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ITT: Integrity tells you which FE character you are.

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Eh, he has it, just not as.... I can't really explain it. Mostly he just lacks much enthusiasm or passion, which I find the issue. He loves cooking, but most of the time that's the only thing he truly cares about, beyond being the best knight he can be (which is a general trait shared by almost all Cavaliers. :P).

And you don't like me? :( Sorry, I didn't realize I did something to make you not like me.

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I never said I didn't like you. I only said I didn't mind if you thought I didn't. I honestly don't care about you.

And as far as your post history goes, you seem to lack both enthusiasm and passion, so ...?

Llen: Mia isn't BOUNCY AND HUGGING like Lalam. Lalam jumps on people. Mia doesn't.

Edited by Integrity
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Oh... true. I did realize as I was typing that that it's true, but I'd feel bad if I didn't finish my train of thought. Well, I suppose I'll do my best to display more passion? Mostly just wanting to make a good first impression.

And Lalam is funny. Not as big a fan of her dance animation as the other two (especially Ninian's, but that's partially nostalgia, partially her's is the most mellow), but she's a fun character.

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Whatever you do, don't be out to please me specifically. I'd rather you be who you are, enthusiasm or not. Being vivacious isn't exactly the end-all of characteristics, and I wasn't trying to find flaw in you by assigning you Lowen.

Ninian's is the best dance, though.

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Heh, not so much you as everyone. Just want to see everyone be as happy as they can be, simple as that. Though, I suppose that tends to make me slightly more mellow, since most people don't like or expect a guy to be overly bouncy. :P Sadly there aren't many topics on FE magic users, I'd probably show a lot more passion in those. Love magic.

And yeah, Ninian's is just so... graceful. It feels more like a dance that has power in and of itself as well. The others seem like they're just so energetic that the troops have to get up and do something, whereas Ninian's is like magic in and of itself.

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Strawman: I'm calling you Shanan. You're often a fair douchebag, but that doesn't stop you from being truly helpful if the moment calls.

Hmm, I don't know who that is....oh welll, Thanks anyway! What game is Shanan from?

And I'm a douchebag? Awwww I hate douchebags. I try so hard not to be one lol.

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Hmm, I don't know who that is....oh welll, Thanks anyway! What game is Shanan from?

And I'm a douchebag? Awwww I hate douchebags. I try so hard not to be one lol.

He's from FE4. Appears in both generations but is only playable in the second.

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Lumi: You're neither cold and abrasive nor aloof and brash, which makes you neither Ayra nor Lakche. I've yet to see any evidence to the contrary.


Naw. I'm only nonabrasive over the nets because I can't punch through screens. Might as well save myself some trouble 'cus I'm shitty at yelling over the web. Anna can tell you since she knows me IRL. Also her as Lalum is... noooooo.

I'm so much more social over the nets. I don't talk IRL. I've had many people tell me that I'm too violent. Can't help it.

Furet as Bastian, though? I agree.

Edited by Luminescent Kitty
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Except that this isn't much but what Integrity sees us as based on out activity here. Unless your online-self is the same as your IRL-self, why bother arguing it?

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Good golly Lumi, was there any need to be a fucking prick about it? Seriously?

Look, girl: if you're different IRL I both have no way of knowing and - oh! - don't give a fuck. Now get out. I don't want another damn post by you in here. Not. Another. Fucking. Post.

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We're allowed to disagree. I'm also qualified to not put up with your shit. I don't want you asking me for one and then being a fucking dick about it when I don't give you your little girltoy as an answer.

EDIT: Scratch that, you evidently *didn't* explicitly ask.

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I never asked for one. I merely posted because thought Lu referred to me and then it didn't. Never did my first post in this thread asked for this. My comment on male characters referred to Oujay.

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Yeah I'm already ahead of you on that one.

Still doesn't excuse you getting all butthurt about this and pissing me off and in turn getting me butthurt about all this.

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Utterly insulting? Fuck you. What in that synopsis of you was insulting, again?

Anyway, for actual: Lyre. You're enthusiastic about everything - almost to a fault - and this can quickly translate into distraction or derailment. Also Furet = Ranulf in this equation.

Just go. Tell me. Fucking tell me.

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