

-Not weak to bows.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Hyena laguz. All of the STR. All of it. Moderate SPD/DEF, weak to fire like other beast tribes. Live in hotter areas.

Unicorn laguz: would have two subclasses, kinda like the bird tribes. Good SPD/RES for both, not so great DEF. One subclass has high STR and acts as an offensive unit (stabby stabby), the other has good MAG and can heal. Physical traits would be a mix of the western idea of a unicorn and the kirin/qilin, they would look awesome. Dunno where they'd be from but they would probably be pretty rare.

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The only night time chapters I remember are in 1-9 and early Part 3. :mellow:

Uh and the ones where its the DB against the GMs in those three dark maps. One has fog of war, one where the BK comes in and you get ulki and janaff, and then the final chapter for part 3. Plus thats why I added the inside bonus too.

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Snail laguz. 1 movement transformed, so you basically have to be vulnerable to move far, very high defence. Lowish HP. AS scores untransformed are pretty pathetic. Mostly vulnerable to magic.

While transformed, they can never Attack, but only consume by moving onto a target. This kills them instantly unless they are Dragons, Spirits, or bosses, and transfers half of their HP into the snail.

They live in forests. I guess.

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Uh and the ones where its the DB against the GMs in those three dark maps. One has fog of war, one where the BK comes in and you get ulki and janaff, and then the final chapter for part 3. Plus thats why I added the inside bonus too.

I'm pretty sure 3-E isn't night time...

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Demon Laguz

High STR, HP and DEF.

5 LUK cap, 10 RES cap. Mediocre SKL.

Takes no damage from Fire, weak to Light.

Commonly found in : Rare, Kauku Caves.

I like this one!

Horse Laguz! (lol)

High Str, HP, Move.

Weak to Horseslayers

Found in fields.

Mastery: Stampede. Basically a bum rush/Leeroy Jenkins attack.

Best i could do. Most of the cool ones have been thought of.

Edited by Giygas
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The cool ones? :B):

Ghost Laguz

Similar stats to Heron, 50 LUK cap

Sort of like a death heron.

Rardlag - Vigor, Sorrow, Blind, Dark Sacrifice, Deathchant.

Blind - subtracts 50 from the displayed hit in battle. (So the max hit will be 50%.)

Dark Sacrifice - Absorbs 50% HP from a target enemy (1-2) and restores it to adjacent ally.

Deathchant - If this unit is surrounded, all enemies in a 2 range radius will be KOed, bosses will have their HP halved. If the unit is not surrounded, then a random adjacent unit will die. If there are no adjacent units, nothing will happen.

Basically a heron that can fight with their songs.

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Uh and the ones where its the DB against the GMs in those three dark maps. One has fog of war, one where the BK comes in and you get ulki and janaff, and then the final chapter for part 3. Plus thats why I added the inside bonus too.

Of those only the first one is night. The other two happen in day-time. But if you're looking for other night chapters then add 4-1, and 4-4 technically, but since it's an indoors map either way.

But anyway, being on topic...

Kangaroo Laguz

-Caps: HP:70; Str: 20; Mag: 5; Skl: 20; Spd: 18; Lck: 35; Def: 15; Res: 15. (Untransformed)

-Same movement type as the Beast Laguz, except no penalty for climbing up ledges.

-Weak to Fire Magic.

-Mastery: Knock-back. Triples Strength and Smites the enemy. (Str% Activation)

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Here's one:

- Lethe in track 1

- Mordecai in track 2

- Ulki in track 3

- Nealuchi in track 4

400 m timed race. Grounded laguz have to leap hurdles while airborne laguz have to go through rings of fire.

Ulki in a blowout.

&that was quite a good catch i must say, with the whole race thing.

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hmm, lemme think here;

the beast tribes have cats, tigers, lions and wolves. that's 4

the bird tribes have ravens, hawks and herons. that's 3

the dragon tribes have white, red and black dragons. that's also 3

now let's even that up

owl Laguz (bird tribe)

where ravens are the fast birds, hawks are the strong ones and herons are the magical ones. the owl laguz would be very balanced and have great night sight.

divine dragon Laguz (dragon tribe)

summons allied (yellow team) war dragons, which are significantly weaker than other dragons. (think of FE6) the units themselves would be non-fighting and magical, like the herons for the bird tribes

now for a whole new race:

swamp tribe

fish laguz

a Laguz that uses water magic. has regular mage-like stats (low def, high res) and can only transform in water. (can actually attack when untransformed)

Lizard Laguz

high def, low att. specialized in staying alive by healing

turtle Laguz

high def, regular att and high HP. though very, very slow

frog Laguz

high att, high spd, low def, low HP.

all swamp tribe laguz can pass over water. EDIT: and their magical weakness would be dark magic

Edited by whase
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Monkey Laguz. Their Royal version would be King Kong. :awesome:

Jajajaja, lol...Lets see, as there are "physical" laguz, let me see for magic laguz.

Sylph (only beautiful female): incarnation of spirits of air. Exceedingly Spd, high skill, luck and res, average and mag, awful Hp, def and str.

Caps: Hp 40, Str 20, Mag 30, Skill 44, Speed 48, Luck 40, Def 10, Res 40.

Mastery Skill: Hurricane: When activated, negates enemy's res and 4x dmg equal to user's mag. Leaves collateral damage to enemies within a 2-square radius equal to the same amount dealt on the combat opponent divided by the amount of enemies near the caster. A normal Str has 1-2 range. Effective against flyers (including Laguz). +1 range in thickets.

Salamander (only male): Lizard-like laguz that maneuver flames. Exceedingly Mag, high Hp, Str and Skill, average def, res and luck, poor speed.

Caps: Hp 70, Str 40, Mag 46, Skill 36, Speed 30, Luck 40, Def 32, Res 34.

Mastrey Skill: Doom: Str + Mag + Strike Might. Negates terrain bonus and leaves the tile burned. Any unit placed on that tile will receive -5 Str and -10 Hp. Effective against mounted and armored units. + 3 Str and Mag in Lava. Can climb ledges or cliffs, as well as mountains with no huge movement reduction, - 2.

Mermaid (only female): Uses water magic. Exceedingly Res, high Def, Mag and Luck, average Hp, skill and speed, low str.

Caps: Hp 55, Str 20, Mag 40, Skill 34, Speed 32, Luck 40, Def 44, Res 48.

Mastery Skill: Screech: Only activates as counter attack (on enemy phase). Lulls the opponent and treats any damage dealt as 0. Retaliates by treating both def and res as dealt damage. Affects units adjacent to the enemy by inflicting a status of flinch.

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Worm Laguz

Immense SKL, SPD and LCK.

20 HP cap, 5 STR cap, 10 DEF cap.

Mastery Skill : Compost - Recycles an enemy, dealing STR x8 damage. If the target does not die, it becomes an invulnerable ally for three turns.

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