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ITT: Integrity tells you which FE character you are.

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I did consider pointing out the joke a bit more bluntly, but I feel it's more amusing if it's less overt. :P I enjoy being a bit playful, but always testy about such things when it's an internet forum. Able to be a bit more light when it's private.

And I have the same issue of my internet and offline personalities not quite matching up, though it's more so just how I act in public differing from how I am in private. Though that's to be expected, and mostly it just results in my being a bit more carefree, so not overly different.

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GO: You are Unil. You are Dua. You are Jiminez. You are Pinkley. You are all these, and more yet. You are Anonymous. You are Legion.

But no, actually. You are Eliwood. Polite and very well-spoken, but with a barely suppressed whimsy lurking just beneath the surface.

That's a nice description, thanks.

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Case: You are Stefan. Enthusiastic, in all things you do. You follow your heart wherever it leads you - and totally irrespective of wherever your heart just led you.

Heh, interesting. Although... why the nickname 'Case' again?

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Well that was unexpected.

For the record, my internet persona is like, the polar opposite of my IRL self.

I can only base things off your internet persona, sir.

Heh, interesting. Although... why the nickname 'Case' again?

Well, 'cos Tarii, Lu, Furet, Ray, Zak, and Case!



I don't remember why I assigned you Case, though. It just seemed to be the only logical petname for "Acacia".

EDIT: Okay, you're all in review. I'll get to that when I wake up.

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Brad: You are Ranulf. Mostly? You're just a cheeky asshole, but you're definitely a special flavour of nice to people you like.

Lux: You are Franz. You certainly - certainly - always mean well, but you're quiet and even maybe a little shy.

Dio: After debate, I've decided that you are, in fact, Homeros. Rude, crude and if it's out there, you want to try it. Also, you're an oversexed lazy drunk.

Erk: I'll get back to you.

Kai: See Erk.

Furet: You are Bastian. Eloquence? You have it all - yet you are also immensely masculine. You are not simply a girly poet-man.

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Niharu: After a quick perusal of your post history, I actually have something for you.

You are Mia. Carefree, friendly, and very expressive. There's no dark day for Mia!

Whoa, thanks *o*

In fact that's pretty much how I am. xD Thank you!

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HEY! She can't say no if she's unconscious! *drinks*

whatta logic, I should use this one day

Oh, can I ask for a character as well? :D

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Now I'm curious. I'll be eagerly awaiting your opinion on which FE character I resemble most.

Note that I haven't really been myself in the forum games section lately (I tend to be grumpy and indelicate when I'm tired), so please don't judge it off that.

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Mirron: I'm going to take an odd shot at this and say Lowen. You're quiet, polite and, above all, submissive. There doesn't seem to be a ragey bit of you.

Strawman: I'm calling you Shanan. You're often a fair douchebag, but that doesn't stop you from being truly helpful if the moment calls.

SWD: You can wait.

Ptolemy: *shrug*

Sakusa: You are HAPPY and JUMPY and FULL of ENERGY and HUGS and LOUD. This rules out every single character from gloomy Jugdral. You are, obviously, Lalam.

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Rothene: You are Azel. You're really a nice guy and - oh, is there some problem? Oh, no, no, it's okay. It's your - just don't worry about it. You'll stop. What? No! No trouble at all.

Who's Azel?

*goes check SF mainsite*

...looks like it's time to give FE4 a try to get to know some of them! :XD:

Well thanks for assigning an FE character to me by the way. :lol:

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Lowen? Dear gods though, he's so... bland. I mean... he just lacks much that defines him except for a love of cooking, something I have no skill in what so ever. But it's still amusing, if nothing else, to see what you think. At least I can relax my ego a bit when I think that you don't know too much about me yet. :P

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The hell you say. I saw plenty of character in Lowen, but okay.

EDIT: Alternately, if you can't see any character in Lowen, you can pretend I just gave him to you because I don't like you. Take your pick, really. Either way goes.

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As the reason for why this topic was created, I must know who I resemble most!

Sakusa: You are HAPPY and JUMPY and FULL of ENERGY and HUGS and LOUD. This rules out every single character from gloomy Jugdral. You are, obviously, Lalam.



Okay enough of that...

Do you know me enough to pinpoint me a character I resemble? shine.gif

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